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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 099

Bofeng Shuimen’s eyes flashed, although he hated war, but since war was inevitable, then Konoha must win.

“No problem!” Higashino couldn’t help but smile and said, “I can’t wait too!” ”

Just after Higashino Shinobu and the others left, a white thing slowly revealed half of its body from the ground. Looking at the backs of several people leaving, he said to himself: “One eye has been taken away!” Do you want to take it back! ”

“…… Never mind! I can’t beat them either! Just go back to the errand, you shouldn’t be scolded! As soon as the words fell, the white thing slowly burrowed into the ground again.

From beginning to end, Higashino Shinobu and Bofeng Shuimen did not find themselves under Bai Jue’s watchful eye all the time!!

“You two will stay here first, and when the battle is over, I will come back to pick you up immediately.”

The Wave Feng Shui Gate arranged Kakashi and Rin Nohara in a secluded and safe cave and ordered the two.

“Yes!” Kakashi’s expression was still a little sluggish at the moment, and Uchiha’s death hit him hard.

Seeing this, Kakashi is now affected in his heart, whether he can come out of the shadow of Obito’s death, it is useless to rely on others to persuade, the key depends on Kakashi’s own will.

Higashino Shinobu also glanced at Kakashi with some regret, the former Kakashi was the opponent that Higashino Shinobu wanted to surpass, and it was the goal of his efforts.

After graduating, Shinobu Higashino has been practicing hard, and although he thinks he has surpassed Kakashi in all aspects, he has never really tried it.

But seeing Kakashi’s current state, and the eye in his left eye, Higashino Shinobu knew that from now on, Kakashi could no longer be his opponent.

The Sharingan is too much of a burden on Kakashi and has seriously dragged down Kakashi’s Chakra.

In the original book, Kakashi has to be in a coma for a period of time after each big battle, all because the Sharingan dragged on Kakashi too much.

And the death of Uchiha Obito, as well as the death of Rin-Nohara in the future, dealt a considerable blow to Kakashi, leaving Kakashi depressed for a long time.

In the original book, Kakashi’s limited strength completely lives up to his name of genius, and although war is one factor, the death of Uchiha Obito and Rin Nohara is undoubtedly an important reason for Kakashi’s stagnant strength.

What Kakashi faced in his life, his father’s death was given to him by the village, and the death of Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin was Uchiha’s calculation.

It can be said that the first half of Kakashi’s life was very tragic, and it was not until later, when Konoha lacked top masters due to various disasters, that Kakashi had the opportunity to become the sixth generation Hokage.

In the ending of the original book, Kakashi is not only the hero who saved the ninja world, but also very strong, plus Naruto Uzumaki has changed the ninja world, so that he can have a chance to spend his life in peace.

If the future Ninja Realm pattern is still like this, I’m afraid that everyone’s ending will be different!

“Let’s go! Endure! “Wave Feng Shui

Bo Feng Shuimen’s words interrupted Higashino Shinobu’s musings.

Kakashi’s tragedy, Shinobu Higashi definitely does not want to, and the only way to avoid all this is to have great strength.

And Higashino Shinobu is now in a state of breaking with Orochimaru, and in Konoha, I don’t know if Shimura Danzo will calculate himself.

Fortunately, he now has enough strength to protect himself!

Taking one last look at Kakashi, Higashino Shinobu said secretly in his heart: “Before the conspiracy comes, I must have the strength to face everything. ”

“Good! Let’s go! Shinobu Higashino said.


The scenery in front of him changed again, and Shinobu Higashino and Feng Shuimen appeared directly next to Jiraiya. Before Higashino Shinobu could adjust to everything in front of him, Wave Feng Shuimon had already struck a spiral pill and knocked a Kami-ninja who was besieging Jiraiya away.

Higashino Shinobu does not have the perverted reflex nerves of Bofeng Shuimen, so after a period of changes in time and space, Higashino Can’t help but show a bad expression, a little feeling of motion sickness.

Fortunately, after only a few seconds of adaptation, Shinobu Higashino recovered.

Now that the frontal battlefield has been fought into a mess, due to the lack of upper Shinobu on the Iwa Shinobu, Konoha is having the upper Shinobu as the backbone, leading the team to divide the Iwa Shinobu and then strangle it gradually.

At the same time that Shinobu Higashino and Bofeng Shuimen returned to the battlefield, on the way to the frontline battlefield in Iwain Village, a short figure was flying rapidly in the air.

When the news of Higashino Shinobu and Hakaze Shuimen blocking the 5,000-strong support force came back to Iwahide Village, Onoki was almost startled, and a deep worry followed.

The support forces were blocked, the Shenwu Kun Bridge was destroyed, and even if the support was reorganized, it would take a while to see, and it would definitely be too late in time.

And the 10,000 Iwa Shinobi on the front line were cut off by Konoha, coupled with the morale, materials and high-level combat power are seriously insufficient, if there is no support from Iwahide Village, the end of these 10,000 Iwa Shinobi will only be surrounded by Konoha.

So the three generations of Tokage had no other way, and if Onoki wanted to support the front line, he could only go there himself.

For the sake of the life of Wan Yannin, Onoki did not hesitate and flew directly out of Iwahide Village and rushed towards the front line.

Higashino Shinobu held the Heavenly Thunder Hammer in his hand and crisscrossed the army of Iwa Shinobi, and every whistling sound sounded a powerful ninja falling.

He has already killed the red eye!

For Shinobu Higashino, who possesses the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, any opponent only needs one move.

A stab was made, but before Higashino Shinobu could hit his opponent, he suddenly found it.


His goal turned out to be the appearance of Rika Yue.


Although everything was very real, Higashino Shinobu immediately judged that he had fallen for Iwa Shinobu’s illusion.

Because Rika Otsuki is now no longer able to be a ninja because she is seriously injured, she is now a nurse in Konoha Hospital, and it is absolutely impossible to appear here.

Since he knew that he had been hit by an illusion, Higashino Shinobu did not hesitate and directly punched ‘Yuzuki Rika’ in the face, smashing half of ‘Yuzuki Rika’s face.

At this moment, a chakra suddenly entered Higashino Shinobu’s body.

Higashino Shinobu instantly felt a burst of clarity in front of him, and as the illusion disappeared, ‘Okazuki Rika’ also turned into the appearance of Iwa Shinobu, and those who were already dead could no longer die.

For illusion, Shinobu Higashino has not studied it in depth, because Konoha does not have a decent illusion inheritance, and the most powerful illusion in Konoha is the Uchiha family.

And it is impossible for the Uchiha clan to teach illusion to Higashino Shinobu, not to mention that Higashino Shinobu did not write wheel eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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