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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 146

And if it is not stimulated, then the evolution of the chakra eye requires a long period of yin practice and accumulation.

And when opening the chakra eye, the extent to which it can be reached is related to the quality of this eye-opening Uchiha tribe itself.

Just like Sasuke in the manga, he was stimulated by the extermination to open a double hook jade and a single hook jade, a total of three goitama’s chakra eyes.

And Obito after years of battlefield training, in the opening of the eye is directly the Ergotama Sharingan, can you say that the mental stimulation encountered by Dantu is greater than that encountered by Sasuke?

Of course not! Sasuke witnessed his dear brother kill his parents, a horrific tragedy that was unique in the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, the number of gouyu in the writing wheel eye is not only about spiritual yin, but also about yang.

If it is an ordinary uncultured Uchiha tribe who wants to stimulate himself, then he will most likely choose to kill relatives and friends, and use this painful and conscience-destroying method to obtain more powerful pupil power.

To this kind of information, Shinobu Higashino has another idea, it is not the brain of the Uchiha clan that can produce Yin Chakra, all ninjas can, otherwise how did Kakashi open the kaleidoscope in the original work?

Therefore, after Higashino Shinobu got this gouge chakra eye, he has been soaked in the primary cell culture liquid filled with Yang Dun Chakra, and often injected his own Yang Dun Chakra.

So the pair of Sharingan eyes seemed to be alive, as if they were still growing in the eye sockets of the living ninja of the Uchiha clan, and the forever rotating gouyu looked extremely full, as if it was possible to separate into two gouyu at any time.

However, Higashino Shinobu’s Yin Escape cultivation was insufficient, so he could not refine the pure Yin Dun Chakra and directly injected it into the eyes of a jade writing wheel.

However, Higashino Shinobu, who had now completed the seal of the Golden Pill, could already begin the Yin Escape cultivation.

I believe that there will be surprising results soon.

After getting the Golden Pill Seal and cultivating the Immortal Mode, nothing important will happen for a long time to come.

The only thing that deserves Shinobu Higashino’s attention is the Nine-Tails incident that does not know when it will come.

In addition, whether Obito would blacken if Nohara Rin had not died was a question, and Higashino Shinobu could no longer predict what would happen that day.

What he can do is to work hard to improve his strength, so that no matter what enemies and conspiracies, he can break it with one force.

The time of the Nine Tails incident is not impossible to speculate, it should probably be the 8th year of Konoha, the day Naruto was born.

But exactly what day it is, Shinobu Higashino still doesn’t know. However, when Uzumaki Jiu Shinai becomes pregnant, you can speculate the specific time of the arrival of the Nine Tails through the due date of Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

On that day, in addition to trying his best to protect the Wave Feng Shuimen family, Higashino Shinobu had another thing to do, that is, to find an opportunity to intercept a little Nine-Tailed Chakra.

After soaking in the hot spring, Shinobu Higashino walked down the trail and relaxed while inquiring about the major events that have happened in the ninja world in the past two months.

I finally took the opportunity of the task to relax.

The ninja world has experienced the baptism of the third ninja war, and it seems to be much calmer, and its realization has its own transformation in each ninja village.

Especially Wuyin Village, although Wuyin Village is isolated overseas and it is difficult to transmit news, but the previous Wuyin Village is not completely free of diplomacy.

However, in recent months, the village has been completely closed, including the Land of Water, and has also cut off contact with other countries.

Hearing this news, Shinobu Higashino finally determined that Uchiha didn’t know what method to use to blacken Obito, and now Obito had already worn a mask.

Mask Obito had grown up and took over the Mist Hidden Village from Uchiha’s hand.

In the original work of Hokage, the village of Mist Hidden was closed, civil unrested, and cleansed of the Blood Stepfamily, and a good Great Ninja Village was almost shattered by Obito.

Fortunately, Terumi staged a coup d’état and became the fifth generation of Water Shadow, which saved the future of Wuyin Village.

However, Higashino Shinobu analyzed that the Kirihide Village was the culprit of the persecution of Nohara Rin, and it should be that the mask Obito took revenge on the Kirihide Village for Nohara Rin’s revenge, so he deliberately did this. Whether it is civil strife or the cleansing of the Blood Stepfamily, it is the bloody revenge of the mask Obito against the Wuyin Village.

The fourth generation of Water Shadow is now controlled by the Sharingan, and the entire Wuyin Village is under the control of the Mask Obito, and he cleanses the Blood Stepper Family like this, which is not beneficial to him at all.

Higashino Shinobu couldn’t think of any other reason other than revenge.

Presumably, it won’t be long before the fourth generation of Water Shadow will officially take action against the Wuyin Blood Stepfamily, and then Wuyin Village will be completely chaotic.

And what Higashino Shinobu is thinking about is whether to take advantage of this opportunity to get something good from the Wuyin Village.

Especially the Blood Succession Realm Ninja among them.

A long time ago, Higashino Shinobu had the idea of cultivating one or two cronies, after all, many things Higashino Shinobu is not good to personally come forward.

However, at present, Higashino Shinobu can use a large amount of Konoha’s resources, intelligence and other things, and it is no longer bothering Higashino Shinobu.

But there are always things that Konoha can’t let Konoha know, and then someone else has to do it.

As for the situation in the other Shinobi villages, there is no major news worth paying attention to.

Yunyin Village and Konoha have some conflicts from time to time, and Sand Hidden Village and Iwain Village also have contradictions with each other, but now the major ninja villages are silently licking their wounds, and it is impossible to have a large-scale fight.

On the contrary, some small ninja villages, such as Kusanagi Village and Taki Shinobi Village, were very active during this period.

When the big ninja village goes out, these small ninja villages get a chance, and plunder and fight are inevitable for more resources.

Judging from the memories of Uzumaki Kakari in the original book, when Naruto was seven or eight years old, Kusanagi Village was still at war.

However, thinking of Xiangphos, Higashino Shinobu felt that Xiangphos’s perception ability and ability to recover instantly were very good, and he was still a member of the Uzumaki clan, maybe there was any other value, and he had to abduct him when he had an opportunity.

After walking around the street for a while, Higashino Shinobu found a hotel to stay in.

Since it was rare to come out once, Higashino Shinobu didn’t want to go back so early.

Before returning to Konoha, Shinobu Higashino also wanted to go to the Land of Rain to see the movements of the organization.

The Xiao Organization is a terrorist organization throughout the plot of Hokage, and the small OSS that appeared in the early stage are almost all people from this organization.

Now that the three wars have ended, Shinobu Higashino has passed the weakest stage and has grown up completely. Next, there is no need for Shinobu Higashino to live as carefully as before, and many things he wants to do can now be done.

It’s just that at this time, Xiao should have just experienced Hanzo’s betrayal, Nagato and Konan lost Yahiko, and Xiao has begun to change.

For the development of the Xiao organization, Higashino Shinobu did not want to destroy it.

Because Hei must be more than such a backhand. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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