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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 064

“Naruto-sama!” Higashino looked proudly at the three generations of Hokage, who was still in shock, and woke up the three generations in confusion.

“Ah! Oh! Hearing Higashino Shinobu’s call, the three generations woke up like a dream and relaxed slightly.

To tell the truth, this time the three generations were really shocked into a white hair cold sweat, this move Heavenly Thunder Hammer really gave Ape Fei a big surprise:

If Higashino Shinobu had plotted against him just now, now that he had become cool, he would refer to the piece of bluestone iron that had been cut into hundreds and ten pieces!

“This ninjutsu… It’s enough to become a super S-class ninjutsu! Recovering from his shock, the three generations carefully recalled the ninjutsu and commented.

“In terms of power, there is no opinion that this ninjutsu has become a super S-level ninjutsu!”

Indeed, in the forty or fifty years of ninja career that the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi have seen, the ninjutsu he has seen can be described as the most in the ninja world.

From Uchiha’s Susanoo who is like a god, to the natural fury of the tree realm between the original Hokage Senju pillars, the wooden man’s art of moving mountains, and the strongest Senfa Mudun Shinsenju Tokuhiro in the ninja world.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper has seen it, and even felt it up close, but except for these two gods walking in the human world, he has never felt this way again.

He looked at Shinobu Higashino, a boy who had only turned eleven years old this year, a waste material recognized by Konoha, but with his superhuman wisdom and perseverance, he tame and controlled the divine power of thunder in his hands and became his power.

The third generation substituted himself into the side of Higashino Shinobu’s enemy, and suddenly felt that he had blatantly attacked and interrupted him when Higashino Shinobu was sealed, and if he couldn’t, then immediately struggle all the hole cards and escape in front of him!

Now, the third generation of Hokage looked at Higashino Shinobu’s tired expression due to Chakra’s excessive consumption, and suddenly felt that he was really old.

“Ninja-kun, even if you are an old man, I have only seen it in my life! In my experience, I am ashamed to be unable to give reasonable advice! “The three generations wanted to take advantage of the words, but after thinking about it, they couldn’t say the slightest.

I couldn’t help but blush.

“Nothing!” Higashino Shinobu made a shy expression: “The consumption of my ninjutsu launch time and chakra is too great, and it is not launched at all during the battle, and…”

Higashino said without a trace: “My Chakra has never been a strong point, and as time goes by, I have felt that my Chakra is slowly slowing down!” Naruto-sama, I would like to ask why! ”

At this time, the three generations were in confusion in their hearts, and he almost gave birth to the guts just now.

A malicious thought was born: Take advantage of Higashino Shinobu’s lack of Chakra now, I will kill him on the spot!

And Shinobu Higashino suddenly spoke out about this technique and his own shortcomings, so that the three generations suddenly came to their senses.

“Yes, he is just a civilian child, the natural Chakra is extremely limited, he can no longer have a big growth!”

While comforting himself in this way, he suddenly felt a great regret in his heart, regretting that the young man with such wisdom was a commoner!

“Don’t worry about Chakra’s problem, what you need now is to grow well, and when your body grows, your Chakra will also increase!” The three generations of Hokage said seriously, and whether he had other thoughts in his mind, no one knew.

“By the way, Ninja-kun, do you want to join Konoha’s Book of Seals with this ninjutsu! If you join, you can also choose a ninjutsu on the Book of Seals! Miyo suddenly said to Shinobu Higashino.

“As a Konoha ninja, it is originally an obligation to hand over your ninjutsu!” Shinobu Higashino smiled innocently.

“Hey, hey, go and learn this technique, when you can learn this technique. Labor and management have long developed more advanced ninjutsu, hey, a group of learners who can’t even learn the most primitive version of the three-headed and six-armed technique, and still want to learn this super difficult technique? Hey, hey”

Higashino sneered in his heart.

However, Shinobu Higashino is still quite curious about the Book of Seals.

“What a good boy! Well, you come with me! The three generations of Hokage said with satisfaction.

Then the two jumped out of the third training ground, and after the two left, dozens of black-clad dark parts with masks appeared, and began to clean up the scene and test various data.

Higashino Shinobu naturally did not know the actions of the dark department.

He followed the three generations of Hokage back to a secret room under the Hokage building, and after a very complicated decryption method, the two entered the secret room, and in front of a wall, the three generations once again lifted more than thirty hidden handprints against the wall.

Suddenly, a dark compartment appeared on the originally empty wall.

I saw that the third generation of Hokage took out a huge scroll from the dark compartment, and the third time began the decryption act, and the scroll could only be opened after the seal was lifted.

After the three generations unfolded the huge scroll, it was blank, and Higashino glanced at the three generations in confusion, but found that he was deciphering for the fourth time.

(Shinobu Higashino: “Matryoshka dolls are forbidden!!! “)

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers).


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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