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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 88 He has a name, his name is Zach! (Please order first!!)

“Speaking of Li Lin, when did your relationship with Caitlin develop to this point?”

On the way to Piltover College, Jess nudged Li Lin with his elbow, with a “you know” smirk on his face.

Li Lin twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced sideways at him, not wanting to pay attention to him.

“Okay, in just a few months, you have actually been able to acquire the daughter of the Gila Mann family.”

Jess rubbed his smooth square chin a few times, and then changed the topic: “But you must not let Caitlin down, otherwise I will not let you go, let alone Mrs. Karina and Mr. Errol!”

He looked serious and said in a warning tone.

“You misunderstood. Kate and I are not who you think…” Li Lin sighed helplessly.

At least the already extremely fragile veil between them has not been broken yet.

“I understand, I won’t talk nonsense.” Jace patted Li Lin on the shoulder and laughed.

He thought Li Lin didn’t dare to be too public because of Mrs. Karina’s relationship.

“But you don’t have to worry about this. After all, Mr. Elro used to be a craftsman. Didn’t he also catch up with Mrs. Karina?”

Li Lin: “…”

Forget it, being caught by Jess would be something he couldn’t even wash away if he jumped into the Piltover Canal.

As long as he doesn’t go out and tell others about it and let everyone know about this misunderstanding…

Li Lin shook his head, not intending to continue on this topic, and asked about Hex’s flying door.

For the next time, they kept discussing technological inventions.

After such a long period of testing and the Hex Crystal sponsorship provided by the Philos family, Jace’s Hex Flying Door technology has been able to teleport items hundreds of meters away.

He also conducted experiments with mice, proving that living things can also be teleported through the magic circle constructed of Hex energy crystals.

It’s just that there are still many imperfections in this technology, and Jace does not plan to use people to further verify the feasibility of teleportation in the short term.

In addition, Victor’s research on the fully automatic Hex Technology robot is also progressing very smoothly.

Not only several big families in Piltover, but also Alchemy Baron Lannar, who developed alchemy technology robots in Bottom City, also came to the door, hoping to reach a cooperative relationship with him.

While Li Lin and Jess were discussing, they left Greville Street at a leisurely pace and crossed the winding Baijiu Avenue to reach Stellar Street.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they arrived at the University of Piltover, located on the top floor of the northern city, near Stellar Street.

The college’s laboratories are located at the very back of the campus, separated from the teaching and office areas by explosion-proof walls.

In the laboratory, explosions, fires and other incidents caused by failed experiments are commonplace, so all safety work is done very well.

If there is no sound of explosion in the college one day, that would be abnormal.

Jess took out the ID cards he and Li Lin had obtained in advance and showed them to the security personnel at the entrance of the laboratory.

Afterwards, they went to the changing room to put on their lab coats, and after going through layers of disinfection procedures, they finally entered the laboratory.

Piltover’s technological level is famous throughout Runeterra.

As the highest institution of higher learning in Piltover, the University of Piltover’s technological level is naturally among the best in the entire city-state.

This is not the first time Li Lin has come to the laboratory.

It was also here that he studied the Hex Flying Gate and the fully automatic Hex Technology robot experiment with Jace and Victor respectively, and he was already very familiar with some of the structures inside.

All the experiments done on the periphery of the laboratory are very simple, and there are no dangerous technological devices.

The people here are usually students from the academy, or students who are sent to learn skills by some big families that sponsor the academy.

Going a step further and passing through the second door guarded by security personnel, Li Lin and Jace entered the central area of ​​the laboratory.

This is usually a place where lecturers lead students to conduct experiments. There are many expensive high-end technological devices that require ID card permissions.

Several rooms marked with yellow triangles and black exclamation marks are experimental areas. There are more dangerous items inside, and even lecturers must be authorized by the college to enter.

In the inner area of ​​the laboratory, basically all cutting-edge Hex technology devices and dangerous items are located here, and it is generally a place only professors can enter.

Thinking of this, you must show your ID card with first-level permissions, and you need to go underground through the elevator.

The strange alchemical venom life form that Jace mentioned is stored here.

This was the first time Li Lin came to the deepest part of the laboratory. In the past, he had only been to the central area with Jace and Victor.

After getting out of the elevator, they went through several disinfection procedures and finally came to a spacious dressing room.

Dozens of idle sets of chemical protective suits of various colors and shapes were hung on the shelves on both sides of the wall.

Under some chemical protective suits, there are also oxygen bottles that are specially used for oxygen and have been filled with oxygen.

Li Lin raised his eyebrows, “What are we doing here?”

As soon as he finished speaking, four staff members wearing badges walked out of the lounge next to the locker room and took down two sets of chemical protective suits from the wall.

They were divided into two groups, and they put on and arranged chemical protective suits for Li Lin and Jace respectively.

After finishing the work, the four staff members bowed slightly to the two of them, saluted, and then returned to the lounge.

“Uh, is this necessary?” Under the protective mask, Li Lin’s voice sounded a little loud.

“To be conservative, after all, it is a pool of alchemical venom. We don’t know yet whether it will have adverse effects on people if it comes into contact with the human body.” Jace explained.

He raised his chin and motioned for Li Lin to follow him.

After several more disinfection procedures, they entered the chemical experiment area where skulls and skulls were everywhere as pollution signs.

Perhaps because Pi City doesn’t pay much attention to chemistry, there are obviously not as many professors conducting experiments in this experimental area as there are in other areas.

Jace led Li Lin along the way. Before they reached the deepest part of the chemical experimental area, the anxious shout of a strange woman reached their ears.

“Please, let him go…”

“Please calm down, madam.” Victor’s slightly weak voice followed, “We just want to study this pool of alchemical venom…”

“He is not Alchemy Venom, he is a child, and he has his own name, Zach.” Another unfamiliar middle-aged man’s voice sounded even more excited.

Jace frowned and couldn’t help but quicken his pace.

Zach? !

Li Lin’s pupils shrank slightly, and he also quickened his pace to follow him closely.

Not long after, the two arrived at the chemical laboratory where the alchemical venom life forms were stored.

Victor, wearing a chemical protective suit and holding a cane, was arguing with the other two.

“What happened?”

Jace glanced at the pair of men and women opposite Victor with a look of displeasure, and continued to ask: “Victor, who are they? Didn’t Professor Heimerdinger only allow Li Lin and the three of us to study this pool of venom?”

“Zach, his name is Zac!” the middle-aged man reminded again.

“Jace, they are…”

“Okay, okay, I don’t care what it’s called. You have nothing to do with the experiment. Please leave the laboratory as soon as possible, otherwise I will call security!”

Jess interrupted Victor directly, took two steps forward, and squeezed in between Victor and the man and woman.

His figure appeared even bigger and stronger in front of the two relatively thin and short men and women.

The woman subconsciously took two steps back and bumped into the man’s arms, her expression slightly horrified under the non-slip mask.

Seeing that the situation was developing in a bad direction, Li Lin hurried over to smooth things over, pushing Jace back a few steps.

“You guys, please stop causing trouble and let me communicate with them.”

Thanks to book friend 160821110135929, cool white, green pine in the forest, book friend 20200908215752068, Zi Shiqiu, the big boss who is looking for her Qianbai among the crowd for the reward!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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