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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 138. The Destiny Of Heaven Is Permanent, And Only The Virtuous Can Live There.

Actually, Wang Yanran doesn’t want to team up with Su Han at all.

But this is Luo Xian’er’s idea.

Wang Yanran doesn’t understand at all what Luo Xian’er is doing.

Without saying anything, she just let her team up and even wants real-time updates.

In fact, it’s not that Luo Xian’er doesn’t want to say, but because Su Han has the ability to foresee good and bad fortune.

If she says it, she won’t be able to get close to Su Han.

Secondly, Luo Xian’er suspects that Su Han may have obtained the last piece of Tianyan Divine Pressure in this secret realm.

But the secret realm can only be entered by those in the Saint Lord realm, and she has already reached the peak of the Severing Dao realm, so she can only send Wang Yanran to go undercover.

“Wang Yanran… Xier…”

When everyone saw Wang Yanran, they were somewhat shocked.

Wang Yanran’s reputation has long spread throughout the entire Tianhuo Continent.

There are even rumors outside that marrying either of the two women can obtain the qualifications of a Great Emperor.

Because obtaining either of the two, one will never lack Supreme Grade pills in the future.

Of course, this is somewhat exaggerated.

But it can also be seen how important the two women are.

Now that the two of them actively request to team up, it makes everyone feel a sense of joy as if a pie has fallen from the sky.

Establishing a good relationship with the two women may benefit them for a lifetime.

“Not interested.”

Su Han has a great resentment towards these two women.

One didn’t speak up for him, and the other caused him to lose one trillion spirit stones.

Now that the two women actively request to team up, Su Han instinctively feels that they must think the underground palace is too dangerous, so they want to stick together for warmth.

Thinking that he has guessed the two women’s intentions, he resolutely refuses.

Of course, Su Han doesn’t really want to refuse, he just wants to use this opportunity to ask for benefits from Wang Yanran.

At the very least, he wants a few Tianhun Pills, and he wants to take 80% of the treasures obtained in the underground palace, and he wants to pick first, otherwise, there’s no deal.

“I’m willing!”

Compared to Su Han, Dong Yan’s response is very decisive.

Only a fool would refuse such a stroke of good luck.

As for using this to blackmail Wang Yanran, he never even thought about it.

Not everyone has Su Han’s confidence.

I guess as long as one is a normal person, they wouldn’t have the idea of taking advantage of Wang Yanran.


Wang Yanran nodded and looked at the others, asking, “What about you?”


The others hesitated, with a hundred of them willing to team up with Wang Yanran.

But just now, Su Han saved them. If they were to leave Su Han at this moment, wouldn’t that offend him?

“Don’t hesitate anymore. The underground palace is so dangerous. Let’s act together. Whoever gets the treasure, it belongs to them. What do you think?” Xi’er mediated.


Xi’er gave them a way out, and everyone had no objections.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yu Guang secretly glanced at Su Han, unable to understand why he would refuse such a good opportunity.

Su Han’s face turned pale with anger.

Such a good opportunity, all ruined by Dong Yan, that ungrateful person.

Not only did he not gain anything, but he also made enemies with two people.

Su Han wished he could kill Dong Yan immediately.

“Brother Su.”

Liu Hanyan tugged at his sleeve, her eyes crazily signaling.

Su Han snorted coldly, knowing that the situation was already settled, and he didn’t say anything more.

“Take this spiritual pill for healing.”

Dong Yan helped her, and Wang Yanran was also generous, immediately giving him a Fifth Grade healing pill.

“Thank you, Fairy Yanran.”

Dong Yan was overjoyed in his heart. Indeed, she was a golden thigh. It seemed that his choice was right.

“Fairy Yanran, just now we were chased by nine Tenth Grade puppets. It was because we encountered the core palace of this underground palace. I wonder if Fairy Yanran is interested in exploring it?”

Wang Yanran was so generous and could also use her cultivation. By taking the initiative to say this, perhaps he could follow Wang Yanran and get some benefits.

At the very least, he could make a few connections.

“Oh? Lead the way.”

Wang Yanran was delighted in her heart.

The teachings of the ancestors are indeed correct, one should be generous in life.

