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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 136. Let Others Control You, Stand Out, Point Fingers, Fly Over The Walls!

Su Han is foolish.

How can you go back on your word?

“Yanran Fairy, how can you change your mind in front of millions of people?”

Su Han is no longer calm, finally encountering a sucker.

If Wang Yanran doesn’t want it, he will not only lose trillions, but also miss out on the Soul Pill.

“Fellow Daoist, please watch your words. You clearly stated that you won’t sell it just now, so our transaction is terminated.”

Wang Yanran’s expression turned cold, revealing her cultivation at the Triple Heaven of the Connecting Heaven realm, filling the entire auction with a bone-chilling coldness.

Hearing this, Su Han also knew he was in the wrong. If he continued, he would probably be thrown out.

He looked at Jiang Yuyan, the meaning was self-evident.


Jiang Yuyan felt a bit embarrassed.

She was too excited just now and forgot to explain clearly.

“In my eyes, your Saint Weapon is indeed worth a trillion, because I can ask a Twelfth Grade craftsman to refine it.”

“Once it reaches the appropriate continent, it can be auctioned for over a trillion High Grade spirit stones.”

“But I didn’t consider that Fairy Yanran and I are different, so its value is at most a few hundred billion.”

“Alright, I’ll sell it to you for a trillion.”

Su Han said without hesitation.

No wonder he asked so many auctions, and the highest price he offered was only 300 billion. It turns out there were these factors.

“Sorry, I don’t have that many spirit stones at the moment.”

Jiang Yuyan decisively refused without hesitation.

The Supreme Grade Soul Pill was right in front of her. Even if Su Han took out a complete and flawless Saint Weapon, she wasn’t interested.

After all, buying it doesn’t mean it’s hers.

She doesn’t have that many spirit stones.

But the Soul Pill is different.

Once she buys it, she can immediately swallow and refine it. If the Connecting Heaven Chamber of Commerce comes after her, she can just have her family make up the spirit stones.

“Nine hundred billion, is that enough?”

Su Han looked pained. He didn’t expect to lose a hundred billion in just a few words.

“Fellow Daoist, I’m not interested.”

Jiang Yuyan shook her head.

“How could…”

Su Han stopped halfway through his words and swallowed.

He’s not foolish. He instantly understood the meaning behind Jiang Yuyan’s words.

Everyone’s attention was fixed on the Heavenly Soul Pill. Who would have the mind to buy a damaged Saint Weapon that is difficult to sell?

“I don’t want it. From now on, I will only accept treasures at the auctions I preside over,” Wang Yanran said directly without waiting for Su Han to speak.

Su Han felt as if he had eaten a dead rat, regretting his decision. He hesitated for a moment and looked at Xier.

Su Han felt a surge of anger. He and Xier were fellow disciples, but Xier refused to help him even with a single word.

“I don’t need a Saint Weapon,” Xier quickly said.

Su Han was speechless.

He wanted Xier to purchase it in the name of the Wang Family. With Xier’s status as a goddaughter, she could afford not just one trillion, but even five trillion.

Such words could only be understood but not spoken.

But Xier thought that he wanted to sell it to her, which was quite naive.

“Even if I wanted to sell it to you, can you afford it?” Su Han couldn’t help but comment.

After thinking for a moment, he thought to himself, “The Supreme Grade Heavenly Soul Pill is rare and hard to come by. I can’t give up on it. Let’s see how the situation unfolds before deciding.”

“Alright, let’s auction the Heavenly Soul Pill.”

The farce ended, and Wang Yanran continued with her auction business.


Many people said in unison.

“What now?” Wang Yanran became a little impatient.

“Don’t give us anything anymore. We won’t accept it. If you want to sell, we’ll go to the old district.”

“Wanran Fairy, you’ve misunderstood.”

“We just didn’t prepare enough spirit stones. Can we auction it later?” an old man at the peak of the Severing Dao Realm explained helplessly.

Encountering an inexperienced auctioneer was truly frustrating.

Such a good treasure, and they didn’t even know to generate some hype beforehand. They just kept selling it recklessly.

That was a treasure that even those at the Severing Dao Realm would be forced to fight over.

“Yes, Wanran Fairy, please, delay it a bit,” he pleaded.

