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Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world — Chapter 30 The past of Master Taichu

What was originally an eye-catching battle between seeded players ended in a very dramatic way.

At this time, everyone in the spectator seats was talking a lot, but they could not calm down for a long time.

On the other hand, Zhang Taichu, after reminiscing with Liu Kunsheng, lazily closed his eyes and cultivated his spiritual thoughts.

time flies.

The next few competitions were ordinary and did not attract much attention or discussion.

Until at some point, noisy sounds gradually started to sound again.

“Damn it, this Zhang Chulan, is it possible that today’s battle has allowed him to fish in troubled waters again?”

“Shan Shitong, the Green Talisman God, is a popular figure in this Luotian Festival. He even said that he will compete all the way to the end. How could he give up for no reason?”

“His grandma’s, it must be Zhang Chulan, that bastard, who has pulled some tricks behind the scenes!”

“I strongly urge the referee team to uphold justice!”

“Zhang Chulan, you bastard! A thief!”

“Don’t shake Bilian!”

Suddenly, the spectator seats were once again filled with people, and they were all angrily shouting at Zhang Chulan.

The reason is also very simple. Because the opponent advanced in yesterday’s preliminary round by virtue of his sixth-grade behavior and was despised by everyone. In today’s second match, it was because the opponent failed to come to the arena and had to get through again. Field competition.

As a result, everyone in the audience denounced this “Unshakable Bilian” who was not promoted based on his strength.

In the spectator stands, Zhang Lingyu looked at Zhang Chulan, who was standing alone in the field, waiting for the referee to declare victory, with mixed emotions in her eyes.

A few days ago, he actually did not like to see the grandson of Uncle Huaiyi.

The other party has mastered the thunder method, and it is the “Five Yang Thunder” that he once regarded as the orthodox thunder method. However, as a direct disciple of the Heavenly Master, he can only practice the Yin Thunder Water Zang.

Every time he thought of this, he couldn’t face himself, and even vented his negative emotions on Zhang Chulan.

But later, after some enlightenment from his master and several enlightenments, his obsession with this matter has dissipated a lot.

No longer angry at the other party, but began to face oneself.

At this moment, a scattered voice sounded beside Zhang Lingyu.

“Disciple, you have to remember that next time you face this Chu Lan, don’t hold anything back and deal with him severely for your master.”

Zhang Lingyu’s mind was shaken, and she turned around and found that it was indeed her master who was speaking.

Zhang Taichu had already opened his eyes at this time, and was looking at Zhang Chulan in the audience, and hummed: “The grandson of this big-eared thief really looks more and more like his grandfather, and I can’t help but want to slap him myself.” he.”

Hearing this, Zhang Lingyu looked strange, but still said respectfully: “Lingyu understands and will definitely not hold back.”

“Yeah.” Zhang Taichu nodded.

At the same time, in the martial arts arena.

Zhang Chulan, who was wearing work clothes that worked everywhere, looked at Shan Shitong, who was not present as expected, then put his hands in his pockets and waited for the referee to announce the result, recalling the scene last night in his mind.

Just last night, Sister Baoer copied a shovel from somewhere and tied Shan Shitong to the back mountain, and was about to bury him on the spot.

Fortunately, he arrived in time and took the opportunity to deal with Shan Shitong in private one-on-one, convincing the other party to give up the game.

This is what happened at this moment.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Zhang Chulan’s face was calm. He didn’t care about the scoldings from the people around him. Everything was going according to his expectations.

But in his mind, he couldn’t help but recall the words that Master Taichu, the master who refused to recognize him, had spoken to him in the evening yesterday.

Those words were so vivid in his ears that he couldn’t sleep all night, tossing and turning, feeling complicated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan couldn’t help but raise his head and look for someone in the audience seats.

When he saw Zhang Taichu’s appearance clearly and the slightly cold eyes looking at him, the corner of his mouth trembled and he immediately looked away, not daring to look directly.

