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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 121. Reincarnation Seal Of Life And Death, Severing The Peak

“What level of teleportation array is it?”

Master Zhu was momentarily stunned, then shook his head and smiled.

“Grandmaster Wang, you can arrange it as you wish. Our Zhenmen Gate welcomes the establishment of more teleportation arrays by people from all over the world.”

“If it’s a teleportation array that spans continents, our Zhenmen Gate can provide some assistance.”

Zhenmen Gate has long been in need of a teleportation array that spans continents.

Because the materials used are mostly rare treasures, spirit stones are simply not available for purchase.

It is also difficult to buy source materials, and one can only purchase them at some auctions.

Moreover, those who can refine and repair teleportation arrays that span continents must have at least Severing Dao cultivation and be a Twelfth Grade formation master.

But how can there be so much time for a Severing Dao king?

Besides, spirit stones are of no use to them at Zhenmen Gate.

They have countless spirit stones, and spirit stones are just a number in their eyes.

What they need are sources and rare treasures.

If it weren’t for the founder of the sect stipulating that a teleportation array that spans continents must be established on every continent, they would have long refused to do it.

Now, Wang Lin suddenly asked, could it be that he wanted to refine a teleportation array that spans continents?

Zhu Yun’s eyes flickered slightly, and he had many doubts in his heart.

He had been arranging formations with Wang Lin for several days, and the more he looked, the more confused he became.

The reason is simple: Wang Lin’s attainments in formations and his speed in arranging formations are even stronger than his as a Twelfth Grade formation master.

What’s even more terrifying is that Wang Lin can easily modify his formation tools.

He even gave him guidance.

This made Zhu Yun have a feeling that Wang Lin is the formation master, and he is the alchemist.

So he had no doubt that Wang Lin could refine a teleportation array.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but Zhu Yun didn’t ask any further.

Because he felt that Wang Lin might be a Saint Alchemist.

In the cultivation world, it is a taboo to inquire about others’ secrets, and it is even more so to inquire about the secrets of seniors.

“That’s good!”

Wang Lin nodded. Since Zhenmen Gate maintains a supportive attitude, things will be easier.

Some rare materials can also be purchased from Zhenmen Gate.

But there’s no rush, after all, researching and refining a teleportation array is not a matter of one or two days.

First, settle down and improve one’s strength.

With this in mind, Wang Lin smiled and said.

“The next matter will trouble Grandmaster Zhu.”

“Grandmaster Wang, you’re too kind!”

Zhu Yun said, pleasantly surprised.

Not far away, Zhu Yun’s disciples showed complex expressions.

They were also highly respected formation masters, wherever they went, they were like stars surrounding the moon.

Zhu Yun, as a peak Severing Dao realm cultivator, a Twelfth Grade formation master, and a powerful figure that even the Sacred Land Saint Lord found difficult to invite.

But now… it’s really hard to put into words.

The sudden change in status was too fast, making it difficult for them to accept for a while.

“Why are you all standing there foolishly? Hurry up and set up the formation!”

After Wang Lin left, Zhu Yun sternly reprimanded.

“Yes, Master, Ancestor!”

The disciples and grandchildren all straightened up, withdrew their gazes, and earnestly carved the formation patterns and arranged the formation tools.

“Be meticulous, and don’t make any mistakes.”

Zhu Yun continued to reprimand, his divine sense sweeping over, carefully inspecting the formation patterns carved by his disciples and grandchildren.

“Master, there’s really no need for this.”

An old man with white hair couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

How could his majestic Master be so obsequious?


Zhu Yun angrily scolded, explaining,

“Most of the formation masters from the Wang Family are below Fourth Grade. With such a huge formation, they simply can’t maintain it.”

“If we do a good job, we might become Grandmaster Wang’s guest formation masters!”

Any formation requires the assistance of formation patterns, which act as a protective layer.

Normally, the formation doesn’t activate completely, and only the carved formation patterns are responsible for basic operation.

But the carved formation patterns will gradually dissipate over time.

So it requires regular maintenance by formation masters.

Wang Lin might be an alchemist, even if he isn’t now, he will definitely become one in the future.

If he can become a guest formation master, will he still lack pills in the future?

Wang Lin returned to the Small Spirit World and looked at the busy Zi Ling’er, unable to help but smile.


