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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 013

“If I go, can’t you hold yourself a little stronger? Well, you’re also a boss, right? ”

Higashino Shinobu was really speechless, originally wanted to scare and scare them, but this one by one looked at the cow high horse five big three thick, but could not hold on for even a second.

“Forget it, spare you.” Higashino waved his hand helplessly and withdrew his fist that was still stained with blood.

The bandit leader was overjoyed, and even claimed that he would not do evil in the future, changed his evil ways, cleaned up and helped people to help the grandmother cross the road, and then beckoned his subordinates to run away.

“Wait, you can go if you want, but I want to ask you something.”

Higashino Shinobu suddenly remembered something, stopped the strong man and said.

“You ask, I’ll say anything.” The bandit leader nodded and bowed.

“You are well-informed, has anything happened in the local area recently?”

“What’s going on? The guy from the pharmacy, Shiraishi, was immediately paralyzed by the wind yesterday, does it count? Yes! Yes! I rethink! ”

The bandit leader said suspiciously, and as soon as the commotion came out, he saw Higashino Shinobu’s fist raised again, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

“Have any strangers been in Izumo recently? How many people, if any? What have been the recent changes in the volume of goods imported and exported from several countries, and if so, which country? What kind of goods? Are there any people who suddenly moved? ……”

Shinobu Higashino asked in detail.

Snakes have snake roads, rats have rat roads, and the punks at the bottom of this mess also have their own unique sources, especially for the change of people and goods in a place.


When Shinobu Higashino returned to the hostel, it was already dark, and he knocked on the door with a code word, and it was Ichiro Yamamoto who opened the door.

“Back, huh? Why do you smell of blood on you?! Yamamoto Ichiro asked with a frown.

“Taught a few robbers who don’t have long eyes, and inquired about intelligence by the way.” Higashino Shinobu pouted and said.

“So that’s it, come in and talk about it.” Yamamoto Ichiro glanced at Shinobu Higashino, what an excellent child, really excellent is too much, three generations of adults to hand him over, it is really a lot of pressure ah.

Higashino Shinobu entered the room, Ogawa was still lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, and Rika was bored fiddling with Ku Wu.

After saying hello, Shinobu Higashino handed the snack to Rika, who was bored, and Rika jumped up happily, and at the same time, Shinobu Higashino began to tell Ichiro Yamamoto the information he had inquired about.

“I asked several gangsters in the town, and according to them, there have been many ninjas of unknown origin in the town recently.”

Higashino Shinobu said no more here, it was not good that this escort caravan would run into them.

“In addition, a mysterious robber force has appeared nearby, robbing several large caravans, which are said to be done by Lang Shinobi, and the recent increase in the throughput of goods in the Land of Wind, and most of them are grain and medicinal materials and the like.”

“Ninjas of unknown origin, Lang Shinobu, maybe they are a gang, the situation is not quite right, the country of wind suddenly hoarded military materials, this is to prepare for war.”

Yamamoto Ichiro’s face is a little ugly, there is a ninja in the mission, this task can be located B-level, if there is a ninja from an enemy country, the danger has risen to A-level.

“Also, Yu Ninja Village didn’t know what happened some time ago, and now the whole country is locked down, it is speculated that Hanzo is engaged in some big moves, it is estimated that there is a political struggle underway, and Kusanagi Village has also been hoarding materials recently.”

Shinobu Higashino added.

Others may not know what medicine is sold in the gourd of Yu Ninja Village, but Higashino Shinobu knows it.

Now it should be that Yahiko has founded the Xiao Organization and has grown and has begun to threaten the rule of Hanzo, who is unable to bear the challenge to his rule and is attacking the Xiao Organization.

“The Land of Winds moves frequently? The Land of Grass hoards supplies to make a fortune? Civil unrest in Yu Shinobu Village? It’s been an eventful time. ”

Yamamoto Ichiro rubbed his temples and said

“It seems that the plan has changed, don’t act without permission in the future, it’s too dangerous.”

“Well, I see.” Shinobu Higashino nodded.

…… The night passed peacefully.

Early the next morning

“Get up quickly! Ogawa! What time is it! Rika yelled at the waist and dragged Ogawa out of the bed.

“Well, let me sleep a little longer, don’t you think you can’t help but get up?” Xiao Chuan turned over and said in confusion.

“Xiao Shinobu got up a long time ago, he was just cultivating! Look at the ceiling! ”

“Hmm? Practice? Xiao barely opened his eyes, on the ceiling, Higashino couldn’t help but sit on the ceiling at some point, looking at Xiao Chuan, who was still confused, and lightly threw down a sentence – ‘Lazy bug!’

“Boom!” Ogawa sat up in annoyance, only to find that Yamamoto Ichiro was no longer in the room.

“Where is Yamamoto-sensei?” Ogawa asked as he dressed again.

“The plan has changed, the supply mission is canceled, and the escort mission is carried out directly, Yamamoto-sensei will be back in a while, so hurry up and prepare.” Shinobu Higashino explained

It didn’t take long for Ichiro Yamamoto to return with breakfast.

“Hurry up and finish eating, get ready for battle, and the caravan will set off in a while.”

Yamamoto Ichiro’s face was a little unpleasant, it seemed that the change in the situation had disrupted all the arrangements, and now they had to escort the early departure caravan to the town of Wind and Sand that crossed the country of the river to the country of wind, and it would not be peaceful along the way.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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