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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 058

After returning to his camp, Higashino Shinobu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just standing next to the big snake pill, you can feel the pressure of suffocation, not to mention trying to fool the big snake pill.

Higashino Shinobu believed that with the heart of Orochimaru, he would never trust himself as much as before.

So Shinobu Higashino needs to do something enough to protect himself in order to save the situation.

The end of being abandoned by the big snake pill is to be quietly killed by the big snake pill.

Shinobu Higashino must be extremely cautious in every next step, and a carelessness may be doomed.

About the Third Shinobi War.

Higashino Shinobu remembers that in the history of the original book, Konoha should be in the glue of the war with the Sand Shinobu Village, and the third generation of Tokage Yokage Onogi of Iwahide Village suddenly attacked Konoha.

Forcing Konoha to make a dangerous move, he sent the Feng Shui Gate team to blow up the Shenmukun Bridge, so that the Iwa Shinobu troops had to be forced to strike because of the supply line backlash.

After that, Konoha defeated the two great ninja villages and stopped fighting with Iwain Village and Sunahide Village.

In this battle, both Konoha and Sunyin Village consumed a lot of combat power, so that later, when Sunain Village faced Mist Hidden Village and Konoha faced Yunyin Village, they had to choose to compromise, and they were simply unable to start a war again.

And the reason why Shayin Village compromised with Wuyin Village was because it wanted to start a war against Yanyin Village. That is to say, in the history of the original work, there was also a war between Shayin Village and Yanyin Village, because only the supply line was destroyed.

Therefore, Yan Shinobu did not fall into the long-term war vortex, retained considerable strength, and still had spare strength to ambush Yunyin Village and kill three generations of Thunder Shadow.

But now the war has been terminated early because of Shinobu Higashino.

Once that photo is put to good use, basically Konoha will end the war within a month, that is, both Konoha and Sunahide Village retain a considerable part of their combat effectiveness, in fact, if they are a little more ruthless, the Sand Shinobi Village may be slumped from then on.

So how the future war trend will develop, Higashino Shinobu is now unpredictable.

In other words, the trend of the three battles has been changed by Shinobu Higashino, and whether this matter will change the future of the ninja world, Shinobu Higashino does not know for the time being.

But it is undeniable that as Higashino Shinobu moves more and more, Higashino Shinobu will gradually lose the advantage of knowing the future.

Perhaps in some major events, the trend of history will not change, but the specific details are the most important.

However, Higashino Shinobu now has no heart to think about this, walking on the way back to the village, watching the outline of Konoha become clearer and clearer, Higashino Shinobu’s heart gradually became excited.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t grasp the future, as long as you have strong strength and be more cautious, it is enough to face any unexpected situation.

This time, Higashino Shinobu had evidence that the Red Sand Scorpion assassinated the three generations of Kazekage, and made great achievements for Konoha.

Therefore, the village high-level directly recruited Higashino Shinobu back, and at the same time returned to the village were medical ninjas from the medical class, as well as some ordinary ninjas.

The war with Sand Hidden Village has been over, and then Konoha can deal with Iwain Village with all his strength.

Higashino Shinobu guessed that after he returned this time, I am afraid that it would not be long before he was sent to the battlefield of Iwain Village to participate in the battle against Iwain Village.

And this is what Shinobu Higashino is looking forward to.

The battlefield commander of Yanyin Village is Jiraiya, and the Bofeng Shui Gate is also on the front line.

Higashino Shinobu went to the battlefield of Iwain Village, not only could he temporarily get rid of the Great Snake Pill, but he could also take the opportunity to ask the Wave Feng Shui Gate about the change in the Chakra nature of the wind attribute.

For the processing of those photos, the Konoha high-level did not expose the content of the photos, but chose to secretly contact the fourth generation of Wind Shadow Luosa and reached some kind of agreement with Luo Sha.

The assassination of the three generations of Kazekage by Sunahide Village’s own ninja is a big scandal.

If this incident is known to everyone in the entire ninja world, the disgraced Sand Hidden Village will inevitably hate Konoha, and even if it temporarily truces with Konoha, it may start a war against Konoha in the future.

And I’m afraid that the high-level of Konoha has another layer of calculation.

If Luo Sha wants to hit Chiyo’s prestige by assassinating the three generations of Kazekage with the Red Sand Scorpion, he will inevitably disclose this matter in the village, as long as this matter is known by the ninja of Sunahi, it means that all ninjas in the ninja world know.

Then Shinobu will inevitably hate this fourth-generation wind shadow who has lowered the prestige of the village to the ground.

Higashino Shinobu dismissed this ridiculous thought, if he were the ruler of Konoha, he would have distributed the photo to all the ninjas in the Land of Wind in the Great War, so that they could see what the high-level of their allegiance was.

As long as it works well, even the position of the fourth generation wind shadow can be decided by yourself!

Only by completely stepping the enemy into the abyss is the best way to avoid future wars.

Just like even in the third Shinobi World War, Konoha, as the victorious country, did not treat Shinobu very harshly, but with the provocation of Orochimaru, Shinobu decided to launch the Konoha collapse plan.

Therefore, any kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself or one’s own descendants.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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