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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 66 Sniper rifle? Individual strategic weapon!


Caitlin’s eyes were blank and she gently rubbed the gun body.

“Of course, if you don’t like the name…”

“I like it!” She didn’t let Li Lin finish her sentence, “Iron Blood, this name suits it very well.”

After a pause, Caitlin raised her eyes and looked at Li Lin, her face full of excitement, “Can I try it?”

“Now? Won’t it disturb other people in the middle of the night?”

“Don’t worry. There is a shooting range underground and the sound insulation effect is very good. Don’t worry.”

Caitlin turned the knob on the gun body to turn off the energy, put the sniper rifle on her shoulder, and then ran outside holding Li Lin with one hand.

“be quick!”

Li Lin: “…”

After a while, the two went down to the huge underground space of Giraman’s house.

The shooting range and the safety and explosion-proof room are connected and separated by several thick walls embedded with reinforced metal steel plates. There is a special safety passage leading to the upper floor.

In this way, even if an accidental explosion occurs during the experiment in the safe explosion-proof room, it will not affect the people next door.

Although Li Lin was in a daze after not sleeping for three days, he felt as if he was stepping on cotton when he walked.

But he hadn’t tested this gun yet, so in order to prevent any accidents from happening, he still followed Caitlin to the shooting range.

The Giraman family usually has very strict control over kinetic weapons. Even if Caitlin wants to get bullets, she has to register them with the housekeeper.

There are no firearms or ammunition left outside in the shooting range, only an empty preparation table and metal targets in the venue that are often replaced by servants.

At the target platform, Caitlin listened carefully to Li Lin’s description of the various functions of the sniper rifle.

[Laser sniper rifle·Iron Blood (rare): A laser sniper rifle with Hex energy crystal as its core. The energy bullets fired can easily penetrate thickened reinforced alloy steel plates. 】

[Attributes (mechanical): 500 health, 500 energy, 20 combat power]

[Ability Effect]

[Passive·Energy Crystal Core: Provides an additional 1000 energy, greatly increasing the power of “energy bullets”. 】

[Passive·Charge: Recover 3% of maximum energy per second. 】

[Passive·Lurker: Greatly reduces the sound when firing shock bombs, energy bombs and penetrating laser rays. 】

[Passive·Precise Strike: Greatly reduce the recoil produced by each bullet. 】

【Active·Quick Assembly: The gun body has a simple structure and can be quickly assembled or disassembled into parts, making it easy to carry. 】

[Active optical sniper scope: uses an optical lens for imaging, overlapping the target image and the aiming line on the same focus plane, with adjustable 2, 4, 6, and 8 magnifications. 】

[Active·Battlefield Adapter: By turning the energy supply knob to adjust the energy supply frequency, the bullet type can be switched to shock bombs, energy bombs, penetrating laser rays, and energy storage compression cannons. 】

[Shock Bullet: Fires a non-lethal bullet that can temporarily render the enemy unconscious through energy. 】

[Energy Bullet: Fire an energy bullet, causing fatal damage to a single target and having weak penetrating power. 】

[Penetrating laser ray: After 0-3 seconds of energy storage, it emits an energy laser ray, causing fatal damage to targets within the ballistic range. It has extremely strong penetrating properties (the longer the energy storage time, the stronger the range and destructive power) , each emission line consumes 15%-30% of the total energy). 】

[Energy-charging compression cannon: After 3-12 seconds of energy storage, it launches a high-compression energy ball, causing a devastating blow to the target and its surrounding area with a radius of 10-45 meters (the longer the energy storage time, the stronger the destructive power, Each compression cannon consumes 30%-90% of the total energy, and the cooling time is 3 hours-12 hours). 】

The quality of this sniper rifle is rare. When the production was completed, Li Lin upgraded his career level by one level and received a reward of 2 skill points.

As of now, he is level 9 with 4 skill points left.

When the power armor was made, there was no first-time production reward. This may be because it is only a prototype for the time being and has not yet been completely completed.

Li Lin quickly told Caitlin the attributes of the gun according to the system prompts.

Even though she had already prepared that this gun would never be a mortal product, she was still frightened by Li Lin’s story.

Not to mention the advantages of not having to change magazines and being equipped with multiple types of ammunition, Caitlin was really surprised by the fact that it was almost silent and had basically no recoil.

Not to mention that this gun also has the ultimate large-scale lethality ammunition mode:

With a fully charged [Charged Compression Cannon], it is not a problem at all to collapse a small building…

It’s simply more powerful than a grenade.

If the functions of this sniper rifle were known to the congressmen or other families, they would either go crazy and send spies to steal the blueprints, or they would unanimously vote to seal it away and ban its use forever.

This is not an ordinary energy sniper rifle, it is completely a personal strategic weapon!

If it were allowed to fall into the hands of a gangster with evil intentions and a master of firearms, it would definitely turn the two city-states upside down.

Can I handle this gun?

Caitlin pursed her white lips and couldn’t help but ask herself.

But I really like it…

“Li Lin.” Caitlin gently rubbed the gun body, her voice trembling.

After hesitating for a moment, she still held the iron blood in her hands and handed it to Li Lin, “I don’t think it’s suitable for me…”

Li Lin stroked his chin and carefully studied Caitlin’s expression.

It’s just that because of his poor mental state and his brain being a little confused, he seemed to have misunderstood something.

“Don’t be afraid. Isn’t the ‘Mercury Hammer’ invented by Jace very lethal?”

Li Lin wanted to use Jace’s example to reassure Caitlin.

“He can use the hammer that can be turned into an energy cannon without any combat training. Your marksmanship is so good, I believe you can use it well.”

“That’s true.” Caitlin was a little dumbfounded, “But this gun is too powerful. I usually only hunt…”

“Aren’t you going to be a private detective?”

“Eh?” Caitlin was stunned and stopped by Li Lin’s question.

This was a thought that came to her mind after rescuing her parents from Zaun and witnessing the faces of the councilors a few days ago.

Ambition and greed lurk beneath Piltover’s glossy exterior like desperate ferocious beasts.

There are countless people in difficulty in the two city-states, and I have the ability to help them.

In addition, Caitlin did not want to inherit the family’s property and marry a man she did not love in the future.

So, she wanted to make some changes.

As Li Lin said just now, Caitlin plans to start as a private detective and hone her abilities first.

But it seems I haven’t mentioned this idea yet, how did he know about it…

Although she was confused, she nodded slightly.

“Private detective is not an easy job. Just like the profession of a law enforcement officer, it is always accompanied by risks when handling cases.

“You have seen it during this time, and you should be very clear that Pi City and Zaun are actually not at peace, so a sophisticated weapon is a must.”

Li Lin gently pushed the gun body handed to him and pushed it back into Caitlin’s arms.

“Take it, you are its most suitable owner.”

Caitlin stared at Iron Blood and hesitated for a long time, then nodded heavily, “Yes! I will definitely treat it well!”

Li Lin grinned, turned and pointed at the target in the distance, “Don’t you want to try it?”

Thanks to book friends 20220129032314756, Van Zhe, and Wandering in May Rain for their rewards!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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