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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 142

“Sarutobi-sensei! You are finally here! Orochimaru’s pupils shrank suddenly, and the eyes that looked at the three generations of Hokage also carried a few inexplicable feelings.

“Big Snake Pill, what the hell is going on?” The momentum of the three generations of Hokage suddenly came to life, and the surging murderous aura pressed straight towards the big snake pill!

“Didn’t you already guess that?” The big snake pill said indifferently.

“Orochimaru, do you know what you’re doing? They’re just kids, and besides, you’re still here for human experimentation! What the hell are you for! The third generation of Hokage roared a little hatred that iron is not steel.

“It’s fun to see something that moves… It’s boring to see what stops… Children will have the desire to study when they see bugs on the ground! Orochimaru waved his hands and said a little melancholy, “Human beings are a very fragile and easily destroyed thing!” And I want to learn all the ninjutsu in the world and master the truth of the world… It is necessary to get rid of this fragility and innocence…”

Speaking of this, Orochimaru shouted with a crazy, distorted face, “So I… What I want is immortality! ”

“Great Snake Pill, you have completely fallen into darkness!” The third generation of Hokage looked at the big snake pill and shook his head, already completely disappointed in the big snake pill.

“Ape Fei, get rid of him! Otherwise he will harm Konoha! The ape demon looked at the madness on Orochimaru’s face and suggested to the three generations of Hokage.

As if the three generations did not hear the ape demon’s reminder, they still said to themselves, “In that era of war, you were a talented teenager, a genius who only came out in decades, how I hope you can be the one who inherits my will and strength…”

“I gave my all in you and imparted my will to you, it’s just a pity…”

“Teacher Ape Fei, don’t you think it’s too late to say this now!” The big snake pill said lightly, and his heart was also sad!

“Ape fly, let’s do it!” The ape-demon hands began to seal and wanted to turn into a golden hoop rod!

The three generations of Hokage fell silent at this time, looking at the face of the big snake pill, his hands twitched, but he never had the patience to start.

Seeing that the three generations of Hokage were slightly distracted, Orochimaru took the opportunity to break through the wall on the side and quickly escaped!

No one noticed that at the moment when the big snake pill turned around, a tear slipped from his eyes!

“Ape Fei, you will regret this decision for yourself!” The ape demon stopped the seal and sighed softly!

“Pass on the order, Konoha ninja Orochimaru officially defected to Konoha and was listed as an S-class rebel!” The three generations weakly conveyed this order, and the vicissitudes of life seemed to be dozens of years old all of a sudden…

“What! Orochimaru defected! ”

The news of Orochimaru’s defection spread throughout Konoha as soon as possible, and upon hearing the news, Jiraiya stood up abruptly, and his face was full of color and very pale due to excessive force, as if he had lost all his strength.

“Convey the order to go down, immediately chase the pill!” Bofeng Shuimen looked at his teacher and sighed slightly in his heart, but as a Hokage, Bofeng Shuimen immediately gave the order to pursue.

“Abominable!” Hearing the sound of the wave, Zi Lai also instantly sobered up, directly pushed open the office door, and left in a frenzy.

Just after getting rid of a group of Konoha dark parts, the big snake pill was about to leave, and several kunai instantly inserted into the foot of the big snake pill, stopping the big snake pill’s steps.

“Why !!??”

Jiraiya’s white hair burst out, and he looked at the big snake pill in the distance with a serious face, and roared and asked: “Big snake pill, why did you betray Konoha!” ”

“Hmph, you’re such an idiot! Jiraiya! Without waiting for Ji to continue to ask, the big snake pill spread out and fled.

“Stop, Orochimaru!” Zi Lai also gritted his teeth and followed closely.

In this way, along the way, the two of you chased me, seeing that they couldn’t get rid of Zi Laiye, the big snake pill took Zi Lai Ye into the dense forest, and directly shot with all his strength.

The battle between the strong is very different from the battle between the weak, the weak are more about competing for the power of ninjutsu, and the battle scene seems grand, but it can only bring visual senses, and there is no value to savor.

The battle between the strong is to use ninjutsu to the extreme, even a D-level ninjutsu can fully exert its value.

Orochimaru and Jirai are also companions who have grown up together since childhood and fought side by side for decades, and it can be said that they are very clear about each other’s details.

If they want to divide the victory between them, they will either be surprised or dragged on until both sides are exhausted.

However, Orochimaru is a defector ninja and will not continue to drag on with Jiraiya.

The entire forest, with the battle between Orochimaru and Jiraiya, has been destroyed beyond recognition. At this time, Jiraiya was no match for Orochimaru in terms of ninjutsu, and the clothes on his body were already embarrassed.

Or perhaps, in the bottom of Jiraiya’s heart, he didn’t want to capture the big snake pill back like this and accept the trial of the village.

Although my brain is relatively slow to react, after so many years, I can understand politics to some extent.

It is also very ironic to think that in order to fight for power, Konoha’s high-ranking officials forced away one after another the masters who could threaten their status.

First, the suicide of Konoha White Fang Banner Mushuo Shigeru, and now the three Shinobi have left one after another, their status in the village may have been improved, but Konoha’s status in the ninja world is close to stormy.

In fact, everyone is the same, and everyone will consider things from their own perspective before doing things.

Even Senjukuma and Wave Feng Shuimon, who have always preached peace, and even Naruto Uzumaki, the future protagonist of the original book, all hope that others can accept the peace they advocate, and if they do not accept it, they are naturally enemies.

In the end, the root of this world is still the strong. Where there is a difference between good and evil in the Ninja World War, the winner is naturally right, and the loser can only accept the conditions of the winner.

It’s a pity that the Shimura Danzo organ calculated, but what he didn’t expect was that the three generations of Hokage would let go of the big snake pill, and did not fight with the big snake pill and lose both.

People who do not understand feelings will naturally not calculate feelings when calculating others. From this point of view, Shimura Danzo is far from the big snake pill, and the big snake pill is the most able to use other people’s feelings.


With the violent explosion caused by the two techniques, all the surrounding trees collapsed, and Orochimaru looked indifferently at Jiraiya, who was panting under the tree, and did not continue to strike.

“Why, why did you defect to Konoha!” Jiraiya still insisted on asking. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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