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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 151. Nine Days Of Immortal World, Don’T Bring Such Deceitful People.

“Fellow Daoist, I also want to enter the Second Heaven. I wonder if you can take me along?” Huang Wei quickly said.

It was impossible to team up with Wang Lin to search for treasures.

After all, the Wang Lin couple was too powerful. If they teamed up, Huang Wei would probably have no share in finding the treasure, and he might even lose his life.

Therefore, he wanted to wait for Ye Qing to disembark from the flying boat. If Wang Lin didn’t make a move, then he would make a move against Ye Qing.

For the Dao Weapon, it was worth risking his life.

But now that he heard that he could enter the Second Heaven, he couldn’t care less about the Dao Weapon.

He didn’t know if he could obtain the Dao Weapon, but he was certain that he could find more treasures in the Second Heaven.

You should know that with each level of heaven, the spiritual energy would increase tenfold, naturally giving birth to more treasures.

However, entering the Second Heaven also meant facing the pursuit of the Void Exploding Golden Bees, and there were even more Quasi-Emperors.

Without dozens of Quasi-Emperors entering together, going in would be courting death.

“Fellow Daoist, I also want to go in,” Ye Qing, who had low strength but a high spirit, couldn’t sit still.

“You? Haha, you better hurry up and heal your injuries,” Wang Lin laughed, a hint of disdain hidden in his eyes.

If it weren’t for the possibility that this guy might find treasures in the Chaos Star Domain, he would have made a move long ago.

“Koko!” Ximeng couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh lightly, her two blue bunny ears swaying.

After laughing, she felt that something was wrong and quickly covered her mouth.

Seeing Ye Qing’s gloomy expression, she apologized.

“Sorry, Fellow Daoist Ye, I didn’t mean to make fun of you. I just couldn’t help it.”

Ye Qing.

“Don’t forget, who was covering your back just now.”

He felt that it was necessary to salvage his image a bit.

“Fellow Daoist Ye, you’re mistaken. If it weren’t for you showing off, with Brother Wang’s strength, there would be no need for you to take action.”

This was a very tactful rabbit. She called others Fellow Daoist, but directly called Wang Lin and Luo Xian’er brother and sister.

Ximeng said seriously to Ye Qing.

She really thought so.

If Ye Qing hadn’t shown off in the beginning, Wang Lin probably wouldn’t have let him take action and would have protected him.

And if it weren’t for Ye Qing holding them back, perhaps Wang Lin would have already used the Void Flying Boat, and it wouldn’t have wasted a talisman.

Now, she had suffered a loss of a precious talisman and had been turned into a fool.

Ye Qing.

He felt a burning sensation on his face and began to doubt life a little.

He always felt that something was off.

Of course, something was off.

If things had gone according to the normal plot, Ximeng would have teamed up with him and the three small villains.

First, there was a wave of mockery, and then, after entering the Chaos Star Domain, there was a fierce show-off and face-slapping.

While everyone was fighting fiercely with the Void Exploding Golden Bee, Ye Qing took out his Dao Weapon to determine the outcome.

While killing the minor villain, he also received gratitude from the little rabbit, Xi Meng.

Unfortunately, all of this was ruined by Wang.

“You can go to the Second Heaven if you want, but you have to pay three hundred million High Grade Immortal Crystals.”

Luo Xian’er, who received a voice transmission from Wang Lin, said so.

“Three hundred million?”

“Why don’t you go and snatch it?”

Hearing that he had to pay three hundred million, Ye Qing couldn’t think too much and said with fiery eyes.

Although he was very wealthy, being at the seventh level of the Dao Platform, he already had over ten billion Immortal Crystals.

This already made him wealthier than most cultivators at the eighth level of the Dao Platform.

However, his Immortal Crystals didn’t come from nowhere.

“If you don’t want to, then forget it.”

Luo Xian’er smiled and said.

“In consideration of our team, when we arrive at the First Heaven of the Star Domain, you can disembark from the flying boat.”

It was as if Ye Qing had punched cotton.

He wasn’t afraid of Luo Xian’er demanding a sky-high price, but he was afraid that Luo Xian’er would ignore him.

And now, it was happening.

There were only two options in front of him: either pay the Immortal Crystals or leave.

“Fellow Daoist, these are my three hundred million Immortal Crystals. Thank you for your trouble.”

Huang Wei, seeing the situation, took out a storage ring with a pained expression on his face.

Although spending three hundred million meant he would use up almost half of his Immortal Crystals, it was worth it as long as he could enter the Second Heaven.

“Big Brother Wang, this is mine.”

Xi Meng breathed a sigh of relief. Anything that could be solved with Immortal Crystals was not a problem for her.

Just three hundred million, her mother had more hair than that.


Ye Qing obediently handed over the Immortal Crystals.

“Let’s make it clear beforehand, I’m only responsible for the entrance.”

Wang Lin put all the Immortal Crystals into the Small Spirit World.

The Small Spirit World had a hundred times the flow of time, with so many people cultivating and Spirit Medicine to absorb, the spiritual energy had long been running low.

This batch of Immortal Crystals came just in time.

“Xi Meng, have you heard of cultivators from the Mortal Realm crossing the Boundary Sea and entering the Immortal World?”

At this moment, Luo Xian’er casually asked.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of it.”

Speaking of this, the little rabbit, Xi Meng, had an excited expression on her face.

“Only True Immortal powerhouses can cross the Boundary Sea, but there are also some exceptionally talented cultivators who can cross the Boundary Sea when they reach the ninth level of the Dao Platform.”

