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Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts! — Chapter 121

That Demon Clan’s epic peak cultivator still didn’t quite believe what he saw until this time, so what happened just now? How long did the battle between Xia Zhu and Norton last? One minute, half a minute, or more than ten seconds? He only remembered that Xia Zhu unfolded the thunder domain, and then before he could react, the thunder domain opened again, and then Norton’s head was already in Xia Zhu’s hands!

Therefore, an epic-level mid-level master held out in front of an epic-level beginner for less than ten seconds, and then conferred the head? What kind of gap is this that can cause such a terrifying result? So, is Xia Zhu too strong, or is Norton too weak? Not only those demon powerhouses are confused, but even the powerhouses of other races below are also confused, they just didn’t even understand the battle process of a battle that happened under their noses!

You can only see that the Thunder Domain is ready to be retracted, and then the enemy has turned into corpses!

Zhuge Kunshan was also shocked at this time, she swore that she would live to this day, and in the more than a hundred years in the intervening years, there were only a handful of things that could really make her feel stunned! But today’s battle between Xia Zhu and Norton was enough to make her feel even more stunned!

She was already ready for a hard battle, and once again fought one against two, trying her best to drag the two epic peak powerhouses to the death, so as to buy Xia Zhu time! But this was too fast, so fast that she had just been ready for battle, and the results had already come out! So, how strong is Xia Zhu now? She has never seen the epic first order within a radius of ten miles, not only has she not seen it, but I am afraid that everyone present has not seen it! In other words, Xia Zhu has set a precedent!

She could even imagine that it would not be long before Xia Zhu would be known to all the heavens and all races as the supreme genius of the human race, resounding under a starry sky! This is really a guy who constantly creates miracles and constantly refreshes her cognition and three views! At this moment, Zhuge Kunshan, who has no waves in the ancient well, was heartbroken, and looked at Xia Zhu as if on a whim. However, she quickly cut off the fluctuation in her heart and returned to the original state again!

“I really have a flaw in my heart, and the demons in my heart have invaded, why do I suddenly have this feeling of whim?” Zhuge Kunshan muttered to himself.

And the demon powerhouse who was blocked by Xia Zhu’s thunder domain and lost the chance to rescue finally woke up from the nightmare at this time and recognized the reality!

That is, Norton is really dead, dead at the hands of this human named Xia Zhu! He can even smell the blood that belongs to Norton on Xia Zhu’s body!

Annoyance, anger, fear, consternation and many other emotions are like a tide at this moment, and at the same time appear on his face, it is hard to imagine what a complex emotion this is, so that a person’s face can change like a sauce jar!

In fact, it was not only him, but all the demon powerhouses were changing their expressions at this time, and their hearts were uncertain.

Norton is dead! They are in big trouble, who is Norton? That is the descendant of Constantine, one of the twelve heavenly demon kings of the Heavenly Demon Domain, and he is also the youngest generation of the Constantine family! A child of the royal family died in front of them like this! They have even seen how much shock Norton’s death will cause when it is returned to the Constantine family, and what kind of twists and turns will be set off in the Heavenly Demon Domain! And these people have not played the duty of protection! They clearly know at this moment that they will not end well!

Especially the demon powerhouse who rushed to the rescue but didn’t save it, his frightened heart finally turned into anger in this almost Jedi scene!

“Xia Zhu, do you know what you did?” he roared at Xia Zhu in a sharp voice, “Do you know the identity of the one who died in your hands in the Demon Clan?”

Xia Zhu looked strange, “Isn’t he just a child of the Demon Domain Royal Clan? Besides, what status and identity does he have in the Demon Clan? In front of my sword, all beings are equal!”

“Hehe… Hahaha… You don’t know what kind of disaster you’ve caused to you humans! You don’t know what kind of existence you’re going to face! You don’t understand, you don’t even know what kind of opponent the demons are! You’re done, and no one can save you if you provoke the royal family!”

Xia Zhu didn’t expect this incident to scare an epic peak into such a virtue, but it can also be seen from here that the origin of this Norton is indeed not simple, at least the epic level must be like an ant in front of them, otherwise this epic peak would not collapse like this.

Besides, their human beings and the demons are already life and death enemies, and it doesn’t matter if they add a new one, anyway, the demons will never give humans a chance, and the human race has never intended to be able to live in peace with the demons from the beginning! As for what kind of royal clan and how strong it is, he will naturally know when the time comes, if there is any problem, he Xia Zhu will bear it!

“It’s just a demon who cuts it horizontally, it’s useless to say more!” So Xia Zhu spoke very boldly, with a smile on his face, and no one saw the slightest fear on his face.

Seeing this, the demon powerhouse was obviously a little incredulous, if others knew that they had killed a child of the demon royal clan, and in the face of the endless pursuit of the royal clan, there would be countless terrifying enemies coming one after another, I am afraid that the six gods would have no master long ago, but why did Xia Zhu have such a posture.

He finally couldn’t bear it anymore, burst out with all his momentum, and rushed towards Xia Zhu, if he can kill Xia Zhu here and avenge Norton, he doesn’t know if he can get the forgiveness of that family, no matter what the result is, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, it is worth trying!

