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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 93 Heart of Gold? Just a piece of trash

After intense discussions, Li Lin and Hilko ultimately failed to reach an agreement with Lenata.

Afterwards, the two of them were invited out of the Gorask disco by her men.

The alchemist baron’s attitude is very clear. She wants to rule the entire Zaun and take this city-state into her own hands.

In Li Lin’s view, she seemed not even afraid of Fandel and Silko, and even wanted to pull them off the stage.

Based on Lenata’s attitude towards the people of Piltover, if she becomes the ruler of Zaun, she will definitely take revenge on the upper city in all aspects.

Just like what the great families of Piltover had done to her family over 20 years ago.

Now, everything she does is just for revenge, and it has no effect on the construction of Zaan.

Hilko was very dissatisfied with Lenata’s attitude.

Li Lin could tell this from the constant secret contest between the two of them during the negotiation just now.

What’s more, Lenata also wants to invest in the shimmer potion and obtain its formula.

But Li Lin had previously negotiated with Hilko and reached an agreement:

Unless all side effects of this alchemical potion are eliminated, it cannot appear in any trading channels, including the black market.

Since the shimmer potion was quite effective in treating injuries, Li Lin did not prohibit Singed from researching it.

It’s just that the direction of research needs to change.

Under Li Lin’s influence, Hilko changed his radical strategy against Shangcheng and was no longer suppressed by Fandel as before.

Naturally, there was no need to use things like Shimmer to dismantle the power of the black alley as he originally planned.

But even so, Hilko has sponsored Singed for so many years, and the shimmering potion has basically taken shape.

At this moment, a guy suddenly appeared and wanted to enjoy the benefits. How could he agree?

Not to mention Li Lin, how could he give up his property of building Zaun to others?

What’s more, he also wants to acquire the oil refinery that is about to be built in Lenata…

But judging from the current situation, this road is no longer feasible.

Li Lin and Hilko were speechless all the way, walking aimlessly to a relatively remote suspended stone bridge covered with dark green moss.

Hilko had no expression on his face, took out a cigar from the iron cigarette case in his pocket, and signaled to Li Lin.

“I don’t smoke.”

After being declined by him, Hilko lit it with a flip lighter, took a deep puff, and blew out a few smoke rings.

“We are in trouble.” After a long silence, he finally said, “Gorask will take action against us next.”

Li Lin glanced sideways at him, “Are you afraid?”

“Afraid?” Hilko sneered, “Are you looking down on me?”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

Hilko thought for a moment, “We must formulate a plan to counter Gorask. It’s best to kick her out of her current position.”

“We all know this…but what are you going to do?”

Li Lin put his hands on the guardrail of the stone bridge and looked at the looming steel city in the distance, shrouded in haze.

In fact, when he asked this question, he had already guessed what Hilko would do.

Dad said it well, use magic to fight magic.

Lenata’s climb to her current position was basically dishonorable.

If you want to defeat her, you have to treat her in kind.

Hilko naturally thought so too.

He took a few more puffs of the cigar, and a stern look flashed in his right eye, “I will do whatever she does.”

After Li Lin said goodbye to Silko, he went to Fulgen’s Tavern to ask Fandel about the situation of Narek and Siluni yesterday.

To his surprise, the couple did come to inquire about work and residence yesterday, but they were just asking for normal information.

Perhaps because they accepted Li Lin’s financial assistance, they did not show Fandel a letter of recommendation to ask for additional help.

If Li Lin hadn’t asked Fandel today, he wouldn’t even know that the couple knew Li Lin.

However, after learning about this, Fandel promised Li Lin that he would take care of them.

Later, Li Lin asked about Bao Bao, Wei, Clegg and Milo.

He had mentioned to Fandel before that he wanted his four children to study in the upper city.

Going to Piltover to develop, and with the help of a little celebrity from the Gila Mann family behind them, the four children will definitely have a bright future.

The loving father readily agreed without even thinking about it.

For some time now, Fander has been enlightening Wei.

Although this little girl is in the rebellious stage of youth, the effect is not too obvious, but it still has an impact.

For example, her attitude towards Li Lin is no longer as indifferent as before.

