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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 146. Chaos Demon God’S Fetal Shape, Immortal Dao Realm, The Secret Of The Immortal Road

“Could it be that this person is the reincarnation of an Immortal Emperor…”

After listening to the two people’s account, Ye Hongyi muttered to herself, her eyes filled with shock.

She had learned some information about the Eternal Immortal World from the True Immortal inheritance.

Above the Great Emperor Realm were False Immortals, True Immortals, Immortal Kings, and Solitary Ministers.

However, in the vast Immortal World, there were only a few Immortal Emperors.

Immortal Kings were also rare.

False Immortals and Great Emperors were the backbone of the Immortal World.

But Wang Lin seemed to be the reincarnation of an Immortal Emperor, which was terrifying.

With this thought, Ye Hongyi turned her head and looked in the direction of the Ye family, thinking to herself.

“What a terrifying Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon…”

She felt that she could remove the word “seem” from her thoughts.

There was no such terrifying Emperor Weapon in the world.

In other words, this was created by Wang Lin himself.

Wang Lin must have suddenly awakened his memories and broke through from the Violet Palace stage to Quasi-Emperor in just a few years.

This was definitely the reincarnation of an Immortal Emperor, or at the very least, an Immortal King.

Otherwise, even a normal person would not be able to achieve such a rapid breakthrough.

“Ancestor, what should our Ye family do next?”

Seeing Ye Hongyi remain silent for a long time, Ye Xianlian couldn’t help but ask.


Ye Hongyi collected her thoughts, her eyebrows furrowing.

She had no idea what the future held for her clan.

In any case, she couldn’t become a nanny for her clan members.

After who knows how many thousands of years, apart from blood relatives, she didn’t care about anyone else.

If she did care, she wouldn’t have destroyed the Ye family and devoured the inheritance of the Emperor Weapon.

“Ancestor, why don’t we settle in the Tianze Mountain Range and be neighbors with Master Wang? It would be nice.”

Ye Juan quickly suggested.

She knew very well who Ye Hongyi was.

Born divine, her starting point was very high, which also caused her to lose many things.

Ye Hongyi’s life is not perfect, and her personality is fierce. She used to take pleasure in killing.

Honestly, seeing Ye Hongyi’s current appearance, she is really surprised.

Ye Juan thought that Ye Hongyi would definitely make a move against those two divine beasts.

After all, divine beasts are born with control over the laws and are treasures themselves.

And then slaughter the Ye family.

But unexpectedly, Ye Hongyi chose to persuade with reason.

And because of Wang Lin’s words, she gave up on slaughtering the Ye family.

This really doesn’t match Ye Hongyi’s personality.

Perhaps it’s because of Wang Lin’s overwhelming strength, or perhaps after experiencing thirty thousand years of vicissitudes, Ye Hongyi’s personality has undergone a great change.

But one’s true nature is hard to change.

Ye Hongyi is definitely not a kind person.

Even if Ye Hongyi abandons them, Ye Juan wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.

So, we absolutely cannot let Ye Hongyi think too much. She dislikes using her brain the most.

Once she feels a headache, they will suffer.

That’s why Ye Juan also thought carefully before going to Tianze Mountain.

“The Ye family with three Great Emperors has been annihilated!”

“That female demon has returned and settled with her clan in the Tianze Mountain Range!”

“The Mountain and River Great Emperor of the Tianhong Dao Domain is about to descend upon Tianze City!”

“The peerless geniuses from the surrounding five Dao Domains are coming together!”

One after another, these pieces of news have caused a huge sensation.

If we were to count the liveliest place, it would be Tianze City.

Foreign cultivators have almost all gathered in Tianze City.

Some people want to buy Supreme Grade pills, some want to pursue Wang Yanran.

Some people are even more straightforward, directly wanting to recruit the Wang Family, only to be killed on the spot.

“Sister in the red dress, you’re really amazing, born divine and sacred. If you hadn’t been trapped, you would probably have become an immortal.”

In the Yunque Palace, four stunning beauties sat in the garden pavilion. Wang Yanran took a sip of Yunmeng tea and smiled.

It has been three months since Ye Hongyi moved to the Tianze Mountain Range.

After three months of contact, she has come to realize that Ye Hongyi has a very hot temper, but as long as you go along with her wishes, she is easy to get along with.

