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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 133. Long Chen Is Dead, Sneaking Around All Day Long, And Still Being A Lady To Everyone.


The void exploded, and Saint, in a fit of anger, turned the world upside down.

The auspicious clouds and divine qi that filled the sky instantly transformed into a terrifying killing intent. Blood-red murderous aura filled the heavens, thunder flickered, and the sky rumbled.

It was as if the wrath of the heavens had descended, causing great terror to spread throughout the land.


In an instant, everyone snapped out of their daze caused by Lady Qingmei’s power.

They felt their souls tremble, unable to withstand the anger of the Saint King.

Although they were separated by a formation, the Saint King’s principles and laws still resonated within their souls.

“Ah ah ah!”

Inside the space sealed by Wang Lin’s runes, Lady Mei remained unaffected.

The fire of yin and yang burned fiercely, consuming Long Chen’s physical body and soul.

Kneeling in the void, Long Chen found himself imprisoned by the solidified space around him.

With a demonic expression on his face, he glared at Lady Qingmei.

“I will definitely kill you, extract your soul, and make you beg for life but find only death…”

Lady Qingmei was taken aback.

What time was it? Why couldn’t Yin Chen see the situation clearly?

“Are you a fool?”

“A fool?”

Long Chen grinned ferociously, enunciating each word through his clenched teeth.

“You can never imagine who you have offended. Even if you are stronger than me now, so what? Sooner or later, I will surpass you.”

He possessed an ancient and mysterious dragon soul, within which lay an Immortal Law that surpassed the Emperor’s Scripture.

As long as he was given time, he was confident that he could kill Lady Qingmei.

“Do you think you still have a future?”

Lady Qingmei fell silent for a moment, her eyes showing a caring gaze for the mentally challenged.

“Do you dare to kill me?”

This time, it was Long Chen who was dumbfounded.

Didn’t Lady Qingmei see that his master was manifesting his holiness in the void?

That was a Saint King, someone who could easily wipe out Lady Qingmei with a flick of his finger.

Long Chen had long investigated the background of Lady Qingmei and her daughter.

They were a pair of Independent Cultivators with no background, but they had some connection to the Wang Family, which was why they were brought to Tianhuo Continent.

If he killed them, not only would he face the wrath of the War God Pavilion, but he would also offend Ning You.

So, how could Lady Qingmei dare?

“Why don’t I dare?”

Lady Qingmei’s eyes turned cold, and Long Chen was truly arrogant and ignorant.

Death is imminent, yet he still wants to seek revenge on her.

In that case, let Long Chen experience the taste of death.

What does it matter if he has the qualifications of a Great Emperor? In the end, he is still an ant.

With this thought, Lady Qingmei controls the Yin-Yang Fire, fiercely burning Long Chen’s physical body.

“Have you gone mad!?”

Ignoring the pain in his body, Long Chen struggles with all his might.

He is not a fool. Upon hearing Lady Qingmei’s words, he understands everything.

Lady Qingmei definitely doesn’t dare to offend the Saint King.

But, my lord…

Thinking of this, Long Chen suddenly realizes.

It seems that the Wang Family doesn’t take their enemies seriously at all.

Since the moment he provoked the dignity of the Wang Family, he has already been regarded as an enemy by them.

“Master, Master, save me.”

Long Chen roars.

The terror of death envelops his heart, and Long Chen no longer cares about his face.

He doesn’t want to die. He hasn’t avenged his mother yet, how can he die?

“Could Lady Qingmei really want to kill Long Chen?”

“Who is supporting her from behind?”

The crowd’s gazes flicker, and many thoughts arise in their hearts.

“It’s him!!”

Long Chen’s maidservants feel as if they’ve been struck by lightning, their minds buzzing.

They can’t accept this cruel reality.

“Ah! Move, move for me.”

After waiting for a long time without a response, Long Chen directly burns his essence blood, trying to break free from the suppression of the Yin-Yang Law Manifestation.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The solidified space emits the sound of a shattered mirror.

But in an instant, it becomes unbreakable again, the void becoming a prison that tightly confines him.

