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Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts! — Chapter 117

Ye Jun is a little anxious now, because his teacher’s state is very strange, Xia Zhu has been sitting in front of the window since he fell asleep and woke up, and this sitting is a day and a night. She didn’t do anything, didn’t eat or drink, didn’t say a word, but what worried her the most was that Xia Zhu’s breath seemed to be gradually weakening with the passage of time.

It’s like Xia Zhu’s vitality is still vigorous, his blood is still abundant, but his soul is drying up, and this process is getting faster and faster!

She didn’t know that Xia Zhu, who seemed to be in a daze, was undergoing unimaginable drastic changes in the sea of gods at this moment.

In the Divine Sea space, the towering golden giant was waving his hands at this time, and purple lines continued to shoot out from his fingertips, and then disappeared into the void.

The golden giant seemed to turn into a god and demon who was reshaping the world, and the lightning-shaped mark on the center of his eyebrows, surrounded by thunder, wrapped all over his body, and transformed into a pair of thunder armor! The terrifying majesty and sacredness emanated from the giant’s body.

This process has been going on for a long time, so long that Xia Zhu’s powerful divine soul is starting to feel tired and feel powerless. And as time goes by, the consumption in this process is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming more and more terrifying, which is why in Ye Jun’s feelings, Xia Zhu’s breath is weakening madly. If it goes on like this, it is not without danger, and even if the realm is still not completed when he is completely exhausted, then Xia Zhu may really die of soul exhaustion!

When ordinary people break through the epic, the process of building the realm will be deliberately divided into multiple stages by them, instead of being arrogant like Xia Zhu and trying to build it all at once, because no one’s divine soul power can support this kind of consumption!

Xia Zhu’s soul power that has undergone a metamorphosis is not enough to support, it is conceivable that those ordinary people also do the same as him, I am afraid that they will be sucked into a human dry child not long after the beginning! This is not only a test of the power of the divine soul, but also a test of the depth of cultivation, I am afraid that Xia Zhu is the only person in this world who can be at the peak of gold, and has thousands of years of Force cultivation, and only in this way can the Force cultivation like the sea provide such a terrifying consumption.

Moreover, Xia Zhu’s process of building the field is also completely different from that of ordinary people, and the construction of the field by ordinary people will be centered on the crystallization of the fragments of the law condensed by their own comprehension of the law, which is actually equivalent to limiting the development direction of the field from the beginning, for example, if a person comprehends the law of flames, then he must only be in the realm of flames in the epic realm! Even if he breaks through later, it will only continue to strengthen the domain of flames! Let the realm of flames continue to be complete, strengthened, and finally transformed.

However, Xia Zhu is different, he is directly based on the golden Divine Soul Giant in the Divine Sea as the core, and the Thunder Law Fragment Crystallization is the auxiliary, which means that his domain will not be limited to just the Thunder Law. In other words, if he could comprehend the new law, then he could also construct a realm of other nature outside of the Thunder Realm.

This means that Xia Zhu’s epic will be completely different from others, others can only have one domain, while he can have multiple domains, this gap is not a simple difference in quantity, but an essential difference.

Ye Jun was worried. But she was helpless, she understood more and more that Xia Zhu had never been a person who liked to take the ordinary path, and she didn’t know anything about whether the teacher’s state was good or bad. She even went to ask Zhuge Kunshan, but Zhuge Kunshan didn’t understand what Xia Zhu was doing!

“Teacher, today, the ruins are about to open, didn’t you say that you still have to go to a duel and explore the ruins? What is going on in your current state!” Ye Jun looked up at the sky, and countless flying figures gradually converged in the direction of the Frost Plateau. Epic monks who are rarely seen in normal times are as many as cabbage today. Those in the sky who are in a hurry to fly are the ones who are hurrying. There are also some races that Ye Jun has never seen before, strange shapes, all kinds of races, coming one after another!

It can be seen from this that although the ten thousand races in the heavens and ten thousand races are somewhat exaggerated, it also shows the diversity of races in the universe, not to mention that there are ten thousand, but there are still thousands! Pity that in the old days, the human beings on the Blue Star still asserted that they were the only intelligent life races in the world! I don’t know how embarrassed the people who came to this conclusion at that time were when they saw such a scene!

At this time, Zhuge Kunshan and the others were also ready to set off, she and the two Imperial Epic-level monks took the lead in coming to the previously agreed meeting point! After waiting for a while, the five epic-level elven monks who had not appeared since they came to the fortress were also late!

These five elven monks, three men and two women, each of them are very powerful, the weakest one is an epic intermediate rank, three are epic high rank, and there is one oldest male elf, who is the same as Zhuge Kunshan, who is an epic peak!

“It looks like you’re ready!” Archil Gavin, the male elf at the peak of the epic level, glanced at the three of Zhuge Kunshan and nodded, “You humans are the only ones who want to go?”

Zhuge Kunshan hesitated for a moment, looked at the direction of the small shop where Xia Zhu was, and nodded helplessly, “Just the three of us!”

