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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 125. Xi Dang Daddy, Ancient Desolate Knife And Universe Tower

“Fellow Daoists, I sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting as I have been preoccupied with various matters.”

Wang Lin arrived at the Cloud Palace.

In the main hall, there were five elderly men and a young girl. Upon hearing the voice, they instantly put away their proud expressions and stood up, respectfully greeting him.

“Grandmaster Wang, you’re too kind.”

“Yes, everyone, this is Qingwu.”

Wang Lin smiled and nodded.

These five individuals were elders of the Alchemist Guild, all of them above the Seventh Grade in rank.

The young girl was a disciple of the president of the Alchemist Guild.

It is said that she belongs to the Wood Spirit Clan, a kind of fairy that takes the form of plants. She was born with the ability to control the vitality of plants, making her a natural alchemist.

Indeed, this was the case. In just ten years, she had reached the Seventh Grade as an alchemist and the Fifth Grade as a Grandmaster.

The success rate of her alchemy was not one hundred percent, but she had never failed either.

Of course, Wang Lin knew the reason for this, and it had nothing to do with her talent in alchemy.

It was mainly because the young girl was the protagonist with a golden destiny.

“Thank you, fellow Daoists, for your assistance to my Wang Family.”

After sitting down, Wang Lin expressed his gratitude.

“Grandmaster Wang, you’re being too modest. It’s something we should do.”

“That despicable Profound Heaven Sacred Land dared to chase after Lady Luo. They deserve to die.”

“Rest assured, Grandmaster Wang. The Alchemist Guild has issued a wanted order for the remnants of the Profound Heaven Sacred Land.”

The group of people spoke indignantly.

When they first heard that Luo Xian’er was being chased, it shook the entire Alchemist Guild.

Wang Lin was the only Twelfth Grade Grandmaster in countless ages, representing the face of alchemists.

For the Profound Heaven Sacred Land to dare to chase after Luo Xian’er was like rubbing their faces in the dirt.

The entire Alchemist Guild was furious.

An alchemist’s dignity must not be violated.

While they were punishing the Profound Heaven Sacred Land, they had already started contacting Quasi-Emperor-level experts and numerous Saints.

If the Profound Heaven Sacred Land hadn’t been destroyed so quickly, they would have wiped them out as well.

“I appreciate your help.”

Wang Lin thanked them once again.

Without a doubt, the Alchemist Guild had paid a great price for Luo Xian’er’s matter.

After some consideration, Wang Lin decided to repay this favor.

“Qianqian Fairy, I heard that you are a Fifth Grade Grandmaster?”

The young girl, upon hearing this, nodded nervously.

She wore a veil, revealing her cheeks, which instantly turned red.

Her bright and clear apricot eyes exuded a sense of innocence and foolishness.

It seemed like she was a shy little fairy… Wang Lin nodded and said.

“Coincidentally, I have some free time today.”

Upon hearing this, the crowd’s faces lit up with joy, frantically gesturing towards Qianqian.

Wang Lin’s words couldn’t have been more obvious; he was just short of saying “I want to guide you.”

Qianqian couldn’t help but clutch her clothes corner, feeling nervous and unsure.

“Oh my, my little ancestor, please refine a batch of Sixth Grade pills. With Grandmaster Wang’s guidance, you might even break through to Sixth Grade Grandmaster.”

An old woman with silver-white hair immediately became anxious and quickly transmitted her thoughts to Qianqian.

They knew that Qianqian was timid and shy.

But now, it was already such a crucial moment. Why be shy?

“I ask for Grandmaster Wang’s guidance.”

Qianqian’s face turned red.

She stood up, bowed, and took out a furnace of Dragon Blood Pills to begin refining.

However, due to nervousness, she made several mistakes.

If it weren’t for her exquisite pill refining skills, she would have already failed in pill refining.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Qianqian only managed to refine six Low Grade pills.

This made the five people anxious and lament in their hearts.

Qianqian used to refine nine full pills, all of them High Grade.

Now, in front of Wang Lin, her performance was so disappointing.

If Wang Lin wasn’t willing to guide her, it would be a huge loss.

But they couldn’t say anything either.

Qianqian was the treasure of the Pill Association, treated like an ancestor.

