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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 61 Deterrence


Not only Fandel, but also other people in the tavern looked at each other with confused expressions.

After a moment, Fandel’s eyes swept around the faces of his men, taking in all the expressions on their faces.

After brewing in his mind for a while, he continued to ask: “I think Dicheng is pretty good now. What changes are needed?”

Li Lin sighed helplessly and told Fandel the decision of the members when the parliament was convened this morning.

He did not avoid others, so after he finished speaking, almost all of Fandel’s men’s faces were filled with dissatisfaction and indignation.

“What bullshit congressman! Why do they do this?!”

“We haven’t provoked Shangcheng in recent years, have we? These damn Shangcheng people have to drive us all away and kill us?”

“This was obviously done by Hilko, why should we suffer along with it?!”

“Let me see, we might as well tie up Hilko and send him to the upper city, so…”

“Are you an idiot?! No matter how much internal fighting we have, it’s an internal matter within our lower city, and you still want to lick the butts of those old bastards in the upper city?”


As the quarrel between different voices in the tavern became more intense, Fandel silently took out a pipe from the drawer at hand, lit a match and took two puffs.

Then, he slapped the table and raised his voice to suppress the quarrel: “Okay, okay! Can you listen to what Li Lin has to say?”

After hearing the boss’s order, the room gradually became quiet, but the restless people would not stop so easily.

Feeling the scorching gazes mixed with various emotions from everyone, Li Lin turned around to face them.

“Don’t worry, everyone. I have convinced the congressmen and they promised to give me five years to change Zaun…”

Before he could finish his words, three obviously tough-minded gangsters showed disdain and spoke provocatively:

“Only you? A little brat with no hair at all?”

“Ha! Why don’t I believe that you, a person from the upper city, are so kind to help us from the lower city?”

“That’s right, what about the parliament? Congressman Balabala wants to target us. Who knows if it’s true or not?”

“If you want me to see it, why don’t we…”

Before Li Lin could say anything, Fandel couldn’t bear it anymore and stopped them: “That’s enough…”

However, these three sharp-headed gangsters who have always been dissatisfied with Fandel’s concept of ease and peace still have no tendency to give up. Instead, they become more and more excited as they talk:

“Fander, why do you speak for an uptowner?”

“That’s right, what should we people from the lower city do and how to do it? When will it be the turn of a person from the upper city to tell us what to do?”

“Not to mention Hilko, those bastards from the upper city dare to come and cause trouble here, so we should give them some color! Don’t you guys agree?!”


“That’s right!”

“That’s how it should be!”

The emotions of everyone present were quickly inflamed by the three of them.

Fandel’s face gradually turned gloomy.

Some people noticed his angry look, alerted the people around him, closed their mouths in unison, and then quietly moved away from the three thorns.

At this time, they were the only ones left in the tavern, still shouting loudly and uncontrollably.

Fandel took two puffs of his pipe, walked out of the bar, and walked towards the three of them.

But as soon as he passed by Li Lin, his big mechanical hand pressed his shoulder and stopped.

Fandel frowned and looked back at Li Lin in confusion, only to see him shaking his head.

“Let me do it.”

Fandel nodded, silently leaning on the bar and blowing out smoke rings, trying to see how he would handle this matter.

I saw Li Lin control the armor again and put on the mask, and then asked the person headed by the three assassins: “What’s your name?”

“Hey, you little brat from the city still wants to know about me…”

“Let me ask you, what is your name?” Li Lin emphasized his tone and took two steps forward.

“What…what? You still want to threaten me? Let me tell you, I have been threatened since childhood. You are nothing…”

“Answer my question, what’s your name?”

This time, Li Lin activated the power armor’s [Overcharge].

After a short three seconds, the entire armor’s metal shell was covered with beating blue arcs, making it appear even more intimidating.

The three thornheads swallowed and looked at their companions around them with a slight panic in their eyes.