“It’s okay, it’s not necessarily a good thing if there are too many people!The situation is mixed, strong enemies are around, and the internal situation of the ruins is unknown, if there are too many people, I may not be able to take care of them!” Arcier nodded, he knew the strength and heritage of the human race, and it was not easy to think that he could dispatch three people, I am afraid that this is still the person who was urgently transferred from the front line!

“We’ll take care of ourselves, and we won’t cause trouble to the elves!” A human epic master, hearing this, frowned, listening to this Aqier’s such an understated tone, it was obvious that he was treating them as oil bottles, Aqier’s high-minded attitude made him a little angry, so his tone began to become unkind!

Achill smiled, “I hope so, we are cooperating this time, not unilaterally taking care of it, I hope you can do what you say! And if there are any unpredictable changes in the process of cooperation, we have the right to stop our cooperation plan at the appropriate time! I wonder if you have any opinions?”

Zhuge Kunshan watched coldly, expressionless under the mask, and there was not the slightest fluctuation in his eyes because of his words. Because she knew from the beginning to the beginning that the relationship between humans and elves was very fragile, or existed in name only! And she never expected the elves to be able to provide free assistance to their humans from the beginning! Being able to support them on the side was already a big face!

Therefore, in the end, human beings still have to rely on themselves, and the elves have no obligation to help them, and they are not qualified to be dissatisfied with this! She always believes that the strong can have the pride of the strong, but the weak also need to have the self-knowledge of the weak! The weak is not the sorrow of the weak! If you are obviously weak, but you can’t face this problem, it is the greatest sorrow!

The reason why this situation has occurred today is because the human race is not strong enough, there are not enough top powerhouses in the human race, and there has not yet been a Dinghai Divine Needle that is enough to make the heavens and all races pay attention to it! In this kind of fiercely competitive universe, the quickest way to enhance the right to speak is to have a top powerhouse appear! If there are a few in the empire now, even if it is a legendary monk, it will not be like this!

“Now that we’ve arrived, let’s go!” said Achill again, urging everyone to get ready to go.

Zhuge Kunshan didn’t move, his eyes wandered, as if he was still waiting for something!

“What, someone else is coming, looking at Feng Zun’s appearance, it seems that he is waiting for someone?”

Zhuge Kunshan came back to his senses when he heard this, shook his head slightly, and sighed secretly, “It’s gone!

So the group rose from the walls of the fortress and went straight to the Frost Plateau, a total of eight epic masters walked together, and the powerful power on their bodies gathered together, becoming very terrifying, and there was a faint meaning of changing color between the actions.

Eight epic-level masters, this power is a force that cannot be underestimated even if it is placed in the current northern realm! Outside the ruins, countless monks waiting here all felt this huge and domineering momentum at the same time, and then they all turned their eyes to Zhuge Kunshan and their side!

“Humans and elves have cooperated?”

“It’s fun to form an alliance with a guy like the elves who are so arrogant that they can’t be killed!”

“Don’t underestimate it, even if the elven clan is now, it is a rare top clan in the universe! The strength is unfathomable, not to mention that they are a group of immortals, maybe there are many old monsters who have lived for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years hidden in the clan!”

“Hahaha… I don’t underestimate it, I’m just a few people who pity the human race, what virtues do the elves have, the human beings don’t know, don’t we know? Although they don’t necessarily have any malice, but the arrogance of the body that wants to grow their eyes to the top of their heads is enough for them to bear!”

“Elves, it’s indeed a fiery race! But the girls of this race are still very good! I am afraid that the only thing that can compete with them is the winged guys of angels!”


“Uh… Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue!” The man who spoke, immediately saw sweat on his forehead, the group of angels is a very special one among all races, it seems to be good and not good, it seems to be evil and not evil, it is usually low-key and not like words, it is extremely mysterious, so far, everyone has only seen the tip of their iceberg. But from the tip of the iceberg they revealed, they knew that this race was unimaginably powerful!


Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Luo Chen traveled to a parallel world where beast masters were the main ones, but he didn't expect that he was a Muggle.

He activated the system, the god-level editing system, hoping to make some pocket money and be shocked by the world he traveled through.

At the beginning, it was announced [All the beastmasters here are **, let’s take a look at the top ten most powerful mythical beasts!】

I never thought that the video released could connect the dimensions of the heavens.

Kaido: Divine beast?Are you talking about those with phantom beast fruit abilities?Then I must be at the top of the list!

Black Zetsu: Top Ten Divine Beasts?Are you talking about ten tailed beasts?It’s just my mother’s pet!

Steel Seadramon: We, the four dark kings, will definitely occupy four seats!

Until the terrifying videos of battles between mythical beasts were played, the dimensions of the heavens were shaken!!

"Hiss, create the world!?"

"I'm going to travel through time and manipulate space!?"

People in the Pokémon world were shocked. It turns out that the Pokémon world hides so many secrets!?


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