“No, I absolutely cannot die…”

Long Chen roars, absorbing the power of the mysterious dragon soul, his momentum soaring.

He even has the thought of using the dragon soul.

He didn’t use it before because the dragon soul is too precious.

The conditions for forming a dragon soul are extremely harsh, with one in a million chances.

First and foremost, one must have at least reached the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

After sitting down, all the knowledge and experience, including Divine Ability and combat experience, are condensed in the Dragon Soul.

It can assist in cultivation, battles, and more.

Moreover, the Dragon Soul also possesses the indestructible characteristic, impervious to all laws and unaffected by time, making it difficult to erase.

And this Dragon Soul’s aura is ancient and profound, with a terrifying dragon’s might. In his lifetime, he was at least a Great Emperor level.

It can be said that the Dragon Soul is more precious than an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

Once exposed, he will definitely be hunted down at all costs.

Both the Human Race and the Monster Race will not let him go.

However, now, in a life or death situation, he can’t care about all that.

It’s pointless struggling.”

Long Chen is getting stronger, and Lady Qingmei is also getting stronger.

Vast chaotic energy surges out from the Primordial Origin Cauldron, blessing the Law Manifestation.

Mysterious flame runes invade Long Chen’s body, sealing his Dragon Soul.

The fire of Yin and Yang burns his body.

Only to see Long Chen melting at a visible speed.

Soon, only his soul remains.


Feeling his Dragon Soul being sealed, Long Chen looks at Lady Qingmei in disbelief.

No wonder Lady Qingmei is so powerful.

So there’s someone behind her.

“Master, Master, why didn’t you save me?”

Long Chen’s divine soul twists, his eyes filled with resentment.

Ning Youming could have saved him with just a thought.

But she chose to stand by and do nothing.

He had always respected Ning Youming deeply, but he didn’t expect her to abandon him when it came to life and death.

This made Long Chen couldn’t help but feel strong resentment towards Ning Youming and the War God Palace.

It’s not that Ning Youming didn’t save him, but Ning Youming herself couldn’t protect herself.

She has already been targeted by Zi Ling’er.

“Lady Qingmei, please spare Young Master this time, and we are willing to pay any price.

More than a dozen maidservants have realized that Ning Youming cannot save Long Chen.

If they don’t take action, Long Chen will undoubtedly die.

They can only hope that Lady Qingmei, considering their extraordinary identities, will spare Long Chen this time.

After all, Long Chen’s physical body is now destroyed, and even if he rebuilds it in the future, his achievements will be limited and pose no threat to the Wang Family.

“Do you want to save him? Alright, come in.

Lady Qingmei’s beautiful eyes flashed with a cold light as she spoke in a calm tone.


After hesitating for a moment, more than ten people flew into the space sealed by the rune without any hesitation.

“Tsk tsk, very good. It seems that the master and servant have a deep affection. Since that’s the case, I will fulfill your wishes.”

“Die, all of you.”

Lady Qingmei revealed a malicious smile.

What nonsense, the arrogant daughters of heaven. From the moment they became Dragon Dust’s maids, they were no longer the same.

Even if it’s her, she dares to kill.

Whatever Wang Lin asks her to do, she will do it.


Upon hearing the first half of the sentence, they were overjoyed, thinking that Lady Qingmei spared Dragon Dust.

But upon hearing the second half of the sentence, their faces turned pale as paper.


Before they could beg for mercy, a vast and mighty force suppressed them, and the fire of Yin and Yang burned fiercely.

The storage ring in their hands was confiscated.


These people didn’t have Dragon Dust’s body, and their physical bodies were instantly burned to ashes, their souls twisted in agony.

Both master and servant were burned together, emitting a mournful howl.

“That’s more like it!”

Lady Qingmei’s fiery red lips curled up slightly as she brought Ye Xiaoxiao along.

The whole family should be neat and tidy.

“Young master, why are you barking like a dog, young master?”

Ye Xiaoxiao was completely excited.

She had turned dark.

She thought about how she had given everything for Dragon Dust, but he watched indifferently as her soul was burned.

Still pretending to be cool, completely forgetting about her.

Is it so difficult to let Ning You save her?

“What did you say?”