It’s a pity that because they are usually too arrogant and domineering, their popularity is extremely low. In addition, Fandel has no reaction to Li Lin’s actions.

The other subordinates loyal to Fander will naturally not stand up for these three idiots who like to pretend to be B and talk nonsense.

Especially when facing such a big steel guy who can easily crush even a “monster” to death.

The leader, Zhu Tou, was pushed a few times by the two people behind him. In order not to lose face, he stood up with force.

“Hmph! Saying my name can… scare you! My name is…”

Before he could finish speaking, Li Lin snorted disdainfully and interrupted him: “Okay, I’m not interested in your name.”

“…You bastard!” Thorny’s face turned red and he was furious, “Are you kidding me?”

“Oh, you are so smart, you actually figured it out, haha.”

Li Lin chuckled twice, controlled the power armor and raised an international friendly gesture to the stab head, “What? I’m just playing tricks on you, so what?”

“damn it……”

After being broken by Li Lin, Zhang Tou cursed loudly, pulled out the short knife from his waist and waved it in the air a few times.

“If you have the ability, can you take off the iron knot on your body? Let’s live together for a while?!”

Li Lin still smiled and said in a calm tone: “If you can, why don’t you spend money to get an armor like mine? I have time to wait for you… Oh, I forgot that you have no money, that’s okay.”

“You bastard……”

Ji Tou turned around and wanted to call his two brothers to join him and give Li Lin some color.

But he never thought that his two “good brothers” would not say a word and got into the crowd at some point, completely ignoring his eyes.

The helpless Thorny Tou turned around and looked at the big guy in front of him again. His throat squirmed unconsciously, and he felt a little scared from the bottom of his heart.

“Yes, it’s great to be rich?!”

“I’m sorry, it’s really great to have money.” Li Lin’s tone gradually became colder.

He took a few more steps towards the thorn head.

The tavern echoed with the sound of the gears of the power armor machine turning and the sound of heavy footsteps.

You, you, you… don’t come over!

At this time, there was only one word in Thorn’s heart: regret.

Why was I so stupid just now, so incapable of keeping my mouth shut, and why did I have to mess with this guy? !

This guy’s fighting ability was obvious to all last night…

Whenever Li Lin took a step forward, Thorny Tou took a step back until he suddenly hit the table behind him and stumbled to the ground.

By the time he got up again and wanted to get away from the big steel man in front of him, Li Lin had already walked to his side, crouched down, and pressed his shoulder with a big mechanical hand. The strong force made him unable to move.

“Enough said. You have been scolding me for so long. I think you are not stupid. You dare to be so arrogant when you see me wearing power armor. It seems that you must be very confident in your own strength, right?”

Li Lin sneered, and took the panic-looking Thorny Tou’s arm with both hands to pull him up.

But just as Thorny stood up, his legs and feet became weak due to fear, making him unable to stand firmly and he fell to the ground again.

At the same time, a foul smell suddenly wafted into the air.

Thornhead was so frightened that he peed his pants.

Li Lin quickly took a few steps back, fearing that his power armor would be soiled by this “strong-mouthed king”.

The rest of the people in the tavern also stayed away from this position in disgust.

However, due to the intimidation that Li Lin had just brought, no one dared to laugh at the stabbing head.

At this time, Fandel sighed helplessly and knocked on his pipe a few times, waving to the other two thornheads who just got into the crowd.

“Okay, why don’t you two hurry up and get him out…and clean up my place.”

The other two people came out reluctantly, and walked out of the tavern with their faces flushed, completely socialized, and not daring to raise their heads at all.

Afterwards, the two of them trotted back to the utility room of the tavern, took out a few soaked towels and buckets, and wiped the liquid on the floor with disgust on their faces.

After they were thoroughly cleaned and ran out of the tavern in despair, Li Lin returned to Fandel and controlled the armor to open the mask.

He looked around with an expressionless look, and said coldly:

“Now, can we have a good talk?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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