Zi Ling’er jumped into his arms, raised her little face, and said sweetly,

“I found two thousand Low Grade spirit veins, one thousand five hundred Middle Grade spirit veins, one thousand High Grade spirit veins, and sixty Supreme Grade spirit veins!”

“Three extraordinary treasures, ten Divine Medicines, and two hundred precious medicines.”

“I have also refined three hundred thousand low-grade spirit pills, over thirty thousand high-grade spirit pills, and over a thousand Ninth Grade or higher…”

Zi Ling’er’s big eyes sparkled, her expression filled with anticipation.

She almost praised me, kissed me, and wrote it on her face.

“Ling’er is really amazing, even more amazing than me!”

Wang Lin lightly pecked her tender cheek, messing up her bun hairstyle.


Zi Ling’er covered her face, her chubby little face turning red.

That tingling sensation and accelerated heartbeat made her feel a bit overwhelmed.

Wang Lin laughed and lifted her little bottom, approaching the Heavenly Soul Fruit.

As soon as they entered, a pure essence of soul power rushed towards them, bringing a sense of relief to their souls.

The Heavenly Soul Fruit tree was about nine meters tall, completely black like ink, covered in dark patterns that shimmered with a dark luster.

The Heavenly Soul Fruit, on the other hand, was transparent and only the size of a fist.

Wang Lin picked one and held it in his palm. If one didn’t look closely, they wouldn’t notice it at all.

“Master, do you want to refine Heavenly Soul Pills? I have already prepared the furnace!”

Zi Ling’er presented a jade bottle as if offering a treasure.

“No need, I want to refine some pills with pill patterns for my own use.”

“Give me the auxiliary Spirit Medicine.”

He didn’t need other spirit pills, but he desperately needed pills that could enhance his soul.

“Oh, okay!”

“But there are only ten furnaces left!”

Twelfth Grade Spirit Medicine was not cheap, and the auxiliary Spirit Medicine for Heavenly Soul Pills was also quite rare and expensive.

A total of three thousand plants of auxiliary Spirit Medicine were needed, with a total value of over ten trillion High Grade spirit stones.

“Alright, that’s enough!”

Wang Lin directly threw them into the Primordial Origin Cauldron and started the automatic refining process.

Glancing at the luck Golden Lotus, which had already grown to nine zhang, after refining the Chaos Profound Light Sword, there were only six left.

It’s worth mentioning that the Chaos Profound Light Sword had already advanced to the Apex Level Saint Weapon.

And its quality had reached a higher level.

“The Primordial Origin Cauldron is indeed useful, but it consumes luck too quickly!”

Wang Lin muttered a sentence and stopped thinking about it.


The Primordial Origin Cauldron trembled, emitting a dazzling golden light and igniting a raging fire.

Soon, the Ten Furnaces of Heavenly Soul Pills were successfully refined, and the Golden Lotus shrank another meter.

There were a total of ninety Divine Pills, each with nine patterns.

Seeing this, Wang Lin finally understood why he had consumed so much luck.

Without further thought, Wang Lin directly threw the Primordial Origin Cauldron into the void, letting it undergo the Pill Tribulation on its own.

Clap clap!

Patting Zi Ling’er on a certain place, Wang Lin smiled and said, “Ling’er, have you found the Grotto-Heaven Small Worlds?”

“I found three large Grotto-Heaven worlds, but I haven’t had a chance to devour them yet!”

“These three treasures were found in the Grotto-Heaven.”

The red glow that had just faded from Zi Ling’er’s face quickly returned to her chubby cheeks.


An evil interest surged within Wang Lin. With a smack, he quietly teased the little loli who had been alive for countless millennia.


Zi Ling’er covered her face, her delicate face blushing.

Purple mist appeared in her eyes.

Wang Lin laughed heartily, feeling extremely pleased.

But he no longer teased her and instead asked, “What about Feifei?”

“She devoured three Rank Eleven ferocious beasts and is currently breaking through to the Saint Realm!”

“Well, you can give these three treasures to Bing Lan, Miaotong, and Yanran respectively!”

His women didn’t have any decent Law Treasures.

These three treasures, a giant cauldron, a long sword, and a large net, all had the potential to evolve into Quasi-Emperor weapons.

They could be used for self-defense or as treasures for enlightenment.

“Oh, they have all entered the Tianling Mountain to seek opportunities. Should I go find them now?”

