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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 127. The Peerless Tigers Successively Transcending Tribulation, Everyone Broke Through The Defense

“It doesn’t matter, those who are not afraid of death can come if they want.”

Wang Lin sneered.

Before, he was somewhat worried.

After all, Tianhuo Continent has a Quasi-Emperor.

However, now Zi Ling has already advanced to the peak of the third-level world.

She can easily annihilate a Saint King with a breath.

Her power is vast and boundless.

If she activates the Universe Tower, even if the Quasi-Emperor wields an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, they would not be Zi Ling’s match.

Because they are competing with Extreme Dao Emperor Weapons.

The Universe Tower is a naturally nurtured treasure, currently at the level of an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, containing a universe within it, with terrifying and overwhelming power.

It is definitely stronger than a refined Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

“Well, be careful.”

Hearing Wang Lin speak so confidently, Lady Qingmei felt relieved.

They quickly finished their business.

Wang Lin then left.

He hadn’t had the chance to refine the Quasi-Emperor soldier’s treasure in that piece of ore yet.

Now that the teleportation array has been set up, it’s natural to improve one’s strength.

Arriving at the seclusion Cave Mansion, Wang Lin took out the Quasi-Emperor’s weapon, the original stone.

It is a large tripod with three legs and two ears, completely black, and covered in mysterious Dao patterns.

Wang Lin looked at it for a while, filled with joy.

This large tripod is like a heavenly furnace, naturally possessing the Dao Rhyme.

The three legs represent the three realms of heaven, earth, and man, while the two ears represent yin and yang. Its mouth is like chaos, capable of swallowing the heavens and earth.

The large tripod not only possesses unparalleled power, but also unparalleled auxiliary functions.

It can devour all things and transform them into pure Qi.

Even the Dao Rhyme of heaven and earth can be devoured by it and nourished back to its owner.

At the same time, it can also assist its owner in better comprehending the Great Dao of heaven and earth.

Or it can refine its own physique in the furnace.

In short, the large tripod is both offensive and defensive, and can assist in cultivation in every aspect.

Even if a waste obtains it, they can become an unparalleled genius and achieve the status of a Great Emperor.

“Let’s call you the Chaos Tripod.”

Wang Lin joyfully touched the large tripod and whispered to Ling’er, who was sleeping.

“543” “Congratulations to the master for obtaining the ultimate treasure.”

Zi Ling’er, still half asleep, saw the large cauldron and immediately exclaimed with joy.

“Well, this treasure is in perfect harmony with my Great Dao. It is suitable to be used as evidence of the Dao’s ultimate treasure,” Wang Lin replied solemnly.

“Ling’er, refine the Universe Tower properly. It will be of great use to you. Don’t sleep all day.”

“I know!”

Zi Ling’er replied guiltily, then handed the refined Savage Beast Pill to Wang Lin.

“Master, I’m going to refine the Universe Tower now!”

Before the words had even finished, she had already disappeared.

“She really is a child who never grows up,” Wang Lin shook his head.

He put in over five trillion high-grade spirit stones.

Out of these spirit stones, only one trillion was earned by Wang Jie, while the rest belonged to the Profound Heaven Sacred Land.

The Chaos Cauldron trembled, and divine patterns emitted brilliant light, revealing a profound and ethereal aura.

The over five trillion spirit stones were instantly melted into spiritual mist.

Then, they were refined and compressed into strands of primordial energy.

Each strand of primordial energy weighed as heavy as ten thousand jin, equivalent to one hundred million spirit stones.

Moreover, they contained a mysterious Dao Rhyme aura, which was helpful for refining and cultivating the Dao.

Wang Lin continued to throw in over ten thousand Savage Beast Pills before he began his cultivation.


In the boundless starry sky, dense thunderclouds filled the galaxy, and terrifying lightning destroyed the stars in the sky.


A gigantic and boundless White Tiger phantom stretched across the heavens and earth, exuding a terrifying aura.

Opening its mouth like a black hole, it devoured all the thunderclouds in the sky.


“It can swallow a Severing Dao-level world-destroying Thunder Tribulation in one gulp. What level of divine beast is this!?”

Passing geniuses, upon seeing such a scene, couldn’t help but widen their eyes and be filled with shock.