Ye Hongyi has no trace of the Great Emperor’s majesty, like an inexperienced young girl.

And indeed, that is the case.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that Ye Hongyi is over 30,000 years old.

But from birth until now, Ye Hongyi has either been on the path of killing or on the path of cultivation, with hardly any life experience.

“Becoming an immortal is not that easy.”

Although she is a peak Great Emperor at the Ninth Heaven, the difference in the small realm of Great Emperors is not significant.

Almost all Great Emperors, after achieving enlightenment, can break through to the peak of the Ninth Heaven within a hundred years.

However, breaking through to become an immortal is difficult.

She has been trapped in this realm for 20,000 years and has only scratched the surface.

And this is with her True Immortal inheritance and countless sources of immortality supply.

“Hehe, that’s still quite impressive. At least, you are already at the peak of this realm.”

Wang Yanran chuckled and said.

“Sister Hongyi, why did Mountain and River Great Emperor personally send you a greeting card? Can you guess his intentions?”

“I don’t know!”

“I know.”

Jiang Yuyan interrupted and said, “It is rumored that Mountain and River Great Emperor has countless beauties in his harem, and Sister Hongyi is renowned for her beauty. He must want to marry you.”

“Does he dare? I’ll kill him!”

“Haha, that’s not necessarily true. It is said that Mountain and River Great Emperor is handsome and talented. Maybe I’ll have to attend Sister Hongyi’s wedding.”

“Hmph, Mountain and River is not even worthy to be my shoe carrier. If he dares to appear in front of me, you’ll see if I’ll kill him.”

Ye Xianlian remained silent, looking at her ancestor with a complex expression, wanting to speak but hesitating.

You are the supreme Great Emperor, after all.

How can you joke around with these two juniors?

Do you not realize that your Great Emperor’s majesty has been shattered on the ground?

Ye Xianlian took a deep breath and felt that she couldn’t let these two continue to joke around. She spoke up.

“Yanran, you have more suitors, including the offspring of Great Emperors. If there’s a wedding, it will be us drinking to your happiness.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Yanran sneered.

“They are all useless. I am dedicated to the Great Dao and not interested in romantic relationships.”

“It’s you who truly has a crowd of suitors.”

“I heard that countless geniuses have come to visit you, bringing gifts totaling hundreds of thousands. You’ve made a fortune.”

Ye Xianlian’s red lips trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked at Jiang Yuyan.

“Yuyan, I heard that your father has already found a suitable husband for you. Congratulations.”

Jiang Yuyan replied, “Hahaha!”

Ye Hongyi laughed so hard that her delicate waist seemed to hide two jumping rabbits, bouncing around.

“That’s right, I’ll be attending all three of your weddings.”

Originally, she wanted to make connections with the Wang Family and take the opportunity to get to know Wang Lin, to see if there was a chance to join forces and enter the Immortal World.

However, she didn’t expect Wang Yanran to be so interesting.

This made Ye Hongyi, who had been lonely for thirty thousand years, forget everything and couldn’t wait to chat with Wang Yanran every day.

“I won’t get married.”

Jiang Yuyan replied seriously, silently adding in her heart, “If I were to get married, it would have to be to Master Wang.”

She had been in contact with the Wang Family for over a year and had a good impression of the Wang Family and Wang Lin.

Let’s talk about the Wang Family first.

The Wang Family had a good reputation and the members of the family were very united and friendly.

There was no scheming or infighting within the family. Even an ordinary person could live freely and with dignity.

Their only goal was to cultivate and become stronger, helping the ancestors earn spiritual stones.

As for Wang Lin, from her observations, she found that Wang Lin was different from other cultivators.

He treated his women with great respect and tolerance, unlike other men in the cultivation world.

Wang Lin was even more perfect than she had imagined her ideal husband to be.

If she married someone like him, she could pursue her dreams without having to please anyone or compete for anything.

She could live a peaceful and carefree life.

In fact, she wasn’t the only one who had this idea.

There was a saying spreading in Tianhuo Continent, “If you want to get married, marry someone from the Wang Family.”

After all, the treatment in the Wang Family was unimaginably good.

If she married into the family, she wouldn’t have to worry about cultivation resources.

She also wouldn’t have to worry about being abandoned if she gave birth to useless children.

Because the Wang Family had rules that required all wives, concubines, and children to be treated well.

