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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 089

The arrival of Bofeng Shuimen brings good news as well as bad news.

The good news is that the war in the Land of Winds is coming to an end.

The bad news is that the Land of Thunder has a new human pillar and has begun to consolidate its forces, increasing its strength and hoarding it to the border.

In order to defend against the attack of Yunnin Village.

Konoha decided to end the battlefield of the Land of Earth as soon as possible and draw up its strength to concentrate on dealing with the Unshin Village of the Land of Thunder.

The three generations of Lei Ying cannot be underestimated.

To tell the truth, now the other four shadows Higashino Shinobu are not afraid of anyone, but they are afraid of the three generations of thunder shadows!!

His defense is too strong, and Higashino Shinobu doubts whether his Heavenly Thunder Hammer can break through the thunder armor of Thunder Shadow!!

If you want to deal with the three generations of Thunder Shadow, Higashino Shinobu still needs more powerful ninjutsu.

Wave Feng Shui Gate also brought Kakashi them.

“Watergate senior! Long time no see! Higashino Shinobu said hello from a distance.

“Shinobi, here you are! I have heard all about your deeds on the front line in the past few days, how awesome! Bo Feng Shuimen said with a smile.

“Little things, little things!” Higashino Shinobu nodded, then looked at Uchiha Obito and asked, “Are any of you injured?” ”

“Hey! Don’t look at me and ask that kind of question! Uchiha Obito felt Higashino Shinobu’s gaze and immediately said in annoyance.

“Idiot!” Kakashi glanced at Uchiha Obito, and Yun said lightly, but it made Uchiha Obito immediately explode.

“Okay, you guys stop making trouble!” Nohara Lin said with some helplessness, these two people seem to be born with wrong eyes, and they are noisy almost as soon as they meet. But reassuringly, Uchiha Obito and Kakashi worked perfectly together in the mission.

Uchiha Obito was indeed not injured, so the injured person should be…

Shinobu Higashino turned his gaze to Kakashi, only to see that Kakashi’s face was slightly pale, his left hand covered his right arm, and there were a little burn marks on his arm.

“You guys come first!” Shinobu Higashino said.

“How did Kakashi get hurt?” Shinobu Higashino sniffed as he walked.

“Kakashi created his own move Thunder Ninjutsu, but it has not yet been completed, and in this mission, Kakashi forcibly used this ninjutsu, so that there was a problem with his right hand. ”

Is it Ratchet? It turns out that at this time, Kakashi has already begun to develop this ninjutsu!

Thinking of this, Higashino Shinobu glanced at Kakashi, but saw that Kakashi was also looking at him, and a trace of fighting intent flashed in his eyes.

For Shinobu Higashino, who once defeated him, Kakashi has never been very convinced, and has always wanted to find an opportunity to fight Shinobu Higashino again and prove that he is the strongest in his class.

However, with the outbreak of the three wars, Kakashi never had a chance to challenge Shinobu Higashino. And Higashino Shinobu’s performance in the war also made Higashino Shinobu famous, and he was recently promoted to Special Shinobu, becoming the youngest Kami-Shinobu since the establishment of Konoha’s village.

Kakashi, who was eager to perform, performed unfinished ninjutsu during this mission, resulting in damage to the meridians of his right arm, and now he is unable to move at all.

“Is it the high concentration of thunder attribute chakra that burns the meridians and cells?” Shinobu Higashino asked.

“Yes!” Nohara Rin nodded when he heard this, and explained: “Kakashi’s right arm was injured by the thunder attribute Chakra, and the meridians were very badly damaged, although emergency treatment was done, but with my medical skills, I can’t deal with such an injury. ”

In the event of Cassie’s injury, Uchiha Obito did not mess around this time.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the medical class first!” Higashino Shinobu lifted his foot and left.


About an hour or so, Higashino Shinobu helped the somewhat weak Kakashi out of the medical class operating room, and Nohara Rin immediately ran over and asked, “Kakashi, how is your injury?” ”

“It’s okay!” Kakashi said calmly.

“Probably nothing happened, but his hand meridians can’t withstand too strong Chakra during this time!” Shinobu Higashino added.

Seeing that Kakashi was no longer in trouble, Uchiha Obito immediately came up and said sneeringly, “Hey! Kakashi, don’t hurry up and thank the wise and mighty Uncle Obito. If Uncle Ben hadn’t saved you, would you still be alive now? ”

“Idiot!” Kakashi pouted, and then said disdainfully to Obito, “Thank you, genius of the Uchiha clan!” ”

Kakashi accentuated the pronunciation of the word ‘genius’, full of mockery.

“Abominable!” Uchiha looked at Kakashi angrily, eager to fight Kakashi immediately.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Higashino couldn’t help but think in his heart that these people in his class really changed a lot when they were children and when they grew up.

The indifferent Kakashi has become a decadent kidney deficiency uncle, the cheerful Uchiha Obito has become a big boss with a gloomy personality, the rebellious Sarutobi Asma has become a bearded mature uncle, the quiet and shy and cute sunset red has become a sexy royal sister, and the tsundere silent has also become an intellectual big sister.

Shinobu Higashino was also a little curious, what would become of himself if he could still live after more than ten years?

Counting from the age in his heart, by the year the original plot began, Shinobu Higashino was already fifty years old. Maybe Higashino Shinobu at that time would be much calmer than now!

“Kakashi, has your Chidori already advanced?” Higashino Shinobu asked curiously.

“Ratchet has been developed long ago!” Kakashi was arrogant.

“Then you also…” Higashino Shinobu glanced at the right arm of Kakashi’s hand, and the meaning was self-evident.

“I developed a series of ninjutsu in Chidori, and Naruto-sama rewarded me for reading the Book of Seals, and I was able to choose a ninjutsu among them,” Kakashi replied calmly, only with a hint of excitement in his tone.

“Then what ninjutsu did you choose?” Shinobu Higashino asked curiously, this is obviously missing from the original book, and under the influence of Shinobu Higashino, Kakashi finished Rachel years ahead of schedule.

“Heavenly Thunder Hammer!” Kakashi said lightly.

“Haha! Kakashi, you actually learned the art of ninja? Obito said mockingly.

“Idiot!” It was Kakashi’s back of the head that responded with Obito.


“In that case, you didn’t practice step by step, but wanted to understand it and integrate it into Ratchet’s ninjutsu system?” Shinobu Higashino concluded.

Although Kakashi didn’t answer in the affirmative, Higashino Shinobu guessed correctly from his expression.

“Kakashi is indeed a genius!” Higashino sighed in his heart.

However, Higashino Shinobu still guessed, to be precise, Kakashi was frightened by the seventy-eight handprints at the first glance of the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, plus the extremely ghostly Chakra running route.


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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