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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 74 The future of four children

In the blink of an eye, the time agreed with Fandel has arrived.

In the time since Li Lin developed the “Infinite” Source Project armor, he has continued to improve the armor.

For example, the air circulation device inside the armor can last for half an hour even in an oxygen-free environment.

He also installed an [Electric Energy Hand Cannon] on the palm of his right hand, a spare [High Frequency Vibration Blade] on his right arm, and retractable [Sawtooth Wrist Blades] on his left and right wrists.

If the first vibrating blade is damaged, there is still a spare. If both are damaged, the serrated wrist blade at the wrist can also be used to fight.

The rest of the time, Li Lin mostly went to Piltover University to discuss a new technology with Jess, Victor and even Heimerdinger:

Smart chip system.

The armor is there, and [Neural Network Connection] technology allows him to directly use neural contact to freely control various modules.

Li Lin was not confident and felt that his thinking could compare with the machine.

What’s more, his current mask doesn’t even have the function of holographic projection. He can only rely on his naked eyes to identify the outside world, which is very inconvenient.

Unfortunately, although the idea was beautiful, reality dealt a heavy blow to Li Lin.

In this world without computers, the Internet, or even telephones, it is extremely difficult to directly study smart chips.

Even Heimerdinger was temporarily confused.

In other words, the fully automatic mechanical device developed by Victor a few years ago may have something to do with it.

But that is also inputting fixed instructions into the machines, rather than them acting on their own through their own deductions and calculations…

But Li Lin was not discouraged.

His current [Mechanic] system panel level is only level 9, and he has only unlocked a few skills.

As the panel level increases, skills in intelligent AI-related fields may appear in the future.

The sky is clear and sunny, and it’s another nice day in Piltover today, not too cold.

In recent days, the first batch of bicycles has been produced and sales have begun.

Since there was no Evolution Day presentation, Lady Karina took out advertising in the Piltover Daily News and elsewhere.

Convenient to travel, affordable, free warranty within one year…

In addition, Caitlin occasionally rides a bicycle specially made for her by Li Lin, which attracts enough attention.

Nowadays, there are many bicycle delivery persons on the streets of the northern city.

Li Lin wore the power armor of the “Infinite” Source Project and took the elevator down to the dark alley of the middle square, preparing to go to Fulgen’s Tavern to meet Fandel.

Just arrived at the outside of the tavern, and Bangbao, who was boxing with Wei Xue with Clegg and Milo outside, saw him and ran over immediately.

“Li Lin!” Baobao opened his arms and rushed over excitedly.

Li Lin understood what she meant, knelt down to greet her, picked her up, and said helplessly:

“Slow down, if you fall and get bumped, how will I explain to your sister and Fander?”

Bao Bao smiled and didn’t care about this problem at all. Instead, he stroked the “Infinity” he was wearing with surprise on his face.

“Eh? Why did you change your armor? You’re so handsome!”

“I used the power armor before and transformed it into a diving engineering armor. This one is newly made and is an upgraded version.”

“Oh~~” Bakubao bit his finger and nodded, looking thoughtful.

In fact, she didn’t understand it at all.

But that didn’t stop her from liking it.

While they were talking, Clegg and Milo also left Wei behind and ran to Li Lin with shock on their faces.

“Wow! This suit of armor is much more handsome than the last one!” Milo exclaimed, “When can I have the same suit? It will look very stylish when I go out!”

Immediately afterwards, Clegg looked up and down with envy, and then said:

“Yeah, I found a book on Fandel’s bookshelf that was dedicated to armors. Compared with this domineering set of armor, it’s nothing worth mentioning!”

“Can it be invisible?! I heard in the story that there is a spell that can make people invisible. It’s so cool!”

“Why are you always thinking about your invisibility every day, Milo? I think you’d be more handsome if you could fly…”

When Bao Bao saw the two of them exclaiming and praising Li Lin’s power armor, he couldn’t help but raise his chin slightly, with a bit of pride on his face, as if what he just said was a compliment to her.

Hehe, Craig and Milo are only envious, but I can sit directly in Li Lin’s arms…

But before she could be happy for too long, a sullen Wei followed them and gave Craig and Milo a hard time.



The two men covered their heads and shouted.

Milo looked slightly dissatisfied and turned around to complain: “What are you doing… uh.”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Wei’s expression and immediately held back everything he was going to say and swallowed.

“I’m teaching you fighting skills, but it’s a good thing you ran away before a set of punches was finished.”

Vi held a toothpick in her mouth, crossed her arms and glared at the two of them.

“Next time you fight with others, just wait to get beaten. I won’t help you…”

“No, please don’t!” Milo chuckled, knowing how to watch people’s emotions.

Facing Wei, a hot-tempered eldest sister, you have to be cowardly when it’s time to be cowardly.

“I-I’m going to practice now!”

Following Milo, Craig covered his head and ran away quickly, “I’ll go too…”

Only Baobao was still sitting on Li Lin’s arm.

However, her little face drooped, and she didn’t have the confidence to look at Wei.

“Bangbao.” Wei just called her, her tone was very calm.

After all, she was her sister. Of course, Bao Bao could hear what she wanted to express, so she could only pouted and jumped off Li Lin’s arm.


She responded in despair and walked towards the open space where she had just practiced her fighting skills.

However, in the blind spot of Wei’s vision, Bao Bao turned back three times with one step and winked at Li Lin playfully.

Li Lin smiled helplessly, and then glared at Wei who fell into silence in front of him.

“Fander is waiting for you inside. Go quickly.” As soon as he finished speaking, Wei turned and left.

Li Lin hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to stop her: “Wait a minute…”

“Is something wrong?” Wei only turned half of her body and asked with her eyebrows slightly raised.

“Uh…” Li Lin didn’t know how to ask her.

To be honest, under the guidance and training of Fander, the four children, Vi, Jinx, Craig, and Milo, all have pretty good personalities even though they grew up in Zaun.

But Zaun is Zaun after all, and the four of them have no other choice but to wait to take over Fander’s power in the future.

Especially Vi and Jinx.

A gangster is a gangster after all, and even becoming the boss cannot change the nature of a gangster.

And in Li Lin’s conception, there will definitely be no gangs in the future.

Therefore, Li Lin wanted them to go to Pi City to study like Ike.

As for Vi, she can go to Piltover Law Enforcement Academy. It would be great to become a law enforcement officer like in the normal world line.

Bangbao seems to have a talent for invention and creation. It is a good choice for her to learn knowledge in the mechanical field with Ike. She can also go to Piltover University for further studies in the future.

Jace, Viktor and even Heimerdinger can guide them.

As for Craig and Milo… Li Lin doesn’t know them very well.

Maybe they could join Vi as law enforcers, or maybe let them choose.

Of course, the biggest difficulty in implementing these ideas is not Fandel, who will definitely agree to give several children a better future.

The difficulty is that Wei, who has a grudge against Li Lin and Pi City, will most likely not agree to go to Pi City.

She has to let Fandel do some ideological work on her first…

Various thoughts quickly passed through Li Lin’s mind.

After thinking briefly, he shook his head, “No, it’s nothing.”

Wei curled her lips with a bad look on her face, “If you don’t want to say anything, don’t call me. It’s a waste of time.”

After saying that, she turned around nonchalantly, returned to Bao Bao, Clegg and Milo, and continued to teach them fighting skills.

Thanks to the guy who doesn’t accept clothes on rainy days for the tip!

There is another chapter below


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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