The originally upright figure unconsciously bent a little, looking a little lonely.

“Zhang Chulan versus Shan Shitong, Shan Shitong is absent, Zhang Chulan wins!”

The Taoist priest in charge of presiding over the competition announced the results and looked at Zhang Chulan with a slightly unkind look.

But Zhang Chulan had already lowered his head, turned around, and left the place silently amidst the scoldings.

Time passes.

Finally it was Zhang Lingyu’s turn to compete. His opponent was the Hidden Dragon of the Lu family. He was a short and fat otaku who was not good at frontal combat, so the ending was naturally not suspenseful.

But Zhang Lingyu finally plucked up the courage and used his Yin Wu Lei for the first time in the competition.

That gloomy and bone-corroding thunder, which was about to rise up like mercury pouring down the ground, easily defeated the opponent, causing the entire stadium to scream in shock.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Taichu raised the corners of his mouth and showed a happy smile.

He could feel that the Yin Wu Lei used by Zhang Lingyu this time was obviously much more powerful than the previous demonstration, showing some real power.

It seems that his disciple finally let go of some of the heavy psychological pressure.


Sunset and moonrise.

Another day passed.

At the end of the day of the Luotian Dajiao, some people were happy and some felt lonely.

Longhu Back Mountain is an open area in the dense forest.

There were piles of bonfires lit here, and many strangers gathered in twos and threes.

They are all contestants participating in the Luotian Dajiao this time. On the night of the full moon, they held a bonfire party here, watched the moon, drank wine, and communicated with each other. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Around a bonfire near the corner, a group of young men and women gathered and were discussing something heatedly.

There was the younger generation of the Lu family, Lu Linglong, who knew everything about them, and Zhang Lingyu was also present.

“Master Lingyu, just tell me. What other past experiences does your master have? I’m going to die of curiosity.”

Lu Linglong said pitifully, holding the corners of Zhang Lingyu’s clothes with both hands and refusing to let go no matter what.

Beside her, the younger generation of the Lu family also sat in a circle, their ears stretched out, and their eyes full of gossip.

Zhang Lingyu had a strange look on his face, shook his head and said softly: “I actually don’t know much about Master. I have also told you about what he said today and what happened with the great demon Liu Kunsheng.”

Hearing what Zhang Lingyu said, Lu Linglong still refused to give up, and sighed: “I asked my great-grandfather, but he refused to say more, and you also refused to say more. I don’t care, you are all hiding it from me.”

“Please, Master Lingyu, you are the disciple of Master Taichu, just tell me.”

Lu Lingling said, looking at Zhang Lingyu’s big eyes and blinking, very pitifully.


Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling under one person and becoming Zhang Zhiwei's junior brother, Zhang Taichu awakened the Immortal Path System of All Powers at the beginning. As long as he recruits disciples, he can feedback his cultivation level.
However, due to his violent personality, Zhang Taichu had no intention of accepting a disciple. He cultivated to the status of an immortal just by relying on his talent. After learning that Zhang Huaiyi was forced to defect and Tian Jinzhong was deposed, he went down the mountain in anger.
Zhang Taichu: "Why should I care about what the world thinks when I have invincible strength? I just want to avenge Lao Tian! Why should the big-eared thief return to Longhu Mountain so that Master can protect him? Wherever the Heavenly Master is, this is the place. It’s Longhu Mountain!”
As a result, Zhang Taichu directly killed the alien world with one man and one sword. He even challenged the aliens from all over the world in Guanshan Canyon, personally killed all the major families, and ended the Jiashen Rebellion!
It wasn't until the Luotian Great Jiao was held and strangers from all over the world gathered at Longhu Mountain that senior brother Zhang Zhiwei realized that this brother, the God of Killing, had never changed his personality for more than seventy years!
New book "Eight Billion Mad Dogs Rush Out of the Earth" has been released


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