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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 144. The Horror Of The Law Of Yin And Yang, The Arrival Of The Red Empress

[Sorry, I made a mistake. Ye Yun is the Heavenly Hegemony Physique.]

Looking at the indifferent expression of the old ancestor, Ye Yun felt like he had fallen into an ice cave, his whole body freezing cold.

Yesterday, these old ancestors had shown great concern for him, giving him various treasures and fighting to be his protector.

However, just because of Wang Lin’s words, everyone had abandoned him.

Were these still the old ancestors he knew?

All the family affection was fake, everything was just for their own interests.

When their interests were threatened, they would not hesitate to abandon him.

Ye Yun took a deep breath, steadied his mind, and quickly thought of a way to break the deadlock.

Soon, he spoke with a calm expression.

“Old ancestor, I think the key to breaking the deadlock lies in this Kunpeng divine beast.”

“As long as we establish a connection with this Kunpeng divine beast, perhaps we can turn the tables.”

After saying this, everyone looked at Ye Yun with eyes that seemed to pity a fool.

Although they didn’t know how Wang Lin had obtained the Kunpeng divine beast, it didn’t matter.

The Kunpeng was Wang Lin’s divine beast, and Ye Yun actually wanted to win her over. Only someone with a twisted mind could come up with such an idea.

At this point, the elder no longer asked him to kneel, his face showing a cold smile.

Ye Yun had now lost the support of the old ancestor and was like a grasshopper after autumn.

In any case, he had made up his mind not to be enemies with Wang Lin. Wang Lin was just too mysterious.

Sending out a Kunpeng divine beast all of a sudden, what would be next? Sending out a Great Emperor-level divine beast?

Also, what realm was Wang Lin in? It was still a mystery.

If someone told him that Wang Lin was a Great Emperor, he wouldn’t be surprised at all.

It would be seeking death to be enemies with such a mysterious person.

In fact, this was also the reason why the Ye family ancestor had given up on Ye Yun.

In one sentence, the Ye family couldn’t afford to provoke him.


Seeing everyone’s cold smiles, Ye Yun’s mouth curled up, a hint of a cold smile appearing.

These people now looked down on him so much, they would regret it later.

He said lightly.

“I’m sure she definitely has a slave mark on her. If I can help her remove the slave mark, what do you think she would do?”


The crowd was stunned for a moment.

They were not surprised that Feifei had a slave mark on her body.

After all, divine beasts were known for their arrogance, and divine beasts would never be enslaved.

There were plenty of divine beasts that would rather die than become slaves of the human race.

Unless they were branded with a slave mark when they were weak.

Otherwise, it was basically impossible to subdue a divine beast.

If Ye Yun could remove the slave mark from the Kunpeng divine beast, perhaps the Kunpeng divine beast would seek revenge from the Wang Clan.

But, how easy was it to remove the Quasi-Emperor’s slave mark?

They could simply erase it with a thought.

How could the Kunpeng divine beast be willing to open up its divine soul for Ye Yun to try?

Therefore, this was destined to be impossible.

“It’s impossible.”

Ye Wusheng shook his head.

“If you don’t try, how do you know it won’t work? Or are you willing to become a dog of a ruined family?”

As soon as the words came out, Ye Yun regretted it.

He got carried away and went too far with his words.

When the crowd heard the term “dog of a ruined family,” their faces turned extremely ugly.

But at this moment, they didn’t react, too lazy to argue with a dead person.

“Alright, then you go and try.”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, completely gave up on Ye Yun.

They didn’t bother asking where Ye Yun’s secret technique came from or how confident he was.

Success was good, but if it failed, they would just hand Ye Yun over to Wang Lin.


Ye Yun turned around and left, his expression cold.

The patriarch of the Ye Clan was the person who cared about him the most, and it was he who had gone against public opinion and made him the Crown Prince.

Now, it seemed like he agreed to his request, but he didn’t give him any help.

Ye Yun wasn’t stupid, the patriarch of the Ye Clan clearly wanted to hand him over to Wang Lin.

In this way, they could save face for the Ye Clan and appease Wang Lin’s anger.

Watching Ye Yun’s desolate figure, Ye Wusheng fell silent for a moment and followed him out with the members of his clan.

“Son, don’t think too much, the old patriarch has no choice.”

Ye Zhantian comforted him.