Dragon Dust was stunned.

Unable to believe it, his loyal and devoted maid actually called him a useless dog?

The other maids stopped struggling and stared blankly at Ye Xiaoxiao.

“Dog, I said you’re just a useless dog. What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?”

Ye Xiaoxiao said fiercely.

“Xiaoxiao, the young master has invincible potential. How can you…”

“Hahaha, so what? I must have been blind to become his servant. I hate it…”

Ye Xiaoxiao’s face twisted in regret, her eyes filled with remorse.

The other maids fell silent upon hearing her words.

Recalling their past as the revered Divine Maiden, a hint of regret uncontrollably surfaced in their hearts.

“Ye Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?”

Being betrayed by a maid, Long Chen felt like his soul was about to ascend to heaven.

“I must have gone crazy, otherwise why would I become the servant of a madman like you?”

“Even if you have invincible potential, so what? There will always be someone stronger. Right now, aren’t you being manipulated by others?”

“You think you can seize the inheritance? Who do you think you are?”

“A mere ant in the Connecting Heaven realm, daring to talk about ruling the world, deluding yourself into playing with fire in the game of Saint Kings. It’s simply laughable.”


“What am I?”

“Madam Qingmei is right.”

“What kind of arrogant person are you? Without any background or support, you’re just a dead dog. My fate is your fate, hahaha…”

Ye Xiaoxiao’s words struck Long Chen’s mind like thunder.


What strength does he, a Connecting Heaven realm cultivator, have?

What qualifications does he have to participate in the game of Saint Kings?

Is it just because he has the potential to become a Great Emperor?

Long Chen realized that not everyone wanted to befriend him.

In the eyes of some, if you’re not a strong person, you’re just an ant.

With this thought, Long Chen’s regretful soul twisted.

If heaven were to give him another chance…

“Haha, wonderful, truly wonderful!”

Watching the master and servant become enemies, Madam Qingmei was extremely delighted.

“Release me, I’m willing to do anything for your Wang Family.”

In the face of death, Long Chen lowered his proud head.

“Hehe, Long Chen, although I’ve only met you a few times, I can tell that you’re someone who only remembers grudges and not favors.”

“So, you all can go die.”

Madam Qingmei sneered.

“No, I can’t die, I can’t die!”

Long Chen knew that the Wang Family would definitely not let him go, but he really didn’t want to die.

He still hadn’t avenged his mother on Golden Dragon Island.

The Great Emperor has not yet proven himself and has not collected all the world’s beauties.

He still has too many regrets.


Seeing this, Lady Qingmei shook her head and immediately lost interest in playing with Long Chen.


The Primordial Origin Cauldron flew out and absorbed the souls of several people, completely refining them into nothingness.

“They’re dead…”

The crowd fell silent, a generation of unparalleled geniuses, actually dead.

More than a dozen arrogant women also died.

This incident is bound to cause a huge sensation in Tianhuo Continent.

“Xier, take this cauldron back to your godfather.”

Lady Qingmei’s beautiful eyes turned and she said so.

Today, she is in the limelight.

Perhaps her invincible image has already deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

For some people, this may be a great thing.

But she doesn’t want to be famous at all, as long as her cultivation and status are sufficient.

Her father and grandfather often taught her that a tree that stands out gets blown down by the wind.

They are both top scholars, so what they say must be right.

So, it’s time to remove her from the spotlight.

Put everything on this cauldron.

Also, Lady Qingmei doesn’t want anyone to know that she is Wang Lin’s woman.

There is a saying that a concubine is not as good as a thief.


Xier was stunned for a moment, then silently took the Primordial Origin Cauldron.

“You’re still a young lady, always sneaking around like a fox spirit,” she muttered to herself.

On the surface, she looked shocked.

“Mother, you just…”

“Shut up.”

Lady Qingmei reprimanded and said proudly, “I have divine skills and the qualifications of a Great Emperor. This is something that everyone in the world can see.”

The conversation between mother and daughter stunned everyone present.

To be honest, at first, some people suspected that Lady Qingmei was a concubine of the Wang Family.

After all, Lady Qingmei is a cultivator from Linghuo Continent who came with the Wang Family.

