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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 105. The Most Beautiful Tiger Is Getting Married, So Sad


Facing Ye Ling, there were only cold currents filling the sky and a flying sword.

“Damn crazy woman, what grudge does she have?” Ye Ling cursed loudly, his blood boiling like billowing smoke. He protected himself with Divine Origin and quickly dodged.

But the arena was so small that he had nowhere to escape.


On the arena, there was the sound of breaking ice.

That was the sound of the cold current freezing Ye Ling’s Divine Origin.

Wang Yanran didn’t rush to kill Ye Ling. She controlled the temperature of the ice lotus and, like a cat catching a mouse, slowly cut away bits of Ye Ling’s flesh.

Finally, she swung her sword and severed his arm.

“What exactly is your ice lotus?” Ye Ling despaired.

Wang Yanran’s ice lotus seemed to be his nemesis.

His terrifying blood and pure Divine Origin were as weak as air in front of the ice lotus.

“Fairy Yanran is truly terrifying,” Ye Ling said.

The life-and-death battle between the two attracted many geniuses to come and watch, including some elders.

Under the arena, the crowd was bustling.

“This woman is a perfect match for me!”

Some geniuses smiled and looked at the ice lotus with fiery eyes.

“It’s strange. It seems like Law Manifestation, but not quite.”

Some elders murmured, their eyes shining.


Ye Ling was sent flying, his body as stiff as an ice block.

Wang Yanran stopped and looked at Sang Yun, smiling.

“Venerable Sang Yun, you have a unique aura. My ancestor would love you. If you’re willing to marry my ancestor, I’ll spare this waste.”

Sang Yun fell into silence upon hearing this.

The people in the arena were also stunned.

What’s going on here?

Wasn’t it supposed to be a life-or-death battle?

How did it turn into coercion and temptation?

The arrogant geniuses with smiles on their faces suddenly froze.

They had long coveted Sang Yun’s beauty and talent, and they all wanted to subdue this talented freak of nature.

Now, with Wang Yanran’s words, their hearts were on edge.

“Don’t agree, don’t agree!”

Countless people shouted in their hearts.

“Master, Master… don’t agree.”

Ye Ling trembled and pleaded with a look of desperation in his eyes.

Although he had no romantic feelings for his domineering master, only respect,

he would never allow his master to marry someone.

But Sang Yun was destined to disappoint them.

Only to see a blush appear on Sang Yun’s fair and delicate face as she nodded gently.


It seemed as if countless hearts shattered in the arena.

The faces of the crowd twisted in discomfort.

This was a peerless beauty tiger who could warm the bed and kill enemies.

How could she marry someone else?

“No, Sang Yun, think carefully. Is it really worth it for such a waste?”

A tall and sturdy young man came to Sang Yun’s side and earnestly persuaded her.


Sang Yun stared coldly at him, her terrifying aura locking onto him.

Whether Ye Ling was a waste or not, whether it was worth it or not, was her own business.

When did it become someone else’s place to meddle?

Besides, her agreement was not solely because of Ye Ling.

She already had a favorable impression of Wang Lin.

After all, Wang Lin’s looks and talent were unparalleled in the world.

She didn’t resist marrying Wang Lin, only felt shy.

And it was precisely because of this shyness in her heart that she had been hesitant to agree.

If she doesn’t like Wang Lin in her heart, no matter who forces her, it’s useless. She can just die.

“Uh, let’s talk properly.”

Hou Jun’s face changed slightly, and he smiled apologetically.

“Okay, okay! From now on, you will be my sister.”

Wang Yanran smiled happily and jumped off the stage, familiarly linking arms with Sang Yun.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to meet the Patriarch.”


Sang Yun pulled her hand back. She had never been so close to anyone before.

Wang Yanran’s familiarity made her feel uncomfortable all over.

“What’s wrong, sister? You can’t go back on your word. You promised, if you go back on it, the Patriarch will be angry.”

Wang Yanran said in a deep voice.

“I never go back on my word.”

Sang Yun replied, frowning and asking,

“Why do you call me sister?”

In fact, this was also the doubt of everyone present.

Wang Lin is the Patriarch of the Wang Family. How dare Wang Yanran call Wang’s concubines sisters? Isn’t this messing up the generations?

Could it be…?

Everyone thought of a possibility.

Wang Yanran couldn’t also be Wang Lin’s woman, right?


Countless geniuses lamented in their hearts.

Looking at the cold and beautiful Wang Yanran, everyone felt a pang of heartache.

