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Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts! — Chapter 112

Above the Great Wall of Despair, Ye Jun has been waiting here for three whole days, except for completing the necessary work and eating and drinking every day, the rest of the time is spent here, she has been paying attention to the direction of the Thunder Sea on the Frost Plateau.

She knew that Xia Zhu was there, in such a terrifying thunder sea, and she felt the law of thunder, she was so far away, she felt terrified, and the danger in this could be imagined! Moreover, it had been three full days since Xia Zhu left the fortress and went to the thunder sea, and she didn’t know whether she was alive or dead!

She had the heart to go over and take a look, but she knew her current strength, not to mention being close to that thunder sea, it was not easy to survive in the kind of cold of the Frost Plateau, the last time she went there, she still followed the teacher, if the teacher hadn’t taken her away in time, she would have died a long time ago!

Among the fortresses, the only person who has the ability to go over is Zhuge Kunshan, but Zhuge Kunshan is obviously not very interested, at most sometimes it is extremely boring, come over to take a look, and don’t say much. Ye Jun could only get some information from the expression on her face, Xia Zhu should be fine at the moment, at least the information revealed by Zhuge Kunshan is so.


The sound of the thunder seemed to be a little more intense than just now, and Ye Jun, who had been focusing on this, immediately noticed this change. Whether it’s good or bad, as long as there is movement, it is good news, which means that Xia Zhu is still alive, Lei Hai has existed for so many years, and there is no such change every year, so there is only one possibility, it is Xia Zhu’s behavior that caused Lei Hai’s fluctuations.

She looked far away, looking further away as much as possible, to see clearly what had happened in the thunder sea, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, or did Xia Zhu have understood the law of thunder and was ready to get out?

“This is…” She just glanced at it, and was immediately stunned on the spot, because the boundless thunder sea had already undergone an astonishing change at this time, turning into a huge whirlpool, and countless thunder powers were pulled by this whirlpool, a magical and terrifying scene.

I don’t know when Zhuge Kunshan has come to her side, his eyes are also locked on that side, under the mask, Dai frowned, his expression was extremely solemn, and he muttered to himself: “This madman, the fragments of the comprehension law are not enough, and he even hit the idea on that thunder sea, and used his body to absorb thunder, is this not fatal?”

“What?” Ye Jun heard her words clearly, so she immediately understood that Xia Zhu’s behavior was very dangerous, and even his life would be in danger.

“Your teacher is really bold, I don’t dare to do anything, but he didn’t hesitate at all! Originally, I observed him a few days ago, and found that his comprehension state was excellent, and the progress was gratifying, according to the speed, he would probably be able to roughly complete the comprehension of the law fragments today, and then he only needed to retreat with his whole body, and then slowly use his own thunder power to condense the law imprint! But he was not satisfied with this, he hit his mind on the thunder sea!” Zhuge Kunshan said angrily.

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Then do you still need to ask? Use his own thunder power to condense the law imprint, although it is a little slower, but it is safe and reliable, but he plans to use natural thunder, natural thunder is born between heaven and earth, symbolizing the authority of heaven and earth, gathering the power of nature, the most violent and ferocious, the breath of destruction is too strong, he forcibly absorbs it into his body like this, it is not good that he is a soul flying away!”

“Can that stop it?”

“No, once he starts, he can’t stop, although my cultivation is higher than him, but it’s just an epic, and it’s not a god! And it can’t be stopped, the monk’s cultivation is the most important to have a good mind, now you can only pray that he won’t have an accident in the process, otherwise your teacher will only become a pile of black ashes!”

The city wall fell silent, Ye Jun was worried, Zhuge Kunshan was always staring at Xia Zhu’s state, once Xia Zhu had any abnormalities and showed signs of failure, she would forcibly take action once and bring Xia Zhu back, even if he was seriously injured, he could save his life!

But the more they looked at it, the more surprised they became, because the thunder vortex was still expanding! The range was getting wider and wider, and the speed at which Xia Zhu absorbed it became faster and faster, swallowing the sea as if there was no end, and soon the whirlpool actually covered the entire thunder sea, and all the thunder was incorporated into that whirlpool.

Looking from a distance, I could only see a rotating thunder sea, for an hour, two hours, Xia Zhu still didn’t have any problems, but the thunder sea shrank a lot!

“To be able to do this, I still underestimated him!” Zhuge Kunshan muttered to himself.

This kind of vision can be seen not only by the Great Wall Fortress of Despair, but also by the Demon Fortress on the opposite side, and it has also caused a great sensation!

Those demon soldiers who saw it first immediately reported to their superiors, and then the demon officers at the higher level reported again. Finally, it was finally reported to the demon commander!

Demon Commander Aldrich was a little angry in his heart, he was originally meeting with two big people who had just come from the Heavenly Demon Domain, and these subordinates were inevitably too blind. Do they know what the identities of these two adults are, they are both lord-level existences in the Heavenly Demon Domain!

