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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 97 Zindaro’s Miniature Rune Land


Li Lin was stunned for a moment.

Ever since he traveled through time and joined the Gila Mann family, he really hasn’t had a few days to rest.

On weekdays, I am either working on new technologies or encountering various situations.

Li Lin had heard Caitlin say before that she was only 17 years old, but that was already before the Chinese New Year.

Now it’s summer for the second year, and a few more months have passed.

Moreover, the Gila Mann family seemed to be preparing for something big recently, but I didn’t pay much attention to it…

Li Lin quickly took off his work clothes and stood up, “Sorry, I was negligent.”

Caitlin didn’t pay too much attention to this, “It’s okay, I probably didn’t tell you my birthday.”

Then, she smiled playfully, put her hands behind her back, leaned her upper body forward slightly, and put her little face close to Li Lin.

“But… give yourself a day off today, stop tinkering with those parts, and go out for a walk with me, okay?”

Li Lin kicked the chair behind him to the side, then straightened his clothes a little, and behaved like a noble gentleman in Pi City, with a faint smile on his face.

“Your wishes, Miss Gila Mann.”

Caitlin was so amused by his behavior that she covered her mouth and laughed, “Okay, go take a shower and change clothes. You don’t want to go out like this, do you?”

At Caitlin’s request, Li Lin took a quick shower, put on his daily clothes, and put the two purses filled with gold sea and silver wheels into his shoulder bag.

Afterwards, he rushed to the gate of the courtyard, where a young and beautiful purple-haired girl had been waiting for him for a long time.

On top of Caitlin’s white shirt, she wears a waist-length double-breasted button-down jacket in a deep purple color. She wears a brown-red knee-length skirt, which runs down her long, fat-free calves, and she wears a white lace short skirt. The little feet in socks are stepping on a pair of black sneakers.

She had a delicate and compact satchel on her shoulder, a sunhat with the same color as her hair on her head, and a mechanical watch specially made for her by Li Lin on her left wrist.

Seeing Li Lin coming out, Caitlin immediately looked happy and waved to him, “This way!”

Li Lin walked quickly to her side, and the two of them walked outside.

He was about to ask about his plans for this afternoon when he heard Caitlin ask: “Since you came to our house, have you not gone out much?”


When she asked this, Li Lin suddenly realized that this was really the case.

Not only that, a considerable part of his impression of Pi City comes from memory. He himself has rarely been to a few places after traveling…

“I know you like doing research as much as Jess, but it’s not a good thing to be bored at home every day. You need to get out and do some activities.”

Caitlin glanced at him helplessly, “In the past few days, you haven’t exercised or gone hunting with me anymore. Have you almost forgotten your marksmanship and fighting skills?”

“I haven’t missed any of this. Haven’t you noticed that I’ve been gaining muscle and getting stronger lately?”

As he spoke, Li Lin bulged his arms, and his bulging biceps pushed up the clothes that were not casual and loose-fitting.

Caitlin raised her pretty eyebrows, stretched out her hand and pinched his arm, “Oh, it’s hard, it’s pretty good.”

“That’s right, I will take a certain amount of time to exercise on weekdays.”

After all, with the blessing of the system panel, once the two skills [Firearm Mastery] and [Basic Combat] are learned, they will not be forgotten even if there is no daily training.

It’s just that there will be no progress.

Although these learned skills can also be upgraded with skill points, Li Lin feels that this is a waste when the skill points are very limited.

While chatting and laughing, they entered the winding Avenue of 100 Wines from Greville Street, and the strong fragrance of wine penetrated their nostrils.

This street is home to some families in Piltover who specialize in brewing various fine wines. Some of the wines are retailed, but most of them are exported to all over the world.

Leaving this street, they went up and entered Stellar Street, which led directly to Piltover’s treasury.

There is often a rumor in other countries outside the city-state: the floor tiles of the Avenue of Stars are made of gold.

But in fact it was just an exaggerated metaphor.

At the same time, the Zodiac basement, known as the safest bank in the twin cities and where Li Lin’s assets are stored, is also on this street.

Leaving Stellar Avenue, Li Lin and Caitlin arrived side by side at their first destination – Agnostic Square.

At this time, many well-dressed citizens gathered in the square. They all came here because they had recently heard that a great new invention would be promoted today.

Caitlin was very interested in strange things, so she also invited Li Lin to join in the fun.

As the only daughter of the Gila Mann family, a parliamentary family, most of the citizens in the northern city of Piltover knew her.

Everyone is more familiar with Li Lin, and the most well-known ones are his bicycles and mechanical watches.

In recent months, his photo has appeared on the front page of the Piltover Daily News.

This handsome, beautiful, and very elegant male and female team immediately became the focus of everyone’s talk as soon as they appeared in the Agnostic Square.

More voices are gossiping about their relationship…

Passing by these people, some discussions will inevitably fall into their ears.

Li Lin didn’t care about this.

But he didn’t expect that Caitlin would ignore these scandal rumors. Her blue eyes stared straight ahead, and her delicate cheeks were slightly flushed against the setting sun.

Fortunately, the citizens living in the northern urban area have basically received good etiquette education, and no one came forward to disturb them.

Passing through the slightly crowded crowd, they finally arrived at the center of the square.

Here stands a huge model of a planet made entirely of steel and bronze.

It is about five or six meters tall, mainly dark blue, and rotates slowly under the power of a gear base on the ground.

The bronze grid decoration is symmetrically distributed on the entire sphere, and the flashing blue light of the Hex Energy Crystal comes from the zipper-shaped opening in the center.

There is also a diamond-shaped frame erected on the top of the sphere, which is exactly opposite to the clockwise rotation of the sphere.

Li Lin had heard about the craftsman who invented this item. She was a professor at Piltover University named Valentina Zindero, who was born in Zaun.

This planet is her life’s work and is called “Miniature Rune Land”.

Li Lin heard Heimerdinger praise this mechanical planet before.

Zindero once told him the principles of this huge precision instrument.

If it were completed completely, it would make it impossible for anyone in the world to escape.

To put it simply, Miniature Runeterra is just like an artificial satellite on the earth, except that it does not need to be launched into space, and it uses magic principles.

Caitlin stood in front of the instrument, looking up at the slowly rotating large sphere, and couldn’t help but sigh: “I didn’t expect that our world is actually round.”

Piltover, or Runeterra as a whole, did not have a great navigator like Magellan.

Therefore, except for a few astronomers, most people, like the ancient people on Earth, believe that the world is round and square, and do not consider the sphere at all.

Caitlin received the same education as a child, but she was not pedantic and stubborn and had a strong ability to accept it.

In recent years, after Piltover University announced that Runeterra was actually a sphere and presented various evidences, she quickly accepted it.

“Yeah, who would have thought of that.” Li Lin responded to Caitlin while looking up at the planet, sighing inwardly.

Because on his system panel, this miniature Rune Land, which is only a semi-finished product, already has an artifact level.

If it is completed smoothly, it seems that it will not be a problem to reach the epic level…

This is the first time Li Lin has seen such a high-quality item, and it is also a man-made Hex technology device.

Just as they were looking up at this invention, a middle-aged woman’s voice attracted their attention:

“Oh! The gears are turning in the right direction, are you Miss Gila Mann and Mr. Li Lin?!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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