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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 92 Sponsoring Shimmer’s Research (5/5)

Chapter 92 Sponsoring Shimmer’s Research (55)


Li Lin’s expression changed slightly.

He had seen a lot of information about Zaun’s recent rapid rise as an alchemist baron in newspapers.

Gorask Industries, which has united more than a dozen factories, has expanded again and invested a lot of resources in the production of high-end perfumes, preparing to enter the high-end skin care industry.

Suppressed Alchemist Baron Bonny, bought nearly one-third of her dance hall at a high price, and almost kicked her out of the ranks of Alchemist Baron.

Participating in Alchemy Baron Lannar’s mass-produced robot industry, sponsoring the military industry, acquiring several mines, providing loans and jobs to the citizens of Zaun…

In fact, she recently sent someone to inquire about the tidal power station. The purpose is self-evident…

In terms of wealth alone, she is already completely ahead of all the alchemy barons.

Li Lin had previously thought about talking to Baron Lenata Gorask to see her attitude towards Piltover.

However, he has been preoccupied with various things in recent days and cannot spare any time, so he has put this matter on hold for the time being.

Now, she actually takes the initiative to make an appointment with herself…

Li Lin’s brain was thinking rapidly, and he immediately realized a problem and looked at Hilko with strange eyes.

“No, Gorask wants to see me, what are you doing here? I don’t believe you’ve been waiting here for me.”

He glanced at the six strong men who had been transformed by alchemy technology and were scattered around, “You also brought the transformed subordinates?”

“Haha…” Hilko regained her faint smile, “It’s just a coincidence that she also wanted to meet me…for some business matters.”

“She wanted to meet you and knew that you had a cooperative relationship with me, so she asked you to take me with you, right?

“And if you hadn’t happened to meet me today, you would have gone to discuss business with Gorask.”

Hilko remained silent, as if he acquiesced.

Li Lin felt speechless.

My feelings are still a bonus…

“Forget it, this is not the point.” Li Lin was not prepared to continue on this meaningless topic, “Do you know what she wants to talk about when she comes to me?”

“I don’t know how to read minds. How can I know what this guy is thinking?” Hilko spread his hands, “We have to meet her to find out.”

Li Lin frowned, thinking about the pros and cons.

Today, Hilko is almost on an equal footing with Fandel.

If Fandel’s control of the city depends on his former influence, Hilko relies entirely on his cold and ruthless methods.

Li Lin knew that Silko had never forgotten the original intention of making Zaun rise.

But the various things Lenata did had nothing to do with the construction and rise of Zaun. It was almost impossible for Hilko to secretly form an alliance with her to deal with him.

After clearing his mind a little, Li Lin’s brows widened and asked, “Where is the meeting place she agreed to meet?”

Hilko did not answer the question, but clapped his hands gently and asked his subordinates to gather around him.

Then, he nodded to Li Lin, “Come on, she happens to be in the dark alley right now.”

In an alleyway more than ten streets away from Forgan’s Tavern, there is a restaurant with the word “Golask Disco” on it, and the lights are bright and feasting.

Surrounded by their men, Li Lin and Hilko, who were wearing power armor, squeezed through the crowd of people who were already drunk and swaying wildly with wine bottles, and climbed up the stairs to the third floor.

There is only one private room on the third floor. It is also the most luxuriously decorated private room in this disco and can only serve one person.

Hilko waved to his men and asked them to wait here, and then walked to the door of the private room with Li Lin.

At this time, two strong men with a height of two meters and various fierce patterns tattooed on their bodies reached out to stop them.

One of the strong men had a sharp look in his eyes, slicing across their bodies like a sharp knife, “Do you have an appointment?”

“Hilko.” Hilko straightened his clothes a little and said only one name.

Suddenly, the aura of a superior person suddenly appeared, putting great pressure on the two strong men in front of him.

“Oh yes…and Li Lin from the Gila Mann family.” He added.

The two strong men looked at each other for a moment.

Immediately, the strong man who just spoke quickly changed his words: “It turns out to be Mr. Hilko… I hope the haze does not enter your home.”

