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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 118

This is a mirror made of water, in which a person who looks exactly like the enemy will appear, and can use the same ninjutsu as the opponent, and the same power.

Facing Shinobu Higashino’s kamikaze ring, the water mirror was swiped by the kamikaze ring in Yakura’s stunned eyes.

The kamikaze ring spontaneously bypassed the front of the water mirror, and it went directly around the back of the water mirror to destroy this ninjutsu.

Then, under Yakura’s eyes, the kamikaze ring split in two after a burst of hum, turning into two identical kamikaze rings!!

Then began to hunt down Yakura more fiercely.

Seeing the fate of his subordinates, Yakura did not dare to let this weird kamikaze ring touch him, but after a series of ninjutsu, the kamikaze ring was not only not destroyed, but became four!!

At this time, the Misty Hidden Village was being ravaged by the three tails, and the fourth-generation water shadow that could subdue the three tails was chased and killed by the eight kamikaze rings, and there was no way to enter the ground, and he could not help the eight rings with all his strength, and could only watch it more and more.

“Abominable! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! “Yakura had no other way but to be incompetent and furious.

The kamikaze ring is already a success, and Higashino Shinobu also refers to the shuriken shadow avatar technique in the process of developing it, so that the kamikaze ring can absorb the enemy’s ninjutsu chakra in the process of chasing and killing the enemy and achieve self-replication.

“Haha, the operation has been successful, and the kamikaze ring has also succeeded.” Shinobu Higashino thought excitedly.

Compared to the tepid battle on Higashino Shinobu’s side, the battlefield of the Three Tails is the most cruel.

Compared to the hot-tempered and invincible Nine-Tails, the three-tailed personality is still too mild.

If it weren’t for the constant attacks of the Mist Ninja, Higashino Shinobu believed that the three tails might have slipped away long ago, and then found a clear lake to hide and sleep.

But the tailed beast has the temper of the tailed beast after all, it was first sealed in the body, and it didn’t see the light of day, and as soon as it came out, it was besieged by countless ninjas, even the three-tailed three-tailed with a milder personality, and he ran away at the moment.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

The water jets sprayed by the three tails kept smashing into the ninja below, leaving long marks on the streets of the village of Mist.

Countless Mist Shinobi were also injured by a powerful attack, and the Mist Shinobi on the back of luck was directly crushed by the water column.

Occasionally, a shot of tailed beast jade made the buildings of Wuyin Village collapse instantly.

Seeing this result, Higashino Shinobu felt that the fire had almost arrived, and it was time to prepare to leave.

So Higashino Shinobu waved his big hand, and the sixteen kamikaze rings that were frantically chasing Yakura stopped chasing and killed, changed direction and rushed towards the Water Shadow Building.

In the stunned gaze of all the misty Shinobi, sixteen kamikaze rings cut through the walls of the Water Shadow Building and then exploded together!

A heavenly tornado funded the center of the Mist Ninja Village, and the sharp wind blade cutter cut everything that could be cut.

When the whirlwind dissipated, there were no more ninjas in place, only a large smooth pit smooth as if tiled!!

“Okay, the gift has been delivered, no need to send me, haha!” Ye Shinobu laughed arrogantly a few times, and then walked away.

Leaving behind the angry and corrupted Mist Shinobu who is raging in anger, and the misty hidden village.

“Abominable! You devil! “Seeing Higashino Shinobu go away, the four generations of water shadows covered in scales roared angrily at Higashino Hot in the air.

Higashino Shinobu walked away.

Before deciding to release the three tails to destroy the Kirihide Village, Shinobu Higashino had already calculated all the consequences.

After the strength of the village is weakened by the three tails, the misty hidden who is busy rebuilding the village will inevitably withdraw from the Shinobi World War, and Konoha’s victory is a foregone conclusion.

To be honest, Higashino Shinobu and Mio cooperate, the group to eliminate the fog hidden village is not impossible, just now Higashino Shinobu took advantage of Yakura to frantically avoid the kamikaze ring, draw a cold son to a heavenly thunder hammer, Yakura can die in the splendor.

The three tails are raging on the ground, Higashino Shinobu accurately snipes all the upper Shinobi in the air, and all the sealing classes, in the absence of a strong person of the same level who can fly to entangle Higashino Shinobu, Higashino Shinobu can make the Mist Hidden Village remove from the ninja world from now on.

But what good is this for Shinobu Higashino?

Higashino Shinobu, who really destroyed the Mist Hidden Village, will not only not be rewarded by Konoha, but will be feared by everyone, including the three generations of Hokage!!

Can you kill it today, and tomorrow you will kill another Shinobi village?

Therefore, Higashino Shinobu did not want to destroy the Mist Hidden Village in the first place, he just wanted to destroy it and quickly end the war.

But such a heart-wrenching thing as releasing the tailed beast in someone else’s village will definitely face the condemnation of the entire ninja world.

Once this matter is exposed, Higashino Shinobu’s reputation of ‘cruelty and murder’ cannot be removed.

Therefore, the ninja world is such hypocrisy and contradiction, while condemning the cruelty of others, while using more cruel schemes themselves.

Therefore, Shinobu Higashino must bear all the notoriety, and must not let Konoha lead in.

With Konoha’s current strength, in the face of the already dilapidated Mist Hidden Village that was attacked by the tailed beast, he would definitely not make such a compromise.

And the premise of all this is that Shinobu Higashino bears all the blame alone.

Konoha is still righteous, cruel only Shinobu Higashino.

As a new genius of the Hokage family, and having a cooperative relationship with Shimura Danzo, as long as Higashino Shinobu maintains Konoha’s reputation, Konoha will inevitably maintain Higashino Shinobu’s safety.

Of course, Shinobu Higashino doesn’t do nothing.

After today’s battle, Shinobu Higashino will return to Konoha with Rin Nohara and tell the three generations of Hokage about the whole thing.

Of course, the so-called ‘fact’ is that Kirihide Village wants to seal the three tails into Nohara Rin’s body, and then wait for Nohara Rin to return to Konoha, and then release the three tails to destroy Konoha.

But coincidentally, Higashino Shinobu just broke this matter, and in a fit of anger, he released the three tails in the village of Mist.

And the reason why Higashino Shinobu proved the ‘fact’ is that as the most important war weapon of the village, Higashino Shinobu is powerful, but he has no perception ability, so it is absolutely impossible to contact the human pillar force in the Mist Hidden Village.

Unless it is Wuyin Village who transfers the human pillar force out of the village in advance, planning some conspiracy.

This is also true of the facts, but this kind of public opinion war not only emphasizes preemptive strikes, but also requires solid evidence.

Otherwise, based on Konoha’s situation in the ninja world, all the villages would blame Konoha one by one.

As the leader of everything and carrying the notoriety, Shinobu Higashino, the benefit of gaining the trust of the village is to gain the trust of the village.

After all, in the whole thing, Higashino Shinobu maintained Konoha’s reputation and helped Konoha win the war, and the credit is not small.

(PS: Subscription please!!) )_

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Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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