If they missed this opportunity, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

“Well, not bad. Despite making several mistakes, you were still able to refine six pills. Truly deserving of being a natural alchemist.”

Wang Lin praised.

Qianqian’s shyness didn’t surprise Wang Lin either.

After all, some people are naturally introverted and timid, blushing when speaking to strangers.

Wang Lin continued, “I’ve been busy lately, so let’s assess the Twelfth Grade Grandmaster here.”

“Alright, alright!” The others nodded repeatedly.

If someone else said this, they would probably be criticized.

Because when alchemists are assessed, they usually go to the Alchemist Guild, make an appointment, and bring their own Spirit Medicine.

But if Wang Lin says it, then there’s no problem.

Even if Wang Lin doesn’t assess the Twelfth Grade Grandmaster, they wouldn’t say anything.

The so-called rules are originally meant to serve the strong.

Wang Lin didn’t waste any words. With a thought, ten pill furnaces appeared in the void.

He first refined ten furnaces of First Grade Qi and Blood Pills, throwing all the Spirit Medicine in.

This scene left the others dumbfounded.

It’s not strange to refine pills without pill furnaces.

This is an exclusive skill of a Grandmaster.

But refining ten furnaces at once, and also putting the Spirit Medicine in together, are you sure you’re refining Supreme Grade pills?

Various thoughts flashed through their minds, and no one spoke, focusing their attention on watching.

The mysterious technique was like flowing clouds and running water, captivating to watch.

Soon, half an hour passed, and a strong medicinal fragrance filled the entire hall.

“Full pills, nine Supreme Grade, a thousand pills.”

At the moment they saw the Qi and Blood Pills, the others breathed heavily, shocked beyond words.

It’s known that refining Spirit Pills requires time to slowly purify and refine them.

For some people, it’s common to spend several months pursuing quality.

But Wang Lin finished it in just half an hour.

This is really beyond reason.

“Again, full pills, Supreme Grade!”

“All Supreme Grade…”

Time passed quickly. From First Grade to Sixth Grade, Wang Lin refined them all at once.

Finally, he refined a furnace of Heavenly Soul Pills and handed it to Qianqian.

The Alchemist Guild has a rule that the pill assessed during the assessment needs to be handed over to the guild.

And these nine Heavenly Soul Pills are invaluable. In addition to today’s guidance, using them to repay favors wouldn’t be considered stingy.

“Is Wang Grandmaster a Holy Pill Master?”

The group of people were still in shock as they left Opening Heaven Ze City.

Wang Lin’s alchemy skills have truly opened their eyes.

Perhaps only the ancestor of the Pill Association could achieve such a level.

“It should be, but since Wang Grandmaster didn’t say anything, there’s no need for us to inquire.”

“Qianqian, you… sigh.”

“Let’s stop talking and go back quickly.”

“The Heaven Soul Pill is extremely precious, even Saints would fight over it. We should return to the Pill Association as soon as possible.”

“Call your father quickly!”

Madam Qingmei packed up her belongings and suddenly remembered that her daughter hadn’t acknowledged her father yet.

Since entering the Small Spirit World, Wang Lin had been busy.

And they couldn’t just sit idle, so they were mostly cultivating.

That’s why they hadn’t met each other.

Xier looked excited and a little nervous as she called out.

Wang Lin’s mouth twitched. This old father was quite unexpected.

It really caught him off guard.

The key point was that Xier had a Purple Gold Destiny.

How could he be her father?

“What’s wrong, my dear?”

Madam Qingmei felt a tightness in her heart when she saw this.

“Nothing, I really like Xier.”

Wang Lin waved his hand, showing a happy expression.

The frustration from earlier had vanished.

Because he remembered the system prompt, there would be rewards for adopting a daughter.

“That’s good!”

Madam Qingmei breathed a sigh of relief, then complained softly.

“You, you really scared me just now.”

Wang Lin laughed and embraced her voluptuous body.

“My dear, would you like to join the Heaven Severing Sect with our daughter?”

“Well, Xier can already control her charm and hide her talent. It would be good for her to see the world. Keeping her locked up at home would be detrimental to her.”