Then, another strong man answered: “You can see Baron Gorask, but you need to hand over your weapons…”

As he spoke, the strong man’s uneasy eyes glanced at Li Lin next to Hilko from time to time.

Obviously, Li Lin’s reputation in Zaun is not as strong as in Piltover.

But he wouldn’t compromise just because of this, “It’s impossible to take off this power armor.”

He said without hesitation.

“Then we can’t…”

“Let them come in.” Before the first strong man finished speaking, a woman’s voice with a slightly hoarse voice interrupted him.

The two guards frowned in unison, but both took a step aside, revealing the private room door behind them.

Hilko opened the curtain and walked straight in with an expressionless face.

Li Lin had no intention of competing with him and followed his footsteps into the dimly lit private room.

Sitting on the sofa on one side of the room was a middle-aged woman with black and gray hair, wearing a white dress, lined with a black shirt, and with slightly dark skin.

Her right arm is an augmented prosthesis made of alchemy technology, engraved with an unknown flower pattern, and with green flowing liquid leaking from the inside.

The woman held a glass goblet in her left hand, with half a glass of fragrant and mellow fine wine poured into it.

She is now the richest among the Alchemy Barons – Lenata Gorask.

Seeing Li Lin and Hilko, she raised the corner of her mouth and raised the wine glass in her hand to signal them.

“The famous Silko, once one of the leaders of the ‘Ashes Day’, it is an honor to meet you.”

Li Lin was completely ignored by her.

Li Nata’s attitude made Li Lin secretly think that something was wrong.

Because you know that I am a member of the Gila Mann family in Piltover, is that why you treat me like this…

Hearing Lenata’s words, the corners of Hilko’s mouth twitched slightly.

This guy just rubs salt into his wounds. He doesn’t look like he’s ready to talk business seriously…

“It’s okay not to mention the past.”

Hilko glanced at Lenata’s right arm indifferently, and then he and Li Lin sat on the sofa opposite Lenata.

“You said you wanted to talk to me about business matters. I’m here. What kind of business do you want to do?”

While talking about his own affairs, he also said a few words for Li Lin, “And my friend Li Lin… Since you want to see him, the sincerity you just showed cannot be put on the table.”

Hilko’s tone was slow, and her words were in direct opposition to Lenata’s.

“Hahahaha… Hilko, you really deserve your reputation.”

Lenata smiled and put down the wine glass in her hand, took two goblets from the table in front of her and placed them in front of Li Lin and Hilko respectively.

Then, she poured half a glass of wine for the two of them, and then picked up her own glass again, “This is fine wine.”

Hilko just glanced at it lightly and had no intention of drinking.

Not to mention Li Lin.

They were all waiting for Lenata to tell her what her purpose was.

We are all smart people, Lenata knows this very well.

Seeing that neither Li Lin nor Silko cooperated, she stopped acting and suppressed the smile on her lips.

“I am a person who likes investing.”

Lenata glanced at Li Lin’s power armor and Hilko’s left eye seemingly casually.

“This armor of yours is good. You invented the new diving power armor of those workers on the Piltover Canal, right?”

“I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. I will not sell this armor.” Li Lin snorted coldly.

“No, this is Gila Mann’s interest. I don’t dare to touch it. I just want to ask you about the acquisition, about the sea dam you are building recently.”

Saying that, Lenata didn’t give Li Lin a chance to reply at all, and immediately turned to stare at Hilko again, “I heard that there is an alchemist under you who invented a very powerful potion…”

Li Lin’s eyelids twitched.

The alchemist she was talking about… wasn’t it Singed?

The alchemy potion he invented could be something other than a shimmer…

Hilko narrowed his right eye slightly, with a dangerous cold light flashing in his eyes.

“I heard it’s called Shimmer, right? It’s such a good name.” Lenata paused briefly, then smiled and said, “I wonder… can I sponsor its research?”

The first order is only 700 so far. . . A bit worse than expected (°ー°〃)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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