Zi Ling’er didn’t want to leave, she twisted her delicate body and said in a coquettish voice.

“Well, while you’re at it, tell them not to search for spiritual veins anymore.”

“And capture some of the ferocious beasts inside and bring them into the Small Spirit World for breeding.”

Spirit veins are the most perfect resource because they can absorb spiritual energy and form an infinite benign cycle.

They allow the spiritual energy within the blessed land to remain abundant and become even more concentrated.

Although there are many spirit veins in Tianling Mountain, they are still limited.

If they are completely depleted, the spiritual energy inside will definitely dissipate rapidly.

Wang Lin doesn’t care whether Tianling Mountain is destroyed or not.

But he does care about the abundant spirit medicine that grows all over the mountain.

It is a treasury that is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Also, the fierce beasts inside are crucial to him.

The reason why the chaotic body consumes a lot is that ninety percent of the resources are used to evolve the chaotic body.

So when Wang Lin has time, he plans to research a pill recipe that uses the blood of fierce beasts for alchemy.

If successful, it will definitely save countless spirit stones and accelerate the evolution of the chaotic body.

Wang Lin would be a fool to destroy such an important treasury just because of a little spirit vein.


Zi Ling’er nodded her little head.

She has long wanted to capture and raise fierce beasts. After all, there are not many fierce beasts in Tianling Mountain, despite its vast area.

If they were to go extinct, it would be a huge loss.

However, fierce beasts consume a tremendous amount.

They eat large quantities of spirit medicine every day, and the Small Spirit World doesn’t have that much spirit medicine to feed them.

So she plans to wait until she finishes her busy work before capturing and raising fierce beasts, and then refine some spirit pills to feed them.

“Then you go and busy yourself!”

Wang Lin put her down, gave her a few more instructions, and then left.

Having obtained so many resources, of course, he needs to first improve his cultivation.

And he also needs to deduce the Six Paths of Samsara Decision and deduce a suitable technique for himself.


Wang Lin recalled the Primordial Origin Cauldron and arrived at the Cave Mansion prepared by Zi Ling’er for him, looking around.

The surroundings were very spacious, like a flat land with an area of several hundred thousand miles.

Moreover, the power of the laws here is very clear, as the spirit has modified the rules of the Small Spirit World.

Cultivating here allows for a better understanding of the Dao.

“What a thoughtful little cotton jacket!”

Wang Lin smiled with joy, then took out all the spirit stones and spirit veins.

He also took out the storage beads and swallowed thirty Heavenly Soul Pills, enveloping them with his mana and slowly refining them.

In the depths of his heart, he silently recited, “System, use all the luck!”


Mysterious Dao Rhyme emerged around Wang Lin, with chaotic energy pervading the surroundings and various anomalies appearing, dazzling with divine light.

The terrifying momentum spread out, and the formation flickered with dazzling runes.

……….Please give me flowers………

Wang Lin’s current strength is too high. If there were no formations blocking him, just the natural aura emanating from him would affect millions of miles around.


Within the chaotic main universe, the Chaotic Golden Lotus burst forth with billions of profound golden lights.

The four-layered Divine Pill Platform shimmered with divine patterns, crazily devouring the chaotic energy.

Wang Lin absorbed the Heavenly Soul Pill, and his divine soul rapidly grew stronger.

The power of the Nine-Striped Divine Pill was fully demonstrated at this moment.

It should be known that the higher the cultivation realm, the more difficult it is to improve one’s cultivation. Even a slight improvement in cultivation in the Severing Dao realm is a huge progress.

As for the divine soul, it is impossible to make any progress unless there is a breakthrough in cultivation or a great opportunity is obtained.

Otherwise, even after practicing for thousands of years, the divine soul will not have the slightest progress.

However, the Nine-Striped Divine Pill can rapidly enhance the divine soul in the Severing Dao realm, surpassing one’s own realm.

From this, it can be seen how incredible the Nine-Striped Divine Pill is.

It can be said without reservation that Holy Medicine is far inferior to it.

Even divine soul-type Holy Medicine is absolutely far inferior to the Nine-Striped Divine Pill.


Wang Lin’s momentum surged, shaking the formation of his closed-door Cave Mansion.

His cultivation realm broke through to the eighth level of the Severing Dao realm.