To be convenient for others is to be convenient for oneself.

Based on her speculation, this underground palace relic is at least of the Quasi-Emperor level.

Exchanging one Fifth Grade pill for this opportunity, this deal is a big win.

“Fairy Yanran, please follow me.”

Dong Yan swallowed a Supreme Grade pill, and his injuries visibly healed at a rapid speed.

After all, the injuries he suffered were only physical, and the Supreme Grade pill was enough to repair his physical body.

“Let’s go.”

Su Han’s face turned pale.

Such an important opportunity, yet these people didn’t tell him, they are truly a bunch of ungrateful people.

He trusted them so much just now, treating them as friends.

Now that Wang Yanran knows, he’s afraid he won’t be able to monopolize the treasure.

Moreover, Su Han glanced at the jade bottle in Dong Yan’s hand, his brows furrowed.

From the moment Wang Yanran took out the elixir, he knew he had thought too much.

Since Wang Yanran’s cultivation was not completely sealed, there was no need to stick together for warmth.

So the question is, why did Wang Yanran team up with him?

Could it be that she wants to find cannon fodder?

The group entered an underground maze.

This is a maze formation, anyone who is not proficient in formations will definitely be trapped and die inside.

They were able to enter and safely come out thanks to Senior Zhang and Senior Liu, who are Seventh Grade formation masters.

But precisely because they are formation masters, their own combat power is very weak, and they were killed by the puppets with a single punch.

Soon, the group passed through the maze and appeared before a magnificent palace.

“Sister Yanran, I didn’t expect there to be so many puppets here that are comparable to the Saint Lord realm.”

Xi’er was excited, looking at the puppets rushing towards them with a fierce momentum, she used a big handprint to capture them.

The Yin-Yang handprint turned into a cage, sealing the puppets and storing them in the storage ring.

These puppets have not activated the Divine Ability formation runes within them, they only possess brute strength.

For Xi’er, this is simply a treasure delivered to her doorstep.

She is not clear about the value of these puppets, but at the very least, they are worth trillions, if not tens of trillions.

Su Han’s face twitched as he watched.

Looking at the two women’s appearance, their cultivation has at least been unsealed by ten percent.

Su Han really can’t figure out how the two of them managed to get here.

He was able to do it because he relied on the power of the Tianyan Divine Jade, and even then, he only unsealed one percent.

Could it be that the two of them have Law Treasures even more powerful than the Tianyan Divine Jade?

Of course not, the reason they were able to unseal it is because their souls are powerful.

After all, they have both consumed the Nine-Winged Heavenly Soul Pill and are at the peak of the Saint Lord realm.

It can be said that once they break through to the Saint level, their souls will be even stronger than those of a Saint King.

And this Quasi-Emperor level sealing formation is already damaged, coupled with insufficient energy, its power no longer exists.

It’s like a cheat specifically made for Su Han. Wang Yanran and the others found a loophole based on their abilities.

“No, I can’t be with these two anymore, otherwise I won’t even get a single hair.”

Seeing the two of them collecting puppets and palace treasures, Su Han feels more pain than if his flesh were being cut.

However, just as he was about to speak, the two of them rushed straight into the main hall.

He watched as Wang Yanran put the four Saint puppets inside into her storage ring.

Suddenly, Su Han felt a wave of palpitations, as if he had lost the most important thing, the feeling was extremely intense.

“Hoo hoo!”

Su Han’s eyes turned red, his breathing became rapid, like a mad beast.

“Saint Weapon! Quasi-Emperor soldiers! And the technique jade slips…”

Everyone exclaimed, looking at the nine light screens inside, their expressions filled with excitement, rushing forward without hesitation.


Dozens of people were instantly bounced back, falling to the ground, spitting out blood, their breaths weak.

Obviously, the power of the formation’s light screens is extremely strong.

“Heh, overestimating yourselves.”

Dong Yan said with a satisfied smile, his voice cold and mocking.

To rush towards the formation’s light screens that store Quasi-Emperor soldiers, these people really have no regard for their lives if they didn’t die.

“Dong Senior Brother, what do you mean?”