They knew that when divine beasts transcended their tribulations, it was called baptism, specifically to temper their flesh and receive the vitality of thunder.

But to swallow a Thunder Tribulation in one gulp, isn’t that too outrageous?

After all, this was a world-destroying Thunder Tribulation.

Even the peerless geniuses of the Twelve Stars would be half-dead after being struck by it, and they would have to rely on various Law Treasures to resist it.

The lucky ones would successfully transcend their tribulations, while the unfortunate ones would die on the spot.

Like this White Tiger, they have never heard of it before.

“This tiger has the potential of a Great Emperor.”

Countless young geniuses looked at the illusion of the White Tiger, feeling inferior.

They also considered themselves exceptional talents, renowned in their own domain.

Traveling with a Flood Dragon pulling a carriage, followers gathered, celestial music lingering, sweeping across the sky, rampaging freely, enjoying the world.

But now, compared to this White Tiger, they feel like a pile of scrap metal.

With this thought, countless people silently put away their carriages and sighed.

“I didn’t expect to encounter such a monster as soon as I left seclusion.”

“Senior brother, who is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’ve been in Tianze City for months, and you still don’t know her origin?”

“I really don’t know!” This person’s mouth curled up, looking at him with a playful expression.

As the Thunder Tribulation dissipated, an unparalleled figure stood proudly in the world, exuding elegance and beauty.

Wearing a black dress, with a lofty and cold temperament, noble and unparalleled, like an ancient deity.

Sang Yun operated her cultivation technique, quickly refining the power of thunder within her body.

The pure thunder vitality was absorbed by her physical body, nourishing her blood and qi. It was already in a state of Spirit Communication, with every drop containing immense vitality and a trace of immortal divinity.


Sang Yun’s momentum soared, her whole person like an unparalleled heavenly blade, invisible blade intent, sharp and unmatched, as if to split the heavens and earth.

“Husband is truly extraordinary!”

Sang Yun inwardly observed her four-layer Dao Platform, her golden pupils filled with joy.

With the supply of countless heavenly treasures and divine pills, her cultivation realm rapidly broke through.

After a successful Nirvana, it would be perfection, and all Divine Origins would be transformed into mana.

Then, she would forge the Dao Platform and derive the Connecting Heaven mana.

Then, in just ten years, she broke through to the Saint Lord realm, forming the third layer of the Dao Platform.

In twenty years, she broke through to the Severing Dao realm, forging the fourth layer of the Dao Platform.

This was also because she cultivated both her life and cultivation, and practiced the Heavenly Cycle Stellar Art and the Primordial Origin Golden Body Decision, two imperial techniques.

There was also the inheritance imperial technique of the White Tiger divine beast, and the Innate scriptures.

All of these required time for comprehension.

She broke through even faster, perhaps already a Saint, or even a Great Saint.

After all, the spirit pills she used were Divine Pills refined by Zi Ling’er.

There were also the nine-line Heavenly Soul Pills given by Wang Lin, as well as the Supreme Pills that underwent qualitative changes.

It can be said that Wang Lin’s women have a hundred times the flow of time in their Small Spirit Worlds. They are not in the process of Transcending Tribulation, but on the road to Transcending Tribulation.

“I now not only possess the Innate Divine Beast’s foot, but also the faint Inextinguishable Divine Blood trait, coupled with a Divine Ability, allowing me to be revered in the Severing Dao realm.”

“Finally, I can help my husband!”

Sang Yun’s beautiful eyes shimmered with joy.

“Sang Yun, I’m tired.”

At this moment, Bai Susu and a group of people dressed in white floated over as if they were celestial beings.

Their temperament was cold and transcendent, as if they were fairies descending from the Guanghan Palace.

She looked at Sang Yun with envy in her eyes.

Both of them had the same resources, but compared to Sang Yun, she was far behind.

Currently, she was only in the Connecting Heaven realm, preparing to break through to the Saint Lord realm by Transcending Tribulation.

“Yes, Sang Yun, you’re amazing.”

A gentle and melodious voice sounded.

A faint smile appeared on Su Ying’s stunning face, exuding an elegant and noble temperament.

“Congratulations, you two go ahead and Transcend Tribulation, I’ll protect you.”

Sang Yun immediately killed the mood.

The two women nodded helplessly and each found a place to Transcend Tribulation.

“So beautiful!”

