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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 7 What are you afraid of?

I blanch it, Caitlin!

I can’t let her know about my trip to Zaun. If I snitch to Lady Karina, it will be over…

Li Lin secretly thought something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to close the door to his room, but Caitlin, who noticed something unusual, pressed her foot against the door frame.

“What are you doing? Why did you close the door?” She forced open the door and got into Li Lin’s room, wrinkled her nose, “Do you really don’t want to see me?”

“I didn’t mean that…” Li Lin quickly thought of a reason and responded: “I suddenly thought that I left some things at the previous repair shop, and I want to go back…”

“Then why did you close the door?” Caitlin interrupted him directly, “And you hesitated, you are lying.”

Then, she squinted slightly and carefully looked at Li Lin’s outfit.

“Let’s not talk about whether your ‘leftover things’ will be saved by the owner of that store. Since you are just going back, why do you want to change into ordinary clothes? Do you dislike our family so much?”

“Oh, don’t you dare say such nonsense, Caitlin!” A layer of cold sweat broke out on Li Lin’s forehead, “I just feel that wearing the uniform of the Gila Mann family is a bit ostentatious. Isn’t the Evolution Day coming soon? Zu An is here. There are many thieves and I’m afraid of being spotted…”

“Your eyes are flickering and you don’t dare to look at me. You are lying again.”

“…Why did I lie to you? I don’t have any good, right?” Li Lin felt a little guilty when facing Caitlin’s scrutinizing eyes.

“It’s very simple, because you are afraid that I will complain to my mother.” A smile appeared on Caitlin’s delicate and youthful face, “Jace told me before he went to the academy this morning that you stole his Hex Technology crystal fragment. You’re leaving, saying you want to study?”

I blanch!

Jace, you kid, you’re not afraid that Mrs. Karina will find out about the crystal, so why do you dare to tell Caitlin?

Caitlin caught the flash of shock in Li Lin’s pupils, and her smile became even wider, “You don’t have to be afraid of me snitching. I’m not that kind of person. I have a very strict mouth.”

“How can a scientist’s matter be called robbery?” Li Lin’s eyes widened and his face turned red. “How could Jess taint someone’s innocence out of thin air!”

“Pfft… Okay, don’t be poor.” Caitlin couldn’t help laughing, “If my guess is right, are you planning to go to the bottom city?”

She leaned against the door with her arms folded, and her tone returned to normal, no longer as aggressive as before.

Li Lin, who had been completely seen through by Caitlin, fell silent, apparently acquiescing to her statement and did not want to defend herself.

If you fight back after being seen, it can only be said that there is no need at all. If you lower your relationship with Caitlin, you will lose more than you gain.

The air fell into silence for a moment.

Li Lin, who was a little embarrassed by the girl’s curious gaze, wanted to forcefully change the subject, “Why did you come to me so early today?”

“Morning? Oh my god, it’s almost here.” Caitlin rolled her eyes at him.

But it’s really too early for me to be at home for the holidays before traveling…

Li Linmo sighed, “That’s right. The bell tower outside just struck 12 times. I forgot about it.”

“I want to ask what happened last night, and also, I am very interested in your so-called ‘bicycle’, and I want to ask you when you can make a sample.”

“You want a bicycle? It’s easy. I can make one for you tonight, but I’m really busy now…”

“Eager to find Hex Crystals on the Black Market in the Undercity?”

Caitlin gradually stopped smiling and became calmer. She stood less than half a meter in front of Li Lin and raised her head slightly to stare into his eyes.

“I can feel that you are very insecure.” She said seriously.

“Why do you think so?” Li Lin forced a smile, “You’re kidding, I’m super brave, okay…”

Caitlin ignored Li Lin’s excuse and continued to ask: “What are you afraid of?”


What’s there to be afraid of?

Li Lin opened his mouth, but he still couldn’t say the words.

Traveling to the broken planet of Runeterra, there are frequent wars, demonic threats, the ruined curse of the future, the return of Mordekaiser’s army of the dead, the second Rune War, and the void invasion.

There is a Star-casting Dragon King outside who is about to escape from trouble. He summons the stars to unleash his wrath and overthrow all living beings. He angers the planet that the giant god and star spirit values, in order to scare the monkeys and warn other starry sky giants that this is the consequence of daring to anger him…

Okay, I’m a little scared…

However, Caitlin seemed to have misunderstood something, “Is it the sequelae of experiencing the war? But I don’t feel that is the case.”

She blinked her beautiful eyes, leaned into Li Lin’s ear and lowered her voice, “You are studying the Hex Crystal, so you are afraid of the Gray Lady.”

The reason why Hex Crystal technology has been monopolized by the Philos family for nearly a hundred years, while other families did not even dare to research it.


Because of the existence of the Green Steel Shadow, the so-called “Grey Lady” of Piltover’s powerful family – Camille Feros.

Camille, who had undergone Hex body enhancement surgery decades ago and has a Hex core made of original crystal as her heart, is the chief secret agent of the Philos family and is a sophisticated machine. Humanoid weapons.

She walks on the edge of the law and eliminates anyone or anything that poses a threat to the interests of the Philos family.

It’s just that in the current timeline, the head of the Philos family is still Camille’s brother Stevan.

In other words, she has not taken over the family power yet and still obeys Stevan’s orders.

And Stevan, who has half-stepped into the realm of the dead due to his aging, is also a very jealous, selfish and somewhat evil person.

If this old guy learns that Li Lin is researching the Hextech crystal that is kept secret by the Feros family, he will definitely send Camille to have tea with him.

“So be it.”

Li Lin has no plans to tell Caitlin about the crisis in Runeland yet.

She is just an ordinary person, there is no need for that.

“In that case, why don’t you give up research on the Hex Crystal?” Caitlin felt a little confused.

“Not to mention that the share of bicycle patents can bring you countless wealth. Having an invention like the generator that can advance the progress of the times is enough to bring you fame. Isn’t that enough?”

“Everyone’s dream is different Caitlin.”

Li Lin started to fool again: “I know you don’t like being a scientist and have other hobbies, so you may not know the sense of accomplishment as a mechanic or inventor who develops new technologies to benefit the people.”

“…” Caitlin pursed her lips in silence.

She suddenly thought of the smile that her mother would often have on her face when she was a Hextech craftsman before she became the Piltover Councilor, imagining the joy of life.

But now, most of the time, the only thing in her eyes is the boredom that appears from time to time.

Piltover is full of temptations, gilded and sugar-coated blandishments that can harden the kindest of hearts.

Caitlin thought again of her mother’s warnings.

Combined with Li Lin’s words, she seemed to understand her mother’s intentions.

Piltover is indeed the “City of Progress”, but if a person only has achievements and loses his dreams, he will eventually get lost in this chaotic life.

Li Lin’s dream is to benefit the people with inventions and creations, and what is my dream…

Caitlin lowered her eyes and felt confused.

Even Li Lin didn’t know that the words he made up casually would make her have so many associations.

“Do you have to go to the Undercity?” Caitlin raised her eyes to look at him and asked softly.

Li Lin nodded.

“In that case…I want to go with you.”

Hearing her unquestionable tone, Li Lin was stunned for a moment, “…Huh?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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