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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 69 Baobao wants a hug!

The streets of Black Alley are still as lively as usual.

Pedestrians coming and going stop from time to time to take a look at the fresher items sold by the vendors on both sides of the street.

In some small alleys that are not illuminated by the dim light of alchemy technology street lamps, gangsters, yordles and vastayas of different appearances can be seen selling prohibited items from time to time.

Li Lin even saw small stone beetles, devil swamp frog larvae, and even huge green mushrooms dotted with purple circles for sale…

Good guy, is this where Teemo gets his goods?

Li Lin couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Even though the turmoil at the Evolution Day Conference in recent days has not subsided, law enforcement officers often come to Zaun to investigate the Wells Winery and collect evidence, but they still cannot stop these itinerant black marketeers who are looking for money.

Seeing Li Lin’s powered armor, many people mistakenly thought he was a law enforcement officer, and they packed up their goods and fled.

But Li Lin was used to it.

The last time he came to Zaun to find Fander, he encountered the same situation…

The main road in the not-so-wide black alley was smooth, and more than ten minutes later, Li Lin arrived at Fulgen’s Tavern.

It was early morning, the tavern was dark, and there was not a single customer.

This place usually only opens in the evening.

However, the door of the tavern was not locked, so Li Lin opened the door directly and went in.

“The tavern isn’t open yet!” a familiar delicate voice shouted impatiently.

Li Lin looked intently and saw a little girl with blue hair sitting on a wooden round triangular stool, leaning on the bar with her little face supported by her arms.

In her arms she held a dirty-looking bunny stuffed with many patches, and in front of her was a cup with a straw inserted into it, which seemed to be filled with juice.

It’s Blast that I didn’t see last time.

A smile appeared on Li Lin’s face, he remained silent and continued walking towards her.

It’s just that the sound of the mechanical gears of the power armor was too obvious. Even if he walked as lightly as possible, he could still hear it clearly in the silent tavern.

“I told you, the tavern isn’t open yet…”

Baobao pouted his little mouth, and just turned around, his slightly frowning eyebrows relaxed, and the dissatisfaction on his little face was instantly replaced by surprise.

She is very familiar with this power armor.

“Li Lin!” Bangbao shouted in surprise.

She quickly jumped down from the stool she was sitting on, her feet barely touching the ground.

During this period, Bao Bao almost tripped over a stool leg, which frightened Li Lin so much that he hurriedly took two more steps forward and squatted down in a suitable position so that he could catch her in time if she fell.

As if aware of Li Lin’s intention, a hint of cunning flashed in his sapphire blue eyes, and he deliberately pounced forward.

The metal shell of the power armor was not as warm as Li Lin’s embrace. She still hugged him happily and rubbed her little face on his chest.

Li Lin first controlled the armor to open the mask, then stretched out his hand to rub Bangbang’s hair very gently.

“It’s winter, don’t you feel cold?”

She shook her head and made an incomprehensible nasal sound.

Just as Li Lin was about to get up, he saw Bao Bao blinking his big watery eyes, pouting his little mouth and opening his arms. His meaning was already obvious.

With a hint of helplessness on his face, he put one hand around Baobao’s legs, let her sit on his right arm, and lifted her up easily.

“Wahahahahaha!” A series of light laughter like silver bells burst out.

She put her left hand around Li Lin’s neck to hold herself in place, and stretched her right hand’s five fingers together, moving forward from the top of her head and sliding over Li Lin’s head. Her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

“I am taller than you!”

“Want to go higher?”

Li Lin smiled and continued to raise his hand, lifting her whole body above his head.

Bao Bao felt his little heart skip a beat, and his two little hands subconsciously grasped the raised spots on the surface of the power armor. At the same time, he kept laughing and seemed extremely excited.

After he was tired of all the laughter, Li Lin lowered his arms slightly so that her little face was at eye level with his.

“You promised to come to me last time, but you didn’t come.” Bao Bao panted slightly.

“Li Lin came the next day, but you, Wei and the others went to Bensuo’s store to play with Ike, which made Bensuo unable to come over for the meeting because he wanted to take care of you.”

Before Li Lin could respond, Fandel’s voice came from the stairs leading to the basement from the side of the bar.

