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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 81 Elite Store

New feature system store? !

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel happy.

Sure enough, the blue essence and orange essence displayed in the personal information panel must have a purpose.

As the thought came to him, he quickly opened his personal panel to check the information:

[Name: Li Lin]

[Occupation: Mechanic]

[Level: Level 11]

[HP: 1169/1169]

[Mana value: 295/295]

[Combat power: 16]

[Skill points: 9]

[Wealth: 0 blue essence, 0 orange essence]

[Skills to master: advanced manufacturing, digital thinking, firearms mastery, basic combat, mechanic entry level 2, mechanical affinity level 2, mechanical improvement level 2, neural network connection]

[Extra functions: Skill panel, essence store]

[Insufficient level, function not unlocked…]

After manufacturing many high-tech technological inventions, his original [Skilled Manufacturing] has been upgraded to [Advanced Manufacturing].

Due to level restrictions, his professional skills can only be upgraded to level 2, so his skill points are basically left untouched.

Now that the level has been raised to above level 10, new skills must be unlocked in the [Skill Panel].

However, Li Lin held back his excitement.

You can wait for skills and stuff, as they are far less attractive than the system store.

Li Lin quickly opened the [Essence Store].

A panel with a black and gray background and a very simple appearance appeared in his mind.

If I have to say it, it actually looks somewhat similar to the store in the game Summoner’s Rift…

This is his first impression of the appearance of this new function.

Li Lin browsed around the store and was surprised to find that there were many very familiar items inside…

“Zhuo, isn’t this the store in the game?! Red and blue medicine, crystal bottle, corruption potion, sun inflammation, black cutter…”

Except that there are no recommended equipment and configuration plans, and the category page for equipment purchase has disappeared, the rest is almost exactly the same as in the game.

All items are clearly listed in order of price from low to high. The payment required is blue essence, and there are no items purchased with orange essence.

In addition, there are many miscellaneous things in the store, and some equipment classified as [Mythical] in the game are cheap here, and the [Ability Effects] are also extremely stretchy.

For example, [Siren Killer] only sells for 50 blue essences. Its ability is to cause fatal damage to giant sea monsters, and it cannot be broken free. It can only be used on a ship.

Most of the warrior equipment is very cheap, and cannot compete with the mage equipment that sells for hundreds or thousands of essences and has ridiculous attributes…

“Ah this…”

Li Lin was stunned for a long time, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

I can’t say I’m happy, but I can’t say I’m disappointed either.

Most of the items in the store are of little help to his [Mechanic] career, although their attributes are very attractive.

The only thing that helps him is the surprisingly high price of technological items, including all kinds of modern electrical appliances that are necessary for home.

Just a washing machine costs 500 blue essences, which is even more expensive than an unconscious primordial crystal shard.

Not only that, Li Lin was surprised to see the [Source Project·Infinite] power armor priced at 200 blue essences in the store.

There is even a [Laser Sniper Rifle·Iron-Blooded] that he specially built for Caitlin for 100 blue essence.

Combined with some items that he had already invented and whose prices were much cheaper than the same type of technological devices, he made some guesses:

Items with blueprints unlocked will be much cheaper in the store, while items that you have not researched will be very expensive.

However, if there are some technologies that Li Lin cannot research on his own, he can buy items, decompose them, research them, and reverse-restore the blueprints.

It’s just that some of the technologies with high technological requirements that he is most concerned about, such as artificial satellites, large mechas, nuclear fusion energy, etc., do not exist in the store at this stage.

Moreover, he still doesn’t know how to obtain the essence…

Li Lin closed the store helplessly and was about to open the [Skill Panel] to take a look.

But at this moment, Huck’s shout from the distance made him give up this idea.

“Mr. Li Lin, are you okay?”

After a burst of gunfire and bullets, security has been restored outside the construction site wall.

Huck trotted up to Li Lin with a few thugs, with a hint of worry in his tone, “Mr. Li Lin, hehe…”

Since he was relatively weak, the trot for this distance took him several breaths before he recovered.

