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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 103. Connecting Heaven Seventh Level, Mythical Beast Kunpeng Egg

“Connecting Heaven境七重天巅峰,还不错!”

“Connecting Heaven, the peak of the seventh level of Heaven, is not bad!”

两天后, Wang Lin停下修炼,感觉自己简直强大到没边了。

Two days later, Wang Lin stopped cultivating and felt that he had become incredibly powerful.

几十万里的 Heaven Severing Sect,包括副教主在内,一剑就可以抹除。

Within hundreds of thousands of miles of the Heaven Severing Sect, including the Vice Sect Master, he could wipe them out with a single sword.

“还剩十条 High Grade灵脉,这资源消耗的有些恐怖啊,要是没有混沌道体,估计这些资源都够我修炼到 Quasi-Emperor了。

“I still have ten High Grade spiritual veins left. The consumption of these resources is terrifying. If I didn’t have the Chaos Dao Body, I estimate that these resources would be enough for me to cultivate to the Quasi-Emperor level.

Wang Lin暗自估算一下,他所有的消耗,基本都用在了混沌道本上。

Wang Lin secretly calculated that most of his consumption was used on the Chaos Dao Body.

以至于,他现在的体魄,万法不加身,比 Saint Weapon都不弱了。

As a result, his physical body now surpassed even the Saint Weapon, capable of withstanding all kinds of attacks.

Wang Lin内视混沌主宇宙,混沌汹涌浩瀚, Dao Platform上多了一道神纹。

Wang Lin looked inwardly at the Chaos Main Universe, where chaos surged and vastness spread. There was an additional divine pattern on the Dao Platform.

这是 Integrated Union六道轮回决后,刻画上去的轮回神纹。

This was the reincarnation divine pattern engraved after the Integrated Union’s Six Paths of Reincarnation.


“The Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist is not that great. It may be powerful, but it lacks substance and does not truly embody the essence of reincarnation.

Wang Lin有些失望。

Wang Lin felt somewhat disappointed.


The creator of the technique only based it on their own understanding of reincarnation. It is not a true representation of reincarnation.

只是一门与轮回相关的功法 Divine Ability。

It is merely a technique related to reincarnation, a Divine Ability.

“我有混沌宇宙,三千混沌星辰界,或许可以借此构建出一个轮回界,借此领悟轮回 Great Dao。

“I have the Chaos Main Universe and three thousand Chaos Star Realms. Perhaps I can use them to construct a realm of reincarnation and comprehend the Great Dao of reincarnation.

Wang Lin收回目光。

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze.

构建轮回界至少需要 Emperor Realm,现在想这些还太遥远了。

Constructing a realm of reincarnation requires at least the Emperor Realm. Thinking about this now is still too far away.

“咦,你怎么变成 Connecting Heaven境七重天了?”

“Huh, how did you become a seventh level Connecting Heaven expert?”

看着山顶上的 Wang Lin,青梅夫人美眸浮现震惊之色,目润的烈火红唇微张。

Looking at Wang Lin on the mountaintop, Lady Qingmei’s beautiful eyes revealed a look of shock, and her moist fiery red lips slightly parted.

“莫非你是 Great Emperor转世不成?”

“Could it be that you are a reincarnation of a Great Emperor?”

Wang Lin身上流露出的神光,太可怖了,神圣不可侵犯,让人无法直视。

The divine light emanating from Wang Lin’s body was too terrifying, sacred and inviolable, making it impossible for people to look directly at him.

青梅夫人心脏砰砰跳,面对 Wang Lin,她有一种卑微如蝼蚁之感。

Lady Qingmei’s heart pounded, and in the face of Wang Lin, she felt a sense of insignificance like an ant.


“Don’t ask. The answer is that I am a god, a god who can control a little fairy like you.

Wang Lin轻笑一声,把气势收敛起来,境界还是七重天。

Wang Lin chuckled and restrained his aura. He was still at the seventh level of Connecting Heaven.


Concealing his cultivation level was not suitable for him.




Lady Qingmei pounced on him, her voluptuous and plump body exuding a deadly allure.

一番大战后,青梅夫人突破到 Divine Fire境三重天。

After a fierce battle, Lady Qingmei broke through to the third level of the Divine Fire realm.


This made her feel like she was dreaming.


For a monstrous talent like her, advancing one level in cultivation, given sufficient resources, would normally take years.


But she only needed a few hours of battle to rapidly increase her cultivation.


What else could this be if not a dream?

“你这妖精,好的不学学坏的,竟然把正经 Yin-Yang Art修炼成双修功,还大家闺秀呢!”

“You little fairy, instead of learning something good, you’ve turned the proper Yin-Yang Art into a dual cultivation technique, and you still act like a proper lady!”

Wang Lin glanced at her and smiled.