“Are they fairies descending to the mortal realm?”

Everyone was dazzled by what they saw.

The three women were flawless and transcendent in temperament.

Their cultivation and bloodline were incredibly powerful.

They were even stronger than the Twelve Star geniuses they had seen before.

At this moment, they all doubted whether these three were fairies who had Transcended Tribulation in the mortal realm.

Otherwise, how could they have not heard of such stunning geniuses?

“Wait, how come they are Transcending Tribulation on the same day?”

Someone suddenly realized.

The sudden appearance of three stunning girls in the Divine Domain was already strange enough.

Now they were Transcending Tribulation together, how could such a coincidence happen in the world?

“Perhaps these three are extraordinary beauties hidden by other major domains or Sacred Lands. They bought spiritual pills in Tianze City and that’s how they were able to break through.”

Someone pondered and said so.

“That makes sense!”

Everyone nodded in agreement, accepting this explanation.

They couldn’t help but feel a little schadenfreude when they looked at their senior brothers and junior brothers who were still in the dark.


The Tianjiao’s eyes flickered as they passed messages to their subordinates, wanting to know the news about the three women.

All three women have the qualifications of a Great Emperor, making them the perfect companions.

If the three women are from the human race, then they basically have no hope.

After all, they are all at the Saint Lord realm and Severing Dao realm.

A King at the Severing Dao realm can already become an ancestor.

While they are only Tianjiao who are famous in one domain, most of them are at the Dao Platform realm and Connecting Heaven realm.

The difference between the two is too great.

But if the three women are not from the human race, then they still have hope.

Moreover, if they don’t have a strong background, they can directly take the person away by finding their elders.


Knowing the situation, when they saw their companions showing a fiery gaze, they couldn’t help but reveal a look of pity.

“How could this be?”

After receiving news about the three women, everyone was a bit confused.

They crossed Thunder Tribulation one after another in just a few months?

Are you sure it’s not fake?

After confirming multiple times, they learned that the three women are Wang Lin’s wives, and everyone collectively broke down.

Damn it, such peerless beauties turned out to belong to someone else’s family.

Everyone was jealous to the point of madness.

“You still say you didn’t know?”

Looking at his senior brother, the young man with extraordinary valor gritted his teeth and said.


God knows how crazy he was when he just found out about the identities of the three women.

Now seeing his junior brother like this, he instantly felt comfortable.


Soon, the two of them finished crossing Thunder Tribulation, elegant and graceful, as if they were the only light in the boundless starry sky.

With a graceful and voluptuous figure, a slender waist swaying like a snake, radiating a stunning beauty that silenced a thousand tongues.

“Let’s go!”

The three women rode on clouds and left gracefully.

“Ah, why would such peerless enchantresses willingly fall like this?”

Everyone was sour.

“Don’t you guys wonder why they broke through so quickly?”

“Although the Supreme Grade pill is perfect and has no side effects, it can’t achieve this level.”

“Of course, curiosity is natural, but what’s the use of curiosity?”

“Who dares to explore?”

“Not necessarily!”

Wang Lin’s destruction of the Profound Heaven Sacred Land did not have much deterrent effect.

After all, when it comes down to it, the Profound Heaven Sacred Land is just a declining second-rate Sacred Land.

Those forces that possess Saint Kings, Quasi-Emperors, and even Emperor Weapons have not made a move.

They are currently observing.

They all want to wait for other forces to test Wang Lin’s bottom line.

It remains to be seen who will be the first to be unable to resist making a move.

“Let’s go, there are still three days left for the auction. I wonder what level of Supreme Grade pills the Wang Family will auction.”

The crowd is not interested in thinking about the power struggles of the big shots. Even if they think about it, it will only add to their troubles.

“Everyone, I bid farewell first. We will meet again in Tianze City.”

A tall young man bowed with his fists.

His eyes were shining, and a profound Dao Rhyme emerged around him, with extraordinary signs.

Summoning his mount, radiating bright light, runes flashing.


A Flood Dragon’s roar resounded through the sky.

Followers wearing armor and with a tall and mighty stature stepped onto the Flood Dragon mount, solemnly gazing into the distance.

The maids played music, and celestial melodies filled the air.

Some people summoned exotic beasts such as Golden Peng, Green Phoenix, and Dragon Horse.

