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Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world — Chapter 75 Quan Xing: How about we withdraw first?

Hearing Lu Jin’s inquiry, Zhang Taichu thought for a moment and said, “It doesn’t matter whether you accept this Tongtian Lu or not. If Lingyu wants it, let him learn it.”

The Eight Wonders sought after by the world were nothing more than that in his eyes, but he would not make a decision for Zhang Lingyu, so he did not refuse directly.

And he also understood what Lu Jin was thinking. The Eight Magic Techniques were a method of causing chaos. Only in the hands of a force as huge as Longhu Mountain could some Xiao Xiaoxiao be intimidated.

Seeing that Zhang Taichu didn’t agree directly, Lu Jin didn’t say anything more.

in the following time.

Everyone had another discussion on the issue of Quan Xing.

It has been roughly decided that if Quan Xing really dares to cause trouble in Longhu Mountain, the main tasks that all parties will be responsible for.


at the same time.

Longhu Back Mountain, among the vast and dense mountains.

The grass and trees are swaying, making a rustling sound. If you look closely, you will find that there are figures flying through them.

They didn’t stop until they were more than ten miles away from the Longhu Mountain area, and stopped in a clearing in the forest.

In this extremely secret place, there are nearly a hundred figures in the crowd at this moment.

This group of people are of different shapes and costumes, standing or squatting in random postures.

But they all subconsciously formed a circle, and in the center of the circle were several figures sitting on the stones, including Quan Xing and the Four Mad Men.

“Let me tell you, everyone, you all saw the scene in the martial arts arena earlier.”

“As for Zhang Zhiwei’s junior brother Zhang Taichu, his grandma can’t even be considered a human being. Just one of the lightning bolts that he summoned casually can chop us into pieces.”

“Are we really going to face someone like this?”

A man with a shaved head said with lingering fear, and he still hasn’t calmed down yet.

He is also a man of all natures, and he was summoned for this trip. He heard that he was here to cause trouble on Longhu Mountain and was looking for excitement. He joined in without hesitation and only arrived at the foot of the mountain yesterday.

Unexpectedly, I went up the mountain to take a look today, but I happened to see the scene where Zhang Taichu took action.

As soon as I recalled, in the field at that time, the terrifying sense of oppression brought by Taoist Taichu, and the inhuman power displayed by the opponent’s every move.

At this moment, the short-haired man’s heart was filled with uncontrollable fear!

Hearing the words of the short-haired man, many of the nearly a hundred all-gendered people around had serious expressions on their faces, and they even had a faint intention of retreating.

“On Longhu Mountain, Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Taichu are in charge. If we go up there, can we really cause trouble?”

A strong man with long hair that reached his waist whispered, with timidity in his words: “How about we withdraw first and discuss it later?”

The short-haired man immediately agreed: “Yes, we are here for excitement, not death!”

“Why don’t we think about it more carefully?”

The two sang in harmony, and the beliefs of many of the remaining Quanxing Zhongren were shaken.

Quanxing is a loose organization. Even if they receive orders from above, they don’t pay much attention to them. They do whatever they want.

The strength shown by Zhang Taichu at this moment really shocked them all, and it was difficult for them to think of confronting him.

“Let me tell you, brothers and sisters, what do you think of the younger brother’s proposal?” The short-haired man said, and then looked at the people sitting on the huge rock in the center.

His eyes rested on a woman with a graceful figure and long pink hair shawl. He couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva and said in a deep voice: “If you guys are not happy, don’t blame me for leaving first.”

After the words fell, everyone around them also looked at the figures sitting in the center, who had high status in the world.

This group of madmen looked at those people with a hint of fear.

Quanxing is a loose organization. If you can climb to the top and convince the people below, none of these people are easy to mess with!

But after hearing the short-haired man’s opinion, the few people in the center remained silent and did not answer immediately.

The four crazy people lowered their heads and were immersed in their own thoughts.