Xia Zhu’s sudden attack on him, as if he had expected it, blocked it horizontally!

Thunder splashed everywhere, and the movement of the two of them colliding seemed to be about to collapse the heavenly dome! Then countless people were surprised to find that Xia Zhu did not avoid an epic peak attack, but chose to fight hard! And he really blocked it!

The two went back and forth in mid-air, Xia Zhu was able to barely block this person because of his backward realm, but he was unable to kill this person, and the demon powerhouse faced Xia Zhu, and there was also a feeling that a dog biting a hedgehog couldn’t get his mouth out!

He only fought Xia Zhu a few times, and he understood that Norton was really unjust, this Xia Zhu’s horror was far beyond his expectations, where is the strength that an epic beginner should have, that body is so terrifying that the Force cultivation is even more terrifying than his, and coupled with Xia Zhu’s special field, there is a feeling of competition against him, which is not inferior!

The huge thunder domain was once again spread in the sky, and the demon powerhouse also released the field, and the two fields were like two fierce beasts released from the cage, fighting each other, biting, crushing, and the powerful momentum burst out from the two fields, covering the nine heavens, across the sky!

Although there is a gap in the strength of the two, it can be called a wonderful and fierce battle, those epic high-level who are slightly weaker, secretly compared the strength of themselves and Xia Zhu, and then sadly found that they really don’t seem to be able to fight!

In the war group, there are often terrifying swords bursting out, as if each one has the power to destroy the world, slashing on the floating clouds, it is vanishing, slashing on the earth, it is the ravines and ravines, and now on the mountain peak, it is the broken mountain and the mountain!

Xia Zhu’s clothes were completely shattered in the battle, so he simply tore off his torn clothes, revealing a strong body full of strength, and then turned into armor with thunder, and the whole person was like a god descending, and when he was able to kill, he laughed wildly! So the demon powerhouse found that Xia Zhu was getting stronger and stronger, from the difficult and reluctant at the beginning, to the ease later, and he was even able to find an opportunity to fight back! He immediately realized that this was a guy who was born to fight, a real combat maniac! That fighting skill was simply wonderful!

You must know that Xia Zhu is not only a grandmaster-level sword master, but also a master of melee combat, there is nowhere to be a weapon all over his body, his shots are extremely sharp, he opens and closes widely, his fists are to the flesh, and the knife is bloody!

And when the battle between the two of them reached a fever pitch, the fragile barrier of the ruins finally came to an end, with a soft sound, and then dissipated directly between heaven and earth.

“The ruins are open!”

Someone yelled.

So everyone’s eyes were on the direction of the ruins, and even the warring Xia Zhu and the demon powerhouse were also attracted there! The two of them invariably chose a temporary truce.

“I see that you still have some ability, anyway, I will stay in the north during this time, if you really want to kill me, after exploring the ruins, you will come to find me again! However, you must also be prepared to die!” Xia Zhu laughed wildly, his voice rolled out like thunder, and then his body rushed straight in the direction of the ruins, Zhuge Kunshan saw this, and rushed into the ruins almost at the same time as him!

In fact, the demon powerhouse also has a hard time, because he sadly found that he tried his best to help Xia Zhu at all, so he had to choose to stop temporarily!

With Xia Zhu and Zhuge Kunshan taking the lead, everyone no longer hesitated, and rose up one after another, rushing towards the palace! Although a lot of things happened today, which made them watch a wonderful and exciting drama, they still didn’t forget the main purpose of coming here today! So, more than 100 epic-level powerhouses rushed in! The real battle of relics was officially started at this time!

Several strong people of the demon clan are in a complicated mood at this time, although their strength is not weak, but their morale has been greatly hit, Norton’s unexpected death has made them at a loss, they were originally full of confidence in the ruins, but now they have a somewhat boring feeling, after all, compared to Norton’s death, a ruins is really nothing!

“Kill Xia Zhu! This is our last chance!” Kim looked pale, although he was a member of the Brent family, he still seemed to be lacking in confidence when he said this, if that existence really wanted to be held responsible, no matter which family he was, the possibility of escaping was very small!

“Then work together to kill him, and spare no effort!


Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Luo Chen traveled to a parallel world where beast masters were the main ones, but he didn't expect that he was a Muggle.

He activated the system, the god-level editing system, hoping to make some pocket money and be shocked by the world he traveled through.

At the beginning, it was announced [All the beastmasters here are **, let’s take a look at the top ten most powerful mythical beasts!】

I never thought that the video released could connect the dimensions of the heavens.

Kaido: Divine beast?Are you talking about those with phantom beast fruit abilities?Then I must be at the top of the list!

Black Zetsu: Top Ten Divine Beasts?Are you talking about ten tailed beasts?It’s just my mother’s pet!

Steel Seadramon: We, the four dark kings, will definitely occupy four seats!

Until the terrifying videos of battles between mythical beasts were played, the dimensions of the heavens were shaken!!

"Hiss, create the world!?"

"I'm going to travel through time and manipulate space!?"

People in the Pokémon world were shocked. It turns out that the Pokémon world hides so many secrets!?


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