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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 018

“Uh, Yamamoto-sensei, can I not participate in training?” Higashino Shinobu thought for a moment and asked.

“Why?” Ichiro Yamamoto was a little surprised.

“For my current body, there is no possibility of rapid improvement in training, I want to spend more time on ninjutsu, I still have a few ninjutsu to perfect, which can greatly increase my combat effectiveness!”

Shinobu Higashino explained.

Yamamoto Ichiro looked down and thought about it, Higashino Shinobu’s words made sense, after all, geniuses are privileged, so he nodded and said: “I can agree to this request, the foundation of ninja you is indeed very solid, then…” Have you tested the Chakra property? ”

“Tested, I don’t have attributes!” Higashino Shinobu shook his head.

He is also very hungry for the change in the nature of the innate Chakra, but this innate Chakra attribute can only be passed on to his offspring if he cultivates the nature change of a certain attribute to an extremely advanced level.

And Higashino Shinobu ancestors counted up seven or eight generations are ordinary people, even if there are ninjas, there is not even a middle Shinobi, the whole tragedy with a capital letter, just like Xiao Li in the original, he is also not born with Chakra attributes.

Therefore, Higashino Shinobu can only grasp the change in the nature of Chakra that he wants through acquired practice. In general, Shangnin will have more than two types of Chakra nature changes. This is the result of acquired practice.

It takes a lot of effort to practice the five elements of ninjutsu corresponding to the attribute, as Kakashi said, people with average talent cannot achieve climate without ten years of effort, and even geniuses need two or three years, which shows its difficulty.

I have to say that the world of Hokage is a world of fighting, you have worked hard for several years to practice, it is not as good as people to have a good father, Higashino Shinobu’s teammate Takeuchi Ogawa spent four and a half years to practice the thunder attribute, and only then did he have the ability to actually fight.

And Uchiha Erzhu inherited the thunder attribute from his father, easily learned Kakashi’s Chidori and mastered the nature change of the thunder attribute, who is this reasonable?

“Then you test it again now, you have now practiced the nature of the thunder attribute and the wind attribute, see if you can leave a trace on this special chakra test strip by looking at the progress of your cultivation. There are tens of thousands of books in the reference room, and for a month, there is always some bias. ”

Inoue smiled as he took out a piece of gray-white square paper from his pocket and handed it to Amber, saying.

“Enter the chakra into the paper, the chakra with different attributes will show different traits on the test paper, wet is the water attribute, folds are the thunder attribute, cracking is the wind attribute, crushing is the earth attribute, burning is the fire attribute, and the sensitivity of the special test paper can reflect the degree of practice of your attributes in a certain situation.”

“And this kind of thing? I’ll give it a try! Higashino nodded when he heard this, clamped the test strip between his two fingers, and slowly entered Chakra.

A minute passed…………

Two minutes passed…………

Three minutes passed…………

Finally, in the eyes of the two, the special chakra test paper in Shinobu Higashino’s hand began to crack from the middle, and wrinkled at the same time.

“Eh! It looks like it’s not very good to put up with your physical talent! Yamamoto Ichiro said unexpectedly.

“I already knew! Although I don’t have a prominent family, with my handsome, intelligent brain, I can also become a strong person! ”

Higashino Rena, however, did not mean to be frustrated, after all, when he entered school, he experienced it once, and everyone who laughed at him at the beginning was beaten by him with excuses.

In Hokage’s office, Yamamoto Ichiro stood nervously, while the third Hokage read the research institute report with a deep face, which was a research and analysis of Higashino Shinobu Chakra.

“Chakra, who was born without attributes, is destined to be a crane tail, not suitable for the existence of a ninja, but has become a genius known to everyone because of his amazing intelligence!”

The third generation of Hokage took a deep breath, and he remembered the equally amazing disciple, the Great Snake Pill. I don’t know what it will be like for these two people to get together, forget it, let it be.

Leaving aside the natural problems, now Shinobu Higashino lives an exceptionally fulfilling day.

The research reference room is full of all kinds of strange research materials, making him eager to eat, sleep and in it, Higashino can’t help but hingrily absorb the knowledge he needs and improve his knowledge base.

Especially the Yin and Yang Escape Technique information in it, it made Higashino Shinobu open his eyes, he vaguely grasped the advancement of the three-headed six-arm technique, the three-headed six-arm technique at this stage is simply disposable, it cannot be attacked, can not receive big interference, even his own use of wind and thunder flash rapid breakthrough can make him break.

If you can use the ninjutsu of Yin Yang to create a real arm, it can not only be used as a tool to help release ninjutsu, but also become a real ninjutsu for combat.

Imagine that the enemy has only two hands and you have six, and it is natural for you to have the upper hand in fighting.

So Shinobu Higashino ran in the research reference room for a whole month, and after the one-month deadline expired, he specially asked Rika to learn medical ninjutsu, and also borrowed the permission of the third generation of Hokage to go to Konoha Hospital to actually operate and learn the structural knowledge of the human body.

Finally, after three months of madness, Shinobu Higashino finally let the three heads and six arms take off the flashy hat.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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