“Xian’er and I are sisters. She doesn’t allow me to call her grandmother, and their age is not much older than mine, so…”

“If you mind, then I’ll just call you grandmother from now on.”

Wang Yanran explained.

“No, there’s no need. Just call me sister.”

Sang Yun shook her head, feeling that calling her sister was appropriate.

“Master, please don’t. I would rather die than have you sacrifice yourself for me.”

Ye Ling lay on the arena, his eyes bloodshot, his voice hoarse.

“Don’t call me ‘Master’ anymore. From now on, our master-disciple relationship is severed.”

“And also, from now on, Wang Lin is my husband. Anyone who dares to say otherwise, I will kill them.”

Sang Yun said coldly.

She paused, not simply wanting to ask Wang Yanran why she called her sister.

The main reason was to sever the master-disciple relationship with Ye Ling.

Since she had already chosen to marry, she didn’t want to have any further interaction with any man.

She also didn’t want to have deep relationships with anyone unrelated.

She wanted to sever all karma and spend her life following Wang Lin.


The crowd sighed.

Those who knew Sang Yun were not surprised by her decision.

Sang Yun was simply a straightforward and pure tigress.

A peerless beauty tiger finally found her mate.

Truly lamentable, it pains me too!

“Master, you…”

Ye Ling could hardly believe his ears.

He knew about his master’s cold-heartedness.

He also knew that Sang Yun’s heart was lonely and cold, but also very strong.

However, Sang Yun also had a passionate and fiery heart.

She was meticulous in her treatment of those close to her, even willing to sacrifice everything to protect them.

But now, Sang Yun wanted to sever their relationship and protect his greatest enemy.



An agonizing pain that tore at Ye Ling’s heart, driving him almost mad.

If he hadn’t been greedy for Wang Yanran’s Supreme Grade pill, if he hadn’t challenged Wang Yanran…

So, will none of this happen then?

An endless wave of regret surged into Ye Ling’s heart, leaving behind tears of remorse.

“Master, I beg you, don’t marry someone else, I would rather die…”

“Oh, then I’ll just kill you.”

Before Ye Ling could finish speaking, Wang Yanran coldly interrupted.

She also realized that Ye Ling was actually very afraid of death and cared a lot about his reputation.

At first, he refused to surrender, but when he realized that Sang Yun wouldn’t make a move, he decisively surrendered and admitted defeat.

Now, by saying these words, does he think that she won’t be able to kill him once he steps down from the stage?

She would never allow the woman of the Patriarch to have a deep bond with another man.

Thinking this way, Wang Yanran lifted her long sword and stepped back onto the stage.

The elder guarding the stage also gave her face and without saying a word, directly activated the stage’s formation.

Wang Yanran’s sword pierced directly through his heart, with just a gentle force, she could tear him apart.

“Now, tell me, will you die or let your master marry someone else?”

“Are… are you a devil?”

Ye Ling collapsed.

“Will you speak or not?”

Wang Yanran’s sword trembled slightly, accompanied by a cracking sound.

That was the sound of Ye Ling’s bones shattering.

“I… I…”

Ye Ling’s teeth were almost crushed, his eyes bloodshot as he looked at her.

At this moment, he really wanted to shout out his thoughts.

But, he really didn’t want to die.

He was a transmigrator, with boundless prospects, how could he die at the hands of a mere native?


Wang Yanran’s patience ran out, she shouted sternly, her beautiful eyes icy cold.

She glanced at Sang Yun out of the corner of her eye, seeing his indifferent expression and lack of concern for Ye Ling, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Sang Yun really wouldn’t care about Ye Ling anymore.

“Brother Ye Ling, please don’t die, I don’t want you to die.”

At this moment, a mournful cry sounded in the arena, and everyone turned their heads to look.

Tang Xueer was already in tears, heartbroken and on the verge of despair.

“Damn it, why did you have to fall in love with a useless person?”

The arrogant pursuers of Tang Xueer, upon witnessing this scene, had twisted expressions on their faces.

They couldn’t understand why Tang Xueer would love Ye Ling, who lacked good looks, family background, and cultivation compared to them.

Why did Tang Xueer have to fall in love with Ye Ling?

“Xueer, I…”

“You have to agree quickly, she will really kill you.”

Tang Xueer anxiously shouted, fighting at the edge of the arena, frantically pounding the barrier of the formation.

“Let her in, later I will have the Patriarch refine a furnace of elixirs for you.”

Wang Yanran looked at Tang Xueer with cold eyes, secretly transmitting her message to the elder in charge of the arena.