Behind him were Wei, Clegg and Milo who were wearing gray clothes and dirty faces.

The four of them had just been busy in the warehouse below.

Because someone might come to Fandele with something at any time, Fulgen’s Tavern basically kept the door unlocked throughout the day.

Bao Bao was too young and was just growing up, so he was assigned the “important task” of looking after the store by Fandel instead of working with them.

This is why she was not very patient when Li Lin came in just now.

As soon as they heard the noise coming from upstairs, the four people quickly stopped what they were doing and returned to the first floor.

Fortunately, he is not the one looking for trouble.

As soon as they saw Li Lin, Clegg and Milo ran up immediately, reaching out and touching the steel armor with excitement on their faces.

Mecha is a man’s romance, and this sentence is also applicable in other worlds.


“I want one of these too!”

“Vi, do you want to come up and play too?”

Bao Bao waved to Wei, but she shook her head and refused, “No, no…”

At this time, Wei was still very conflicted.

On the one hand, Vi always felt that the death of her parents was because of going up to the city, which was also the main reason for her hostility to the people of Piltover.

Li Lin is from Pi City, and there is a family of councilors behind him.

On the other hand, Li Lin is Fandel’s savior, and Wei hopes that her sister will live a better life than herself, but Li Lin is pretty good at Baku…

This tangled mentality made her not know how to face Li Lin, so she could only comfort herself that he was not a native of Pi City, and try to avoid him.

Li Lin smiled and didn’t pay much attention to the children. His eyes moved slightly and met Fandel’s eyes.

The redness and swelling in his left eye has subsided a lot. At least he can open his eyes and see clearly. His complexion is much better than in the past few days.

Fandel casually pulled down the towel on his shoulder and wiped the sweat from his face, with a smile on his face.

“Did you come to me today to ask about Baron Alchemy?”

He seemed to have misunderstood Li Lin’s purpose.

“Now, 7 alchemy barons have responded to me and agreed to hold a meeting, and the remaining 5 have not responded. There should be little hope…”

“Uh…” A flash of embarrassment flashed across Li Lin’s face, “That’s not a problem. It won’t be a problem even if none of them come.”

Anyway, he had already made preparations in advance, and he didn’t think these alchemy barons would be too cooperative.

In the end, you have to “persuade” them on your own, in every sense of the word.

“The main reason I came to you today is to ask you to recommend someone who is familiar with the city…including the ditch area.”

“People familiar with the city? I have quite a few of them. What are you going to do?” Fandel asked in confusion.

“Building a tidal power station requires a suitable location, and I want to survey the terrain here.”

“That’s it…”

Vandermo stroked his beard, lost in thought.

After a while, he recommended a suitable candidate to Li Lin:

“Well, Huck grew up in the Diggy District, and he is also a businessman. He often travels around and is familiar with the bottom city. I think he should be able to…”

As soon as Fandel finished speaking, Bao Bao immediately raised his little hand and said excitedly: “I know where Huck’s house is, I can take Li Lin there!”

“Oh, Baobao is too small, why don’t you let me go, Fandel, you know I can run fast, I can definitely…”

Milo pushed her away and introduced himself, which made Babao feel depressed for a while. He stuck out his tongue and made a face at him.

Even Craig came to join in the fun, “Well… I think it’s better for me to go. I’m more stable than Milo.”

After saying that, the three children’s eyes widened and they looked at each other unyieldingly.

Li Lin’s power armor was so cool to kids like them, and no one wanted to stay with him for a while.

Fandel will definitely assign one of them to guide Li Lin in the end.

So except for Wei, the three of them began to compete for this spot.

“Alas…” The noise of the three children made Fandel’s head pound. “Okay, okay, stop arguing. You can go together.”

“Really?!” the three of them exclaimed in unison with different tones.

“Ask Wei to follow you, take Li Lin to Huck’s house and come back quickly to help me.”

Wei: “…”

Fandel glanced at the door of the tavern, not noticing the somewhat resistant expression on Wei’s face, and warned again:

“It’s been uneasy lately, there are law enforcement officers everywhere, please don’t give me any more trouble…”

In the recent lor update, Demacia has more than just Galio’s Forbidden Demon Colossus. They also have a Forbidden Demon Gundam unit. . . That’s outrageous (°ー°〃)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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