Liu Hanyan was stunned, feeling a sense of strangeness.

“Take it literally.”

A murderous intent appeared in Dong Yan’s eyes.

He’s not pretending anymore.

Because Dong Yan knows very well that Wang Yanran will definitely not share the treasures here with them.

And they definitely don’t want to give up.

In that case, why not give them a ride?

“Sister Yanran, we’ve struck it rich.”

“Well, do you have a way to break through this barrier?”

“Yes, yes, yes! But it will take some time.”

“Alright, no rush, take your time to observe.”

Wang Yanran and Xier paid no attention to these people, they were just a group of ants that could be easily killed.

As for the Quasi-Emperor’s treasury, they had no intention of sharing.

“Wang Yanran, why don’t we join forces to break through it together?”

Su Han didn’t believe that Xier could break through the Quasi-Emperor level formation barrier.

He looked at one of the barriers with a burning gaze, inside of which lay a piece of damaged divine pressure. Obviously, this was the Tianyan Divine Jade he had been searching for.

As long as he obtained the final piece, he would soar to new heights.

“Oh? How do you plan to break through it?”

Wang Yanran asked calmly.

“It’s simple, I can refine puppets. As long as you give me those four Saint Realm puppets, I can find a way to refine them.”

A glimmer flashed in Su Han’s eyes as he spoke lightly.

As long as he obtained the Saint Realm puppets, he would be the one in control here.

He had no intention of sharing either.

In his eyes, treasures of the world were governed by destiny, and only the virtuous could possess them.

“Fairy Yanran, please don’t believe him. This dog is even greedier than Taotie. We’ve been searching for treasures together, but we haven’t even obtained an empty bottle.”

“He already has nine Tenth Grade puppets. If we give him the Saint Level puppets, he will definitely monopolize this treasury.”

Although Dong Yan knew that Wang Yanran wouldn’t agree, he couldn’t help but speak up.

Wang Yanran nodded. She would be a fool if she believed Su Han’s nonsense.

The reason she asked was just to see if Su Han had a way to break through.

Now that she didn’t get an answer, she knew that Su Wan had nine Tenth Grade puppets.

“You’re asking for death.”

Su Han’s gaze turned cold, and a chilling killing intent emanated from him.

Dong Yan repeatedly ruined his good intentions, and even if Su Han could endure it, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

“What? Am I making you angry by exposing your conspiracy?”

Dong Yan sneered and quietly moved his steps, coming behind Wang Yanran.

His cultivation was sealed, and he was no match for Su.

Although he didn’t think Su Han would dare to kill him, he was afraid of the unexpected.

“Dong Senior Brother, I never expected you to be such an ungrateful person.”

At this moment, Liu Hanyan gritted her teeth and spoke as if she had been greatly deceived.

“Am I ungrateful?”

Hearing this, Dong Yan’s face turned fierce, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

“You, this despicable person, and all of you, if it weren’t for me risking my life to save you, you would have been killed by the puppets long ago. Now you have the audacity to accuse me of being ungrateful?”

Upon hearing these words, Liu Hanyan’s expression froze.

The dozen or so people lying on the ground also stopped spitting blood, looking at Dong Yan in disbelief.

Then they angrily said,

“Dong Yan, we formed a team together, helping each other, isn’t that what we should do? How can we be accused of being ungrateful?”

“That’s right, it’s you. Su Big Brother just saved you, but you hold grudges and oppose him at every turn. You’re worse than a beast.”

Liu Hanyan scolded angrily.


Dong Yan’s lips twitched, and for a moment, he was speechless.

“Dong Yan, kill these bastards, I’ve got your back.”

Wang Yanran couldn’t stand it anymore.

Since when did the favor of saving lives need to be divided among people?

These people completely shattered her worldview.

If Wang Lin were here, he would definitely not find it strange.

Because the Chosen One of Destiny was just like that, unreasonable.

With a casual move, it would be considered a favor of saving lives, and then the female lead would offer the family treasure. This was an age-old routine.

“Heh, did you ask for my consent before killing them?”

Su Han coldly laughed and summoned nine puppets.

They were also sealed, and only when they went out could they activate the Divine Ability formation.