“Hehe, the world is truly cold and heartless.” Ye Yun chuckled self-deprecatingly and shook his head.

The indifference of the Ye family, it’s better not to wait for them. Once he tames the Kunpeng divine beast, he will pursue the supreme heavenly path.

The group walked out of the formation and stepped into the starry sky outside the domain. They were stunned as they looked at the terrifying aura of the divine beast Kunpeng.

Too powerful.

Upon closer inspection, they realized that this Kunpeng divine beast was even more terrifying than they had imagined.

A trace of innate divinity was revealed, something unique to innate divine beasts.

“No wonder I have such a strong intuition. It turns out to be an innate divine beast,” Ye Yun murmured to himself.

You should know that once an innate divine beast reaches adulthood, it becomes a True Immortal, or even an Immortal King, with terrifying combat power.

And being born with great luck from heaven and earth, it is almost impossible for them to encounter strong enemies before they are born.

So, has this Kunpeng really been enslaved by a seal?

It seems that she has never been forced at all.

So, was he overthinking it?

“Just a few of you? Not even enough to floss my teeth.”

“Don’t think that hiding in the formation will keep you safe. The Emperor’s formation can’t withstand the bombardment of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon,” Feifei glanced around, somewhat dissatisfied.

“You wait first, let me fight them first.”

Sang Yun patted Feifei’s feathers and left her side.


Feifei immediately transformed into human form, took out a colorful lollipop, and put it in her cherry-like mouth.

With her arms crossed, she looked proudly at these small morsels.

She didn’t come here to destroy the Ye family.

Wang Lin just wanted to block the entrance of the Ye family and prevent them from escaping.

Once the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death is refined, the billions of people from the Ye family will become nourishment for the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death.

The Ye family members outside are her target.

“Can the five of us fight against you?”

Seeing this, the five Saint Kings hesitated for a moment, and one of them spoke up.

They had certainly heard of Sang Yun’s reputation.

He was also a monstrous genius with the bloodline of the White Tiger divine beast, capable of swallowing even the world-destroying Thunder Tribulation in one gulp.

Terrifyingly powerful combat strength.

They came out to hold Sang Yun, hoping that Ye Yun and Quasi-Emperor Laozu would remove the slave seal from Kunpeng.

But now it seems that they came out to deliver food.

Because this young Kunpeng cub doesn’t seem unwilling at all.

I’m afraid they were attracted by Wang Lin’s identity as an alchemist, and Kunpeng took the initiative to come over, so they are in a cooperative relationship.

Unfortunately, they knew too late, and now they can’t go back at all.

“Alright! It’s time for action.”

Sang Yun remained calm, holding the Ancient Desolate Knife in his hand, gently waving it.

In an instant, a snowy white blade light traversed the void.

There was no terrifying aura, no astonishing phenomenon, it seemed ordinary to the extreme.

But in the eyes of the five Saint Kings, their hair stood on end and their minds went blank.

They suddenly lost their perception and their consciousness became confused.

In the world, there was only a vast expanse of whiteness, and the terrifyingly sharp intent of the knife.


Without any surprises, the five of them were instantly killed, their souls annihilated.

Four people felt their scalps explode, their eyes filled with horror as they looked at Sang Yun.

These five Saint Kings are all at the Late Stage, and one of them is even at the peak of the Ninth Heaven of the Saint King.

Those who can cultivate to the Saint King realm are not useless.

Even if they encounter a monster with the potential of a Great Emperor, they can still fight for three hundred rounds.

But they were killed in one move by a tigress?

Isn’t this too exaggerated!?

“How is it possible to be so strong!?”

Ye Yun murmured, his face pale, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Tears of blood flowed from his eyes, he was injured by the Divine Ability reflected by Sang Yun’s Divine Ability just now.

Sang Yun displayed a soul-type Divine Ability. God knows how desperate and powerless he felt under the reflection of this knife.

He possesses the Heavenly Hegemony Physique, Innate Sword Bone, and Dual Pupils, making him an unparalleled monster throughout the ages.

He is destined to become a Great Emperor in the future, so how can he not withstand the killing power reflected by Cui Yun?

At this moment, Ye Yun began to doubt whether he was truly an unparalleled monster.


Feifei opened her palm, like a black hole, sucking the few people over and instantly refining them into dust.

“Phew, finally made it.”

Lady Qingmei appeared with her daughter, Xier, and looked at Ye Yun with a hateful voice.

