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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 015

“Not good! Spread out quickly” The captain was shocked, and quickly moved away, and at the same time, after taking a deep breath, he spat fiercely towards Yamamoto Ichiro.

“Wind Escape Big Breakthrough!”

The large area of dust and mist stirred up by the earth dun ninjutsu was blown away by the wind in an instant, and the situation immediately became clear.

I saw all the workers hiding under the car, and in the clearing not far in front of the forest, Shinobu Higashino was pulling the short sword out of the ninja’s eye socket, and the one who died could no longer die.

The sand ninjas were preparing to take advantage of the chaos to kill after the wind killing formation as planned, but Lika did not make a noise after sensing an ambush at first, but secretly notified the team.

So Yamamoto Ichiro decided to put the plan into action and secretly sneaked into the enemy’s gathering to unleash the combined ninjutsu.

Unfortunately, because of the distance and time, he only had time to kill three people and was entangled by Shinobu’s upper Shinobi.

The problem now is that even if Yamamoto Ichiro kills three people and Higashino Shinobu kills one, there are still eleven enemies now, and there is also one upper Shinobu!

And on Konoha’s side, there is only one entangled upper ninja, the other three Rika is a medical ninja, the combat effectiveness is not strong, where is Ogawa, it’s good to fight a lower ninja, once that upper ninja is close to the caravanserai, then everyone here will die!

The situation seems to have reached a desperate situation, and Shinobu is already clearing all the ninjas who have entered the country, waiting for the severe test of Yamamoto’s team’s mahjong room!

“Higashino Ryu Secret Technique, Wind and Thunder Parallel!”

In the face of the desperate situation, Higashino Shinobu’s face was slightly gloomy, and he shouted in his heart that he was unlucky, he encountered this kind of big scene on the first mission out of the village, it was really unfavorable for the years, could it be that he went out without looking at the yellow calendar?

Sitting still is not Shinobu Higashino’s style, and things have not yet reached the point of exhaustion.

After all, if Higashino Shinobu grasps the only opportunity and takes advantage of the other party’s upper Shinobi, he can still use the wind and thunder to kill a superior Shinobi who does not know the truth.

So Higashino Shinobu decisively threw out the special smoke bomb in his hand, and at the same time used the Shadow Doppelganger Technique to drag the enemy, and then opened the three-headed six-armed technique at the fastest speed.

“Quick! Come on! ”

Faced with the threat of death, Higashino Shinobu completed this ninjutsu at a super level, and the other party Shinobu had already approached the caravan, and did not pay attention to the ordinary workers shivering under the car, but directly rushed to Higashino Shinobu, the youngest ninja.

After all, graduating to become a ninja at such a young age must be a genius, and for an enemy country, it is more cost-effective to strangle one genius than to kill ten ordinary ninjas.

Bang! Thick smoke spread, blocking Shinobu Higashino’s figure.

“Don’t think about running!”

“Great Breakthrough”

In the distance, Shinobu quickly froze, and with a ninjutsu, the smoke was instantly dispersed, and to his surprise, Higashino Shinobu did not turn around and escape, but rushed towards him under a part of the special smoke screen.

“Very courageous little ghost! But, die! …… What is that? ”

Shinobu gave a word of praise, and then saw four arms and two heads growing behind Shinobu Higashino.

At this time, the distance between the two was already close to twenty meters, Higashino Shinobu threw a kunai bound with an explosive charm, making a dying needle prick look, Shinobu sneered, and also threw a shuriken to hit Kuno.

“Let me send you to die, the genius who kills the enemy, what a wonderful feeling! Miscellaneous…… What the! ”

Shayin Shangnin, who was sneering, suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, looking at the expressionless face of the child on the opposite side, a great discomfort suddenly arose in his heart, and before he could think carefully, he saw a flash of thunder on the opposite side of Higashino Shinobu, followed by a cold throat.

“Huh? This person is so familiar, it seems to be myself, what about my head…? Then it fell into a long darkness.

“What? This teenager! Shinobu Sain, who was entangled with Ichiro Yamamoto, saw his teammate killed by a Konoha Shinobu with one move, and immediately fell into a great anger.

Now Yamamoto Ichiro is pestering him, Kami-Shinobu sees the situation change abruptly, his side only has seven Chakra consumption of more than half of the Shinobi, and two intact ninjas are being entangled by the two ninjas of Konoha, and now he is also entangled by the other Shangnin, and now…

“Not good, you dare!”

“Why wouldn’t I dare?”

Yamamoto Ichiro laughed, seeing Higashino Shinobu counterattack and killed the other party Kami-Shinobu, while his heart was shocked, but his face was laughing, and in the opponent’s dazzling expression, a shadow doppelganger was separated, and rushed to the seven Shinobi who had just been greatly reduced by Chakra because of the release of combined attack ninjutsu.

The situation of the battle has become clear at this point, and the best outcome for the side of Sand Yin now is for Captain Shangnin to escape wounded.

And whether you can escape or not depends on luck.

Another time Higashino Shinobu who finally eased up observed the situation, although Rika is a medical ninja, but she is a middle ninja, there is no problem in suppressing a lower ninja, and she can also help Ogawa from time to time.

Ogawa don’t look at the usual whistle, although he can’t compare with Higashino Shinobu, he is also a senior Shinobi, and it is not a problem to kill his opponent with the help of Rika.

So Higashino Shinobu continued to forcibly refine Chakra, maintaining the form of three heads and six arms, and rushed towards Yamamoto Ichiro’s upper ninja battlefield.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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