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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 75 Alchemy Baron Meeting

“Li Lin! You’re finally here.”

As soon as Li Lin stepped into the door of the tavern, he heard Fandel’s slightly anxious voice coming from the bar.

Fandl was not the only one in Fulgen’s Tavern today. Benso, Sevika, the bald man he had seen before, and everyone else were there.

Except for Benso and Fander who were sitting at the bar together, the others were sitting in groups and scattered in different locations in the tavern.

“What’s the rush? Isn’t it still early?”

Li Lin turned his head and looked at the Levi’s clock on the side of the tavern in confusion. It didn’t even read ten o’clock now.

The time they agreed on was twelve o’clock, but there were still more than two hours left.

Li Lin looked around in confusion, “Why are there so many people today?”

“Look at my memory. I’ve been so busy lately that I even forgot to send you a sound transmission tube to notify you.”

Fandel, whose body and complexion had completely recovered, slapped his head and seemed to have a headache.

“A week ago, these alchemy barons seemed to have made an appointment. The original meeting place was a tavern, but they suddenly asked to change the place.”

Li Lin’s eyelids twitched, and he always felt a bad premonition, “Did they ask where to change?”

“The Plant Cultivation Center, that is the territory of Alchemist Baron Eni.” Bensuo on the side answered for Fander.

Then, Sevika added: “That place is next to the border market, the territory of that idiot Finn, and there is also a school of thaumaturgy and magic, which is covered by the old Yodel man Barrit. They are probably united.”

Li Lin couldn’t help but frown tightly, and turned his doubtful eyes to Fander.

“Well, I said before that there are three of them among the five alchemy barons who have worked hard with me until now.”

He sighed melancholy, “I guess Longfellow and Bonnie also followed them.”

“Humph, what a bunch of white-eyed wolves! Fandel, you should have left these damn bastards alone and let them fend for themselves and die on the street.” Bensuo snorted and cursed.

“Don’t say that, we are all brothers and sisters who have come together until now…”

There was an indescribable emotion in Fandel’s heart, which made his chest feel tight.

It was clear that a few years ago, they had sworn together to “do everything for Zu’an”, brothers and sisters who were sympathetic to each other and lived and died together.

Now they do not hesitate to exploit people with the same status as them for their own interests, and even do not hesitate to join forces to boycott themselves…

People change.

Fandel knew this sentence well, but he didn’t expect them to change so quickly.

The human heart is so unable to withstand the test of time and greed.

Li Lin noticed his complicated expression, thought for a moment, and then said: “What about the other two newly promoted Alchemy Barons? Who are they?”

Servica drank the beer in her glass, wiped her lips and replied:

“One is Mrs. Voss, who controls several mines in Diggou, and the other is Mrs. Lanner, who made her fortune with the alchemy technology robot patent. She is mainly engaged in robot manufacturing and has deals with people in the city.”

I have to say that Sevika’s intelligence capabilities are really outstanding.

Even Fander and Benso, the two alchemist barons, didn’t know much about them, but she knew all their information very well.

“Mrs. Voss likes to torture miners and is an out-and-out pervert. At least five workers die at her hands every month.

“In comparison, Mrs. Lanner is much kinder, but due to her early life in the ditch, her body has been corroded and her health is in extremely poor condition.”

Sevika asked her subordinates to refill her beer, then raised her head and took a sip: “To be honest, I don’t understand why, based on Rannar’s physical condition, she actually agreed to participate in this meeting…”

Li Lin didn’t take Seveka’s last complaint to heart. This was not the point.

The focus is on how to deal with the alliance of Fander’s five former subordinates, as well as a shaky psycho who doesn’t know what he wants to do.

And Lannar, who started his career with the alchemy technology robot patent, was probably the guy who plagiarized the invention of the young and ignorant Victor.

Her purpose should be very clear, which is the power armor she invented.

But obviously, her ideas can be realized in dreams.

After all, the power armor is different from the abridged version of the diving engineering armor given to the Gila Mann family.

This technology is very dangerous and must be firmly controlled.

Of course, this is all Li Lin’s own guess.

It’s not impossible that Lannar has other purposes…

“I think these bastards obviously have bad intentions. How are you going to deal with them?” Ben Suo’s curse interrupted Li Lin’s thoughts.

“It will take us more than ten minutes to take the elevator to the upper level of Zaun. How long will it take to get to the plant cultivation center?” Li Lin asked Fandel.

“This…” He showed a thoughtful expression and calculated a little, “It will take about half an hour.”

“Well, plus we may have to wait a while to go to the elevator, it will take about more than an hour in total…”

Li Lin pondered for a moment, “Then let’s wait until eleven o’clock to set off.”


This time, not only Fandel, but also Benso and Sevika were stunned.

“We made an appointment at twelve o’clock, shouldn’t we go earlier? At least we should be on time.”

Fandel didn’t understand what Li Lin meant and looked confused, “If we leave at eleven o’clock, wouldn’t we be late?”

Li Lin chuckled lightly, “You are the boss, why don’t you have any real skills?”

“What does force… mean?”

Fandel scratched his head, obviously not understanding the vocabulary that only exists on this earth.

“It’s all the subordinates waiting for the boss. How can the boss wait for his subordinates?”

Li Lin shook his head helplessly and quickly explained:

“They obviously want to give you a blow. If they don’t arrive when you arrive, why don’t you wait for them like a fool? Do you still have any dignity?

“Maybe you don’t have too many ideas, but in the eyes of your men and the other alchemy barons in Zaun, this meaning is infinitely magnified…”

Li Lin’s words were rough but not too straightforward.

If I hadn’t been afraid that these alchemist barons might not be able to wait to leave, I would have had to expose them for more than half an hour.

He added in his mind.

Since Fandel can become the boss of the dark alley, even if he has retired and doesn’t like to fight, he can still understand such a simple truth.

As expected, Fandel glanced at Bensuo, Sevika and the other men in the hall.

Noticing the different expressions on their faces, he immediately lowered his head and began to think.

After a while, his eyebrows relaxed slightly, he raised his eyes to look at Li Lin, and couldn’t help but ask again:

“Okay, we’ll go later…but what if they don’t cooperate? What are you going to do?”

“Didn’t you ask me this question last time?”

Li Lin pointed to his “Infinite” Source Project armor.

As the thought came to his mind, he controlled the armor of the weapon module to unfold, displaying shoulder cannons, hand cannons, ray launchers, wrist blades, and high-frequency vibrating knives.

The surrounding subordinates were startled by Li Lin’s actions, almost thinking that he wanted to harm their boss.

Fortunately, Li Lin was already very familiar with Fandel, so everyone could hold their temper and made no move.

“You…” A troubled expression appeared on Fandel’s face, “Are you going to threaten them with force? I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“This is just a last resort. I am a very reasonable person.”

Fandel misses his old friendship, not only for his men, but also for Li Lin.

His subordinates, especially people like Servica, couldn’t stand the guys who commanded Zaun except Fander, the boss.

They all hope that Fander can be Zaun’s only voice.

Li Lin, on the other hand, knew the background and had no good impression of the Alchemy Barons.

If these alchemy barons don’t cooperate, then getting rid of them and letting Fandel’s men take over their power is the best option.

In this way, when building Zaun, the resistance from the evil forces will be much smaller.

Li Lin paused for a moment, chuckled and continued: “I will respect the wishes of the alchemy barons. If they don’t cooperate, I will try to persuade them…”

I have been promoted to Channel 6 this week. Monday is Sanjiang PK. My family must read it on Monday. Please▄██●


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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