Madam Qingmei may be a bit flirtatious, but she is a responsible mother.


Wang Lin smiled slightly and looked at Xier.

A girl with a tail resembling a tiger, fox-like ears, and dragon horns.

What kind of daughter did Lady Qingmei give birth to?

“Enemy, Xier has already broken through to the peak of the Dao Platform realm. She has unparalleled talent and the potential of a Great Emperor!”

Lady Qingmei said proudly.

Looking at Xier, her beautiful eyes were filled with satisfaction and pride.

The precious child that had been raised with hardship for many years had finally grown up, and she no longer needed to worry about her.

“Oh! I think it’s more than that. Xier has the potential of an immortal. You don’t need to say she has the potential of a Great Emperor anymore.”

“Ah? Really?”

“Of course!”

Wang Lin replied seriously, passing on the complete Yin-Yang Art technique to the two of them.

He also gave them some spiritual pills, Law Treasures, and a Saint Weapon.

“Xier, when you go to the Heaven Severing Sect, act boldly and confidently. If anyone bullies you, let me know without hesitation.

“Also, don’t have too much contact with people surnamed Ye, Lin, Xiao, Chu, Fang, Su, and the like, understand?”

At this moment, Wang Lin resembled an old father, solemnly instructing his daughter to pay attention to certain matters.

“Oh, okay!”

Xier was overjoyed. She finally had a father of her own.

This feeling was truly comforting.

But why did her father not allow her to have contact with these people?

Could it be that these people were special in some way?

Lady Qingmei was also puzzled.

However, the two of them did not ask further.

Since Wang Lin had said so, there must be a reason.

“Well, enemy, I’m leaving!”

Lady Qingmei left reluctantly.

“Mother, Father is really good!”

Xier said happily.

Wang Lin had given her so many treasures and even helped her establish a connection with the Saint Weapon longsword.

Truly, a father’s love was as solid as a mountain.

“Yes, although the enemy is not a good person, he is a good husband and a good father. You must be filial to him in the future, understand?”

Madam Qingmei gently touched her daughter’s head and said seriously, “Hmm! I won’t let your father down.”

Xier nodded earnestly and said, “I won’t disappoint him.”

If it weren’t for Wang Lin, they might still be living a miserable life on Linghuo Continent.

Madam Qingmei worked tirelessly every day for cultivation resources and her own affairs.

Meanwhile, Xier stayed in her room all day, like a caged bird.

She had long remembered this great kindness in her heart.

“Good, the two of us together will definitely make a name for ourselves. We don’t expect to help our enemies, but we can’t keep relying on his resources.”

Madam Qingmei smiled with satisfaction, feeling a surge of determination in her heart.

This time, her departure was not solely to join the Heaven Severing Sect.

The main reason was that she wanted to resume her old business and establish a sect to gather resources.

“Nine… Nine-lined…”

Xier joyfully examined the treasure her father had given her. When her divine sense swept over the Nine-lined Heavenly Soul Pill, she was dumbfounded.

Wasn’t this the legendary Divine Pill?

It should be noted that throughout history, no one had ever successfully refined a Nine-lined Divine Pill.

The reason there was a Nine-lined Divine Pill was that a One-lined Divine Pill had evolved into a Nine-lined one.

Madam Qingmei was stunned and quickly checked it again, then checked her own storage ring.

One person, one bottle, each containing a Nine-lined Heavenly Soul Pill.


Madam Qingmei found it hard to believe that this was true, as if she were dreaming.

What kind of immortal man did she marry?

Just as Madam Qingmei was about to leave, Su Ying arrived with her daughter.

“Master, I want to take Xuan’er to the Ethereal Sacred Land.”

Tianze Mountain was too far from the Ethereal Sacred Land. They would have to use two intercontinental teleportation arrays, more than ten teleportation arrays, and fly for several days.

Lu Lengxuan was only at the peak of the Soul Formation Realm, and Su Ying was a bit worried about letting her go alone.


Wang Lin made a sound and glanced at the cold and frosty Lu Lengxuan, a playful smile on his face.

“Alright, come with me.”

Su Ying’s face instantly turned red.

This kind of thing, although she no longer resists it.

But being seen by her daughter, it makes her feel embarrassed.