There was a boy in a sweatshirt wearing glasses, holding his hands on the rock, raising his head and closing his eyes, blowing in the breeze.

Until an old man wearing an old-fashioned military uniform and a military cap slowly turned his head, revealing a pair of cold triangular eyes.

He looked at the short-haired man and sneered: “I’m afraid, I’m afraid, you just leave. What are you talking about in this crowd of people?”

“I never forced you to come here, just get out of here.”

The sharp and mean sound was like a screwdriver being moved back and forth across the glass.

The face of the short-haired man changed, and the cheek with the scar tattoo immediately turned red. Although there was a hint of embarrassment on his face, he did not dare to rebuke the old man in person.

Like a mouse whose tail was stepped on, he turned around and walked deeper into the forest.

When the long-haired man on the other side saw this, he immediately took steps and followed the short-haired man. However, after walking a dozen steps away, he muttered very quietly: “What are you doing, you little old man?”

The words were spoken softly, just enough to be vaguely heard by everyone.

The thin old man sitting on the boulder had his triangular eyes trembling, and a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, two black shadows suddenly shot out from his arms.

The speed was so fast that everyone present could not catch it, and could only hear a whooshing sound in the air.

Immediately afterwards.

The short-haired man and the long-haired man who left with their backs turned to the crowd suddenly stiffened, and a bloody hole appeared in their back, penetrating from front to back!

Before they even had time to look back, they fell to the ground with a plop and died with their eyes open!

Until then, the black shadow that penetrated their bodies stopped in mid-air. They turned out to be two round beads, with a faint light exuding on the surface and not stained with any blood.

The two beads hovered in the air, flew back with two swishes, and fell into the old man’s hands.

“You don’t have any eyesight at all. Who else will die if you don’t die.” The old man sneered and crossed the two beads in his hand.

The fat monk, who was exposing his breasts, also turned his head at this moment, looked at the old man with his kind eyes and said: “I said, Yuan Tao, there is only one person who scolded you, you kill two people.” What.”

The old man who was called his real name said disapprovingly: “These two cowards who can’t carry their weight, if you want to kill them, kill them together.”

The fat monk said gently: “You are destroying unity by doing this.”

Yuan Tao chuckled: “We, as a gang, have some shitty unity to speak of.”

As he spoke, he scanned the people around him with his triangular eyes, “Since you are here, you are naturally not forced to come by me, Yuan Tao.”

“Come if you want, leave if you want, I won’t stop you.”

“Just don’t piss me off. You didn’t die on Longhu Mountain, in the hands of an old man like me.”

In this volume, Taichu Zhenren came down from the mountain and began to wipe out Quanxing. The whole story was explosive, with no peeing spots!


Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Under one person: As one person, I can dominate the world

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling under one person and becoming Zhang Zhiwei's junior brother, Zhang Taichu awakened the Immortal Path System of All Powers at the beginning. As long as he recruits disciples, he can feedback his cultivation level.
However, due to his violent personality, Zhang Taichu had no intention of accepting a disciple. He cultivated to the status of an immortal just by relying on his talent. After learning that Zhang Huaiyi was forced to defect and Tian Jinzhong was deposed, he went down the mountain in anger.
Zhang Taichu: "Why should I care about what the world thinks when I have invincible strength? I just want to avenge Lao Tian! Why should the big-eared thief return to Longhu Mountain so that Master can protect him? Wherever the Heavenly Master is, this is the place. It’s Longhu Mountain!”
As a result, Zhang Taichu directly killed the alien world with one man and one sword. He even challenged the aliens from all over the world in Guanshan Canyon, personally killed all the major families, and ended the Jiashen Rebellion!
It wasn't until the Luotian Great Jiao was held and strangers from all over the world gathered at Longhu Mountain that senior brother Zhang Zhiwei realized that this brother, the God of Killing, had never changed his personality for more than seventy years!
New book "Eight Billion Mad Dogs Rush Out of the Earth" has been released


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