…Please give flowers…

Both of these people have become her enemies, so why not just kill them both?

The elder in charge of the arena trembled, then immediately became ecstatic and opened the formation.

Whether it complied with the rules or not, that could be dealt with later.

At most, they would be charged with a mistake in the formation.

They didn’t believe that there wouldn’t be someone willing to stand up for two dead people.

Even if the Tang family was willing to stand up for Tang Xueer, they had to think it through.

After all, this was related to Wang Yanran.

“Brother Ye Ling, are you okay?”

Tang Xueer lifted Ye Ling up and quickly fed him a few healing pills.

“Xueer, I’m fine!”

Ye Ling forced out a smile.

Sensing his injuries, his heart sank to the bottom.

He was truly completely crippled by Wang Yanran.

Even Divine Medicine couldn’t save him.

But Thunder Spirit Pill might be able to.

Because Thunder Spirit Pill contained pure and abundant vitality, it had the miraculous effect of rebirth.

However, Thunder Spirit Pill was too precious and rare.

Once it appeared, countless people fought over it.

Now it has already been auctioned for over a billion High Grade Spirit Stones.

It’s simply a different price every day.


Tang Xuer cried, covering her mouth, looking at Ye Ling, her heart in complete despair.

Just now, Ye Ling was calm and composed, as if everything was under control.

He made her believe, and she truly believed.

However, she never expected that Ye Ling would be beaten to death by Wang Yanran in an instant.

Didn’t Ye Ling say he was going to avenge Luo Xian’er?

Didn’t he say he was going to kill the Heavenly King?

Why is he so vulnerable?

Is this still the invincible prodigy that she knows, Ye Ling?

“Ye Ling, don’t worry, I will ask Grandfather to buy you some Thunder Spirit Pills to restore your talent.”

Tang Xuer collected her thoughts, wiped away her tears, her eyes determined.

“This… thank you, Xuer!”

Ye Ling was deeply moved.

He was a man with an extremely strong ego, and he instinctively wanted to refuse this act of relying on others.

But when he thought about his injuries, Ye Ling had no choice but to agree.

He silently vowed in his heart that he would repay her a thousand times, ten thousand times in the future, and never let this kind-hearted girl suffer any grievances.

Even if she wants the stars in the sky, he will pick them for her.

“Are you done talking? If you’re done, you can hit the road.”

Wang Yanran’s face was cold.

“What, what are you planning to do? Didn’t you say you would let Ye Ling go?”

Tang Xuer was shocked and quickly stood in front of Ye Ling.

“I am the legitimate daughter of the Eight Star Family. If you want to kill, then kill me first.”


Wang Yanran erupted with a powerful aura, instantly imprisoning Tang Xuer, who was only at the seventh level of the Fetal Origin Realm, and beheaded her with a sword.

What a bullshit Eight Star Family, she would kill the legitimate daughter of the Nine Star Family without hesitation.

Gulu lu!

A head rolled in front of Yeling, and one could see the determination and resilience in Tang Xuer’s eyes.

Warm blood sprayed onto Yeling’s body, instantly bringing him back to his senses.

“Xuer, Xuer… I haven’t picked stars and moons for you yet, how can you die…”

Yeling’s eyes widened, emitting a beast-like roar.

“You should die too!”

Wang Yanran raised his sword and another head fell to the ground.

The icy sword energy crushed his soul.

“Not bad, not bad. Yanran is becoming more and more to my liking.”

Wang Lin, who had been secretly observing, smiled with satisfaction upon seeing this.

Wang Yanran did not disappoint his teachings. When dealing with enemies, she was decisive and had the potential to become a major antagonist.

“Hahaha, well done.”

“This bitch deserves to die.”

Upon witnessing this, Tang Xuer’s pursuers not only felt no anger, but burst into laughter.

They had always seen her pretending to be a cold goddess in front of them, but she would become a lowly bitch in front of other men.

Now that she was finally dead, they couldn’t contain their excitement.

It’s just a pity that such a stunning beauty died before they could have their way with her.


Sang Yun sighed.

Yeling’s death saddened her a bit. After all, he was her first disciple, and she had invested a lot of effort in nurturing him.

However, she quickly dispelled her sadness.

Since the moment she announced the severing of ties with Yeling, they had become strangers.

If he’s dead, he’s dead.

“Sang Yun, you won’t blame me, right?”

Wang Yanran said somewhat embarrassedly.

“It’s fine.”

Sang Yun shook her head and walked away.

“Sang Yun, where are you going? Aren’t you coming with me to see the Patriarch?”


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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