“Annoying, it’s all for you.”

Lady Qingmei pouted coquettishly and then spoke seriously.

“I am truly a noble lady. My father was the top scholar, with three top scholars and ten successful candidates in our family. We have many great literary figures in our ancestry.”

“Alright, alright!”

“By the way, do you want the cultivation technique I have researched?”

“No need.”

Wang Lin decisively refused.

In the face of beauty, who has the time to cultivate?

Besides, cultivation is useless for him.

What he needs is energy, not some enlightenment.

The energy in Lady Qingmei’s body is of no use to him.

If there were someone with a higher cultivation level than him, he might consider it.

“What about your other women?”

“Bring them to me!”

The secret technique Lady Qingmei researched was created based on her own physique.

It can be described as a combination of a famous tool and a mysterious tool, incredibly wonderful!

“Giggle, you say you don’t want it, but your body is honest!”

Lady Qingmei’s red lips curled up, her eyes seductive.

Before Wang Lin could make a move, she quickly handed him a storage ring.

“This is a Sixth Grade pill refined by the Vice Sect Master. Do you want to refine it?”

Wang Lin took a glance and saw three furnaces of Dragon Blood Pills and two furnaces of Clear Divine Pills.

Dragon Blood Pills are Sixth Grade pills refined from Dragon Blood Fruits. They mainly strengthen the physical body and enhance the origin. However, the medicinal power is extremely violent. Only those with a strong physical body can refine it with the Divine Fire Realm.

At the same time, Dragon Blood Pills have the greatest effect on Demonic Beasts, especially the Dragon Race, as they can purify their bloodline.

Clear Divine Pills are also Sixth Grade pills. They mainly cleanse the divine soul and are refined using Fifth Grade spiritual medicine, Clearing Divine Fruits, and four hundred types of Sixth Grade Spirit Medicine.


With a thought, Wang Lin created a pill furnace in the void, and the Spirit Medicine quickly turned into liquid.

After half an hour, the pills were refined.

He handed all the pills and rewards to Lady Qingmei.


Lady Qingmei looked at him in astonishment.

Is alchemy really that easy?

With just a thought, there would be billions of spirit stones coming in.

You should know that each of these two Supreme Grade pills can be auctioned for at least several tens of billions of High Grade spirit stones.

Shaking her head, Madam Qingmei dared not think further and changed the topic.

“Enemy, I want to go back and visit Xier. It will probably take ten days to half a month.”

“Okay, go!”

Wang Lin thought for a moment and took out a High Grade spirit vein for her.

Madam Qingmei was deeply moved and bit his arm hard before quickly leaving the scene.

“You little devil!”

Wang Lin smiled slightly, calmed his mood, and continued to comprehend the mysteries of reincarnation.

“Vice Sect Master, I have fulfilled your request for the pills.”

Madam Qingmei handed nine Dragon Blood Pills and three Clear Divine Pills to Cui Lin.


Cui Lin turned his back to her, his expression cold and dignified, his aura deep like an abyss. He gave a faint “okay” when his divine sense swept over the Supreme Grade pills inside, revealing a regretful expression on his cold and dignified face.

How could someone who could refine Supreme Grade Sixth Grade pills be just a Sixth Grade pill master?

If he had been bolder, he would have given Madam Mao the several furnaces of Seventh Grade pills he had collected for many years.

“He’s not a Sixth Grade Grandmaster, is he?”

“Of course not!”

Madam Qingmei narrowed her charming peach blossom eyes and smiled like a fox spirit.

“Then what grade is he?”

Cui Lin asked eagerly.


“Here you go.”

“Eight Grade!”

“Eight Grade?”

Cui Lin almost couldn’t hold back, remained silent for a while, and squeezed out a smile on his face.

“Madam Qingmei, I’ve always known that you are a distinguished lady, so you must be willing to help me again, right?”

Madam Qingmei was taken aback, not expecting the vice sect master with thick eyebrows and big eyes to say such words.

She nodded and said, “The vice sect master is also a man of integrity.”


Cui Lin immediately gave her one billion High Grade Spirit Stones, his voice somewhat heavy.

“I want to refine a furnace of Eight Grade Universal Truth Pill. After it’s done, I will definitely show my gratitude.”

“That will have to wait. Grandmaster Wang is currently cultivating, and I also need to go back.”

“It’s alright, I can wait. I’ll accompany you back.”

“No need, I am a young lady, it’s not appropriate for us to be alone together.”


Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Luo Xian’er walked out of the secret realm with several women, her face filled with excitement.

Her cultivation had already broken through to the ninth level of the Soul Formation Realm.

Her aura was ethereal and lofty, her appearance otherworldly, like a celestial being.

“So beautiful… even fairies can’t compare!”