The scene was grand and magnificent, truly surpassing the heavens.


The arrogant ones without mounts looked envious and sneered.

“Let’s go, let’s see how arrogant they can be.”

“Flying is prohibited in the city, and the entrance fee is one hundred thousand spirit stones of High Grade per person.”

Wang Liye said calmly.


Countless arrogants snorted coldly and reluctantly handed him a storage ring with an annoyed expression.

Obviously, they were not happy about paying the entrance fee to the Wang Family.

Indeed, most cities in this world do prohibit flying and require an entrance fee.

However, this does not apply to them.

Because they are the successors of the major forces’ geniuses.

Wherever they go, entering any force’s city, the other party will give them a certain level of respect.

Important members are sent to welcome them.

After all, when geniuses grow up, they become giants in their own right. Who wouldn’t want to make friends with them?

There are even many cities that specifically invite them and pay money to establish the reputation of their city.

The cities that charge them fees are the first they have encountered.

Everyone feels a burning sensation on their faces.

If they weren’t extremely eager to obtain Supreme Grade Pills, they definitely wouldn’t have come.


The geniuses who rushed over burst into laughter, their eyes showing a mocking color.

As if saying, “You’re not capable either.”

“Brother Li, are you not going to pay the spirit stones to enter the city?”

The young man suppressed his anger and asked with a smile.

“Of course I will!”

He twitched at the corner of his mouth and obediently paid the entrance fee.

The Wang Family’s actions have made countless geniuses hate them to the bone.

They don’t care about spirit stones, but they care about their own face.

If they have to pay spirit stones like ordinary people, then are they still the geniuses who stir up the world? No, they’re not.

“Excuse me, does Tianze City have a cultivation Cave Mansion?”

A young man paid the entrance fee and asked Wang Liye.

He doesn’t have any background and his aptitude is not good. He is just an ordinary disciple of a One Star sect.

After struggling for decades, he has accumulated enough spirit stones to buy one or two suitable Supreme Grade Pills.

But Supreme Grade Pills are too precious.

If someone targets him and robs him halfway, he will lose both his life and his wealth.

Therefore, renting a Cave Mansion in Tianze City to refine Supreme Grade Pills is his best choice.

Wang Lin also considered this point at the beginning, which is why he spared no expense to set up a large number of cultivation Cave Mansions in Tianze City.

While earning spirit stones, he can also meet the needs of his customers.


Wang Liye nodded.

“Where can I rent one?”

“From me.”

Wang Liye took out a few jade plaques and explained to him.

Cave Mansion in Tianze City currently has a total of three thousand units.

Among them, only thirty-six units are of the “Tian” grade.

Renting for a day costs one hundred million High Grade Spirit Stones, and there is no discount regardless of how long you rent it for.

All Cave Mansions are rented on a daily basis.

The “Di” grade costs fifty million.

The “Xuan” grade costs eight million.

The “Huang” grade costs one million.

“It’s too expensive!”

“Can I renew the lease when it expires?”

After listening, the young man’s face twitched.

“Yes, you can!”

“Then I want to rent it for four days.”

The young man reluctantly took out four million and rented it for four days.

In fact, he wanted to rent the Cave Mansion after obtaining a Supreme Grade Pill.

This is also the idea of most people.

But the young man thought, there are only so many Cave Mansions, what if they are all rented out?

His idea is correct.

Out of the three thousand Cave Mansions, only a few “Huang” grade ones are left. If the young man comes a little later, they will probably be gone.

“I also want to rent one, for four days.”


Wang Liye activated the formation for him and handed him the jade plaque.

There are map coordinates on it, and the person who receives the jade plaque hurriedly goes to check the Cave Mansion.

Selling such expensive Cave Mansions, who knows how abundant the spiritual energy is.

If there is nothing, that would be too unethical.

But fortunately, they were overthinking.

The spiritual energy in the Cave Mansion is very rich and pure.

Of course, that’s not the main point.

The key is that this place has been transformed by a Saint, and the field is special, with clearer rules of heaven and earth compared to the outside.

A faint Dao Rhyme permeates the entire Cave Mansion.

“It’s worth it!”

The people who rented the Cave Mansion were ecstatic.

This is the cultivation treasure land they have been dreaming of.

Without the influence of a Saint, it would be impossible to set up such a place.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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