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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 097

Without any hesitation, Higashino Shinobu directly stabbed to death the Iwa Shinobu who rushed to the front, and then was directly cut more than twenty meters away by the Iwa Shinobu who flew out upside down through the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, and the water then took the lives of dozens of Iwa Shinobu in an explosion.

The tactics of the two sides are actually very simple, Bofeng Shuimen mainly kills to endure and endure, while Higashino Shinobu specifically picks Shinobu to kill!!

The battlefield on both sides successfully achieved its goal, and all the upper Shinobi who dared to jump out of Higashino Shinobu were stabbed to death by him, and the wave feng shui men, chased by a large group of upper Shinobi, with the super position of the Flying Thunder God, wantonly killed the middle Shinobu of Iwa Shinobu in the blinding eyes of the upper Shinobi.

Now the two sides have exchanged battlefields.

“Come on!”

Raising his hand was a stab to death by Shangnin in front of him, and Higashino Shinobu roared.

Golden flashes and the roar of wind and thunder resounded above the battlefield again…

Ninjas have the consciousness of mortality, but anyone can feel powerless when facing a super strong person who is obviously not an opponent, or an existence that cannot be killed, and the consequence of feeling powerless is hesitation.

After killing all the Shinobi here, the Iwa Shinobi began to panic.

The hesitation of the rock ninja made Higashino Shinobu look extremely brave. Only when Higashino Shinobu rushes towards Iwa Shinobu, they will passively fight with Higashino Shinobu, but Iwa Shinobu in the distance will not take the initiative to rush to Higashino Shinobu, but retreat one after another.

Soon, it was also formed here, all the rock ninja surrounded the city in a large circle, enveloping Higashino Shinobu inside, but no one dared to take the initiative to step forward and fight Higashino Shinobu.

Higashino Shinobu stepped on the countless corpses under his feet, the thunder in his hand shining, wherever he looked, the Iwa Shinobu there would retreat one after another!!

Higashino Shinobu alone can be a thousand troops!!

In fact, at this stage, Higashino Shinobu and Bofeng Shuimen’s Chakra are almost exhausted, both of them are close to the limit, and if they continue to fight like this, it won’t take five minutes, Higashino Shinobu and Bofeng Shuimen’s Chakra will be exhausted, and by then the two can only choose to escape.

Fortunately, at this time, the two of them had already cleaned up the vast majority of the upper Shinobi, leaving only a few upper Shinobi who dared not show their faces.

Once there is no Shangnin in this team, then the rock ninjas, who have no leader and no intelligence, can only retreat to the village for help.

In this way, the task of Shinobu Higashino and Wave Feng Shuimen to contain them is completed.

Five minutes later, the killing shouts in the distance gradually calmed down, and after a while, Higashino Shinobu saw Bofeng Shuimen appear in front of him, at this time Bofeng Shuimen was sweating and panting, and obviously had reached the limit.

“How are you doing over there, Watergate senior?” Shinobu Higashino asked.

“They lost at least fifteen thousand . Add in the sixty upper Shinobi, and they no longer have the courage to fight! Bofeng Shuimen said as he put a soldier’s grain pill into it and began to restore Chakra.

“Retreated…” Watching the Iwa Shinobu who surrounded the two began to slowly retreat, Shinobu rolled his eyes, two ninjas repelled five thousand ninjas, this kind of achievement is definitely rare in the entire history of ninja!

“If there are no more Shinobi among these Iwa Shinobi, then they may not rush up again in a short time, and we don’t need to support Kakashi and them?” Ji asked.

It can be said that in this Ninja World War, the survival of Iwa Shinobi Village is the most serious, because Higashino Shinobu and Wave Feng Shui Men together killed more than 120 Shangnin!

This is still the rest of the upper ninja have begun to disguise their identities!!

Shangnin is the backbone of a ninja village!

Losing so much at once, the strength of Iwa Shinobi Village will fall to the lowest point, and if someone takes advantage of the fire to rob again, it is not surprising that Iwa Ninja Village will fall out of the five major powers.

So at this time, the three generations of Tokage will definitely not fight anymore!!

“Not yet!” Bofeng Shuimon said: “Our task is to drag these Iwa Shinobi, as for the side of the Shinmukun Bridge, leave it to Kakashi and Obito!” We have to believe that they can complete the task, just as they believe that we can stop these five thousand Iwa Shinobi. ”

“Well! I know! I also believe that they can complete the task smoothly! Asahi nodded, temporarily holding back the little thought in his heart.

“From the perspective of time, we only need to hold out here for three hours, Kakashi and they can destroy the Kaminukun Bridge, and the battle just now only lasted about half an hour.”

Bofeng Shuimen looked at the sun in the sky and calculated:

“Now that the rock ninja have lost the command of the upper ninja, the remaining ninja have also lost their will, so we can still rest next. We’ll get Kakashi and them later, and we’ll rush back to support Jiraiya-sensei immediately. ”

“But also beware of the intrigues of the rock ninjas!!”

The next thing was indeed as Bofeng Shuimen expected.

After Higashino Shinobu and Wave Feng Shui Gate killed all the upper Shinobi in the Iwain support force, the Iwain Support Force could only temporarily retreat and ask the village for help, hoping that Iwain Village could send a strong man who was strong enough to fight Higashino Shinobu and Wave Feng Shuimen.

But Iwa Shinobi Village almost doesn’t have this power!

Now Iwa Shinobu Village only has human pillar power left, but once the four tails and five tails go to the battlefield, then Konoha’s side will definitely send the nine-tailed human pillar force Uzumaki Jiu Shinai to fight.

And everyone knows that the four tails and five tails combined can’t beat the nine tails.

Therefore, this group of ninjas is the last war force of the Land of Earth, and their defeat represents the defeat of Iwa Shinobi Village in this war.

“Our mission is accomplished!” Three hours later, Bofeng Shuimen stood up and said proudly to Higashino Shinobu.

In the Battle of Shinokunbashi, Konoha sent two Kaminobi to blatantly block 5,000 Iwa Shinobi support forces, and after twenty minutes of fighting, the two Konoha Shinobi killed all of the 5,000 Kaminobi of Iwa Shinobi and killed and wounded more than 1,500 ninjas.

After this news was transmitted back to Iwa Shinobi Village, it was also transmitted back to the major powers by the intelligence officers who were ambushed in Iwa Ninja Village, and when the high-level people in the ninja world saw this news, they were all stunned.

At this moment, the entire ninja world lost its voice!!

Ki is also worthy of being the first ninja village!!

The names of Higashino Shinobu and Wave Feng Shuimon resounded throughout the ninja world.

From then on, the high-level of Iwa Shinobu Village ordered:

“In the future, when you encounter Shinobu Higashino and Wave Feng Shuimen in the process of performing the mission, you can immediately abandon the mission without any punishment!”

“Let’s go!” After ending the matter here, Wave Feng Shuimon teleported directly to Kakashi with Shinobu Higashi using the Flying Thunder God Technique. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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