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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 116

Seeing this hairstyle, Higashino couldn’t help but complain: “Miss, can you see the shuriken coming from the right with this hairstyle?” ”

“…”Zhao Mei, who only showed a turquoise eye, couldn’t help but be stunned, when did he still ask this kind of question, as for whether he could see it or not, does it have anything to do with you?

“Does this person have a brain problem?” Terumi said subconsciously.

“The ninja of Konoha, what is the conspiracy to infiltrate our Mist Hidden Village?” Interrupting this sand sculpture conversation, another Mist Shinobu asked coldly.

“I’m just doing what you Kirihide Village originally wanted to do to Konoha!”

Higashino Shinobu showed a hint of a smile, looked at the group of Mist Shinobu, and said in a soft tone: “Aren’t you Kiri Shinobu trying to release the three tails in our Konoha?” I’m just giving you back what you want to do to us! ”

Because the conspiracy of the Mist Hidden Village was discovered in advance, even if it was a cruel thing to release the tailed beast in someone else’s village, Higashino Shinobu could morally blame the Mist Hidden Village fiercely.

And once this matter is successful, the Mist Hidden Village, which has suffered heavy losses, does not have the strength to fight with Konoha.

With his back against the big tree of Konoha, and with great strength and ability to fly, Higashino Shinobu is not afraid of retaliation from the Mist Ninja at all.

As soon as the words fell, in front of everyone’s eyes, Higashino Shinobu sealed his hands, and then his right hand was fiercely pressed on the abdomen of the three-tailed human pillar force, forcibly unsealing the three-tailed human pillar force.

“Not good!!”

“Stop him!” A misty ninja shouted.

The mist ninja rushed forward one after another.

It’s a pity it’s already late!!


With a huge roar, Mio Iso, broke the seal, red eyes looked around coldly, seemed to recognize the environment of the Misty Hidden Village, and with another roar, a column of water spewed out from his mouth, destroying all the nearby houses and buildings.


“What’s going on!”


“Someone is on top of the three tails!”

“It’s Konoha’s ninja!”

“It was Konoha who released the three tails!”

“Kill him!”

As the houses collapsed, many villagers in Wuyin Village looked at the monster in front of them in horror and screamed.

After being sealed by humans for so long, the resentment of the three tails towards humans can be imagined, and after spewing out the water column, there was no pause at all, and when he opened his mouth, another water column shot out.

Shinobu Asahino stood on Mio’s back, overlooking the whole situation.

The size of the three tails is huge, even if it moves, it can cause damage to the misty hidden village, and the water column that spews out is even more ruthlessly raging, and where the water column passes, it will ruthlessly destroy all the buildings in an instant, and the vastness and ruthlessness of the water are perfectly interpreted at this moment.

Higashino Shinobu found that for a wide range, high-level water ninjutsu was more suitable than other ninjutsu.

Tsuchi ninjutsu is also possible, but to launch the same wide range of high-level ninjutsu, in places where there is water, water ninjutsu saves two-thirds of Chakra than Tudun ninjutsu.

Just like Higashino Shinobu wants to destroy the Mist Yin Village by himself, unless they borrow his millions of detonation charms from Nanjie, and then attack the Mist Yin Village by air, even if it is only like this, it can only destroy the buildings of the Mist Yin Village, but cannot effectively kill and injure people.

And not like this.

In just one minute, some of the buildings in Wuyin Village were damaged to varying degrees, and looking down from a high place, the buildings around Sanwei were all in ruins, and the entire village fell into a wail!

“Well done, Mio!” Higashino Shinobu praised.

Sure enough, as soon as Shinobu Higashino, who was wearing a Konoha ninja uniform, appeared, it immediately caused public anger, but this is exactly what Shinobu Higashino wanted to see.

“Guys, it’s not fun!” Higashino Shinobu looked down at the group of ninjas and asked loudly.

“Is this your Konoha’s conspiracy?” A green-haired, diminutive ninja questioned Higashino Shinobu.

“Is it the fourth generation of water shadows? Aren’t you Kirihide preparing to release the three tails in Konoha? But Konoha is too far away from here, and even if the three tails are released, you won’t see it. ”

Higashino Shinobu shouted, “In order to fulfill your wishes, I released the three tails in your village so that you can see the power of the three tails with your own eyes!” ”

“Don’t blame me! If you want to blame, blame your high-level of Wuyin, I just used the methods you came up with to deal with your Wuyin Village!” ”

After the last sentence was spoken, the angry Mist Hidden Village had already aimed its attack at Higashino Shinobu, and all kinds of water ninjutsu were attacking Higashino Shinobu.

Mio apparently also found the person on his back, and immediately felt insulted, howling repeatedly, and Mio kept running and jumping on the streets of Kirito Village, trying to throw off Higashino Shinobu on his back.

Higashino Shinobu gathered Chakra on the soles of his feet and stuck it on Mio’s back to prevent himself from being thrown out by Mio.

Mio’s crazy actions caused even more tragic damage to the buildings of Wuyin Village, and many villagers who escaped from their homes were also crushed into meatloaf at Mio’s feet.

The actions of the three tails obviously alarmed the ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village, and as the fog ninjas began to act, one after another earth walls were erected around the three tails, and the earth walls not only restricted the actions of the three tails, but even the water column spewed out by the three tails was also reduced to varying degrees.

Hundreds of Mist Shinobi gathered around Mio, constantly unleashing ninjutsu at Mio.

But Mio was originally known for its defensive power, and Mio’s huge armor was enough to ignore the ninjutsu attacks of the Mist Ninjas.

Mio’s only weak point is his eyes, but Mio’s constant jet of water makes it impossible for Mist Shinobu to get close to Mio’s eyes.

On the contrary, as the three tails continued to attack, the Mist Ninja began to suffer a large number of casualties.

“The power of the tailed beast is indeed strong, it seems that this will be a protracted battle.”

Higashino Shinobu thought secretly in his heart: “No matter how many ordinary ninjas there are, they should not be able to affect the three tails, but shadow-level ninjas should be able to subdue the three tails, but I don’t know what ninjutsu the fourth generation of water shadows will use to subdue the three tails?” ”

And Shinobu Higashino is even more curious at the moment, the plan to transfer the three tails to Rin Nohara and stimulate Uchiha to bring soil to open his eyes has failed, what will Uchiha do next?

Next, the real contest.

Without the reliance of the plot of the original book, Shinobu Higashino can only judge Uchiha’s actions by his own intelligence and some clues.

Compared to the Nine Tails, the strength of the Three Tails is not strong, and it is only a matter of time before they are subdued, but this level of destruction is enough for the fog ninjas!

Of course, the main purpose of Shinobu Higashino is to use the power of the three tails to reduce the number of ninjas in the village as much as possible.

“You demon!” An angry roar awakened Shinobu Higashino from his musings.

Jumping backwards and dodging the attack of the shuriken, Higashino Shinobu looked up, it turned out that the eight Mist Shinobu who had discovered themselves in the first place actually followed. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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