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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 140

However, with the support of three generations of Hokage and the Daimyo of the Fire Country, as well as a group of ordinary ninjas, Wave Feng Shuimen succeeded in ascending to the throne.

Shimura Danzo’s biggest weakness is that he does not have the slightest reputation among ordinary ninjas.

This has to be said to be the clever means of the three generations of Hokage, as long as Shimura Danzo can’t let go of the right to follow the ‘ministry, he will never appear in front of the public.

“Although you lost this opportunity, it does not mean that there is no next opportunity!” Shinobu Higashino said easily.

“Hmph! You don’t have to say that. But you, what’s the matter with coming to me? Shimura Danzo asked coldly.

“Did you say something about me to Tsunade-sama?” Higashino Shinobu felt angry when he thought of this: “She came to beat me up for no reason tonight!” ”

“Nonsense, isn’t the old man such a villain with a lot of people behind his back?” Tuan Zang suddenly looked annoyed.


Higashino Shinobu also began to dare to be wrong, this is obviously a child’s prank, obviously not a person like Tuanzo who specializes in big things.

“So what’s going on here?”

“Leave immediately if there is nothing else, I am not a tea restaurant here!” Tuan Zang began to rush people with a black line.

Higashino Shinobu returned home with a dejected look and slept depressed.


That night, Tsunade left Konoha with Shizune.

When he left, no one was notified, and Shinobu Higashino only learned the news the next morning.

The last thing Higashino Shinobu wanted to see finally happened.

As for the matter of welcoming back Tsunade, Shinobu Higashino decided to leave it to Naruto Uzumaki to do.

Shinobu Higashino didn’t have Naruto’s eloquence, nor did he have the kind of influence that came from the depths of his soul.

Most importantly, if you want to convince someone, you must get the approval of the other person, and Tsunade is now clearly deeply disappointed in Shinobu Higashino.

Although Higashino Shinobu didn’t understand what was going on, it was apparently someone who told Tsunade about Higashino Shinobu’s involvement in Orochimaru’s human experiments.

Even Tsunade knew about Shinobu Higashino’s transplantation of the first generation of cells!

At least the current Shinobu Higashino can’t bring Tsunade back.

Higashino Shinobu believes that as long as everyone lives in the same world, there will be a day of goodbye.

Life is like this, full of joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows.

This time the incident made Shinobu Higashino feel very powerless, things in the world always have cause and effect, perhaps from the moment the decision was made, it was destined to face this end.

But after all, this is only the end of a stage, when life is still over.

Tsunade is gone, but life continues

For the next period of time, Shinobu Higashino’s life was very peaceful, and every day he either did research at home or practiced alone in the training ground.

Bofeng Shuimen has also become the fourth generation of Hokage, and after becoming Hokage, Bofeng Shuimen’s life is not so leisurely.

Just dealing with the big and small affairs of the village every day, you can be busy from day to night.

If Higashino Shinobu were to choose, Higashino Shinobu would definitely not sit in that position.

Hiding in the office every day to deal with government affairs can definitely drive Higashino Shinobu crazy.

But Bofeng Shuimen seems to be enjoying it, for the current Bofeng Shuimen, he can definitely be called a winner in life, career and love double harvest, the smile seems to hang on the face of Bofeng Shuimen, how can not be taken off.

The atmosphere of Konoha is such that everyone who lives here can feel inner peace.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the person has no ambition.

For ambitious people, Konoha’s calm is like a corrosive, which can easily paralyze him and make him fall deeper and deeper into the trap of peace.

The big snake pill is like this, during the war, the big snake pill through the right of the battlefield commander, can get a steady stream of experimental materials, coupled with the medical ninjutsu cooperation of Shinobu Higashino, the big snake pill has never worried about experimental materials.

However, when the war ended and he lost Shinobu Higashino, a skilled assistant in medical ninjutsu, Orochimaru gradually began to worry about the experimental materials.

In order for the experiment to go smoothly, Orochimaru finally extended his magic hand to the ninja of the same village.

In recent days, Shinobu Higashino has been able to hear information about the mysterious disappearance of ninjas, and Wave Feng Shuimen has sent a dark department to start an investigation, but there is no result for the time being.

But Orochimaru didn’t seem to care about these at all, and still did his forbidden experiments, as if he was waiting for the results of the village’s investigation, and then defected.

Perhaps Orochimaru now has no nostalgia for Konoha, but just wants to use this incident to make the three generations of Hokage completely disappointed in him.

By breaking the bond with the three generations of Hokage, Orochimaru can leave Konoha without any scruples and pursue his own ideals.

And Shinobu Higashino also believes that although the three generations of Hokage have not found any evidence for the time being, they can directly prove that Orochimaru secretly murdered Konoha ninjas.

But in the hearts of the three generations of Hokage, it must have been determined that the disappearance of the Konoha ninja was done by Orochimaru.

The reason why the three generations of Hokage temporarily endured may still be fantasizing in his heart that the big snake pill can enlighten himself, so that the big snake pill is still the favorite disciple of the three generations of Hokage.

It’s a pity that neither the village nor the bond with his companions is as important as his ideals in the heart of the big snake pill.

And Shinobu Higashino, who witnessed all this, finally determined that he and the big snake pill were not the same kind of people after all.

Humans are social animals, and anyone craves the recognition and care of others.

Orochimaru can leave everything behind, and so can Shinobu Higashino. But deep down in his heart, Shinobu Higashino still doesn’t want to leave this feeling.

Even if you can’t have it, it’s good to take a look.

According to the narration in the original book, when Orochimaru left Konoha, he fought with the Dark Ninja and Jiraiya.

So if you want to do something to the big snake pill, you can do it at this time period.

Higashino Shinobu did not have a deep hatred for Orochimaru, so Higashino Shinobu decided to treat it as long as this incident did not implicate him.


“Ah! Yes! Yes! What a hassle! I didn’t expect that adults would also encounter such trouble! Jiraiya was lying on the table with a dejected face, and on the table was a stack of thick documents, which had just been delivered.

As soon as the war ended, Bofeng Shuimen became a Hokage, and the tasks and things that need to be dealt with every day in the village are simply unbelievable, coupled with the lack of experience in Bofeng Shuimen, the three generations of Hokage and Zilai naturally help together, so that Bofeng Shuimen slowly learns to deal with problems! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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