It doesn’t matter if they say it doesn’t matter, who would believe that?

Furthermore, they all think that Lady Qingmei’s Law Manifestation is too powerful and unreasonable.

It doesn’t make any sense at all.

They suspect that Lady Qingmei has obtained an incredible technique for cultivating Law Manifestation.

In this world, there are countless types of Law Manifestation. Ordinary Law Manifestation is the embodiment of one’s own path and law.

Some Law Manifestations are connected to one’s life. If the Law Manifestation is extinguished, they will die.

Some Law Manifestations are condensed using treasures.

And there are also some Law Manifestations that can be strengthened through cultivation.

In short, there are many types of Law Manifestations.

They suspect that Lady Qingmei’s Law Manifestation is a type that can be strengthened through cultivation.

However, now, after hearing the conversation between the mother and daughter, they understand everything.

What a load of nonsense invincible prodigy.

Look at your provocative appearance, foul language, where is there even a trace of an invincible prodigy?

Moreover, an invincible prodigy with the potential to become a Great Emperor is not something that can be easily found.

How is it possible for someone to just appear and have the path of a Great Emperor?

Therefore, Lady Qingmei’s strength is definitely limited.

If she really is that powerful, she wouldn’t have prepared a backup plan in advance.

So, the question is, did Yinchen die at the hands of Xier’s godfather?

Who is Xier’s godfather?

Ordinary people don’t have the ability to deceive others.

“That’s not right.”

Someone murmured.

This is not a glorious method. Lady Qingmei doesn’t need to openly admit it, right?


“Well done, this is your reward.”

Wang Lin’s voice came from the sky, and a jade bottle descended from above.

“Thank you for the praise, Grandmaster Wang. It’s what I should do.”

Lady Qingmei was overjoyed and took the jade bottle.

Then she said to Xier.

“Hurry up and return the Law Treasure to your godfather.”


Xier controlled the auspicious cloud and flew into the sky.

Suddenly, it seemed like the sky opened a door, and inside were a man and a woman sitting.

The man is exceptionally handsome, and the woman is as beautiful as a Celestial Immortal.

The two of them are snacking on melon seeds and drinking tea.


Xi’er smiles brightly, her voice sweet and crisp.

“Mmm, Xi’er has grown up.”

“I see!”

Everyone suddenly realizes.

So it was Wang Lin who supported Lady Qingmei behind the scenes.

If Wang Lin is Xi’er’s godfather, then everything makes sense.

Wang Lin didn’t want Lady Qingmei to be targeted, so he had to make it public.

After all, the War God Temple is not to be trifled with.

Those dozen or so servant girls are not to be trifled with either.

Now that Wang Lin is vouching for Lady Qingmei, everything is fine.

“As a Grandmaster, aren’t you afraid of being ridiculed for using such despicable means?”

Ning You suppresses his anger, his tone icy.

No wonder Lady Qingmei’s Law Manifestation can infinitely improve, it turns out it was all Wang Lin’s doing.

He regrets a bit. If he had known that Wang Lin was so despicable, he would have left a way out for Long Chen.

But now it’s too late to say anything.

The disciples cultivated at the cost of countless resources were killed like this.

If it weren’t for being locked onto by the gaze of a peak Saint King, he would have taken action long ago.

Ning You is only a first-level Saint King, not a match for a peak Saint King at all.

If there was any resistance, he would never sit idly by while his disciple was killed.

“Tit for tat! If you hadn’t left a way out for Long Chen, would I have made a move?”

Wang Lin says seriously, talking nonsense.

He also cares about his reputation.

He can easily shake off the reputation of scheming against his juniors.

“Is that so?”

“Impressive, truly a game between Saint Kings.”

The calculations between big shots are indeed profound, not something that small fry like them can fathom.

“Well, today I admit defeat.”

Ning You feels extremely frustrated.

He thought that with Long Chen’s talent, he would definitely gain Wang Lin’s favor.

Coupled with the crisis of the Wang Family, inviting Wang Lin to join the War God Temple should have had a seventy to eighty percent chance of success.

However, he never expected that he was just daydreaming.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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