They were just trying to buy some time by talking so much. Otherwise, who would have the time to deal with someone at the Connecting Heaven Realm?


Wang Yanran hesitated for a moment, thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to wait a bit longer if she could sell it for a good price.

However, the upcoming auction was too boring.

“Fairy Yanran, if I may ask again, do all the treasures only require spirit stones?” someone asked nervously.

The Wang Family had previously stated that everything would be auctioned off for spirit stones.

But he felt that this was too unreliable.

You see, in other auctions, spirit pills of Grade Eight and above were settled with origin or spiritual veins.

Even trades were possible.

Some sellers would make their own demands for the transaction.

As for the auction, after completing the transaction, they would just give the money.

And treasures like the Supreme Grade Heavenly Soul Pill, in his opinion, would be an insult to the pill if it were not auctioned off with divine origin.

“Yes, everything can be traded with spirit stones, but you can also use origin or spiritual veins,” Wang Yanran replied.

Upon receiving a clear answer, everyone was overjoyed and also felt incredulous.

It’s really hard to understand why the Wang Family needs so many spirit stones.

Spirit stones are just the lowest level of resources.

“Xier, it’s your turn to auction next,” Wang Yanran said, her beautiful eyes turning towards Xier and picking up the labor force on the spot.

She scanned her divine sense into the storage ring, transferred the items to be auctioned into another storage ring, and handed it to Xier.

“Ah? Is this okay?” Xier asked.

“There’s nothing wrong with it. The prices are marked on top, just put them up,” Wang Yanran replied.

“That’s how it is then!”

Good things don’t need the auctioneer to boast, there will always be people rushing to buy them.

On the other hand, even if some worthless things were boasted about, they would still be just that.

So it’s fine to leave it to Xier.

With this thought in mind, Wang Yanran disappeared on the spot.

Leaving behind a bewildered audience.

“Capricious, it’s because she’s capricious.”

“Where can you find an auctioneer like this? I won’t come again even if you kill me.”

“Ah, this is how the Wang Family does things. I’ve come several times, and it’s like this every time. They don’t even have a professional staff.”

“We strongly demand that the Wang Family hire a professional auctioneer. They can afford it, right?”

The scene was chaotic for a while.

They really couldn’t stand it anymore.

The ticket prices were sky-high, and the service was terrible.

Ignoring the auctioneer, just in their private box, they spent billions of spirit stones, but all they got was some spiritual fruit pastries and a pot of tea.

There wasn’t even a maid to attend to them.

The elixirs obtained from the auction were also thrown down directly.

They swore they would never come again next time… Well, they must come next time.

“Ahem, everyone, I, the Wang Family, am a prestigious alchemist family. Please forgive us for any shortcomings in our service.”

“Xier, you may continue.”

Wang Jie’s voice carried an apologetic tone. After explaining a sentence, he let Xier continue with the auction.

Apologies can be made, but changes are impossible.

Anyway, it’s like this, whether they come or not is up to them.


Upon hearing this, the crowd had mixed feelings towards the Wang Family.

Xier’s nervous tiger tail stood up.

She scanned her spiritual sense into her storage ring and was instantly shocked by the treasures inside.

“What’s wrong?”

Jiang Yiyuan’s beautiful eyes flickered as she asked with a smile.

“Nothing, nothing!”

Xier regained her composure, thought for a moment, and asked.

“What treasure will be auctioned next?”

“Soul Nurturing Pill, do you have any?”

The crowd became excited.

It seems that it’s not bad to encounter an auctioneer who doesn’t understand the trade.

“Yes, we do.”

Xier took out a hundred boxes of Soul Nurturing Pills.

“You may start bidding.”

Oh, they really have them.

Some people were a little regretful. They wanted Thunder Spirit Pills, and some wanted Divine Thunder Pills.

Well, actually, they all wanted them, but they couldn’t afford them.

After a few rounds of auctions, Xier saw that the price of the elixirs was starting to drop, so she immediately switched to another treasure.

It was a piece of Silver Tear Divine Iron, with a body like mercury, radiating colorful light, with a few traces of tears, emitting an immortal divine light.

Silver Tears Divine Iron is extracted from the raw stone, with only one-tenth of it being intact Divine Iron, but it can still be used to refine an Apex Level Saint Weapon.

