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Unify the ninja world from Konoha — Chapter 152

“It’s still comfortable in your own home!” Returning to Konoha, looking at the dusty hut, Higashino Shinobu said softly.

After becoming a ninja, Higashino Shinobu saved money to buy a house, saying goodbye to the shabby small house from Qin, although the new house is not very big, but how to say that it is also Higashino Shinobu’s home in this world, and he still has some feelings after living for a long time.

After a big cleaning, Shinobu Higashino came to Hokage’s office, ready to report on the trip of this outing.

Regarding the issue of the immortal mode, Higashino Shinobu plans to report it to the village.

Unless Higashino Shinobu does not use the Immortal Mode in front of the Konoha ninjas, this problem will be known to the village sooner or later.

Anyway, without the Chakra control ability of the level of Shinobu Higashino, as well as the knowledge of sealing techniques and mathematics, basically no one can copy Shinobu Higashino’s Jindan seal.

“Four generations of adults, three generations of adults! Long time no see! Higashino ninja saluted.

“It’s forbearance! When did you get back? Bo Feng Shuimen asked enthusiastically.

“Just came back, just came to report!” Shinobu Higashino said.

“You have been gone for two months, it seems that your strength has improved a lot!” The three generations of Hokage also looked at Higashino Shinobu with a smile, and the three generations of Hokage obviously felt the change in Higashino Shinobu, not only did his temperament become more sacred, but when facing himself, he was not as careful as before.

Obviously, Shinobu Higashino’s strength has improved rapidly in the past two months, and even in the face of two generations of Hokage, he has enough confidence.

“Three generations of adults, this time I went out to practice, my strength has indeed improved a lot!” Higashino laughed.

For his own changes, Higashino Shinobu actually did not notice much, but with the improvement of his strength, Higashino Shinobu’s confidence increased a lot.

Whether staying in Konoha or defecting from the village, Higashino Shinobu is fearless.

It’s just that in comparison, staying in Konoha can have more resources, and if you defect, you will have to start all over again, and Higashino Shinobu has no interest in making a ninja village by himself like Orochimaru.

Instead of spending time cultivating subordinates, it is better to improve their strength with heart.

“Haha! It seems that the results of this practice are not small! The third generation of Hokage laughed.

“There is one thing I want to explain to the two Hokage-sama!” Shinobu Higashino said.

“Oh? What’s up? Bo Feng Shuimen asked in surprise.

“I developed my unique immortal mode through the method of sealing!” Shinobu Higashino said.

After the words, Higashino Shinobu opened the golden pill With the appearance of the vermilion of the eyebrows and the fairy feather coat on his body, a sacred and inviolable temperament appeared on Higashino Shinobu.


“Ugh! Swish! ”

With the outbreak of the immortal mode, a figure flashed in the public room, and five elite ninjas in the dark department directly surrounded Higashino Shinobu, and the three generations of Hokage and Wave Feng Shui Gate also rose instantly, their whole bodies tense, and they were wary of Higashino Shinobu’s hand.

“Don’t be nervous, this is the immortal mode, and the fourth generation of Hokage-sama should have practiced it too, right?” Higashino Shinobu turned off the Golden Pill Seal, and the Immortal Chakra on his body had not yet dissipated, he said with a smile.

“Well, there is such a thing, I practiced immortal art in Miaomu Mountain, but because the time to condense natural energy is too long, so there is no actual combat value at present, but endure, you can think of using the sealing technique to practice the immortal mode, it’s really smart!” Bo Feng Shuimen scratched his head and said.

“It’s really powerful, so endure, is it possible to copy this method?” Although the third generation marveled at Shinobu Higashino’s amazing wisdom, he was worthy of being the Hokage’s task for decades, and he immediately thought of this.

“First of all, you must have my level of Chakra control ability, and you must also deeply learn the sealing technique, master the Yin seal, the four-elephant seal, and the three-phase enchantment seal that I summarized.”

Higashino Shinobu frowned as soon as he opened his mouth for three generations, this condition is too harsh, ordinary ninjas can be counted as elite Shinobi if they are proficient in any aspect, if you want to meet all the conditions, it is better to practice immortal arts step by step.

“That’s a pity…” said the three generations regretfully.

“Two Hokage-sama, I can record my Golden Pill Seal in the Book of Seals!” Shinobu Higashino then said.

“Do you want to learn something?” Wave Feng Shuimen immediately thought of the purpose of Shinobu Higashino.

“That’s right, I recently found that my foundation in illusion is too poor, and now my strength has entered a bottleneck, so I want to study illusion…” Higashino Shinobu’s little secret was guessed.

“Haha, it’s good to study hard, then let’s go get the Book of Seals!” Bofeng Shuimen and Ape Fei looked at each other and smiled and said.

Walking out of the Hokage Building, Higashino Shinobu breathed a sigh of relief.

Handing over the Golden Pill Seal was a decision that Higashino Shinobu had thought about for a long time, and then he figured it out, anyway, over the years, there were not even ninjas who learned their own Heavenly Thunder Seal, not to mention the Golden Pill Seal that was even more difficult on it?

Anyway, others can’t learn it, so it’s better to hand it over and exchange it for something more practical, such as the Konoha illusion and Yin Shun information that Higashino Shinobu has been hungry for a long time.

Here, Shinobu Higashino also officially declared to the Naruto line that he has grown up completely, that he can already provide a greater foundation for the village, and that he is already a powerful ninja who can talk to the upper echelons of the village on an equal footing!

Even in the opinion of the three generations, Shinobu Higashino has clearly shown his thoughts on the location of the Hokage!!

Although this will inevitably make the three generations a little unhappy, because Higashino Shinobu has neither a teacher who is a Hokage nor a master related to Hokage, but who said that no Sanshin was willing to accept Higashino Shinobu as an apprentice?

Now Higashino Shinobu has grown up on his own and has become a shadow-level powerhouse independent of the Hokage, just like Shigeru Kiki back then, which attracted the jealousy of three generations, but even if the three generations are afraid of Higashino Shinobu, it depends on the contribution Higashino Shinobu has made to Konoha, and does not dare to pit Higashino Shinobu in an upright manner.

Not only that, but the three generations must always be vigilant that Higashino Shinobu’s reputation is too high, and hesitate whether to deal with Higashino Ninja, just like Shigeru Kiki back then.

But now it’s different, after today’s incident, Higashino Shinobu can be said to have completely parted ways with the three generations of Hokage, and if you do anything in the future, Higashino Shinobu no longer has to care about the views of the three generations of Hokage, as long as Higashino Shinobu does not make the act of judging the village, Higashino Shinobu will always be the backbone of the village.

What’s more, there are still many things to do in the future, and these things are undoubtedly not allowed by the three generations of Hokage.

This is the strength that strength brings to Higashino Shinobu, or how to say that the artist is bold, with strength, do a lot of things without scruples. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Unify the ninja world from Konoha

Unify the ninja world from Konoha


“Konoha has been full of geniuses since ancient times, and Shinobi Higashino is undoubtedly the best among them!” said the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Why did you let this butcher be born into this world!?” The fourth generation thunder shadow Ye Yuehai said.

“Ever since Higashino Shinobi became the Kage of Konoha, Konoha has turned into a bloodthirsty wolf!” The third Tsuchikage Tententsubo Onoki said.

“The so-called ninja is a strong person who has mastered powerful ninjutsu! Even without a system, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world!” Shinobi Higashino.


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