“I’m fine.” Li Lin turned around and responded, “What about you?”

“Actually, these guys haven’t been here for too long. Hey, hey, nothing happened to us.”

Huck rubbed his hands, with a somewhat melancholy expression on his face, “Then these people, hey, they are all subordinates of the alchemist baron Takeda Saito…”

Several thugs behind him also started discussing, their words full of fear of Takeda.

It’s just that their profession is mercenary, and they live a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife. Coupled with the transformation of alchemy technology, their brains are not too normal compared to ordinary people.

However, as long as they are given enough money, they are willing to do even life-threatening work, and naturally they will not run away from the battle.

Li Lin lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his hand twice to quiet the thugs.

“Huck, go and tell the workers not to come here for the next few days.”

He paused for a moment and then added: “The same goes for you. When I finish solving this matter, I will go find you again.”

“Uh, you…hehe, are you planning to take action against Takeda?”

Huck guessed what Li Lin was thinking and couldn’t help but change his expression.

“Hehe, hehe, this can’t be done!” His tone was a little anxious, “Takeda’s current power, hehe, he can at least be ranked among the top three among the Alchemist Barons!”

“You don’t have to worry too much about this. I’ve already made a plan.”

Li Lin shook his head and immediately focused his gaze on the thugs.

“As for you, just patrol around here. Just don’t let scavengers and ditch orphans get close. If Takeda’s men come to look for trouble again, just run away. Don’t risk your life.”

He has already dealt with all the guys who came to cause trouble this time.

Moreover, this location is relatively remote, and no outsiders witnessed the battle just now, so the news will not spread too quickly.

But if Gunta Soyama doesn’t go back for more than a day, Takeda will most likely suspect that something is wrong with him and send someone to look for him.

If you want to catch Takeda off guard, you must act today!

After sending away Huck and the thugs, Li Lin took the elevator back to the upper city without stopping.

Although with the unlimited power armor, he is confident of killing Takeda’s base camp.

But doing so will cause many fish to slip through the net and escape, leaving consequences for the future.

Li Lin wanted to talk to Mrs. Karina to see if she could send some law enforcement officers to assist him.

They don’t need to fight the people who rush in to fight Takeda. They only need to arrest the fish that escape from the outside and slip through the net.

When Li Lin just returned to the iron gate of the Gila Mann compound, he happened to see Caitlin coming back from the other side carrying a suitcase containing “Iron Blood”.

“Huh? Didn’t you go to Dicheng recently to supervise the workers building the tidal power station? Why did you come back so early today?”

Seeing Li Lin, Caitlin was happy at first, and then felt a little surprised.

“Something happened and I need to talk to your mother.”

Li Lin opened his mask and walked side by side to the yard with Caitlin.

“What about you? I see you went out early this morning, and you brought ‘Iron Blood’ with you?”

“I recently opened a detective agency. As you said, I must have weapons for self-defense, and weapons such as firearms must be reported to the Piltover Law Enforcement Department. I have gone through a lot of trouble to get it now.”

Her tone was rather resentful, “Fortunately, Chief Grayson helped me, otherwise I would have had to run to the police station a few times… Forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore.”

Caitlin blinked her beautiful jewel-like eyes and looked sideways at Li Lin, “What trouble have you encountered? Maybe I can help you? My detective agency has just opened, and I need a big case to build my reputation. “

“Uh…” Li Lin didn’t know how to tell her his thoughts.

If Caitlin were told, she would definitely go to the bottom city with her tough attitude due to her hatred of evil.

But the battle with the Alchemy Baron’s forces was too dangerous. Not only did Lady Karina not agree to it, he also didn’t want Caitlin to go…

Noticing Li Lin’s slightly hesitant expression, Caitlin jumped two steps forward, stood in front of him, wrinkled her nose and hummed softly:

“I smell a big case…you can’t hide it from me!”

Keep reading and keep reading(*)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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