“Thief Wang Lin, you’ve gone too far.”

Lu Lengxuan thinks that Wang Lin must have done it on purpose.

Intentionally, in front of her, tormenting and manipulating her mother.

“Mother, I will definitely become strong quickly, be your support, and not let that thief Wang Lin bully you again.”

Lu Lengxuan secretly swears.

She has always believed that only when she becomes strong, Wang Lin will not dare to bully her mother so recklessly.

As for making Su Ying leave Wang Lin.

She no longer has that idea now.

Because she has discovered that her mother has fallen in love with Wang Lin.

And indeed, Wang Lin is a god-like man.

From the bottom of her heart, she feels that they are a perfect match.

The only bad thing is that Wang Lin treats Su Ying as a female slave.

“Damn it, you thief, haven’t you had enough fun yet!”

An hour has passed, Lu Lengxuan angrily clenches her fist, wanting to rush in and save her mother.

But she is also a bit afraid.

She hasn’t forgotten what Wang Lin did for her medical treatment.

“Do you want to save your mother?”

At this moment, Wang Ba’s voice resounds from the depths of her heart.

Lu Lengxuan nods without hesitation.

“It’s simple, as long as you can satisfy this old man.”

“Ah ah ah!!”

Hearing this, Lu Lengxuan covers her face, her face turning red, feeling frantic in her heart.

Thief Wang Lin really doesn’t intend to let her off.

But, does she really have to sacrifice herself to save her mother?

Two hours later, Su Ying’s face is like a rosy cloud.

She doesn’t dare to look at her daughter and hands her a storage ring.

“This is something your father asked me to give you.”

Inside are some Divine Thunder Pills, Soul Nurturing Pills, and healing spirit pills.

But Wang Lin doesn’t dare to give her the Nine-Stripe Divine Pill.

After all, the Nine-Stripe Divine Pill is a treasure, and Lu Lengxuan still doesn’t fully trust Lu Lingxuan.

Lu Lengxuan felt uncomfortable in his heart and said softly, “Mother, you don’t need to please him anymore. My talent has already recovered. This time, when I join the Illusory Sacred Land, I will definitely become a Saintess.”

“Nonsense, the master treats me well. Don’t think too much,” Su Ying scolded.

Lu Lengxuan bit her lip and silently accepted the storage ring. She swore in her heart that when she became strong, she would make that thief Wang Lin pay.

Wang Lin was satisfied and took a sip of tea before silently saying, “System, exchange my reward for a Law Treasure.”

Although the spiritual veins rewarded by the system were not few, they were no longer helpful to him now. After all, the Heavenly Fire Continent was vast, with countless spirit stones. It would be enough to refine a few more batches of spiritual pills with more resources.

Therefore, Law Treasures were more enticing.

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the Saint Realm. The family has been promoted to Twelve Stars. The reward is the Quasi-Emperor weapon, Ancient Desolate Knife!]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first Purple Gold Fate Child. The reward is the extraordinary treasure, Universe Tower!]

Wang Lin’s eyes flickered with excitement as he read the introductions of the two extraordinary treasures.

The Ancient Desolate Knife was a Quasi-Emperor weapon primarily used for killing. It was made from complete divine iron, which meant it was the embryo of an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

As for the Universe Tower, it was an extraordinary treasure at the level of an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon. However, it was even more precious than an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon because it was nurtured by the universe itself. It contained a universe within it and had infinite potential for growth.

For Zi Ling’er, the Universe Tower was the perfect treasure for achieving the Dao.

“System, are the rewards for the Fate Child really this generous?” Wang Lin couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course not. Everything is because of Xier’s uniqueness. Also, this is the host’s first Fate Child, so the rewards are naturally generous.”

“I see…” Wang Lin also saw Zi Ling’er’s extraordinary potential. The girl had the essence of the Great Dao within her body. When he said she had the potential of an immortal, it was not just a casual remark. Zi Ling’er truly had the potential of an immortal.

That mass of Great Dao essence was not a consumable item; it would grow stronger as Zi Ling’er’s cultivation advanced. When she broke through to the Saint Realm, she would be able to come into contact with the Great Dao essence, and at that time, her cultivation would definitely soar.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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