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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 051

The setting sun stained half of the sky red, and the sun hung in the sky, releasing the last residual light.

The desert at night is not as hot and unbearable as during the day.

Night is approaching, and at night, the only Higashino team to arrive here will explore the Frontline Gap under the heavy siege of Shinobu and find Shinobu’s supply line.

As the name suggests, a huge mountain range suddenly rises in the vast desert, desolate and majestic, straddling this unrelated desert.

On the cliff that was thousands of miles long, there was a crack that ran through the entire mountain range, as if the gods had split a miraculous blade and cut off this dragon.

And this rift is a line of gorges, if you want to reach Sand Ninja Village from the Land of Fire, there is only this way, otherwise you will have to cross tens of thousands of miles of death desert.

Behind the mountain is a huge oasis, where the Sand Ninja Village is located.

With this unique terrain, Sand Shinobi Village has never been approached by foreign enemies.

“Can we go around?” Higashino Shinobu asked, at this time they had already entered the first line of the gorge.

And the importance of the first line of the gorge to the sand ninja is self-evident, and less than five hundred meters out of the Higashino Shinobu team, they encountered three patrol teams.

Fortunately, there was a Hyuga ninja in the squad, and he was barely discovered, but now a camp appeared in front of the mountain ahead, and ninjas came and went from time to time, and it was estimated that there were more than twenty ninjas.

Hinata opened his eyes and scanned them carefully, shook his head, and said, “No, this is already close to the first line of the gorge, and there are patrolling Shinobu everywhere.” Bypassing this camp, we will have to take an extra 300 miles of desert route, and it will be too late! ”

“So what to do, do you want to kill them?” Hoshinohara complained.

“Wait, we can use the earth to escape from the underground!” Higashino Shinobu suddenly said: “Fortunately, I learned the infiltration-type Tudun ninjutsu of Tudun Dive Navigation before I set off again, otherwise I would have to go home!” ”

The team detoured behind a towering sand dune, taking advantage of the fact that there was no patrol coming now, the three of them gathered around and connected Chakra together, and as Higashino Shinobu slowly froze, the sand under his feet seemed to turn into water, and the three only felt that their feet were loose and sank.

“Our Chakra is limited, Ah Hui, quick directions, Hara, we work together!”

The three of them cooperated tacitly, and soon sank to a depth of seventy or eighty meters, and then quickly sneaked away in the direction pointed out by Xianghui.

At this time, the sand ninja camp above his head was still brightly lit, but he didn’t know that there were Konoha ninjas passing under his feet!

Although the ninjutsu of diving in the soil is convenient, it is not small, not to mention that if you dive underground, you will lose your vision, and you need to use ninjutsu such as the art of reflecting fish in the soil to gain vision.

Therefore, even in the Iwa Ninja Village, which is proficient in earth escape, using this ninjutsu requires the cooperation of a three-person squad to successfully perform.

If the ninjutsu underneath is cracked, it is basically dead and alive! What’s more, the three of them are now seventy or eighty meters underground, and the consequences of making a mistake are unimaginable, so every bit of Chakra must be carefully calculated.

Fortunately, Higashino Shinobu is based on superhuman Chakra control ability, and with the support of Chakra provided by Hoshinohara, the team returned to the ground before Chakra was exhausted, and after Hinata’s reconnaissance, it was determined that the three had bypassed this dangerous camp.

After passing this camp, Shinobu’s patrol team became fewer, and it seems that most of the patrol members were sent to guard outside the canyon.

“Less than five hundred meters ahead, the reconnaissance team of Shayin Village was discovered.” Hinata returned from the front with a few jumps, said a little tiredly, and at the same time lifted the state of rolling his eyes.

“Fortunately, Ah Hui!” Hiding in the irregular cave inside the mountain that had been pulled out of the earth, Higashino Shinobu showed his head and said to Hinata in admiration.

“We’ve already passed the most dangerous location, and Shinobu would never have imagined that a Konoha ninja would sneak into the Frontline Gap at this time!”

Higashino Shinobu’s eyes swept over everyone’s tired faces one by one, and a smile hung at the corner of his mouth.

After a whole day of rushing, coupled with the thrilling sneaking in, and tight nerves, the three of them were choked enough. Exhaustion is inevitable.

“Senior Dark Department has left intelligence here!” The cave was not built by Shinobu Higashino, but was guided by a code word from the dark part, and after eliminating the danger, the three hid in and took a break.

Shinobu Higashino stood on a stone wall that looked like nothing and made a dozen imprints without any regularity, and then he saw a scroll fall out of the stone wall.

“The intelligence states that on the third day of the war, that is, tomorrow, there will be a heavy team passing through the first line gorge, if we can’t get here in two more days, then we will miss this opportunity, fortunately, we managed to catch up!” Higashino Shinobu looked at the scroll and said to his teammates.

“That’s not it! We ran for a day and two nights! Although Hoshinohara was tired, he still said with a smelly fart.

“We can have a good rest tonight, and then it won’t be so simple!”

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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