The group of young talents looked at these stunning women with infatuated expressions.

Feeling that their eyes were not enough, they didn’t know where to focus.

But when they thought that these were someone else’s wives, everyone felt a pang of pain in their hearts.

They couldn’t bear it.

“Clearly a heavenly beauty, yet willing to become someone else’s concubine. Even if she’s beautiful, she’s just an ordinary woman.”

Some people were jealous to the point of distortion.

“Yes, I cultivate the Dao Heart in my cultivation, I cultivate the path of righteousness.”

“These women, for power, actually submit themselves to alchemists. It’s such a waste of their natural beauty!”

“Perhaps Luo Xian’er was forced into it.”

Many young men looked at the backs of Luo Xian’er and the others, their eyes revealing a greedy look.

Luo Xian’er and the others were heavenly beauties, unparalleled in talent, invincible in history.

Such heavenly maidens, they didn’t believe they would willingly become someone’s canary.

Perhaps they still had a chance.

“Luo Xian’er, you stole my opportunity, I will never share the same sky with you.”

A handsome young man said through gritted teeth.

He clenched his fist, his nails digging into his flesh, blood flowing.

“Brother Ye Ling, you have to be careful. I heard that Wang Lin has the support of the Dao Platform Realm.”

A stunning girl expressed her concern.

“So what? If someone dares to snatch my opportunity, even if it’s the King of Heaven himself, I will still cut them down.”

“I’m back!”

Luo Xian’er flew into Wang Lin’s embrace with a joyful expression.

“Do you miss me?” Luo Xian’er, who had lost her fairy-like image, spoke in a sweet and cloying voice, with a smile in her eyes.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Wang Lin laughed and lifted her little bottom with one hand.

“Have you found the fox spirit?”

“No!” Wang Lin had indeed not found the fox spirit in the past month, and his answer was confident.


“This is your reward!” Luo Xian’er smiled sweetly and chatted for a while.

Her beautiful eyes then fell on the vertical mark on Wang Lin’s brow, and the more she looked, the more shocked she became.

Her eyes flickered with curiosity, wanting to see through its mysteries.

After a while, her face turned pale and her body felt weak.

“Did you gain anything?”


“It’s normal to have no gains. Your cultivation level is too low. Maybe you’ll have unexpected gains when you break through to the Divine Fire realm. The Dao Pupil itself is the source of the Great Dao. If you can perceive some mysteries, it will be of great benefit to you, Luo Xian’er. Maybe you can even evolve into a divine eye.”

Luo Xian’er swallowed a few Soul Nourishing Pills and gasped for breath.

“What exactly is your divine mark? Is it a divine eye or a Dao mark?”

“Never mind, don’t tell me. I don’t want to hear it.”

Before Wang Lin could answer, Luo Xian’er’s expression changed, and she quickly added another sentence.

In the cultivation world, it’s better for fewer people to know certain secrets.

“You’re so handsome, you’re the most handsome and strongest man in the world!”

Luo Xian’er blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Wang Lin’s face with increasing joy.

“Of course!”

“Giggle, I’ll give you something good.”

Luo Xian’er handed over tens of thousands of Spirit Medicines, twenty precious medicines, three Divine Medicines, and an animal egg that she obtained in the secret realm to Wang Lin.

It was just that this egg was pure white, without any signs of life. At a glance, one could tell that it was…

But in Wang Lin’s eyes, it was a divine beast egg, pure-blooded and of a pure lineage.

“You must not underestimate it, this is a pure-blooded Kunpeng divine beast,” Luo Xian’er said seriously, afraid that Wang Lin wouldn’t recognize its value.

Speaking of which, she actually picked up this divine beast egg in a secret realm ruins.

Because everyone thought it was a useless bad egg.

Only that lucky guy named Ye Ling saw the extraordinary nature of this egg.

Ye Ling wanted to snatch it from her, but when he couldn’t win, he tried to use “favor” to deceive her.

Luo Xian’er directly slashed Ye Ling, leaving him half-dead.

“I know!” Wang Lin nodded, remained silent for a moment, and accepted it.

As a great villain, he indeed needed a divine beast to pull his carriage when traveling.

“I’ll give you the Hiltless Sword!”

He now had the Wheel of Reincarnation and the Chaos Profound Light Sword, so he didn’t need the Hiltless Sword anymore.

If the Hiltless Sword followed it, it would only gather dust, and he would have to use his essence blood to nourish it.

“Ah?” Luo Xian’er was stunned, about to say something when she felt a chill in her chest.

An hour later, Luo Xian’er reluctantly left.

She was now at the peak of the Soul Formation Realm, having just experienced a great battle and gained a lot. She was even suppressing her own cultivation level.

So she needed to go back and seclude herself, sort out her Dao techniques, and prepare to cross the Thunder Tribulation.