While the outside world was full of turmoil, the Small Spirit World remained peaceful and harmonious.

Wang Lin sat cross-legged in the large formation, without any earth-shattering phenomena, and even devoid of vitality, like a statue.

However, within his body, the three thousand starry realms had completely evolved into a vast universe.

Wang Lin’s main universe, the Chaos Realm, has become an infinite chaos, connecting three thousand star realms. The sound of the Great Dao reverberates, giving rise to endless wonders.

A nine-layer Dao Platform erupts with billions of divine lights of the laws, illuminating the chaotic thoughts.

That’s right, Wang Lin has already broken through to the Great Emperor Realm.

Moreover, his cultivation realm continues to break through, from the first level of the Great Emperor to the peak of the ninth level.

Wang Lin’s breakthrough is very simple, without any bottlenecks.

Because he cultivates the Chaos Great Dao.

Chaos transforms all things, and all things transform into chaos.

The so-called enlightenment, he doesn’t need it at all.

Wang Lin only needs to continuously evolve and strengthen the Chaos Realm, and he can become infinitely stronger.

“I finally broke through to the Great Emperor, not easy!”

After going through countless hardships, he finally stands at the pinnacle of this world.

Wang Lin stands up, as if he is moving the entire world.

The heavens and the earth, all change according to his will.

It is not an exaggeration to describe him as the creator.

“System, summon my attribute panel.”

Character: Wang Lin.

Fate: Variable.

Luck: None.

Physique: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos Dao Eyes, Second Transformation Immortal Soul.

Realm: Chaos Demon God (Embryonic Form).

Skills: Emperor Level.

“Hmm? Am I not in the Great Emperor Realm?”


[The host has already embarked on the Chaos Demon God path. His mana, physique, and world have all evolved into true chaos.]

[However, currently, the host has only initially cultivated the embryonic form of chaos, and is far from the Initial God, True God, Divine King, Divine Lord, and Dominator…]

Upon hearing the system’s explanation, Wang Lin’s eyes flicker, and many doubts arise in his heart.

How did he accidentally transform into a Chaos Demon God?

Also, what is the difference between the Chaos Demon God path and the Immortal Dao path?

“System, what realms are there in the Immortal Dao path?”

[ False Immortal, True Immortal, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, Transcendence. ]

“Is being a ruler the same as transcendence?”

[ Yes! And no! There is a big difference between being a ruler and transcendence. Ask again when the host breaks through to God Sovereign. ]

After explaining, the system stopped talking and disappeared decisively.

“Wait, you haven’t given me the rewards for breaking through to Great Emperor yet. I want refining materials.”

[ Here you go, take it and you’re welcome! ]

… Seeking flowers …

“Opening Heaven Iron Mother?”

Wang Lin was excited and almost jumped up.

If the Innate Spiritual Treasure is a treasure born innately, it cannot be refined artificially.

But the Opening Heaven Iron Mother is an innate refining material that can be used to refine Innate Spiritual Treasures.

Moreover, its power is not weaker than that of Innate Law Treasures.

Wang Lin immediately received a piece of pitch-black divine iron, about the size of a grinding disc.

However, holding it in his hand felt like holding a universe.

Wang Lin stumbled and almost didn’t catch it.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Lin took out the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron.

By now, the Chaos Golden Cauldron had been upgraded to the level of an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

Among them, the luck golden lotus had also condensed to a height of forty zhang.

Wang Lin took out the already refined Chaos Profound Light Sword, with a faint flow of the Dao Rhyme of the years.

“What a powerful Emperor Weapon.”

This is definitely the most apex-level Emperor Weapon, its power is more than a hundred times that of other Emperor Weapons.

Moreover, the Chaos Profound Light Sword can be divided into three thousand parts, each of which belongs to the level of an Emperor Weapon.

It’s just the weakest Emperor Weapon.

It’s like a corner of an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, which is still an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

It’s just that others are incomplete, while the Chaos Profound Light Sword is complete.

“If the Opening Heaven Iron Mother is added, how terrifying would its power be?”

Wang Lin threw the Opening Heaven Iron Mother in and melted it together with the Chaos Profound Light Sword.

Looking at the Chaos Profound Light Sword, a flash of inspiration suddenly crossed Wang Lin’s mind.