“You little brat, today I will tear you apart.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yun also felt overwhelming hatred.

“I only wanted to take you as a maid. If you didn’t agree, that would have been fine. But to annihilate my entire clan, I never expected you to be so malicious.”

“Just a mere ant, facing death and still thinking you’re in the right. I’ll tear you apart.”

Lady Qingmei shouted fiercely, and the Yin-Yang bracelet flew out, spreading the power of the Yin-Yang law.

Wherever it went, everything turned into Yin-Yang energy, and the world became black and white.

Ye Yun’s pupils contracted, realizing the extraordinary nature of the Yin-Yang bracelet.

Just as he was about to make a move, the three of them were teleported away, and all they saw was a vast expanse of flashing blades.

Without much thought, the three immediately attacked.


In the boundless and silent void, a deafening sound erupted, the void collapsed, and a violent killing intent raged.

“Hmph! You think I’m afraid of you?”

Ye Yun snorted coldly, showing no fear.

Lady Qingmei had an Apex Level Saint Weapon, and he had more than one, not to mention the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon guarding his body.

He didn’t believe he couldn’t suppress a woman.

The divine light in Ye Yun’s eyes flickered as he tried to see through the weaknesses of the Yin-Yang Divine Ability and suppress Lady Qingmei with his invincible talent.

This idea was good, as he had dealt with others in the same way before.

Coupled with the strength of the Heavenly Hegemony Physique, he could suppress his enemies with just one move.

He could shatter their Dao Heart and leave the onlookers in despair.

But when facing the Yin-Yang bracelet, his methods were ineffective.

After all, Dual Pupils were just a kind of innate Divine Ability that could perceive the Shattering Void, but they also had their limits.

It was difficult to tell if someone’s cultivation was one realm higher than his.

Moreover, Divine Abilities didn’t have significant weaknesses. This wasn’t a martial arts move that could be defeated with a single strike.

At most, it could attack the weak points and reduce some of its power.

And the Yin-Yang bracelet unleashed the Yin-Yang law, turning the entire world into a Yin-Yang realm. Where was there a weakness?


Ye Yun felt a dizzying sensation.

Clearly, he had overused his Dual Pupils, resulting in severe soul depletion.

He didn’t have time to think too much. The accompanying flying sword split open the wrapped world, and Ye Yun took advantage of this gap to escape instantly.

Because he had already realized that Lady Qingmei was unbeatable.

His physical body was comparable to that of a Saint Weapon, with terrifying and unparalleled power that could not withstand the erosion of the Yin and Yang laws.

In a moment, it could be assimilated into the Yin and Yang Qi.

“You dog’s bastard, let’s see where you can escape to.”

Lady Qingmei scolded angrily, her cultivation erupted, and a Law Manifestation appeared, as if walking out of chaos, surrounded by the sun and moon.


The Yin and Yang bracelet trembled, bursting out billions of divine lights, instantly sealing off the entire starry sky.

“Damn crazy woman.”

Ye Yun couldn’t understand. He had only taken in a maid, so why did she hold such a grudge?

If he didn’t agree, he didn’t agree.

Why did she have to fight him to the end?

The more Ye Yun thought about it, the angrier he became. He no longer tried to escape, fully unleashing his cultivation, and a Law Manifestation that dominated the universe appeared.

His blood and qi were like vast oceans, his aura was overbearing and unparalleled, as if he were a deity who opened heaven and earth.

“One sword opens the gates of heaven.”

Ye Yun’s eyes shone brightly, shouting loudly. With the blessing of the Law Manifestation, his combat power skyrocketed, and his long sword possessed the might of opening heaven.


The Yin and Yang Qi boiled, and the sword energy raged, causing the void to tremble.

But soon, the sword energy was worn down and assimilated by the power of the Yin and Yang laws.

Ye Yun…

His one sword that opened the gates of heaven had been improved by the system, but it only managed to split open…

Ye Yun’s expression changed rapidly, a sense of shame spreading in his heart.

But now was not the time to think about these things. If he couldn’t break through the Yin and Yang realm, he was doomed.

“Six Paths Reincarnation Fist.”

Ye Yun displayed the secret of the “Jie” character, instantly increasing his combat power tenfold and his strength ninefold.

His fist imprint carried the rhyme of the reincarnation Dao, exuding an invincible momentum that could erase everything, and it blasted towards the Yin and Yang realm.


