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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 120

Higashino Shinobu continued, “Naruto-sama, we should immediately condemn the actions of the Kirihide Village tomorrow morning, accusing them of plotting to use the tailed beast to destroy Konoha. ”

For such a big matter, it stands to reason that a decision should be made after discussing with the Hokage Advisor and the elders such as Tuanzo, but the three generations of Hokage are not as old as the beginning of the original plot after all, and after a little thought, they immediately made a decision.

“Good! I’ll take care of that, but… Bear with me, you may be a little wronged! The third Hokage said.

“It’s okay, I already had an awakening before I did it.” Shinobu Higashino said: “As long as Konoha can win the war, nothing matters!” ”

It is certain that he will be wronged, and Shinobu Higashino has long been prepared.

The fate of Shinobu Higashino is nothing more than two, either abandoned by the village and handed over to the village for disposal, or left in Konoha to protect and wait for the limelight to pass before walking in the ninja world.

If it is the second disposal, Shinobu Higashino does not matter at all.

But if it is the first type, Higashino Shinobu can only defect, after all, Higashino Shinobu has no consciousness to sacrifice his life for Konoha.

But in general, Higashino Shinobu’s approach this time will not only win the respect of Konoha ninjas, but also gain the trust of three generations of Hokage, as long as he can survive the storm of the three-tailed incident, the next benefits will be enough to make up for everything.

“That Naruto-sama, I’ll leave first!” Shinobu Higashino said.

“Yes!” The third generation Hokage nodded, and after Higashino Shinobu left, the third generation Hokage immediately called Koharu, Mito Monita, Shimura Danzo and others to discuss Konoha’s position in this matter and the next move.

“What? Shinobu Higashino actually did this kind of thing, it really did it… It’s so beautiful! When Tuan Zang learned the news, he was immediately excited.

He began to change his opinion of Shinobu Higashino.

He suddenly had an idea that the fifth generation Hokage could also do it for Shinobu Higashino.

As for the fourth generation … Of course, it’s his Shimura Danzo!

The release of the three tails by Shinobu Higashino in the village of Kirihide caused a major earthquake in the ninja world.

As a weapon of war in the major ninja villages, the tailed beast has always been closely protected by various villages, and it will definitely not be used on the battlefield when it is not a last resort.

The reason why the five major ninja villages can maintain their transcendent status in the ninja world is that in addition to the large number of ninjas in each village, the deterrent power of the tailed beast is also indispensable.

For the ninja world, the tailed beast is a nuclear bomb!!

Just as Higashino Shinobu returned to Konoha, Konoha and Kirihide Village immediately began to accuse each other and fight each other.

Kirihide Village accused Konoha of releasing Mio in Kirihide Village, causing a large number of villagers and ninjas to die tragically, and destroying a small part of the building.

As the planner and executor of the entire incident, Shinobu Higashino is the first to bear the brunt, and the village of Kirihide can’t wait to use all the ugly words on Shinobu Higashino, and at the same time involve Konoha, trying to cause this ninja world to wage war against Konoha.

Konoha, on the other hand, accused the Kirihide Village of planning the tail to be sealed in the body of the Konoha ninja, in a vain attempt to destroy Konoha with the power of the three tails.

It’s just that in the process of implementing the plan in the Mist Hidden Village, Konoha Shinobu Higashino Shinobu discovered the conspiracy of the Mist Hidden Village, and in anger, he released the three tails in the Mist Hidden Village.

Especially if the Mist Hidden Village did not prepare to seal the three-tailed ninja in the body of Konoha ninja in advance, how could Higashino Shinobu, a teenager, capture the three-tailed human pillar force alive in the closely guarded Mist Hidden Village?

So this is the first thing you want to hit us with a nuclear bomb, we just spied on your evil plan, and the nuclear bomb dropped on your house is still yours.

Although this point is not enough evidence to directly expose the conspiracy of the Mist Hidden Village, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Konoha’s side is reasonable.

The two major ninja villages condemned each other, and the other major ninja villages in the ninja world naturally had the idea of sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight,

If Konoha and the Mist Hidden Village can stay on this forever, this is naturally what the other Shinobi Villages want to see.

Although in the Three Tails incident, Kirihide Village was mostly destroyed by the Three Tails. But Konoha, who has some evidence, is also completely morally tenable.

Especially now that the strength of the Mist Hidden Village has been greatly reduced, there is simply no spare power to continue to participate in the Ninja World War, in this case, there are not many villages in the Mist Yin Village where they publicly stand out.

Among the other great ninja villages, Yunyin Village was originally at war with Konoha, so Yunyin Village’s support for Wuyin Village was the most spared.

Although Iwain Village has just lost to the hands of Konoha, because of some compromises of the three generations of Hokage, the relationship between Konoha and Iwain Village is extremely ambiguous.

After the outbreak of the Three Tails Incident, neither Iwain Village nor Shayin Village reacted much.

Therefore, although the Mist Hidden Village and Yunyin Village shouted loudly, the situation in the Ninja World did not change much.

Perhaps some people in Iwahide Village and Shayin Village will secretly applaud Higashino Shinobu’s actions.

Although Higashino Shinobu has been staying at home these days, he has always been concerned about the situation in the ninja world.

Although the major ninja villages in the ninja world quarreled fiercely about the three-tailed incident, the situation in the ninja world has not changed much. However, Wuyin Village, which suffered heavy losses, no longer had the strength to continue to sink into the quagmire of war, and it was only a matter of time before Wuyin Village declared defeat.

Perhaps the fog hidden village that has lost continuously in the ninja world war will not be so willing to quit, but the ninja world is very realistic, the fog hidden village with great loss of strength, the next can only be let of the mermaid, quit the war to rest and recuperate is the best choice for the fog hidden village.

And Shinobu Higashino’s biggest concern now is Uchiha’s next move.

Shinobu Higashino robbed the Mio Ren Pillar Force in the Land of Water, rescued Nohara Rin, released the Three Tails, and the whole operation was completed in one go, without giving Uchiha a chance to make a remedial decision, and brought Nohara Rin back to Konoha.

However, Kakashi’s group was absolutely mission-freaked, and after Higashino Shinobu took Kakashi and Matkai back to the village, Kakashi and Matkai only cultivated a little, recovered their injuries and immediately set off to the battlefield of Yunyin Village and converged with the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

Originally, Shinobu Higashino was planning to take advantage of this incident to have a battle of wits with Uchiha Madara, who was hiding in the shadows, to see through Uchiha’s conspiracy.

As a result, the Miao Incident broke out, and the three generations of Hokage did not allow Higashino Shinobu to leave the village at all, at least until the storm of the Mio Incident passed, Higashino Shinobu could only stay in the village.

Higashino Shinobu originally wanted to secretly leave Konoha to see if he could save Nohara Rin and destroy Uchiha’s plot again.

But after thinking about it, I still dismissed this idea.

Leaving the village privately will definitely be suspected by the top, especially during this critical period, it is better to be cautious. _

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Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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