His Heavenly Guardian Sword Art is a formation-based Divine Ability, but its power is somewhat lacking.

Now the Chaos Profound Light Sword has upgraded to the level of an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, and it contains the laws of time.

If he were to create a set of Time Sword Formation Divine Ability based on this, its power would definitely be terrifying.

Thinking about it, Wang Lin opened his Dao Eye and observed the laws of time.

To create the Time Sword Formation, of course, one must first learn the laws of time.

One month later, a river of time surged around Wang Lin, with a sharp and unparalleled sword aura flowing like water.

“I am truly a genius. From now on, I will call it the Cosmic Light Sword Formation.”

To comprehend the laws of time, which are said to be worthy of being called supreme, and to derive a formation Divine Ability in just one month.

Not to say that there are no successors, but it is definitely unprecedented.

“I have run out of cultivation resources, I should go out and take a walk.”

Wang Lin took a step and arrived at the Yunque Immortal Palace in Tianze City.

Seeing four women engaged in a heated conversation, Wang Lin was somewhat surprised.

Ye Hongyi has a rebellious personality.

Ye Xianlian is elegant and tranquil.

Wang Yanran is aloof.

Only Jiang Yijian has a straightforward personality, but also a sense of arrogance, after all, she is the legitimate daughter of the Emperor Clan, with unparalleled talent.

So, how did these four people with different personalities end up chatting together?


Seeing Wang Lin, Wang Yanran excitedly rushed over.

She hadn’t seen Wang Lin for many years.

“Well, Yanran has grown up.”

Wang Lin touched her little head and smiled.

Taking a look at Wang Yanran’s cultivation level, Severing Dao Realm, Third Heaven, it seems that Wang Yanran hasn’t been cultivating in the Small Spirit World during this time.

“No, I haven’t grown up.”

Wang Yanran clung to his arm and acted spoiled.

She didn’t want to grow up.

She would always be the child who never grows up in the eyes of her ancestor, so she can always act spoiled towards him.

Jiang Yijian looked at them with some envy.

Coming from a prominent family, she basically had little to no family affection.

Everyone is cultivating or fighting for power and profit.

Even when facing family members, one must maintain the dignity of a strong individual.

Whereas Wang Lin is so amiable and approachable.

“Great Emperor Realm….”

Looking at Wang Lin, Ye Hongyi’s heart churned with waves of shock.

Although Wang Lin has restrained his aura, he has not completely restrained it, revealing the pinnacle of the Heavenly Emperor realm.

In just three months, Wang Lin has broken through from the Quasi-Emperor Second Heaven to the peak of the Great Emperor realm?

Wang Lin is undoubtedly the reincarnation of an Immortal Emperor.

“Well, well!”

Wang Lin smiled and looked at Ye Hongyi, saying with a smile.

“Thank you, Fellow Daoist Ye, for your generosity.”

“Not at all, you are too polite.”

Ye Hongyi snapped out of her shock and quickly stood up, her expression slightly flustered.

Even though she fears nothing and disregards life and death, she couldn’t help but feel flustered when she saw the reincarnation of an Immortal Emperor.

“Greetings, Master Wang.”

Ye Xianlian and Jiang Yanyan couldn’t discern Wang Lin’s realm and didn’t dare to look.

But the unparalleled sense of oppression and the noble aura of an Innate expert suffocated them.

“No need to be polite, please sit.”

Wang Lin sat down and poured himself a cup of tea, feeling a sense of relief.

“You all can leave, I have something to discuss with Master Wang.”

Not knowing what politeness is, Ye Hongyi said so.

The three women exchanged glances, nodded, and left the Cloud Palace.

“Master Wang, I want to enter the Immortal World with you, if possible.”

In the Eternal World, there is no concept of Ascension. If one wants to enter the Immortal World, there is only one way.

With overwhelming strength, tear open the spatial barrier of the Immortal Path and rush in.

It is said that the Immortal Path has three barriers: tearing open the spatial barrier, breaking through the spatial turbulence, and crossing the boundless sea of realms. Only then can one enter the Immortal World.

However, throughout history, few Great Emperors who entered the Immortal Path survived for more than a few days before perishing and their tokens shattered.

Successful individuals are extremely rare.

Coincidentally, Ye’s family has an ancestor with spatial talent who successfully entered the Immortal World.

And he even told the safe route to the family when he returned…


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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