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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 64 A new idea for power armor

In the next few days, Li Lin basically had no time to rest and was so busy running around.

But mostly he just went to Piltover University to interact with Jace and Victor.

Before the Evolution Day Conference was attacked by Katrina’s pollen, Jess and Victor had already gotten to know each other, and the two also admired each other’s intelligence that was far beyond ordinary people.

Although Victor doesn’t like Jace’s arrogant character, they have made many suggestions for each other’s inventions in scientific research over the past few days, and they have gotten along fairly harmoniously.

Unfortunately, Piltover University currently has no original crystals available, and Victor’s progress in researching “Blitzcrank” has been suspended.

Fortunately, the Giraman family has reached an agreement with the Philos family and provided Li Lin and Jace with a batch of two standard boxes of Hextech crystals, a total of 24 crystals.

With Victor’s help, they successfully upgraded all the technology crystals into energy crystals, and then divided them into three equal parts.

The eight energy crystals were used by Jess to study his new idea “Hex Flying Gate”, which uses technology to control magic to achieve the effect of “arcane teleportation”.

This will be Pi City’s third epoch-making invention after Li Lin’s Hex Energy Crystal and Physical Generator.

Compared with Li Lin’s invention, Jace’s “Hex Flying Gate” seems to be more valued by parliamentarians, major families and even Piltover University, and has raised countless sponsorship investments.

Once the research is completed, it will greatly reduce the “distance” between countries around the world, and the effect will even be far greater than that of airplanes, high-speed rail and other means of transportation in modern technology on the earth.

There are also eight energy crystals that Li Lin handed over to Victor. Even if there is no original crystal to create an independent intelligent mechanical life form, at least he can develop a batch of fully automatic robots that are more practical than alchemy technology robots.

The last eight energy crystals were taken away by himself.

It’s time to perfect the current prototype of power armor and add a weapon system to it.

It will probably come in handy at the Alchemy Baron meeting later.

It has been almost two weeks since the power armor was completed. Coupled with the inspiration given to him by the fully automated mechanical device invented by Victor, Li Lin now has a new idea for power armor.

First, he planned to use the principle of fully automated machinery to hide all weapons under the armor, and then unfold the armor when it was time to use it, so as to prevent the weapon system from being easily destroyed by some capable people during battle.

There is still a lot of free space on the power armor, so Li Lin plans to install two energy cannons on the shoulders that can fire energy balls, similar to Jace’s “Mercury Cannon”.

On the back of his left forearm and the palm of his hand, he was going to install an energy cannon device that could emit laser rays and an energy cannon device that could be manually aimed.

There are all kinds of long-range weapons, and melee weapons are also indispensable.

Li Lin was inspired by a folding high-frequency vibrating knife he saw next to Ka Yina’s body.

He wanted to modify the high-frequency vibrating knife and install it on the back of his right arm. He could also hide it in the armor and pop it out when close combat was needed.

Powered by the energy crystal, the vibrating knife will vibrate particles at a high frequency to heat the blade, making it powerful enough to cut through iron like mud.

The technology was invented at the age of five by Zevi, a leading teenage machinist at the University of Piltover.

At that time, Li Lin was shocked when he learned the news from Victor.

Look at other people’s achievements at the age of five, and look at yourself at the age of five, still watering and playing with mud in the mound…

In addition, Li Lin is also planning to install an electrostatic field device similar to Blitzcrank on the back of the armor.

It can excite the energy of the energy crystal and scatter it out, creating a very strong energy shock wave with similar effects to the Hextech revolver, which can be used when surrounded by many enemies.

As for the lack of smart chips, manual operation is too troublesome, and accidents are likely to occur during combat. How to control these weapons…

Li Lin also has a [Neural Network Connection] skill. As long as a “neural connection device” is installed in the armored helmet to connect the entire body to the nerves, this problem will be solved.

Just do it. After reaching level 8, Li Lin found that the skills could be used again.

So he spent 3 skill points to upgrade the skills [Introduction to Mechanic], [Mechanical Affinity] and [Mechanical Improvement] to level 2, which improved some of his attributes.

Then, he didn’t sleep for three days and three nights in a row. He stayed in his studio except for going to the toilet. He even had his meals brought to the studio by his servants.

Finally, in the early morning of the next day, he completed the design drawings of the advanced version of the power mecha.

And he spent the rest of the day making something else.

Dong dong dong…

Just when Li Lin almost fell asleep on the table, a knock on the door pulled him back from Duke Zhou’s hand.

He asked in a hoarse voice: “Who…”

As he said this, he actually knew very well who was looking for him outside the door.

Li Lin dragged his sleepy spirit and exhausted body to open the door.

As expected, it was Caitlin standing at the door.

The only person who could come to me at this time in the early morning was this young lady who had nothing to do every day and was relatively free.

As soon as she saw Li Lin’s unkempt appearance, disheveled clothes, covered in mechanical oil, and the dark circles and red eyes that looked like smoky makeup, Caitlin suddenly widened her eyes with a shocked expression.

Li Lin covered his mouth and yawned, “Why are you here?”

He was about to rub his scarlet eyes with his hands stained with pencil marks, but his wrist was grabbed by Caitlin in front of him.

“Hey… look at your hands, aren’t they dirty? Just rubbing your eyes like this will cause eye inflammation!”

There was a bit of disgust in her expression and tone, but she did not shy away from physical contact with Li Lin.

Then, Caitlin looked past him and into the same chaotic studio, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

“Don’t tell me that you have been studying your power armor for the past three days, and you can’t even sleep…”

Caitlin’s voice became softer and softer, and in the end she was stunned.

Looking at Li Lin’s appearance and the fact that I haven’t seen him much in the past three days, it’s really possible that he hasn’t slept in three days…

“Did you really not sleep for three days?”

Seeing that Li Lin opened his mouth without answering, with an obvious look of acquiescence, Caitlin sighed helplessly.

“Are you a fool? Do you think you are a robot? I don’t think I need to say more about how harmful it is to your body without sleeping for three days, and…”

This nagging tone is really like when my mother said that I stayed up late every day…

Li Lin stared deeply into Caitlin’s jewel-like eyes, which were shining with worry, without saying a word.

After a while, when she was uncomfortably stared at by Li Lin’s hot gaze, her face turned slightly red and she looked away.

“You, why are you looking at me like that…” Caitlin stuttered a little.

For some reason, being stared at by Li Lin like this made his little heart beat loudly and his whole body became nervous.

She really couldn’t understand.

Li Lin still didn’t speak, but turned his right hand and held her little hand.

There was a flash of surprise and shyness in Caitlin’s eyes.

But before she could react, Li Lin pulled her into the house with a little force.

“I have a gift for you…”

Thanks to Thunder Dragon – Sword Rain, Compulsory Education Missing Fish, and Spiced Broad Bean Boss for the rewards!

ps: The author of “Yasuo’s League of Legends” has opened a new book! The new book is still about lol background text, family members can go and take a look!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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