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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 090

Kakashi watched it all night before he came to a conclusion.

“This thing is not learned by humans at all”

Later, after consulting Feng Shuimen, Watergate said that the pressure was great, and the result was that Kakashi was completely impossible to learn.

“I can’t even learn the ninjutsu developed by Shinobu Higashino, what reason do I have to be his opponent!”

Kakashi made up his mind to take apart the Thunder Hammer and analyze it, extracting the principles in it to strengthen his Ratchet.

Kakashi succeeded, and on the way to the battlefield of the Land of Earth, the Wave Feng Shui Gate Class encountered a group of Iwa Shinobi, one of whom performed a tricky Tsuchi Spear Technique. Stacking his defenses to the extreme, Watergate Ichigomaru called him in the face, but he didn’t expect that this guy just slapped his face and got up!!

Ninjas are all high-attack and low-imitation physiques, and suddenly a high-defense opponent appears, and Bofeng Shuimen suddenly has a headache.

So at this time, Kakashi stood up, and an advanced version of the semi-finished Lei Dun directly barreled the opponent with three cuts and six holes, and he was almost killed by the pit.

Or brought soil to save him.

This is the vignette on the road.

Shinobu Higashino was also quite curious when he heard the news.

He said, “You probably can’t use high-level thunder in battle for about three days, but it doesn’t matter if you practice, why don’t we see how your ninjutsu is?” ”

“Yes!” Kakashi agreed.

So the group walked out of the camp together and came to the edge of the forest, somehow uninvited.

Several onlookers watched from afar.

I saw Kakashi solemnly and slowly begin to seal the seal, and after observing it, Higashino Shinobu found that there were a lot of seals of the earth dun in the handprint, as well as the seal of the key water dun.

It seems that Kakashi has truly grasped the core of the Heavenly Thunder Hammer.

The core of this ninjutsu of the Heavenly Thunder Hammer is actually not in the Thunder Chakra, but in that little bit of Water Escape Chakra!

Without that little bit of water chakra, there is no way to tame this extremely violent thunder chakra, let alone compress it in compression.

As Kakashi’s ninjutsu gradually took shape.

The dazzling thunder light tamely wrapped around Kakashi’s right arm, like flowing water, and the pure Chakra began to want Kakashi’s hand to move.

With the formation of the last seal, Kakashi’s hand was no longer a thunder ball like a ratchet, but a short knife about thirty centimeters long.

It’s not over yet.

As Kakashi suddenly clasped his hands together and separated again, what appeared in front of everyone was Kakashi holding a short knife with flashing thunder in each hand.

“This ninjutsu inherits the concept of Higashino ninjutsu, which can be used as a weapon for melee combat, and can also be thrown out to explode and damage enemies!”

On the side, Bifeng Shuimon relied on him, he was involved in the development process of this ninjutsu from beginning to end, and he was also amazed by the wisdom of the two young men, Shinobu Higashino and Kakashi.

Kakashi exhaled and said, “This ninjutsu needs to consume a lot of chakra when it is formed, but it doesn’t take too much chakra to maintain after formation, and this state can allow me to fight for five minutes!” ”

“Hmm… Let’s try it! After saying that, Higashino Shinobu unfolded the three-headed and six-armed technique, like a god in the temple, and a solemn and solemn Dharma appeared in front of everyone.

Even if it was not the first time to see this ninjutsu of Shinobu Higashino, Jiraiya and Wave Feng Shui Men couldn’t help but make a gasping sound.

“Higashino Ryu Secret Technique, Thunder Dun, Heavenly Thunder Hammer!”

The dazzling and manic thunder was as smooth as silk in Higashino Shinobu’s hand, and the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, which was one foot and three feet long, was already in Higashino Shinobu’s hand.

Compared to Shinobu Higashino’s one-foot-three-foot-long big gun, Kakashi’s pair of short knives look a bit petty.

“Come, look at the move!” Shinobu Higashino swung his gun at Kakashi.

Kakashi simultaneously stabbed out the Thunder Knife in his hand.


The two weapons clashed, but there was a shrill noise.

An amazing scene appeared: Higashino Shinobu’s thunder big gun, and the moment it came into contact with Kakashi’s one-foot-long short knife, Higashino Shinobu’s Heavenly Thunder Hammer shattered Kakashi’s short knife without pressure!

Seeing this scene, Kakashi also lost his mind.

Zi Lai Ye and Bofeng Shuimen did not expect that the gap between the two sides would be so large.

“I kind of understand, if I’m not mistaken, Kakashi, you only compressed Thunder Chakra three times, right?” Although Higashino Shinobu was questioning, his expression was affirmative.

“That’s right!” Kakashi replied.

“That’s right, my Heavenly Thunder Hammer has been compressed eight times.” Higashino Shinobu said proudly.

“I’ve tried it too, but I don’t have that fine Chakra control ability, if I compress it eight times, the process of casting the spell will take two minutes, so this technique is the ability to fight.”

“Well, that can only be changed later!” Shinobu Higashino concluded: “By the way, then again, do you have a name for this ninjutsu?” ”

“Not yet”

“I’ll give you a name, just call… White fangs!! ”

As soon as the name came out, Zi Lai Ye and Bo Feng Shuimen also thought of that person, the white figure, and the enemy’s impression of him was only that breathtaking white streamer.

This is Konoha’s white fangs!!

He is really the father of Kakashi Kiki, Shigeru Kiki.

“…… White fangs…”

After a moment of silence, Kakashi spoke, “So be it! ”

After saying that, he left alone, obviously it was something on his mind.

Nohara Rin and Obito hurriedly chased after them.

The predecessors planted trees and the people took advantage of the cool, and before they knew it, Higashino Shinobu had also become a predecessor.

Creating ninjutsu requires not only broadening one’s horizons, but also a certain level of understanding of ninjutsu.

And more importantly, a heart that is not bound by common sense.

At this point, Kakashi is not as good as Shinobu Higashino.

The two are the same age, and Shinobu Higashino has already killed countless people by relying on the ninjutsu he developed, and he has killed more Kami-Shinobi than Kakashi has ever seen!

After Wave Feng Shuimon and Jiraiya left, Shinobu Higashino began to practice alone.

With the arrival of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, Konoha continues to win in the battlefield of the Land of Earth.

Blue-white thunder and flashing yellow flashes roaring across the battlefield.

Once these two men came to the battlefield, the result was a major loss for Iwa Shinobu.

Especially Higashino Shinobu, he is not like Feng Shui Men Meat is not jealous, Higashino Shinobu specifically picks Shinobu to kill!!

Within a few days, Iwa Shinobu began to shrink strategically, and with the third generation of Tokage Onoki injured in front of everyone, Iwa Shinobu’s army had begun to be unstable.

Encountered the suppression of these two god-killing gods again.

Iwa Shinobu was already starting to get a little unbearable.

Just as Konoha was about to win, another startling news spread throughout the ninja world.


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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