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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 021

After a morning of hurrying, with the speed of ninjas, Yamamoto’s team quickly felt the town near Konoha, rested all morning, Higashino Shinobu and their physical strength consumed by the rapid march in the morning recovered the ninth floor, Yamamoto Ichiro was also secretly pleased to see it.

Later, they meet the employers of the mission, Sanada Aoba and Sanada Aokusa, at a hotel in the town.

The brothers are twins, they look exactly the same, thirty-five or six years old, their faces are as dark as the bottom of a pot, and they are very ugly.

“Ninja-sama, I’ll leave it to you next.” Although he was in a bad mood, his brother Sanada Aoba was still very polite.

Younger brother Sanada Qingcao was a little irritable: “If we are in danger halfway, the reward will be discounted!” ”

The brothers brought the caravan to the Land of Fire to do business, but as a result, they lost their blood and fortune.

Even the royal family members of Taki no Kuni, the money did not fall from the sky, this situation is also nerve-wracking, if it were not for the fact that the current border is not safe due to the stabbing of the country of wind, they would not even want to pay 100,000 taels of money to hire ninjas.

Yamamoto Ichiro said, “Don’t worry, my subordinates are veteran ninjas who have fought hard and killed powerful enemies, and we will protect your safety and escort you all the way to the territory of Taki no Kuni.” ”

“What? Forget about the other two older ones, this little devil will also go with us? Are you kidding! ”

Sanada Aokusa, who had a violent temper, was not happy and immediately questioned.

“If you encounter danger along the way, will you save us first or him first?”

Sanada Aoba also showed dissatisfaction.

“Don’t worry, Shinobu Higashino is also a ninja, he…” Yamamoto Ichiro was about to explain when Shinobu Higashino suddenly interrupted him.

He cleared his throat and said calmly: “Don’t look at the old man is young, in fact, the old man is fifty this year!” ”

“Nani?” Sanada Aoba and Sanada Aomo looked at Higashino Shinobu who looked only eight or nine years old in disbelief.

Even Yamamoto Ichiro and Rika were confused, and even Ogawa, who had just walked in through the door, froze when he heard Higashino Shinobu’s words, but they quickly reacted and coughed dryly.

“Yes, Shinobi-kun… He…… The cultivation of ninjutsu is a little peculiar, and it looks a little small… So…… Well…… That’s it…”

“Is this true? It looks like a ghost. ”

Sanada Aoba and Sanada Aomosa, in surprise, surrounded Higashino Shinobu and secretly observed: “Boom! Is it immortal ninjutsu? ”

The brothers were amazed around the sealing fire.

“Hmph! You two imps, look at what! Higashino endured the old breath and commanded, “Don’t hurry up and pack up your things and hit the road!” ”

“Yes, yes, we’ll clean up right away!” Sanada Aoba and Sanada Aokusa nodded hurriedly, this is a big man, but he can’t be offended.

The two brothers saw that they were leading the goods backwards, and Higashino Shinobu said three or two cruel words, and immediately trained them to move obediently.

Yamamoto Ichiro nodded at Higashino Shinobu with a smile, and Rika and Ogawa secretly gave a thumbs up.

The brothers hired a carriage, quite shabby, brought some clothes, as a royal son and not even a few guards, it seems that they really have no money, say bankruptcy is bankruptcy, without blinking!

For this kind of rich person, Shinobu Higashino likes it! His biggest hobby is turning other people’s money into his own!

“Driving !!”

The Sanada brothers all sat in the carriage, and a tall, thin guard sat in front of the carriage to drive the horse, and as the guard whipped the old horse’s butt, the carriage began to start slowly.

Yamamoto Ichiro and Ogawa followed the carriage vigilantly, Rika sat on the top of the carriage, ready to use the perception enchantment at any time, Higashino Shinobu disguised as an ordinary child and sat next to the handlebar in front of the carriage, and the four vigilantly observed the surrounding situation from time to time.

The town they were in was the closest town to Konoha Village, not close to Taki no Kuni, and with the speed of the carriage, coupled with the current heavy snow, I am afraid it would take two months to arrive.

If you waste all your time on the road, you can’t!

In fact, this kind of long-term task is also a rare opportunity for ninjas to practice, outside the village there is no such rules as in the village, in the village even a powerful ninjutsu can not be practiced at will, in the outside is different, of course, only the task of determining that there will be no strong enemy can practice without scruples.

After those three months of special training, both Rika and Ogawa have almost begun to have their own fighting style and team positioning.

To put it simply, not counting the captain Yamamoto Ichiro, Rika is a scout plus a nanny, Ogawa is a control plus auxiliary, Higashino Shinobu is a core output plus a critical assassin, and if the three Shinobi cooperate properly, it is not impossible to kill a Kami-Shinobi.

Watching the team members start their own exercises, Rika closed her eyes and meditated, Ogawa walked without forgetting to practice knotting, Higashino Shinobu wrote and drew in his notebook, not still meditating, next to him, Uemoto Ichiro smiled gratifyingly when he saw it.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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