But even so, the nine puppets were still not to be underestimated.

Su Han was confident in restraining the two of them and letting the puppets assist on the side.

He has a great chance of winning.


While Su Han was indulging in his fantasies, he saw Wang Yanran reach out and seal all these puppets, collecting them into a storage ring in one go.

“You’ve unsealed all your cultivation? Impossible. How could the Quasi-Emperor level sealing formation have no effect on you?”

Su Han’s pupils contracted, unable to believe it.

“What are you waiting for?”

Wang Yanran didn’t answer, looking at Dong Yan and saying.

“Thank you, Fairy Yanran, for your help.”

Dong Yan came back to his senses and thanked her before walking towards his companions with a sinister smile on his face.

“What, what are you trying to do?”

“Don’t come over, my father is…”


A head flew up, blood gushing like a fountain.

With Wang Yanran backing him up, he had no fear, let alone today, none of these people could escape, they would all die.

“Brother Su, Su Tiangao, save me.”

“Don’t come over, Senior Brother Dong, I was wrong.”

These young geniuses were completely panicked, trying to get up and escape.

But in an instant, they were pressed down by the terrifying gravitational force of the formation, lying flat on the ground.


Su Han’s face was extremely ugly.

Although he didn’t want to save these people, they were still his teammates for now.

Dong Yan killed in front of him, wasn’t this slapping him in the face in public?



What is Su Han worth?

Dong Yan didn’t have time to pay attention, he was just a dead man.

“Brother Su, what should we do?”

Seeing Dong Yan killing cleanly with one sword each, Liu Hanyan’s face turned pale with fear.

Su Han took a deep breath and finally saw the situation clearly.

Wang Yanran even wanted to kill him, which was something he hadn’t expected.

In his mind, he and Wang Yanran didn’t have any grudges, just some minor conflicts.

Goddesses like Wang Yanran and Xier certainly weren’t ruthless people, so how could they possibly kill him?

Besides, Su Han believed that Xier definitely couldn’t break through the Quasi-Emperor level formation barrier, so he was needed to refine the puppet.

Su Han had already thought of a countermeasure. He wanted half of the Saint Level puppets and seven out of the nine formation barriers.

After all, it was Wang Yanran who needed his help. Without him, she wouldn’t get anything, so it wasn’t excessive for him to ask for more.

However, the idea was beautiful, but reality was cruel.

If Xier could really break through the formation barriers, then he wouldn’t have any use.

The more Su Han thought about it, the more his expression turned grim.

“What do you want to do? Don’t come near me.”

Seeing Dong Yan’s fierce expression, covered in blood, Liu Hanyan screamed in fear.

“You bitch, I want you dead.”

Dong Yan said sternly, stopping in his tracks and looking at Wang Yanran with a questioning gaze.

Wang Yanran frowned.

Of course, she wanted to kill Su Han, but it seemed like Su Han was important to Luo Xian’er.

With no way to send messages from the underground palace, she didn’t know what to do for a moment.

“Oh right, Xian’er left behind the Image Jade.”

In order to prevent the message from not getting out and to avoid missing the Heavenly Origin Divine Jade, Luo Xian’er had prepared a backup plan for her.

Wang Yanran’s divine sense entered the Image Jade and learned the cause and effect. Without hesitation, she made her move.

A lotus flower fell like a divine mountain.


Su Han was shocked and immediately pushed Liu Hanyan away, taking out the Heavenly Origin Divine Jade.

A faint divine light enveloped him, blocking the lotus flower.

“If you dare to harm a single hair on Hanyan’s head, I, Su Han, will never let you go.”

He looked at Wang Yanran with a gaze full of hatred, didn’t have time to say more, and was about to crush the Boundary Breaking Talisman to escape.


Xier made her move, her Yin-Yang handprints grabbing the Heavenly Origin Divine Jade.

The formation barrier exploded, and the Heavenly Origin Divine Jade was caught.

Although the Heavenly Origin Divine Jade was an Innate Spiritual Treasure, it also depended on who was using it.

Su Han, this waste, could at most use it to unlock one percent of his cultivation, so the power he could unleash was pitifully small.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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