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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 89 Zach is not a monster

As if sensing the emotions of everyone present, the green liquid in the thickened transparent glass culture tank began to squirm restlessly.

Li Lin took a quick glance and walked to the middle-aged man and woman on the other side.

If your guess is correct, they are probably the alchemy technology technician couple who adopted Zach in the background story.

Victor was already holding Jace back, so Li Lin had enough time to talk to them.

He politely extended his right hand and said, “May the dust not enter your home. My name is Li Lin, and I am a craftsman from the Gila Mann family… I wonder who you two are?”

The couple looked at each other, and finally the man stepped forward and shook hands in return.

“May the haze not enter your home. My name is Narek, and this is my wife Siluni. We were originally technicians in an alchemy technology laboratory.”

“But we don’t know that our laboratory is funded by Baron Takeda, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to work there…” Siluni immediately added as if she was afraid that Li Lin would misunderstand something.

“Let’s not talk about this. Let’s talk about his problem first.” Li Lin pointed to the green liquid in the culture tank nearby. “You said…his name is Zach, right?”

He deliberately slowed down his tone and used the personal pronoun “he” to distance himself from the couple.

Of course, the feedback results are pretty good.

Seeing that Li Lin was so easy to talk to, Narek and Siluni looked much more relaxed under their masks.

“Yes, Zach, he is our child.” Siluni replied quickly.

“Can you tell me a little about him?”

Li Lin had a clear idea of ​​Zach’s general background story, but he had forgotten some details, such as the fact that he was captured by Takeda.

However, various situations and backgrounds in the real world are different, and he needs to have a more detailed understanding of whether Zach’s character is consistent with the background.

Hearing Li Lin ask this question, Narek’s eyes lit up and he immediately said: “This is what happened…”

The first people to discover Zach were a group of children playing in a ditch.

They were floating around the ditch and puddle, and found that some stones had been thrown back.

After word spread, the residents of the ditch called this strange puddle the “anti-object pool.”

But later, a group of alchemical technicians forcibly drained the liquid from the pool and took it back to their laboratory.

They conducted various experiments on it and discovered that this green gelatinous alchemical liquid could imitate the mental stimulation they received.

After a large number of targeted experiments, and even deliberately irritating him, it led to the death of many ditch scavengers who had been transformed by alchemical technology.

Most alchemists believed that this was just a specific neural reflex, but Narek and Siluni questioned the ethics of the experiment.

After conducting an in-depth investigation, they discovered that the experiment was secretly self-funded by Alchemist Baron Takeda Saito, who wanted to create a thug who would obey orders and be unafraid of death.

At the same time, they also learned the real name of this project – Zaun Amorphous Combat Body, the homonym of the abbreviation is Zac.

Originally, Narek and Siluni were thinking about how to act, and they happened to discover that Zach would not only respond to external stimuli, but also sometimes act autonomously.

This further proves that he is an intelligent, sentient being and not just a ball of alchemical venom.

But their research team leader didn’t think so.

After a series of subsequent actions, Narek and Siluni finally couldn’t bear the experiment anymore.

Just as they were making a careful and long-term plan to find a suitable time to rescue Zach and release him, it happened that Li Lin led the law enforcement officers to destroy Takeda.

But before they had time to be happy, law enforcement officers quickly seized their alchemy technology laboratory and transported Zach to Piltover University.

They did not hesitate to spend all their savings and inquired for a long time, and then they “happened” to see Victor in the academy.

As for the two non-Piltover University personnel, Narek and Siluni, who came in…

Li Lin looked back in the direction of Jace and Victor.

At this time, Jace was furious: “Victor, how could you do this? This is against the rules of the academy! If the academy finds out, you will be expelled!”

Out of sympathy with fellow Undercity residents and Victor’s compassion, in order to help Narek and Siluni enter here, he specially forged identity cards for them.

It’s a good thing that they don’t have alchemical technology-enhancing prosthetics on them, otherwise their secrets would be exposed immediately.

“Calm down Jace, they are Zach’s parents after all…”

Victor looked helpless, obviously used to Jace’s making a fuss.

“Besides, what I did violated the rules of the academy. If you were discovered secretly studying the Hex Crystal, wouldn’t you also be expelled?”

Jace opened his mouth wide and was suddenly speechless.

After thinking for a while, he retorted without confidence: “This, this is different… We have achieved results!”

“Why is it different? Without Li Lin’s help, you would not be able to obtain the research results in a short time.”

Victor walked slowly to Li Lin, Narek and Siluni with a cane, “As long as none of us reveal this matter, the academy will not find out.”

“Yes, yes, we promise not to tell this matter!”

“Both of us will not cause our benefactor to lose his job.”

Siluni and Narek pleaded separately.

Jace was silent for a long time with a sullen face, and finally looked away, sighed, and waved to them.

“Forget it, let Victor send you out. For his sake, I won’t report this matter to the academy… but you can’t interfere with our experiments.”


Xiluni’s face became anxious, but was interrupted by Li Lin in time: “Jace, I remember that you are against human experimentation, right?”

“Of course, especially when it comes to using alchemy technology to increase the power, that is the obliteration of people’s free will.” He crossed his arms and snorted coldly.

“That’s right.” Li Lin looked back at Narek and Siluni, “You guys wait here for a while.”

Immediately, he walked straight to the thickened glass culture tank where Zach was stored, and reached out to operate the Hex instrument that controlled the culture tank.

Jess suddenly had a bad feeling, “Li Lin, what are you doing?”

He quickly ran to Li Lin to stop what he was doing, but unfortunately it was already too late.

With the sound of gas leaking out, the culture tank on the side slowly opened, and the dark green liquid inside slowly flowed along the edge to the ground.

Not only Jace, but also Victor’s expression changed, “Li Lin! Why did you open the culture vat!”

“Are you crazy?!” Jace turned around and yelled angrily.

He moved quickly and wanted to press the emergency button on the experimental table, but was stopped by Li Lin in time.

“When will you change your bad temper?” Li Lin glared at Jace angrily, then pointed to the green liquid on the ground, “See for yourself.”

Jace frowned, but before he could turn around, he heard the exclamations from Victor, Narek and Siluni.

Of course, there was only shock in their tone, not any fear at all.

Not only that, there was a gurgling sound of mucus accumulating in the laboratory.

Jace immediately turned around, his eyes suddenly widened, and his face was instantly filled with shock.

There is no alchemical venom piled up on the ground in front of me. It is obviously a monster with a nose, a face, sound limbs, and an extremely strong body!

“do not be afraid……”

Just listen to the dark green humanoid creature in front of you trying hard to crack the corners of its mouth, as if trying to imitate a human smile, and at the same time, it continued in a loud voice:

“Zach is not a monster.”

Two chapters will be posted first, and three chapters will be posted in the evening.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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