Qin Miaotong also went back. She didn’t like the mixed crowd at the Heaven Severing Sect.

Anyway, there would be plenty of opportunities to interact with Wang Lin in the future.

“Ah, I have no resources, but my cultivation level just won’t improve,” Wang Lin frowned.

He had been cultivating for half a month, but there was no breakthrough in his cultivation level.

However, he did make a big gain. Wang Lin reviewed his Divine Ability techniques.

And his Chaos Sword Intent had already reached perfection.

All his Divine Abilities had also reached a higher level, with their power increased several times over.

“Husband, what’s wrong with you?” Bing Lan asked with concern when she saw his expression.

“It’s nothing!” Wang Lin shook his head.

Half a month has passed, and I don’t know what Sang Yun, this female tiger, is considering.

Also, the other five girls from the Heaven Severing Sect have all returned.

Among them is Little Color Donkey Wu Longfei.

Her destiny has already transformed into a purple destiny.

“Grandmaster Wang, I have something to discuss with you.”

Sang Yun brought her disciple Ye Ling to the door.

“Come in!”

The formation opened up a passage, and the two stepped in.

They arrived at the mountaintop, and Ye Ling’s eyes almost popped out.

On the mountaintop, there was a High Grade spiritual vein arranged into a simple formation.

A white egg floated in mid-air, absorbing spiritual energy like a whale swallowing the sea.

On the eggshell, faint mysterious runes could be seen flashing.

Ye Ling’s eyes turned red.

He knew this was the egg of the divine beast Kunpeng, so he wanted to use his “precious” favor to exchange for it.

But he didn’t expect to be beaten up by Luo Xian’er.

“No, I must find a way to get it. If Luo Xian’er gives it to Wang Lin, it means they don’t know it’s a divine beast egg. I still have a chance.”

Ye Ling’s gaze flickered as he secretly thought.

Wang Lin glanced at him and furrowed his brows.

Ye Ling’s appearance was average, not like a protagonist from the new era with a system.

After taking away his exclusive Emperor Weapon, he didn’t know if he had any other opportunities.

The thought flashed through Wang Lin’s mind, and he smiled and asked, “What have you considered?”

A blush appeared on Sang Yun’s cold and proud face, her red lips trembled for a moment, and she shook her head.

“Grandmaster Wang, I would like to ask you to refine two furnaces of pills.”


Wang Lin decisively refused.


Sang Yun was stunned, not expecting Wang Lin’s refusal to be so resolute.

This left Sang Yun, who was already not good at communication, at a loss for words.

She was good at killing, but when it came to asking for help, she really didn’t know how.

“Junior Ye Ling pays respects to Grandmaster Wang.”

At this moment, Ye Ling stepped forward, bowed respectfully, with calm eyes and a dignified expression.

It seemed as if he was not facing a Grandmaster Alchemist or a powerful expert in the Connecting Heaven realm, but just an ordinary elder.

No one knew who gave him the courage.

If it weren’t for the fact that he needed to subdue Sang Yun, Wang Lin would have extracted his soul and made him kneel down to speak.

“Well, you can leave.”

Wang Lin responded with a grunt, not even lifting his eyelids.

Ye Ling frowned, anger flashing in his eyes. Wang Lin’s lofty attitude was like swatting a fly.

This made Ye Ling feel an unprecedented sense of humiliation.

But Wang Lin was not someone he could provoke at this moment.

However, he remembered this humiliation.

The most important thing now was to obtain this divine beast egg.

And this High Grade spiritual vein.

“Grandmaster Wang, I know an ancient pill formula. I wonder if Grandmaster Wang is interested?”

Ye Ling said casually.

“Not interested!”


Ye Ling’s face stiffened.

Something’s not right.

Aren’t alchemists supposed to treasure pill formulas?

He hadn’t even said what pill formula it was, and it was rejected outright.

Are you really an alchemist?

“Grandmaster Wang, this is a Sixth Grade pill formula. It might help you advance to a Sixth Grade Grandmaster.”

Ye Ling didn’t beat around the bush and said directly.

He still didn’t know that Wang Lin was an Eight Grade Grandmaster.

“So, you want to exchange a pill formula for my spiritual vein and Demonic Beast egg?”

Wang Lin looked at him with a playful smile.

Classic protagonist move, using one dollar to exchange for the entire wealth of the richest man. The small villain didn’t realize he was being taken advantage of.

Upon hearing this, Ye Ling’s pupils first contracted, then his face changed slightly, and then returned to calm.

The rapid change in expression made people feel strange.

As if he was mentally ill.

“Sang Yun, for your sake, I won’t kill your idiot disciple. [Go quickly.”

“Thank you, Grandmaster Wang, for your forgiveness.”


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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