Similarly, it only produced a mass of Yin and Yang Qi, which was quickly assimilated.

“How could this be?”

Ye Yun was dumbfounded.

Although he was injured, it didn’t affect his combat power at all.

However, with his cultivation at the seventh level of the Severing Dao realm, his combat power increased tenfold, but he still couldn’t break through the Yin-Yang Boundary.

All of his attacks were like drops in the ocean.

The crucial point was that the ocean seemed to be layered and boundless, and his fist imprints couldn’t penetrate at all.

And they were quickly erased by the Yin-Yang laws.


The Yin-Yang laws completely invaded and assimilated Ye Yun’s domain.

Under the terrifying envelopment of the Yin-Yang laws, Ye Yun felt like his body was about to melt.

“Elder, please save me!”

Ye Yun quickly called for help from the Emperor Weapon deity.

“I can’t save you. Although I have the strength of a Great Emperor, I am ultimately not a Great Emperor. The laws of space are terrifying. As soon as I appear, I will be moved away by the laws of space.”

The voice of the Emperor Weapon deity was grand and indifferent.

What it said was the truth. Feifei had been watching it all along. If it appeared, Ye Yun would only die faster.

So whether it intervened or not, Ye Yun was doomed. It was better to preserve its strength, negotiate with Wang Lin, and protect the Ye family.


A sense of powerless despair enveloped his heart.


At this moment, a cold snort seemed to come from the heavens, and a vast imperial might descended upon the world, illuminating the boundless heavens and earth.

“Great… Great Emperor!!”

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically. A Great Emperor had actually descended upon the Heavenly Dao Domain.

Feifei also put away her arrogant expression.

Despite her physical body being comparable to an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon and her mastery of spatial laws, she couldn’t do anything to a Great Emperor.

But a Great Emperor was a Dao Fruit level existence.

Great Emperors were not weak either.

So she couldn’t possibly be a match for a Great Emperor.

Just like the perfected Desolate Ancient Saint Body and the (already mentioned) Heavenly Tyrant Body, they could challenge a Great Emperor in name, but in reality, they were not a match for a Great Emperor.

It was just that because their physical bodies were too powerful, a Great Emperor couldn’t kill them in a short time.

“How dare you come and kill my Ye family, you have some nerve!”

Before the woman arrived, her voice came first, and a blood-colored curved blade manifested in the void, like a crescent moon, with a violent killing intent that shattered the void.


Feifei coldly snorted. Although she was no match for the Great Emperor, there was no way the Great Emperor could harm her even a bit.


The spatial blade flew out, its blade edge cutting through layers of space.

The snowy white blade of space, carrying the collapsing space, aimed to kill the Crescent Moon Saber.


The void exploded, layers upon layers of spatial fractures engulfing the Crescent Moon Saber.

“Great Emperor~”

Wang Lin, who had returned to the Small Spirit World, suddenly looked up with a serious expression.

Looking in that direction, isn’t it the direction of the Ye family?

So, this is Ye Yun’s greatest reliance?

Without much thought, he tore through space with his hand and took a step forward.

“Master, wait for me.”

Zi Ling’er followed closely, worried.

“Miss, why would the Great Emperor appear in the direction of the Ye family? Do you think…?”

Ye Juan looked puzzled, pondered for a moment, and then became excited.

The Ye family does not have a Quasi-Emperor with the qualifications to achieve the Great Emperor’s Dao.

But their lineage has the last Quasi-Emperor, Ye Hongyi, who can be described as a stunning peerless beauty that has amazed an era since birth.

Born with control over the law of slaughter, she was already in the Saint Realm from birth.

Ye Hongyi also had a companion treasure.

Such a Divine Maiden, although she disappeared for thirty thousand years, they have always believed that Ye Hongyi has not fallen.

They have been waiting for Ye Hongyi’s return.

“I don’t know!”

Ye Xianlian shook her head.

She was somewhat skeptical that this Great Emperor was her ancestor.

Although Ye Hongyi was invincible, perhaps she was too stunning and suffered from the terrifying Thunder Tribulation due to jealousy from the heavens.

Her luck was also exceptionally bad.

She was often struck by lightning and pursued by powerful individuals.

If she hadn’t fallen, with her talent, she should have achieved the Dao long ago.

“Let’s go and take a look.”

Regardless of whether it is true or not, she must go and take a look.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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