Although he didn’t know why the two lords actually came to such a remote place in the north in person, and they came together, he didn’t have the courage to explore the meaning and hidden purpose behind this.

But he absolutely knew that he couldn’t afford to mess with these two, not to mention that he was just a small commander of the Northern Realm, and his cultivation was no more than the pinnacle of gold! Even if these two killed him with one sword, no one would stand up for him, he was a fart in front of the epic! It was so easy for others to erase him! He only hoped that these two would not have any unhappiness now!

“What’s going on?” said one of the epic demons, his name is Kim Brent, a direct member of the Brent family, Brent is definitely a powerful family, this is a family that has been a demigod in history, although it is now in decline, but there are still several legendary warriors in the family!

On the contrary, the young man named Norton next to him looked very low-key, but how could the origin of the person who could be accompanied by the descendants of the Brent family be simple.

Aldrich laughed, “Two adults, I’m really sorry, just now my subordinates came to report that there was a vision on the Frost Plateau!”

“On the Frost Plateau?” Kim Brent raised his voice.

Aldrich didn’t know why he suddenly became interested in this place, so he could only continue to talk about it.

“Yes, every year in the summer, a thunderstorm area will form over the Frost Plateau, which is very terrifying, but this year I don’t know why such a change will occur!”

Kim and Norton looked at each other, then nodded at the same time, and both had a guess in their minds!

“You think so?”

“It is very likely that our clan has invested so many troops in this area, and we have a deep understanding of this place, and this time we also sent a special force to search, but after searching the entire place, we have not found any traces, and now there is a change here, I have to say that it is too much of a coincidence!”

“Then let’s go!” Norton hooked the corners of his mouth and got up from his seat, this is a strange and flamboyant young man, his body is two meters high, very straight! If you look closely, you can find that this person is wrapped in a very small transparent scale, which is difficult to see if you are not focused, and the purple light flashes in the eyes of those sharp swords.

“Your Highness!” Kim saw that Norton was going to investigate in person, and he couldn’t help but change his name in a hurry.

Aldrich next to him stiffened, and suddenly reacted, purple pupils and scale armor, what kind of origin can such a gesture be except for members of the royal family, it is all blamed that he did not incense this aspect at all in the first place. After all, who would dare to imagine that a child of the royal family would sneak away to the battlefield. If something happens, he will gamble that his family will not be enough to pay!

So he reacted quickly, and immediately knelt down on one knee!

“What are you doing here?” Norton frowned.

“Your Highness, when we came, we said yes, just come and have a look, and definitely not interfere in the affairs here, if something happens to you, not only me but also my family will be to blame!” Kim looked anxious.

This was said clearly, and it confirmed Aldrich’s guess that he was indeed a big man in a certain royal family, and it seemed that he was also a highly valued child of the royal family. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Brent family, who are used to being high, to be so low-voiced, even if they don’t want Norton to personally take risks, they will only persuade in a low voice, not drink orders!

It’s a pity that he didn’t dare to interject, he didn’t have that qualification, if he accidentally said the wrong thing, any one of these two people could kill him!

“Kim, it seems that your family has been peaceful for too long, so that your generation has lost its enterprising spirit!” Norton shook his head, looking a little disappointed, “My father often taught me that blood and courage are the foundation of my demon race, no matter how far I go, I never dare to forget this sentence, and I always remind it in my heart, so I still have that blood courage in my body! If the ruins really appear, are you making me sit back and be indifferent?”

“But Your Highness, not to mention whether there is anything valuable in this ruin, even if there is, it will not exceed the treasure house of your clan, you don’t lack anything, why take risks, once something happens…”

“So your family has only had demigods in history, and since then, there is obviously a demigod inheritance, but all of them have stopped at legends, and no demigod has been born, this is the reason! I dare to say that your demigod ancestor must not have such rich resources and such a generous environment as you are now! But can your achievements be half as good as his?”


Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Luo Chen traveled to a parallel world where beast masters were the main ones, but he didn't expect that he was a Muggle.

He activated the system, the god-level editing system, hoping to make some pocket money and be shocked by the world he traveled through.

At the beginning, it was announced [All the beastmasters here are **, let’s take a look at the top ten most powerful mythical beasts!】

I never thought that the video released could connect the dimensions of the heavens.

Kaido: Divine beast?Are you talking about those with phantom beast fruit abilities?Then I must be at the top of the list!

Black Zetsu: Top Ten Divine Beasts?Are you talking about ten tailed beasts?It’s just my mother’s pet!

Steel Seadramon: We, the four dark kings, will definitely occupy four seats!

Until the terrifying videos of battles between mythical beasts were played, the dimensions of the heavens were shaken!!

"Hiss, create the world!?"

"I'm going to travel through time and manipulate space!?"

People in the Pokémon world were shocked. It turns out that the Pokémon world hides so many secrets!?


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