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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 68 All for Zu An

“I think you can cooperate with me.”

There must be something wrong with your brain…

An idea came to Li Lin’s mind and he didn’t know what expression to make.

Fortunately, there was a mask covering his face, so Hilko couldn’t tell what he was thinking from his facial expression.

Li Lin shook his head slightly, turned around and prepared to leave, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“We are all smart people. I don’t think we need to pretend to be stupid.”

Hilko emphasized his tone slightly.

“To show my sincerity, I will make it clear that I have an informant in Fandel’s place. I have heard about what happened a few days ago.”

Sure enough, I knew there must be a mole under Fandel.

Li Lin frowned and didn’t turn around, but he didn’t move forward either.

“So? What do you want to express?”

“Did you invent this armor yourself? I’ve never seen… well, this kind of armor that can be worn by people.”

Hilko did not answer his question directly. The only right eye that could see clearly looked up and down the power armor.

Li Lin felt that he did not need to answer this question, “If you keep talking nonsense, I will leave.”

“It’s not very convenient here…”

“I think it’s nice here. No one dares to come here.”

After hearing what Li Lin said, Hilko’s words that he was about to say hesitated slightly.

Judging from his tone and performance, he should be serious.

Hilko narrowed his eyes, waved to the two men behind him, and lowered his voice: “Don’t let others get close to us.”

The two tough men nodded, holding their arms and blocking the two intersections leading here.

As for Li Lin…

No one would dare to approach without guarding.

Hilko took a few steps closer to Li Lin and said in a gentler tone:

“You are very smart, smarter than most people I have met in the city, so I think you should be able to see the reality clearly.”

Li Lin’s brows furrowed even more tightly, feeling that there was something in Hilko’s words that made him feel very uncomfortable.

“Fander is a coward. He has stayed in peaceful dark alleys for many years, living in his own world, forgetting the original appearance of the bottom city… His edges have long been smoothed away.

“Look, you are resisting the public opinion in the parliament under pressure, your little girlfriend…”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”


Li Lin added a word in his heart.

“…Okay, Miss Gila Mann, her family is still vouching for you behind your back, just to make Zaun a better place.”

Hilko took a deep breath and felt that his blood pressure was rising while talking to Li Lin.

“But what about Fandel? When you asked him for help, what did he say? As the leader of the largest force in the bottom city, even the alchemy barons did not dare to take action because they were afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice.

Hilko’s voice seems to have a special kind of magic, and people can’t help but believe in his words.

“Hahaha… He said that everything is for Zu An, but in fact he is just a coward. He has completely forgotten how Zu An came to be.”

Then, he changed the topic and emphasized his tone: “Blood and struggle, this is how Zuan was born, especially us.”

Hilko held his right elbow with his left hand, rubbed his bare chin with his right hand, and paced back and forth behind Li Lin.

“Fander is no longer as brave as he was back then. He is already old and is no longer suitable to lead Zaun…”

“He’s not suitable, but you are?”

After hearing this, Li Lin felt that there was no need to continue listening.

To put it simply, Hilko’s long speech is nothing more than trying to instill an idea in himself:

He is more suitable to be the boss of Zaun.

Li Lin didn’t know Hilko very well. He only knew that he and Fandel had been miners in the same mine, and they were brothers.

Later, unwilling to be ruthlessly oppressed, they led a group of people to revolt against the upper city, thus triggering the “Day of Ashes” incident.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

How can a group of miners and other oppressed people who have no equipment, no professional combat training, and even malnutrition defeat a well-trained law enforcement officer using Hex technology?

The struggle ended with the rebels being massacred by the law enforcers and Vandel’s compromise.

It was also at that time that the compromised Fander and Hilko, who still had hope for resistance, broke completely.

To be honest, Li Lin was very sad after learning about the big incident a few years ago.

As a child who grew up under the red flag and went through compulsory education from elementary school to college, he knows this aspect very well.

Whether it was Fandel or Silko, they actually did something wrong.

The conflict between Piltover and Zaun did not form overnight.

And because of the special geographical location of the two city-states, one above the other, it is not easy to resolve conflicts.

If Fandel and Silko want to lead Zaun to independence, they must at least have a guiding ideology, establish their own armed forces, and mobilize the mass base. They must not confront Piltover head-on. Only then can they have a chance to win.

Of course, we can only say that there is a chance, but the odds of winning are still not high.

After all, Hex Technology is still far beyond the current technological level of the earth in some aspects…

But what about Fandel and Hilko?

After being bullied, they gathered more people, used inferior alchemy technology to clear the way, and rushed to the upper city unarmed to fight against the law enforcement officers who had Hex weapons…

If Li Lin was asked to evaluate their behavior back then, he could only use the word “stupid” to describe it.

But after all, there are no great thinkers and revolutionaries in this world.

Except for some inventive geniuses, there are basically no people in Zaan who can receive higher education, which is understandable.

When Li Lin revealed his intention so directly, Hilko’s breath froze and he quickly reacted.

“If everything is for Zaun, I am indeed more suitable than Fandel…”

Li Lin chuckled and shook his head, “I think you don’t understand at all.”

Hilko’s expression suddenly changed, “…don’t understand?”

This was the first time that he was confused by a young boy who was more than ten years younger than him.

“Hehehe…” After a pause for a few seconds, Hilko laughed a few times.

However, there was endless indifference in his voice, “I really don’t understand, I don’t understand what you want to express.”

“Do you have to let me point it out?”

Li Lin turned around and stared coldly at Hilko in front of him through a metal mask with a pair of emotionless eyes.

“You want to be the leader of Zaun, you want to be on an equal footing with Piltover, but we know in our hearts that you and Zaun’s current situation simply cannot do this.

“That’s why you want to win over me and use me or the forces behind me to quickly increase Zaun’s power so that you can launch the ‘Day of Ashes’ again.”

Hilko stopped stroking his chin with his right hand, and a trace of surprise flashed through his bright right pupil.

“Save it, I won’t let you do this.” Li Lin said in a cold tone.

“Since you have an informant under Fandel and know about our conversation a few days ago, you should know what I am thinking.

“I am asking the council to seek development opportunities for Zaun, not so that you can continue to hate Piltover, but so that you can ease your conflicts.

“Although you are more willing to support me than Fandel, in my eyes, you are a tyrant, your ideas are too extreme, and you will never develop peacefully according to my wishes.

“So, compared to Fandel who pursues peace, you are not the most suitable partner for me to cooperate with… I say this, do you understand?”

Hilko froze in place with a dull expression and was silent for a long time.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave. I’m in a hurry.”

With that said, Li Lin turned around and walked along the haze-covered path towards Fulgen’s Tavern.

But he just took a few steps, stopped again, and left Hilko the last words without looking back:

“Everything is for Zaun, but Piltover was once part of Zaun, wasn’t it?”

Hilko’s pupils shrank slightly, and he looked in shock at the power armor that disappeared into the haze and flashed blue light.

He heard a slightly different meaning from Li Lin’s last sentence.

A meaning that only someone like him could hear.

“Li Lin…”

Hilko rubbed his face with the palm of his right hand, murmuring Li Lin’s name, thoughtfully in his heart.

After a long time, the corner of his mouth raised a vague arc, “You really surprised me…”

Don’t dare to write too much and be too straightforward. Just know what it means. Don’t take it too seriously. . .

Class conflict is a problem that cannot be solved in reality, so don’t embarrass me, a young author (°ー°〃)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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