In addition to that, there are many other rare treasures.

Wang Lin only selected some unimportant ones to auction off.

“Silver Tears Divine Iron…”

The crowd became restless.

It’s not surprising that the Wang Family auctioned off the Soul Pill, considering that Wang Lin is a Grandmaster alchemist.

But it’s strange that they would auction off Divine Iron. Does the Wang Family not need Law Treasures?

“The price of Silver Tears Divine Iron is…”

“Wait, Xier, do you mind if I introduce it?” Jiang Yuyan quickly said.

“That would be great,” Xier’s eyes lit up as she stepped back.

Jiang Yuyan cleared her throat and said, “Everyone, although Silver Tears Divine Iron is ranked 2,075th among the 3,000 Divine Irons, it doesn’t affect its price at all.”

“Because the function of Silver Tears Divine Iron is very versatile, and it has a very strong artistic attribute, it can be used to refine illusion-type Saint Weapons.”

“When refining an offensive Saint Weapon, its power is also not weak, and it is incredibly beautiful.”

“Furthermore, it is one of the best materials for Great Emperor formations, or it can be used to repair formations.”

“To be honest, I’m tempted by such a perfect Divine Iron.”

“If I had it, I would refine it into an inheritance Saint Weapon with artistic conception, which can help future generations comprehend artistic conception, or use it as a gift for my daughter-in-law…”

Jiang Yuyan was just a step away from saying that this is the ultimate weapon for pursuing the Saintess.

She introduced the Silver Tears Divine Iron for a full half an hour, praising it to the heavens.

“Hmm! Not bad!”

Everyone nodded as they listened. Jiang Yuyan had described all the advantages of Silver Tears Divine Iron, making people extremely tempted.

Especially the young geniuses, they wished they could buy it directly and show off in front of various Great Dao Saintesses.

See, this is what professionalism looks like.

In the end, the Silver Tears Divine Iron was auctioned off for 73 trillion High-Grade Spirit Stones.

After all, it is only a material for an Apex Level Saint Weapon. To refine an Apex Level Saint Weapon, it still requires a Saint King to refine it, engrave the laws of the Holy Dao, and nurture it.

So the price is not low.

“Next is a piece of Supreme Grade Spirit Communication Divine Jade…”

Jiang Yuyan explained it in great detail.

Her voice was very pleasant and magnetic, making people involuntarily immerse themselves in it.

A crowd of talented individuals gazed at Jiang Yuyan with infatuated eyes.

Jiang Yuyan has the appearance of a mature and elegant lady, wearing a gorgeous glass skirt that is both sexy and enchanting.

Her physique is a mystery, but her combat power is extremely terrifying, making her a peerless talent.

Coupled with her identity as the Emperor Clan’s legitimate daughter, Jiang Yuyan can be said to have a multitude of pursuers.

Even some old monsters want to bring this peerless beauty into their chambers.

“Do you have feelings for her?”

Madam Qingmei asked breathlessly.

“Mm! She has indeed captured my heart.”

“Tsk tsk, it seems that I will have another sister-in-law in the future.”

Madam Qingmei emphasized the word “future.”

“No rush, I still need to go into seclusion. Let’s talk about it after I come out.”

She’s just a woman, where is the importance of improving cultivation?

Wang Lin took out a dazzling bracelet and put it on her fair wrist.

After helping her recognize its master, Madam Jiamei was stunned.

This beautiful jade bracelet turned out to be a Yin-Yang attribute Apex Level Saint Weapon, an extraordinary treasure.

Most importantly, it possesses the origin of Yin and Yang.

In theory, it has infinite growth potential and can help people comprehend the Yin-Yang Great Dao. It is simply her perfect treasure for enlightenment.

“It’s too precious, I can’t accept it.”

Madam Qingmei quickly took it off.

Although the Yin-Yang bracelet is her ideal treasure, it is also of great help to Wang Lin.

“Just take it! Consider it as a reward for you.”

This is a reward received from the system after breaking through the Great Saint Realm.

It is most suitable to give it to Madam Qingmei.

Wang Lin really likes this counterfeit lady.

“Alright! If you have any needs, be sure to let me know!”

Madam Qingmei’s eyes were filled with gratitude.

Wang Lin smiled and didn’t say anything, carrying her to the table.