Up to now, not only can they communicate normally with each other like friends, but they can also joke around occasionally.

But getting her to agree to go to Piltover is still a problem for the time being.

Fandel told Li Lin that they went to Benso’s shop to play with Ike today.

All the Alchemy Barons except Lenata have been relatively peaceful recently, and Li Lin feels that it is time to bring Ike to Pi City.

After saying goodbye to Fander, he rushed to Benso’s grocery store without stopping.

The wind chime at the door rang softly, and Li Lin pushed the door open and walked in.

Benso is still the same, using his old multi-faceted magnifying glass to study the “old antique” in his hand.

Even when he heard someone entering the store, he still didn’t raise his head and just gave a casual welcome: “Welcome, we have everything here…”

As he spoke, his ears twitched slightly, and he heard the familiar sound of mechanical parts snapping and turning and heavy footsteps, and he immediately looked up at the door of the store.

“Li Lin? You’re a rare visitor!” Bensuo’s eyebrows jumped, and the fat on his face trembled as he laughed.

He immediately stopped what he was doing and called Li Lin to sit at the front desk.

Then, he took out a metal cup and a bottle of good rum from the cabinet under the table, and wanted to pour Li Lin a drink.

“Farewell, you know, I don’t drink.” Li Lin hurriedly waved his hand and declined.

“Hey, you guy, how can you, a macho man, not know how to drink?”

Bensuo curled his lips, but still put the wine glass away.

“Besides, you are still a craftsman of the Gillamann family, and Mrs. Giramann is a member of parliament. How can you socialize if you don’t know how to drink?”

Li Lin smiled awkwardly, “I haven’t reached my 18th name day yet, so I haven’t held a coming-of-age ceremony yet…”

Bensuo glanced at him and still boasted: “What is this? I learned to drink strong liquor when I was eight years old…”

Li Lin shook his head helplessly and quickly changed the subject: “By the way, where are Ike, Bao Bao and the others?”

“They? They have been running away for a while.”

At the mention of these little brats, Bensuo looked displeased.

He missed Li Lin and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall behind him.

“It’s 5:40 now. I asked them to come back at 6…do you have anything urgent to do with them?”

“The Twin Cities have become stable recently. I’m going to take Ike to Gila Mann’s house,” Li Lin explained.

“This is good.” Bensuo’s expression was happy, and his mood changed quickly, “What about Wei and the others? What did Fandel say?”

As Fandel’s best friend after Silko, Benso naturally understands these things.

“Wei still has some problems there, it will probably take some time.”

While they were chatting, Li Lin suddenly noticed that Bensuo’s table was set up with what seemed to be very familiar gadgets that he had been studying just now.

The whole is a dark green turtle shell.

Isn’t this the Heart of Gold, the ancient salary equipment in League of Legends? !

Li Lin’s eyes lit up, “What is this?”

“It’s just a piece of trash. I was deceived by that old guy who robbed the tomb.”

An angry expression appeared on Bensuo’s face, and he picked up the turtle shell and threw it to Li Lin.

He quickly opened [Digital Thinking] and saw the name and attributes of this item.

[Heart of Gold (Artifact): A magic item infused with astral magic that can be used for divination (only fortune-tellers can play its role). 】

[Attributes: 200 health, 1000 mana]

[Ability effects: future vision, magic spell, concentration, clarity, guidance from the stars…]

[Price: 625 Blue Essence]

In the game, this piece of equipment is a salary piece.

But in the real world, it is obviously impossible to have magic items that can conjure money out of thin air.

When Li Lin saw that this piece of equipment was an artifact and that it could only work in the hands of a mage, he had no intention of wasting any more time checking its skills.

This is not someone lying to you, Bensuo, it’s just that you don’t know how to use it…

Li Lin’s mood could no longer be described as joy.

625 blue essences, 125 more expensive than the previously sold “sacrificial spirit”!

If sold to a store, your blue essence can soar to 1125!

Li Lin was silent for a while, then looked up at Ben Suo, “How about… selling this item to me?”

Thanks to the WFTE boss for the tip! !

ps: The first order is 950 yuan, and the reward from 12 noon on the 25th to now is 125 yuan. I don’t have enough motivation to code (°ー°〃)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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