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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 151

Although there have been many rumors in the village that are unfavorable to the Blood Stepfamily recently, most of the Mist Shinobi believe that this is just a power struggle between the fourth generation of Water Shadow and the Blood Stepper Family, and the storm will soon pass.

How to listen to the meaning of Higashino Shinobu, the fourth generation of Mizukage seems to make a move on the Blood Stepper Family?

Moreover, the Wuyin Village is now completely closed, and there is no contact with the outside world at all, how did Higashino Shinobu know the news?

“What a despicable means, do you think it is to provoke a civil war in our Wuyin Village?” Terumi glared at Higashino Shinobu angrily, and angrily reprimanded: “We Kiri Shinobu are united and will never be instigated by you despicable villain.” ”

“Is it? This is different from the intelligence I investigated! Shinobu Higashino said.

The fourth generation of Water Shadow wants to make a move on the Blood Stepper Family, this matter is like the emperor’s new clothes, many discerning people see through but dare not say it.

In that case, Shinobu Higashino was the only kid who dared to tell the truth and stabbed this last layer of window paper.

I believe that when today’s news is transmitted back to Wuyin Village, it will definitely cause an uproar, even if everyone knows that this is just Higashino Shinobu deliberately stirring up discord, but the Wuyin high-level will not be able to stand up and clarify.

Because what Shinobu Higashino said is the truth.

Even if both the Water Shadow and the Blood Stepper Family are relatively restrained, the seeds of doubt must have germinated, and the two sides will one day break completely and fight each other to break the net.

“By the way, your family is also a bloodstain family, if you can’t get along with the fog, how about coming to me, and ensure that the treatment is excellent!” You see that I can meet you every time I come to the Land of Water, it seems that we have a fate.” Higashino Shinobu looked at Terumi and laughed.

“Damn, you give me death!” Looking at Higashino Shinobu’s bullying and under-beating, Terumi’s lungs were about to explode.

“Mo is angry, Mo is angry! It’s not nice to be angry! ”

“Oh? Is it? You’re impatient! “Lin Yongyu Yuli obviously inherited, a certain characteristic of the Ninja Dao Seven, that is, enough neurosis, she is obviously a woman, but she dresses like a non-mainstream.

She suddenly said to herself nervously, and then stared at Higashino Shinobu with gloomy eyes, and shouted: “Seeing you, Tooth is already angry, little ghost!” ”

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yongyu Yuli quickly walked towards Higashino Shinobu with his teeth in his hands.

Although Hayashi Yuri is a female ninja, her speed is not slow. Almost in the blink of an eye, Lin Yuli had already rushed to Higashino Shinobu.

“Thunder Blast!!”

As Lin Yongyu straightened his swords, a huge thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Higashino Shinobu.

At the beginning, the previous owner of Thunder Knife Tooth, Thunder Tooth, was killed by Higashino Shinobu in one face, and did not show the power of Thunder Knife Tooth at all, and now Thunder Knife Tooth is extremely powerful in Lin Yong.

Lin Yongyu Yuli is worthy of being a woman with the title of “Lei Duan’s Genius” in Wuyin Village. Later generations commented that the thunder knife and teeth played to the extreme in the hands of Lin Yongyu Yuli. Unfortunately, he was seriously ill and died young, so he may not be able to become the fifth generation of water shadows.

After sending out the Thunder Ninjutsu, Yuli refined Chakra, raised the thunder knife in his hand high, and under the guidance of the pure Thunder Chakra, the sky suddenly darkened, and a tenfold thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

In the face of this imposing trick, the surrounding mist faint retreated one after another to dodge, and the eyes that looked at Higashino Shinobu were all eyes of dead people.

Seeing this, Higashino Re just smiled proudly, he raised his right hand high, and a more dazzling thunder appeared in his hand, and under the blessing of the fairy Chakra, the Heavenly Thunder Hammer changed from blue and white to gold.

The golden hammer quickly took shape in Higashino Shinobu’s hands, and then, in the face of the thunder that rushed towards him, Higashino Shinobu held the heavenly thunder hammer high and swung it suddenly.

Lu Yanggong and Han were in trouble, the war was raging, and they were swaying to help, and the day was reversed! ! !

The thunder that cut through the sky was actually cut in two by Higashino Shinobu!!

The Heavenly Thunder also seemed to be sluggish for a moment, and at this moment, Higashino Shinobu threw the Heavenly Thunder Hammer at the direction of the Heavenly Thunder.

The thunder that followed the heavens and the earth was struck up by a golden hammer that went against the sky and dissipated in the sky.

Seeing this, all the fog ninja were sluggish, using manpower to fight against Tianwei and win, in the face of the strong Higashino Shinobu, all the fog ninja were trembling, and Lin Yongyu Yuli subconsciously released the double knife in his hand.

Although I have always known that Shinobu Higashino’s strength is very strong, this is also too outrageous!

“He’s getting stronger again!”

Seeing that Higashino Shinobu had dispersed the natural thunder and lightning that was more powerful than the S-class Thunder Ninjutsu with just one blow, Terumi’s heart was very unpleasant.

Terumi has two blood succession limits, and she is very talented, so she has always been the most shining genius in the Mist Hidden Village, and she is confident that even in the entire ninja world, her talent is one of the best.

But this Higashino Shinobu seems to be a freak, the last time he saw him, although he had flying ninjutsu, he could fight in the face of several Mist Ninjas, and even defeated the fourth generation of Mizukage with his advantage, and he could still see his embarrassment and panic at that time.

But now, looking at Shinobu Higashino, who could calmly disperse thunder with a single blow, Terumi also fell silent.

Seeing that the surrounding Mist Shinobu was shocked by himself, Higashino Shinobu chuckled and said: “Since I was discovered by you, I can’t continue to stay in the Water Country to investigate, so see you next time!” ”

“And…” Speaking of this, Higashino Shinobu turned his head to look at Terumi and laughed: “Hey! If I can see you again next time I come to the Land of Water, I will tell you a secret. ”

“What secret?” Terumi asked.

“Bye bye!” Higashino Shinobu obviously didn’t want to answer, as soon as the words fell, as the wind rose, surrounded by many mist Shinobu, Higashino Shinobu soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.

As the fifth generation of Water Shadow in the original Wuyin Village, the strength of Terumei, who has two blood succession limits, is unquestionable, and when the original Five Shadows Conference, he almost hit the swollen second pillar.

If there is a chance, Shinobu Higashino can tell her the information that ‘Mask Obito controls the fourth generation of Mizukage Citrus Yakura’, so that she can end the civil strife in the village of Misthide as soon as possible and get her gratitude, so that Shinobu Higashino can also have another way to retreat.

The information of the fourth generation of Mizukage Citrus Yakura is very important, and Shinobu Higashino is ready to use this information to make a deal with Terumi.

Whether it is to form an ally with the Mist Hidden Village or directly use other gods to control Terumi and secretly control the Mist Hidden Village, it is a good choice for Higashino Shinobu, who is more inclined to the latter.

People are complex, no one can fully understand a person, even if someone surrenders to you today, but you will not know when someone will betray you.

And other gods can perfectly maintain the loyalty of his subordinates. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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