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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 126

Bai Jue tilted his head, and his white face was full of entanglement: “Hey, is there really someone in the Uchiha clan that you asked for?” Don’t be embarrassed for me. ”

“Changing a person’s will is actually very simple, Bai absolutely, don’t give me laziness!” Uchiha scolded softly.

Obito has begun to take precautions in his heart under these several accidents, so Uchiha plans to look for another target in the Uchiha clan.

But there are too few Uchiha who understand love!

“Hey, I know, and I haven’t done anything, I’ve been doing Uchiha’s intelligence gathering.”

Bai Jue said, “Now the most powerful genius of the Uchiha clan is called Uchiha Shuishui, but this kid inherited the will of Naraushi Zi Fire and gradually distanced himself from Uchiha.” ”

“Will of Fire? Hmph, it’s just a policy of foolishness! Uchiha said disdainfully, “To accept such a will, is this little devil a descendant of Uchiha Kagami?” ”

“No, he’s just an ordinary clansman.” Bai Jue said again.

Haku is Uchiha’s true confidant and certainly knows his specific plans.

Bai Jue immediately said: “Regarding Uchiha Shuishui, in addition to his genius name, there is also precocious behavior. ”

Uchiha showed an impatient look, now Uchiha, really, how can he be precocious? Can’t it be simple, you see how cute Obito is.

He hummed, “Keep looking!” ”

“Hi hi.”


After some twists and turns, Kakashi finally returned to Konoha, and at the same time, Shinobu Higashino’s shadow doppelganger dissipated with a thump.

After going to the Hokage Building to report, the three of Kakashi took the sealed Nohara Rin to the Higashino ninja house non-stop.

“Endure! Open the door quickly”

“Here we are!”

“It’s coming, it’s a ball!” Higashino Shinobu opened the door with an unhappy look and said.

The two helped Rin into Higashino Shinobu’s house, and Kakashi couldn’t wait to say, “What the hell is going on?” ”

Higashino Shinobu said calmly: “After I rescued Rin in the last three-tailed time, I found a strange spell mark on Rin’s heart! ”

“At that time, I suspected that this was something that the Mist Hidden Village used to control Rin, so it was only slightly sealed.”

“I didn’t expect that this time Lin was arrested by Mist Shinobu again, and used to threaten you!”

“So I became suspicious, Rin is just an ordinary middle ninja, there is no special bloodline, why does Mist Shinobu use Rin to seal the three tails, can’t so many ninjas?”

“So I suspect that Rin may actually have some bloodline that we don’t know about.”

“So plus Rin’s heart is strange, just in case, I ambushed a shadow doppelganger on Rin.” Higashino Shinobu finally said: “As for why it was printed, I was afraid that if someone triggered this spell seal, what should I do if something happened to Rin?” ”

“Shinobu, thank you so much.”

“Rin can send it to your master Blood Red Hot Pepper to see, there is no better than her for the entire Konoha of sealing.” Shinobu Higashino pointed.

“Then let’s go first!” Nohara Rin is still in a sealed state, and she can’t move anything except her eyes.


After sending off the three of Kakashi, Higashino Shinobu thought that now Uchiha’s plan had been completely disrupted by him, and he didn’t know whether he would continue to choose Obito or choose another Uchiha again.

The battle of wisdom between Shinobu Higashino and Uchiha has just begun.


Yu no Kuni.

As the intersection of the three kingdoms of the Land of Fire, the Land of Thunder, and the Land of Water, the Land of Tang has rightfully become the battlefield of the three major ninja villages.

As Onoki agreed to cooperate with Konoha, the ninjas of Iwahide Village also quietly went to the battlefield, preparing to catch Yunyin Village by surprise.

Iwahide Village made a move, and the three generations of Hokage immediately gave orders to Shinobu Higashino.

Go to the battlefield to attract the attention of the Mist Ninja, let the Mist Ninja hunt down Higashino Shinobu, and attract most of the ninjas in the Mist Hidden Village.

In terms of the degree of hatred of the Mist Ninja to Higashino Shinobu, as long as Higashino Shinobu appears, the Mist Ninja will definitely spare no effort to hunt down Higashino Shinobu.

And at this time, Konoha has an excuse to transfer some ninjas from the battlefield of Yunyin Village to resist the ninjas of Mist Hidden Village and let Iwa Shinobu and Yunnin fight each other.

Of course, in order not to discourage the enthusiasm of allies, Konoha ninjas will also assist Iwa Shinobu from the side during the fight between Iwa Shinobu and Yun Shinobu.

When the main forces of Yunyin Village are completely dragged down by Iwa Shinobu Village, Konoha will attack in a big way and completely defeat Yunyin Village.

Shinobu Higashino, who finally herded the sheep, cried with joy, he was about to become moldy in the past few months, God knows how bored he was.

Higashino Shinobu, who accepted the task, didn’t even want to go, and out of the Hokage Building, the whole person took off into the air, riding the fierce wind and flying in the direction of the Land of Water.

And at this time, Higashino Shinobu, who was soaring in the sky, looked at the information that had just arrived in his hand, anyway, there are no rules in the ninja world, and he is not afraid to copy cards.

It turned out to be the seven people of the Ninja Knife of Mist Yin, who appeared on the front line!

In Wuyin Village, there are many Blood Succession Limit Families, and the leaders of them are naturally the Bing Dun of the Shui Wuyue clan and the corpse veins of the Kaguya clan, which are strong and powerful.

But even so, there is still an organization in the Wuyin Village that can be on an equal footing with these two powerful families, and its reputation has spread throughout the ninja world.

“The Ninja Sword Seven…”

Feng Huo looked at the information in his hand, and his face was slightly surprised.

In the original book, their fame crackled, but they were angrily killed by Mater Dai who opened eight doors and killed four of them, and the remaining three were all scared.

The intelligence in his hand showed that the Ninja Knife Seven shone as soon as they appeared on the battlefield, killing the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan and retreating one after another, and the murder was notorious.

“It seems that the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan are paddling, otherwise how can only the seven elite Shinobi fight such a warring country? This is giving eye medicine to three generations. ”

“Although there are only seven of the Ninja Sword Seven, their combat power is extremely amazing, they have proven this on the battlefield before, even Uchiha and Hinata can’t compete with them!”

“The seven ninja knives of broken knife, decapitation big knife, big knife muscle, long knife and stitch, blunt knife and slash, explosive knife droplet, thunder knife and tooth, and double knife and flounder have special abilities and are very powerful”

“The point is that they only have seven people and they are very mobile!”

“As long as they want, they can completely cut off any supplies to the village and the front line, and they can also deal us a great blow on the frontal battlefield.”

“If you let it go, the consequences will be very serious!”

This is the reason why the Uchiha family came from the front, and it seems to be so.

So the three generations of Hokage let Higashino endure out and let the wind blow at the same time, treat them by the way, don’t let them be too arrogant. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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