“Our Guanghan Palace has a senior who entered the Immortal World from the Three Thousand Dao Domain in the mortal realm. Now, they have already achieved the position of a True Immortal.”

“Also, the cultivation realms in the mortal realm are quite interesting. Their cultivation techniques are different from ours, and their realms are divided into nine levels, called Saint, Great Emperor…”

The little rabbit clearly knows a lot, making Huang Wei and Ye Qing, the two Immortal World cultivators, listen attentively.

Wang Lin’s gaze flickered. After listening for a while, his divine sense suddenly swept over a group of Quasi-Emperor cultivators millions of miles away.

Without much thought, Wang Lin’s divine sense immediately invaded their minds, extracted information, and then erased their memories before storing their storage rings.

All of this was completed in an instant.

The void flying boat continued to fly without any pause.

“So that’s how it is.”

Wang Lin finally gained some understanding of the Immortal World.

The Immortal World is divided into nine heavenly realms, namely [Central Junmo, Eastern Market Chamo, Northeastern Lifu, Northern Xuanfu, Northwestern Youtian, Western Market Jiwei, Southwest Zhumo, Southern Yantian, Southeastern Yangyi].

Each Heavenly World is vast and boundless, and only True Immortals can traverse them.

False Immortal cultivators cannot fly out of a single Heavenly World in their entire lifetime.

And the place where he is located is the Central Jun Heaven.

Chaos Star Domain is one of the oldest secret realms in Jun Heaven.

According to legend, Chaos Star Domain is a world left behind by the Innate gods who opened heaven and earth in the beginning.

Of course, there are many other theories.

Some people believe that it is a secret realm that automatically evolved when heaven and earth first opened.

Some people believe that Chaos Star Domain is an Innate Spiritual Treasure.

Some even believe it to be the legendary Chaos Spirit Treasure.

In any case, there are various opinions.

However, one thing is widely recognized: currently, everyone has only explored up to the eighth level of the Chaos Star Domain.

Once they enter the ninth level, they will know the secret of the Chaos Star Domain.

But throughout history, no one has ever entered the ninth level.

It’s not that they don’t want to, but they simply cannot find the passage to enter the ninth level.

The so-called ninth level is just speculation.

…Please give me flowers…

Whether it exists or not, no one dares to be certain.

After Wang Lin passed on the information he knew to Luo Xian’er, he no longer paid much attention and focused on controlling the Void Flying Boat.

The Chaos Star Domain is too vast, just a void, and it will take him ten days to traverse it.

After entering the Chaos Star Domain, he estimates that it will take him a year to reach the entrance of the second level.

This is because his Void Flying Boat is very fast, able to jump billions of kilometers in an instant.

Other cultivators, on the other hand, would take at least a few months to enter the Chaos Star Domain.

The second level is even broader, ten times the size of the first level, which means it will take him more than ten years to travel.

It must be said that the path of cultivation is long and arduous.

“Fortunately, I haven’t had children, otherwise by the time I come out of exploring a secret realm, I would probably have a house full of grandchildren,” Wang Lin secretly rejoiced.

Luo Xian’er, who received the news, felt uneasy.

She thought it would only take a few days to enter the second realm, but she didn’t expect it to take a year.

These people are just third wheels.

“What’s wrong, Xian’er?” Seeing that her face was not right, Xi Meng quickly stopped what she was about to say and curiously asked.

“It’s nothing.” Luo Xian’er shook her head and smiled.

“Their cultivation method has nine realms, while we only have the early stage, middle stage, late stage, and perfection. Doesn’t that mean that their strength is stronger than ours at the same level?”

“Not necessarily.” The little rabbit, Xi Meng, immediately shifted her attention and analyzed seriously.

“Our cultivation method may not be as refined as theirs, nor as effective in developing the human body.

“But in terms of subtlety, our cultivation method is definitely not inferior, and we use immortal energy, which has a higher level.”

After listening for a while, Luo Xian’er lost interest in continuing to listen and gave a signal to her man.

Wang Lin nodded and said, “Everyone, the journey is long, let’s take turns controlling the flying boat.”

The control room of the flying boat was only a little over 100 square meters, with nine slots on the control panel, which was where the spirit stones were stored.

Each slot was a storage space that could hold 10 billion spirit stones.

At the same time, it could also transmit mana to provide energy for the flying boat.

Naturally, Wang Lin couldn’t be the driver.

With such a good labor force on the flying boat, it would be a waste not to use it.

The three of them looked at each other, thinking that their three hundred million Immortal Crystals were wasted?

This is too much of a rip-off.

The flying boat had nine rooms, so shouldn’t they let them rest for a while?

But from the looks of the two, it seemed that they didn’t plan to let them stay in the rooms?

That’s right, Wang Lin didn’t plan to let them stay in the rooms at all.

It would be good enough to give them a hall.

“Xian’er, I’ll pay a little more Immortal Crystals. Can you let me stay in a room?” Xi Meng couldn’t help but say.

She couldn’t stand being in the same room with two men for over a year.

And she wasn’t lacking in Immortal Crystals. This time, she entered the Chaos Star Domain with the goal of breaking through to the ninth level of the Dao Platform realm, and she had long prepared enough Immortal Crystals as a source of cultivation.

“Okay! Give me one billion and it’s a deal.” Xi Meng was a soft and fragrant jade rabbit, so it was not unacceptable for her to move in.

Ye Qing and Huang Wei exchanged a glance, their expressions showing hesitation, but in the end, they gave up.

They didn’t know how many years of effort it would take to obtain one billion Immortal Crystals.

It was really too extravagant and they couldn’t afford it.

PS: I have a cold and feel dizzy. I’ll update with eight thousand characters today!


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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