To be at someone’s mercy!

To stand out from the rest!

To gesture and move freely!

To walk on walls and roofs!

“Wait, Fairy Yiyan, please stop talking. I already know, just tell me the price quickly.”

As time passed, everyone couldn’t bear it anymore.

Jiang Yiyan explained in great detail, that’s for sure.

But it was too dragging.

Moreover, the clearer the explanation, the more it made people excited, and the more they wanted to buy at any cost.

Several times, the price had already been determined, but she kept asking again and again, causing those who had originally given up to continue bidding.

It feels like I spent a lot of spirit stones buying the treasures she auctioned.

“Change the person, I strongly request a change of person.”

Someone said angrily.

Obviously, he was the one who spent several billion spirit stones.

“Yes, yes, let Xueran Fairy come over.”

Suddenly, everyone felt that Wang Yanran was better, efficient and decisive, without any dragging.

And their spirit stones had all been delivered, so they could auction the Heavenly Soul Pill.

Jiang Yiyan was a bit speechless.

Just now, they were clamoring that Wang Yanran didn’t understand and wanted someone professional.

Now she’s professional enough, right?

They also felt that she was being verbose.

“Wanting to enjoy and wanting a fast pace, I’m really in a difficult position.”

Jiang Yiyan said helplessly.


Xier nodded and took out the Heavenly Soul Pill.

“This time, a total of nine will be auctioned together, with a starting price of 30,000 High Grade spirit stones for each pill.”


This is the temperament that an auctioneer should have.

Everyone was ecstatic.

They originally thought there was only one, but it turned out to be five editions.

That means they have a greater chance of winning the auction.

“I bid 35,000 billion.”

“40,000 billion…”

Many people were bidding like crazy.

The Supreme Grade Heavenly Soul Pill, if used well, can even create a Saint.

So, this is not a problem of spirit stones at all.

Finally, the Heavenly Soul Pill was sold for a price of 40 trillion.

Upon hearing this price, Su Han fell silent.

He had thought that a few hundred billion or even a trillion would be enough, but poverty limited his imagination.

Come to think of it, spirit stones were not important.

There were plenty of spirit stone mines in this world.

What they wanted were treasures that could enhance their cultivation.

After a moment of silence, Su Han left his seat and went through some trouble before finally seeing Wang Jie.

However, when he left, his expression was somewhat unpleasant.

To think that a complete Low Grade Saint Weapon would only sell for three Supreme Grade Heavenly Soul Pills, this was far from the ten he had expected.

“45 trillion, not bad!”

Wang Lin was overjoyed, secretly sighing that there were so many wealthy people in Tianhuo Continent.

“Elder, won’t you wait a little longer? There are still Saint Weapons and many other rare treasures that haven’t been auctioned off in this auction. It’s estimated that they could sell for over 20 trillion.”

Wang Jie said.

“It’s been too long. If I wait for you to finish, it will take at least a few more days.”

Wang Lin shook his head, gave him some instructions, and left the auction.

Upon entering Tianling Mountain, he immediately started mining crazily.

After mining over 500 spirit stone mines in a row, he obtained a total of over 10 trillion High Grade spirit stones.

Over 30 trillion Supreme Grade spirit stones.

The remaining spirit stone mines couldn’t be mined anymore, as further mining would affect the spiritual energy of Tianling Mountain.

As for the spiritual veins, Wang Lin did not collect them.

Then he mined all the small and medium-sized ore mines.

And then he dug out that Great Saint-level Holy Spirit.

Perhaps for others, the Holy Spirit was very worthy of cultivation.

But for Wang Lin, its greatest value was to become his own cultivation.

“Xian’er, next, I will be in seclusion for a while. It’s estimated to take one or two years. I’ll leave the Wang Family to you.”

After finding Luo Xian’er, Tian Lin gave her some instructions and left.

“One or two years is considered long?”

Luo Xian’er was somewhat speechless.

Even if the Small Spirit World had a hundred times the flow of time, it would only be two hundred years at most.

In the Saint Realm, which cultivation retreat wasn’t measured in thousands or tens of thousands of years?

Shaking her head, Luo Xian’er pondered for a moment and left the Small Spirit World.

She had to go and test how many days of divine pressure extinction she had obtained.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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