However, Wang Lin did not pay attention to it. Instead, he focused on deducing the Six Paths of Reincarnation technique.

He only instinctively absorbed spiritual energy to break through his cultivation realm.

If it were someone else, it would definitely be impossible.

Even with painstaking comprehension, it would be difficult to break through, let alone instinctively operate the technique to break through.

However, Wang Lin has the Chaos Dao Body. As long as there are enough resources to devour, even without cultivation, he can still break through his cultivation realm.

Cultivation is just a way to break through realms faster.

This is the extraordinary aspect of the Chaotic Dao Body.

After all, so many resources are not consumed in vain.


Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, Tianyang time has passed.

But with a hundred times the passage of time, only a little over a month has passed in the outside world.

Meanwhile, Wang Lin has reached the peak of the Severing Dao realm in these ten years.

The resources have long been depleted.

The Samsara Realm was constructed nine years ago.

Within the vast and boundless starry sky of the Chaotic Starry Sky Realm, there is a vortex resembling a roulette, where life and death alternate, and the rhyme of the Samsara Dao permeates.

Under the washing of the Samsara Dao Rhyme, Wang Lin’s divine soul undergoes transformation, transitioning from life to death, and from death to life, in a cycle of life and death.

The divine soul undergoes metamorphosis in the cycle of life and death.

Nine years later, the Samsara Realm shatters with a bang, and the entirety of the Samsara Dao is absorbed by the divine soul.

Wang Lin only created a virtual Samsara Realm through his own Dao technique.

Now that the cycle is complete, there is no need for the virtual Samsara Realm to exist anymore.

If he wants to undergo the cycle again in the future, he can construct it again.

“One Turn Immortal Soul!”

Wang Lin opens his eyes, feeling an unprecedented sense of transcendence and detachment.

It’s as if he used to live in a quagmire, but now he has finally transcended and entered a broader world.

This is definitely not an illusion.

It is indeed the truth.

His divine soul has undergone a qualitative change, containing the characteristic of immortality, and his comprehension has reached a higher level.

Now, Wang Lin sees the world in a different light, clearer and able to see the essence.

“What an astonishing transformation!”

Wang Lin estimates that it would take an Emperor Weapon to erase his divine soul.

If he were to use his Dao Eye to scan the Heavenly Spirit Mountain, he could probably see for half an hour.

From one breath to half an hour, it can be seen that his divine soul has become incredibly powerful.

He can now do more things with his Dao Eye.

At the very least, he can fight against Saints, or even control them and turn them into puppets.

Presumably, the Dao Eye should be able to accomplish that.

“Open the system panel!”

Character: Wang Lin.

Destiny: Variable.

Luck: None.

Physique: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos Dao Eyes, Immortal Soul that Never Dies.

Realm: Peak of Severing Dao.

Skills: Twelfth Grade.

Technique: Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra.

Divine Ability: Heavenly Guardian Sword Art, Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death.

Law Treasure: Chaotic Golden Lotus.

Dao Companion: Luo Xian’er…

“The Chaos Dao Eyes have become a physique?”

Wang Lin asked in surprise.

“Yes, the level of the Chaos Dao Eyes is too high. Previously, the host had not fully integrated them, so they could disappear at any time. Now, they won’t.”

“If the host uses the Dao Eyes now, it’s like opening his eyes. If he doesn’t use them, there won’t be any consumption.”

“I see!”

Wang Lin murmured, then looked at the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death.

This was the Divine Ability he comprehended during his nine years of life and death reincarnation.

It was more than ten times stronger than the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist.

Moreover, the cycle of life and death was a bit strange.

It was completely different from ordinary Divine Abilities.

After using other Divine Abilities, the power would be proportional to their strength.

The Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death, on the other hand, was a growing Divine Ability that could devour all things to enhance its power.

And as long as Wang Lin didn’t retract the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death, it would continue to devour endlessly, never stopping.

This was a bit terrifying, even one could say it was eerie.

Just imagine, if a group of equally powerful experts surrounded him, all he had to do was unleash the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death. What would be the result?

After devouring one person, the power of the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death would skyrocket, and the remaining people would be like food on a plate.

“I’ll find someone to test it another day!”

Wang Lin’s eyes flickered as he walked out of the Cave Mansion.

After more than a month of seclusion, the changes in the world were quite significant.

His women had been hunted down a few…


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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